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President vows to ensure budget cuts restored

Donald RamotarPresident Donald Ramotar on Friday vowed to “do all that is legally possible” to ensure the over GY$31B slashed from the 2013 National Budget is restored.

Addressing reporters at his office, Ramotar said that he is looking at all the possible options to ensure that “irrational” cuts are restored.

According to the president many of the programmes cut by the opposition from the 2013 Budget will directly affect citizens.

He condemned the opposition for the action taken with regards the programmes, including the Speciality Hospital, the Guyana Power and Light, GuySuCo as well as the Transport sector.


Excerpts from inewsguyana

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We agreed to.... 

go easy on the Funny Fellas today ....

as they mourn their losses & Defeat

at the hands of the Majority in Parliament

Lot of House-Cleaning taking place.....


We hoped the Lap Dogs

would have taken advantage of dis offer...

and tek a shower....clean up dem selves.....

and try blend demself back in with People like ....

De Hon Nehru and Hon Ashni....


But ah notice Councie and de other Gina Lap Dog  

show up as filty as ever.


Mitwa like cuts to De GINA Budget

really hit these Funny Fellas where it hurts.


OH PLease!!!!  What is the meaning of this then?

"Despite the budget cuts, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh expressed satisfaction with the final budget."


Budget passed minus $31.4B

April 26, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


-    Ramotar agrees to Tripartite Budget Committee

After almost a month of arguments, the National Assembly on Wednesday evening approved the 2013 National Budget, but $31.35 billion less than what was originally presented to the House.
Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh had presented a $208.8 billion budget on March 25.  After a series of amendments, the budget was reduced to $177.4 billion.
The last budget cut occurred on Wednesday, when $19 billion was cut from the allocation for the Low Carbon Development Strategy. The opposition argued that the money has not yet been approved by the Inter-American Development Bank, but once it is approved, the government can return to the National Assembly and ask for approval.
The second largest cut was $5.6 billion under the Ministry of Public Works. The opposition had only intended to cut $5.3 billion for the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport expansion plan, citing lack of transparency. However, owing to a mistake, the opposition had no choice but to cut funding for the airport expansion plan and other transport projects, including for hinterland airstrips, the Civil Aviation Authority and the Ogle Airport.
The third largest cut was $5.2 billion in subsidies for the Guyana Power and Light Incorporated. The other cuts were $1.25 billion for the Specialty Hospital on the grounds that there was a lack of transparency, and a total of $217.1 million from the Government Information Agency and the state-run TV and radio NCN, under the grounds that the entities were only pushing propaganda and shutting out opposition voices.
Despite the budget cuts, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh expressed satisfaction with the final budget.
The opposition had argued that a budget that could have satisfied all could have been presented if the government was truly committed to consultation.
With the controversy over the budget cuts, President Donald Ramotar met with the Parliamentary opposition, namely APNU and AFC, and committed to a tripartite budget process for next year’s budget.
“We met President Donald Ramotar on two occasions in an attempt to ensure that this budgetary process would go more smoothly and at least one thing has come out of it, he has agreed that from the first of July 2013 he will initiate a process by which the opposition is more closely associated with the preparation of the budget,” Opposition Leader David Granger announced.



[sat-is-fahy] Show IPA verb, sat·is·fied, sat·is·fy·ing.

verb (used with object)

to fulfill the desires, expectations, needs, or demands of (a person, the mind, etc.); give full contentment to: The hearty meal satisfied him.
to put an end to (a desire, want, need, etc.) by sufficient or ample provision: The hearty meal satisfied his hunger.
to give assurance to; convince: to satisfy oneself by investigation.
to answer sufficiently, as an objection.
to solve or dispel, as a doubt.

Let me explain for you. It means the President will do everything Legal to TRY and restore the Cuts. As you MAY know, the Govt has a RIGHT to ask the Court to Rule on the legality of Parliament to decide the Budget. Historically, the Govt has been given the task of presenting the Budget and the Parliament can accept or deny NOT Chop , Cut and erase. Samje???


President Donald Ramotar on Friday vowed to “do all that is legally possible” to ensure the over GY$31B slashed from the 2013 National Budget is restored.

Addressing reporters at his office, Ramotar said that he is looking at all the possible options to ensure that “irrational” cuts are restored.

According to the president many of the programmes cut by the opposition from the 2013 Budget will directly affect citizens.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

President Donald Ramotar on Friday vowed to “do all that is legally possible” to ensure the over GY$31B slashed from the 2013 National Budget is restored.

Addressing reporters at his office, Ramotar said that he is looking at all the possible options to ensure that “irrational” cuts are restored.

According to the president many of the programmes cut by the opposition from the 2013 Budget will directly affect citizens.

I was gonna say, he doesn't have the guts to do this....but I would be wrong about the guts thingy. He wouldn't dare try to do anything of the sort.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The chief Justice is expected to make his final ruling on the budget cuts on May 8, but on the outcome of the rulings, the administration may explore its options

They should do all a favour and quit if not, here's a quote from Ben Franklin “We must all hang together, or we shall assuredly hang separately!”

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The chief Justice is expected to make his final ruling on the budget cuts on May 8, but on the outcome of the rulings, the administration may explore its options

They should do all a favour and quit if not, here's a quote from Ben Franklin “We must all hang together, or we shall assuredly hang separately!”

What Nonsense, stop smoking that shit so early.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

If someone is trying to make sense to Cain I wish you good luck. Sometime the guy acts as he is supporting APNU. He is confused.

You made a lot of sense here. Didn't you.bimbo?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The chief Justice is expected to make his final ruling on the budget cuts on May 8, but on the outcome of the rulings, the administration may explore its options

Kwamee will be forced to cut you loose. Will you be able to manage? You sound suicidal to me.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

President vows to ensure budget cuts restored

Donald RamotarPresident Donald Ramotar on Friday vowed to “do all that is legally possible” to ensure the over GY$31B slashed from the 2013 National Budget is restored.

After all the noise and showboating by the clowns and the blabbermouths in parliament, the President will now demonstrate to the good people of Guyana what genuine leadership is all about. The president will take his case to the esteemed court, and you can rest assured that every penny cut from the budget by the hatemongers in the AFC/PNC will be restored.






if the court have more rights than parlament and can override it then i say close down parlament and sell it to one of the government ministers guyana donot need it in fact burn the mother f-ucker down


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