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Former Member



This is what the Norwegian wrote 12 months ago:


Guyana's relatively pristine rainforests sit on an ancient geological formation called the Guiana Shield in the north-east of the Amazon. The biodiversity of these rainforests is particularly rich and there are large areas of intact virgin forest. They provide the basis for existence for a number of indigenous populations, store large quantities of carbon, provide income from eco-tourism, timber and other forest products, produce water and regulate precipitation, and contribute a range of other ecosystem services.







Guyana's FORMERLY relatively pristine rainforests sit on an ancient geological formation called the Guiana Shield in the north-east of the Amazon. The biodiversity of these rainforests USED TO BE particularly rich and BUT NOW large areas of virgin forest HAVE BEEN CLEAR CUT ESPECIALLY BY THE CHINESE AND INDIAN LOGGING COMPANIES. The FOREST IS BEING DEPLETED AND IS SWIFTLY LOSING ITS ABILITY TO provide the basis for existence for a number of indigenous populations, store large quantities of carbon, provide income from eco-tourism, timber and other forest products, produce water and regulate precipitation, and contribute a range of other ecosystem services.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

With the vast extractions from the forests in countries like the US_of_A, Canada, Britain, Russia and other major developed countries, they have destroyed the essential balance of the conversion of oxygen/carbon dioxide, with the immense development of immensely large cities, towns, industrial projects, etc; starting with major observations with the industrial development in England, US_of_A, Russia and other parts of Europe.


The immense forest reserves of Guyana and a few other countries; starting with pronounces presence of the industrial revolution, have been the main source for the gas conversion; rather than in the initial stages when basically each country addressed its oxygen/carbon dioxide issues.


The industrialized countries continue with their extensive extractions from the forest and engage with a barter system of "trading" with other countries while continuing with their increased production of carbon dioxide.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

With the vast extractions from the forests in countries like the US_of_A, Canada, Britain, Russia and other major developed countries, they have destroyed the essential balance of the conversion of oxygen/carbon dioxide, with the immense development of immensely large cities, towns, industrial projects, etc; starting with major observations with the industrial development in England, US_of_A, Russia and other parts of Europe.


The immense forest reserves of Guyana and a few other countries; starting with pronounces presence of the industrial revolution, have been the main source for the gas conversion; rather than in the initial stages when basically each country addressed its oxygen/carbon dioxide issues.


The industrialized countries continue with their extensive extractions from the forest and engage with a barter system of "trading" with other countries while continuing with their increased production of carbon dioxide.

what in the world does this have to do with the ruination of our forests? We do not have crap to bargain with. And cap and trade was dead before it started. The value of the forest is ontological. There  is more to it than we know or can value. Its loss is a great tragedy and all because of the corrupt PPP needing to line their greedy pockets.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

With the vast extractions from the forests in countries like the US_of_A, Canada, Britain, Russia and other major developed countries, they have destroyed the essential balance of the conversion of oxygen/carbon dioxide, with the immense development of immensely large cities, towns, industrial projects, etc; starting with major observations with the industrial development in England, US_of_A, Russia and other parts of Europe.


The immense forest reserves of Guyana and a few other countries; starting with pronounces presence of the industrial revolution, have been the main source for the gas conversion; rather than in the initial stages when basically each country addressed its oxygen/carbon dioxide issues.


The industrialized countries continue with their extensive extractions from the forest and engage with a barter system of "trading" with other countries while continuing with their increased production of carbon dioxide.

what in the world does this have to do with the ruination of our forests? We do not have crap to bargain with. And cap and trade was dead before it started. The value of the forest is ontological. There  is more to it than we know or can value. Its loss is a great tragedy and all because of the corrupt PPP needing to line their greedy pockets.

Take your time to understand issues, rather than making your usual empty and irrelevant outbursts.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

With the vast extractions from the forests in countries like the US_of_A, Canada, Britain, Russia and other major developed countries, they have destroyed the essential balance of the conversion of oxygen/carbon dioxide, with the immense development of immensely large cities, towns, industrial projects, etc; starting with major observations with the industrial development in England, US_of_A, Russia and other parts of Europe.


The immense forest reserves of Guyana and a few other countries; starting with pronounces presence of the industrial revolution, have been the main source for the gas conversion; rather than in the initial stages when basically each country addressed its oxygen/carbon dioxide issues.


The industrialized countries continue with their extensive extractions from the forest and engage with a barter system of "trading" with other countries while continuing with their increased production of carbon dioxide.

what in the world does this have to do with the ruination of our forests? We do not have crap to bargain with. And cap and trade was dead before it started. The value of the forest is ontological. There  is more to it than we know or can value. Its loss is a great tragedy and all because of the corrupt PPP needing to line their greedy pockets.

Take your time to understand issues, rather than making your usual empty and irrelevant outbursts.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

With the vast extractions from the forests in countries like the US_of_A, Canada, Britain, Russia and other major developed countries, they have destroyed the essential balance of the conversion of oxygen/carbon dioxide, with the immense development of immensely large cities, towns, industrial projects, etc; starting with major observations with the industrial development in England, US_of_A, Russia and other parts of Europe.


The immense forest reserves of Guyana and a few other countries; starting with pronounces presence of the industrial revolution, have been the main source for the gas conversion; rather than in the initial stages when basically each country addressed its oxygen/carbon dioxide issues.


The industrialized countries continue with their extensive extractions from the forest and engage with a barter system of "trading" with other countries while continuing with their increased production of carbon dioxide.

what in the world does this have to do with the ruination of our forests? We do not have crap to bargain with. And cap and trade was dead before it started. The value of the forest is ontological. There  is more to it than we know or can value. Its loss is a great tragedy and all because of the corrupt PPP needing to line their greedy pockets.

Your usual blinded and unrelated statements.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

DG you still withholding knowledge from the folks here on GNI, you still ain't telling us where in the GY constitution it allows for changes without 2/3rds Majority vote in parliament?


Why yuh withholding information as if its a PPP state secret?

As stated a few times, succinctly -- Do your personal research of issues, then make your presentations.


Also as a note .. HM_Redux  -- Redux with a capital R not a common r -- is one of the former GNI chat-names used by an individual known as TK or Tarron Khemraj.


Tarron Khemraj has the same inured quality for expecting others to do the work for him, rather than taking the initiates to do his personal work.

Last edited by Former Member

whatever stick to the issue here. Is it that you want me to do research or are you sending me down a rabbit hole to find something that does not exist?


I think yuh lying to us there is no such provision in the constitution all changes must be made with 2/3rds majority vote. Ah think a ketch yuh lying?


Go to a mirror and see if yuh nose grow lil bit...

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

whatever stick to the issue here. Is it that you want me to do research or are you sending me down a rabbit hole to find something that does not exist?


I think yuh lying to us there is no such provision in the constitution all changes must be made with 2/3rds majority vote. Ah think a ketch yuh lying?


Go to a mirror and see if yuh nose grow lil bit...

Typical traits of TK -- Tarron Khemraj.


Also as an other note -- It is absolutely not my prerogative to expect anything of/from you. This is a discussion forum of Guyana and World issues, so each individual should be cognizant of the issues they are advancing.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

With the vast extractions from the forests in countries like the US_of_A, Canada, Britain, Russia and other major developed countries, they have destroyed the essential balance of the conversion of oxygen/carbon dioxide, with the immense development of immensely large cities, towns, industrial projects, etc; starting with major observations with the industrial development in England, US_of_A, Russia and other parts of Europe.


The immense forest reserves of Guyana and a few other countries; starting with pronounces presence of the industrial revolution, have been the main source for the gas conversion; rather than in the initial stages when basically each country addressed its oxygen/carbon dioxide issues.


The industrialized countries continue with their extensive extractions from the forest and engage with a barter system of "trading" with other countries while continuing with their increased production of carbon dioxide.

what in the world does this have to do with the ruination of our forests? We do not have crap to bargain with. And cap and trade was dead before it started. The value of the forest is ontological. There  is more to it than we know or can value. Its loss is a great tragedy and all because of the corrupt PPP needing to line their greedy pockets.

Take your time to understand issues, rather than making your usual empty and irrelevant outbursts.

Dude pretending you know better will not make you enlightened. Cap and trade is dead. Besides Norway, no one is giving money, Norway is taking back their money

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

With the vast extractions from the forests in countries like the US_of_A, Canada, Britain, Russia and other major developed countries, they have destroyed the essential balance of the The industrialized countries continue with their extensive extractions from the forest and engage with a barter system of "trading" with other countries while continuing with their increased production of carbon dioxide.

what in the world does this have to do with the ruination of our forests? We do not have crap to bargain with. And cap and trade was dead before it started. The value of the forest is ontological. There  is more to it than we know or can value. Its loss is a great tragedy and all because of the corrupt PPP needing to line their greedy pockets.

Take your time to understand issues, rather than making your usual empty and irrelevant outbursts.


You and that old doltish person are alike. He fortunately have an excuse, senility. What is yours?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen to me here old man its not about your expectations. It is not about you and it is not about me.


Produce the data to back up your bogus claims that the constitution or parts of the constitution does not require 2/3 rd's vote to make changes.


You are lying aren't you?

HM_Redux, TK, Tarron Khemraj plus your other monikers on GNI, take your personal time and research issues.


Bai Shan Lin is wrecking our forest; it is an environmental shame

August 19, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Over the last few days, we have had to endure startling revelations of harvesting operations in our forest by Bai Shan Lin: It is an environmental shame. Bai Shan Lin is wrecking our forest. Worse is that those institutions with specific and general responsibilities to protect this natural asset appear to be ready to defend the plunder of it by this company. No, they are not expected to be curators of our natural assets, but to ensure that such assets are transformed into value that could benefit citizens and lift them out of poverty. Instead of the Guyana Forestry Commission and other allied Ministries and agencies protecting our national, natural assets and securing the future of this and the next generation, they are allowing Bai Shan Lin to export raw logs without the requisite documents. We are saying that those agencies, the Guyana Forestry Commission, in particular, should not be engaging in public relations (publishing policies, which are not necessarily enforced) to defend what is clearly a breach of certain policies in the extractive sector, in this country. They ought to be making genuine efforts to educate the public about the rules governing forestry operations. Until that happens and citizens are better informed about what is happening with this natural asset, the authorities will adopt gesture politics. In poor societies like Guyana, regulation of the natural environment and its resources can be no better than popular understanding of why it is needed, and the rules that govern our assets will reflect any misunderstandings. The misunderstandings of ordinary citizens provide fertile grounds for special interests. Regulation not only protects, it redistributes. Regulations can be manipulated by large corporations, companies, governmental and state bodies, agencies and interest groups to their advantage. This is exactly what is happening in the case of Bai Shan Lin. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has made it clear that it has not issued Bai Shan Lin with licence to export logs from Guyana. This is a very serious issue, because the EPA is the body set up by the state to protect and preserve the health and general integrity of the natural environment and its resources. If that body has not issued Bai Shan Lin the required permission to export logs, then who did? Also, if this body – EPA– was bypassed, as is suggested, then we have no way of knowing the nature and extent of damage done to our natural environment and how the operations of that company are affecting the ecosystems and residents in that and other areas contiguous to the operation of Bai Shan Lin. In the circumstances, it has to be admitted that Guyana has weak governance in this sector. The consequence? Plunder of our natural resources. What should have been the lifeline by which our people pull themselves out of poverty, has instead produced zero opportunities. It is dragging local communities down when it could have elevated their standard of living. How many jobs are created by the exportation of raw logs by Bai Shan Lin, as against how many jobs could have been created if that company was conducting a value added operation in Guyana? Local communities are really none the better for the large scale exportation of raw logs carried out by this foreign company. But the management of Bai Shan Lin should make a deliberate effort to demonstrate corporate social responsibility. First, they should ensure that their operations comply with: A Guide on Sustainable Overseas Silviculture by Chinese Enterprises, Beijing, the People’s Republic of China, August 27, 2007. Under that guide, fundamental requirements include: · Manage and utilize the forest resources legally. Chinese enterprises participating in the overseas investment concerning the management and utilization of forest resources shall file an application with the relevant departments of the host country to obtain the documents approved by the departments concerned, and manage, utilize and process the forest resources in strict accordance with the requirements such as the approved business place, area, quantity, type, operational scope, etc. no operations beyond the prescribed scope may be conducted. · Any contracted project, labour service cooperation, purchasing and management of timber and wood products, etc. concerning the forest management and utilization shall meet the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations established by both sides. · Manage and utilize the forest resources rationally. Give full play to the wood in the logging area, reasonably conduct cross-cutting so as to increase the multipurpose timber utilization rate in an all-round way. · Possess due forest fire prevention and forest pest and disease prevention and control facilities and measures. · Establish the multi-stakeholder publicity and consultation system. · Proclaim the main contents of the effective and legal documents of forest management and utilization to the local communities and the parties concerned. Make clear the form, content, time limit, etc. in accordance with the requirements of the local governments on establishing the pre-harvesting publicity and consultation system of forest harvesting and utilization. · The large scale harvesting shall be proclaimed in the local area; the forest harvesting units (individuals) shall also establish public signs in the wood-cutting areas and the surrounding traffic arteries, and proclaim the main content, operational period, etc. of legal harvesting documents approved by the departments concerned. · Take actions that suit local circumstances, adopt scientific and rational harvesting ways and operation measures, minimize the impact of forest harvesting on biological diversity, habitats of wild fauna and flora, ecologically fragile areas, natural landscape, water quantity and quality of forest watershed, forestland soil ecosystem and the regeneration of seedling and sapling, and ensure rapid recovery of the functions of forest ecosystem. · Take the corresponding measures to protect the forest, especially the forest with high conservation value. · When conducting felling area design, the enterprises concerned shall take full account of the undesirable effects of forest harvesting operation on surface rainfall and underground water resources, slow down soil corrosion, control soil and water erosion and avoid serious destruction to forest catchment due to harvesting. Judging from the partial contents of this guide, it seems quite clear to us that Bai Shan Lin may not be aware of this document. If it is aware, then it is not faithfully following this guide. In light of the aforementioned, we have made three requests: 1. That the Guyana Forestry Commission put a hold on Bai Shan Lin’s Operation, in all areas of Guyana, until it is properly regularized in accordance with the laws of Guyana 2. That the Guyana Forestry Commission publish Bai Shan Lin’s contract and its contents thereof; and 3. That the Environmental Protection Agency conducts the necessary tests and reports on the extent of damage done to the natural environment, in areas where Bai Shan Lin is harvesting trees. Finally, we, in Guyana, owe it to ourselves and the next generation to develop our economy in a sustainable way. Our watch words must be: good governance, accountability transparency, sustainability and environmental ethnics. It is time, high time, for all those, who are concerned about the health and well-being of the natural environment to act. Let us act now! Royston King Executive Director Environmental Community Health Organization


Since 2010, Indian and Chinese activity in Guyana has modified vegetation and wildlife, caused erosion, and created earthworks, roads, and settlements throughout the Hinterlands (Rupununi, Upper Berbice, Upper Demerara, North West - over 1 million acres).


The human imprint was much more ubiquitous and enduring than is usually realized. The historical evidence is ample, as are data coming out of the forestry Commission which the Minister of Finance chose to dackta.


And much can be inferred from present human impacts. The weight of evidence suggests that Hinterland populations is at risk as they get few jobs (in every 10 persons employed, 7 of them are non-Guyanese).


This is a development disaster thanks to the corrupt PPP.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen to me here old man its not about your expectations. It is not about you and it is not about me.


Produce the data to back up your bogus claims that the constitution or parts of the constitution does not require 2/3 rd's vote to make changes.


You are lying aren't you?

HM_Redux, TK, Tarron Khemraj plus your other monikers on GNI, take your personal time and research issues.

Mr Demerara_Guy like you blind? Mr Horseman_Redux attack Mr TK all the time. Mr Horseman is the person in the picture next to Mr Tk and Mr Granger. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen to me here old man its not about your expectations. It is not about you and it is not about me.


Produce the data to back up your bogus claims that the constitution or parts of the constitution does not require 2/3 rd's vote to make changes.


You are lying aren't you?

HM_Redux, TK, Tarron Khemraj plus your other monikers on GNI, take your personal time and research issues.

Ok you got me I am TK, still answer my question. I cannot find any data to backup your statements regarding constitutional change so please post to validate your statements otherwise you are a liar.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen to me here old man its not about your expectations. It is not about you and it is not about me.


Produce the data to back up your bogus claims that the constitution or parts of the constitution does not require 2/3 rd's vote to make changes.


You are lying aren't you?

HM_Redux, TK, Tarron Khemraj plus your other monikers on GNI, take your personal time and research issues.

Ok you got me I am TK, still answer my question. I cannot find any data to backup your statements regarding constitutional change so please post to validate your statements otherwise you are a liar.

1. Your demands that others must adhere to your whims and fancies is one of your known numerous traits on GNI.


2. Presenting reliable information is solely your personal responsibilities.


3.  Also, your penchant to hurl unsubstantiated statements at individuals is one of your known trademarks.


3. As stated on a few occasions, do your personal research on issues.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen to me here old man its not about your expectations. It is not about you and it is not about me.


Produce the data to back up your bogus claims that the constitution or parts of the constitution does not require 2/3 rd's vote to make changes.


You are lying aren't you?

HM_Redux, TK, Tarron Khemraj plus your other monikers on GNI, take your personal time and research issues.

Ok you got me I am TK, still answer my question. I cannot find any data to backup your statements regarding constitutional change so please post to validate your statements otherwise you are a liar.

1. Your demands that others must adhere to your whims and fancies is one of your known numerous traits on GNI.


2. Presenting reliable information is solely your personal responsibilities.


3.  Also, your penchant to hurl unsubstantiated statements at individuals is one of your known trademarks.


3. As stated on a few occasions, do your personal research on issues.

And your point is?

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen to me here old man its not about your expectations. It is not about you and it is not about me.


Produce the data to back up your bogus claims that the constitution or parts of the constitution does not require 2/3 rd's vote to make changes.


You are lying aren't you?

HM_Redux, TK, Tarron Khemraj plus your other monikers on GNI, take your personal time and research issues.

Ok you got me I am TK, still answer my question. I cannot find any data to backup your statements regarding constitutional change so please post to validate your statements otherwise you are a liar.

1. Your demands that others must adhere to your whims and fancies is one of your known numerous traits on GNI.


2. Presenting reliable information is solely your personal responsibilities.


3.  Also, your penchant to hurl unsubstantiated statements at individuals is one of your known trademarks.


3. As stated on a few occasions, do your personal research on issues.

And your point is?

Ow bhai TK, you cuss down yourself.  LOL.


JB attacks HM Redux!



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:



This is what the Norwegian wrote 12 months ago:


Guyana's relatively pristine rainforests sit on an ancient geological formation called the Guiana Shield in the north-east of the Amazon. The biodiversity of these rainforests is particularly rich and there are large areas of intact virgin forest. They provide the basis for existence for a number of indigenous populations, store large quantities of carbon, provide income from eco-tourism, timber and other forest products, produce water and regulate precipitation, and contribute a range of other ecosystem services.







Guyana's FORMERLY relatively pristine rainforests sit on an ancient geological formation called the Guiana Shield in the north-east of the Amazon. The biodiversity of these rainforests USED TO BE particularly rich and BUT NOW large areas of virgin forest HAVE BEEN CLEAR CUT ESPECIALLY BY THE CHINESE AND INDIAN LOGGING COMPANIES. The FOREST IS BEING DEPLETED AND IS SWIFTLY LOSING ITS ABILITY TO provide the basis for existence for a number of indigenous populations, store large quantities of carbon, provide income from eco-tourism, timber and other forest products, produce water and regulate precipitation, and contribute a range of other ecosystem services.

From the helicopter flight done by KN, them people clear cut the forest.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen to me here old man its not about your expectations. It is not about you and it is not about me.


Produce the data to back up your bogus claims that the constitution or parts of the constitution does not require 2/3 rd's vote to make changes.


You are lying aren't you?

HM_Redux, TK, Tarron Khemraj plus your other monikers on GNI, take your personal time and research issues.

Ok you got me I am TK, still answer my question. I cannot find any data to backup your statements regarding constitutional change so please post to validate your statements otherwise you are a liar.

1. Your demands that others must adhere to your whims and fancies is one of your known numerous traits on GNI.


2. Presenting reliable information is solely your personal responsibilities.


3.  Also, your penchant to hurl unsubstantiated statements at individuals is one of your known trademarks.


3. As stated on a few occasions, do your personal research on issues.

And your point is?

Inability to understand issues are your personal concerns.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Listen to me here old man its not about your expectations. It is not about you and it is not about me.


Produce the data to back up your bogus claims that the constitution or parts of the constitution does not require 2/3 rd's vote to make changes.


You are lying aren't you?

HM_Redux, TK, Tarron Khemraj plus your other monikers on GNI, take your personal time and research issues.

Ok you got me I am TK, still answer my question. I cannot find any data to backup your statements regarding constitutional change so please post to validate your statements otherwise you are a liar.

1. Your demands that others must adhere to your whims and fancies is one of your known numerous traits on GNI.


2. Presenting reliable information is solely your personal responsibilities.


3.  Also, your penchant to hurl unsubstantiated statements at individuals is one of your known trademarks.


3. As stated on a few occasions, do your personal research on issues.

And your point is?

Inability to understand issues are your personal concerns.

Your diapers could be from Guyana wood pulp fluff, but not made in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:



This is what the Norwegian wrote 12 months ago:


Guyana's relatively pristine rainforests sit on an ancient geological formation called the Guiana Shield in the north-east of the Amazon. The biodiversity of these rainforests is particularly rich and there are large areas of intact virgin forest. They provide the basis for existence for a number of indigenous populations, store large quantities of carbon, provide income from eco-tourism, timber and other forest products, produce water and regulate precipitation, and contribute a range of other ecosystem services.







Guyana's FORMERLY relatively pristine rainforests sit on an ancient geological formation called the Guiana Shield in the north-east of the Amazon. The biodiversity of these rainforests USED TO BE particularly rich and BUT NOW large areas of virgin forest HAVE BEEN CLEAR CUT ESPECIALLY BY THE CHINESE AND INDIAN LOGGING COMPANIES. The FOREST IS BEING DEPLETED AND IS SWIFTLY LOSING ITS ABILITY TO provide the basis for existence for a number of indigenous populations, store large quantities of carbon, provide income from eco-tourism, timber and other forest products, produce water and regulate precipitation, and contribute a range of other ecosystem services.

When will the PPP stop this double down dealing.  Teking money form the Norwegian for the forest and then lying to them and tek money from the chineee.


The Nowegian seh they got to use liedaar test to check the forest to catch the lying PPP fellas.


When the Norwegians find out the truth they will have to use LAAR to unhinge from these tiefing set of PPP people.


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