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@Mitwah posted:

Just got off the phone with de Gyaal from Canal. That's exactly what she said about you. 

Me know. Didn’t know you does susu man woman story with the woman.  Dat is gyal action!

@Django posted:

Told you about the vocabulary of the two bit dwellers on Lombard Street ,difficult to drop.

By the way ,my mom paid for the house lot ,wasn't given for free.

Cane fields is where the fearless leader keep them.

When you shameless you shameless.  

Was it not Jagan who proliferated the non-Christian areas with high schools bringing education to the rural mostly Indian communities?  You are likely a beneficiary of that program.

Was it not Irfan who gave your late mom her piece of land which she squatted on since 1965?  You think the PNC cared?

Are any of those factually incorrect statements?

FYI, many sugar workers kids have been attending UG and higher technical school and this has been happening for a while. 

When you shameless yuh shameless!

@Former Member posted:

Was it not Irfan who gave your late mom her piece of land which she squatted on since 1965?  You think the PNC cared?

Are any of those factually incorrect statements?

Stick in your head ,my mom PAID for the piece of land.

@Former Member posted:

FYI, many sugar workers kids have been attending UG and higher technical school and this has been happening for a while.

Show the stats how many graduated from UG and Tech Schools.

@Former Member posted:

Was it not Irfan who gave your late mom her piece of land which she squatted on since 1965?  You think the PNC cared?

Are any of those factually incorrect statements?

@Django posted:

Stick in your head ,my mom PAID for the piece of land.

Published information showed Ifraan and Django's mom in the photo.

However, there was absolutely no mention/statement in the article that the land was given for free.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Published information showed Ifraan and Django's mom in the photo.

However, there was absolutely no mention/statement in the article that the land was given for free.

Surely the PNC didn’t give a shyte and kept the option to evict anytime. They didn’t even do that. Yet many PNCites got land.

My understanding, people needed to pay for certain costs and transport fees etc. 


People have been "squatting" on public lands for eons.

Indeed, there is a process for said individuals to purchase the land.

While many will personally own the respect land, there also will be others who will continue "squat" on the land they occupy.

@Former Member posted:

Surely the PNC didn’t give a shyte and kept the option to evict anytime. They didn’t even do that. Yet many PNCites got land.

My understanding, people needed to pay for certain costs and transport fees etc. 

The INdos bought out their lands because they didn't know how to cultivate them.  Burnham once told me that black people are stupid.  They had wanted lands in Georgetown and GT had no available lands to give.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The INdos bought out their lands because they didn't know how to cultivate them.  Burnham once told me that black people are stupid.  They had wanted lands in Georgetown and GT had no available lands to give.

Blacks always tend to migrate to the cities. They are not the type to do manual labor. We see this even in America. Except in Guyana, when they don't have resources, they tend to violently relieve someone else of his/her belongings.

@Former Member posted:

Blacks always tend to migrate to the cities. They are not the type to do manual labor. We see this even in America. Except in Guyana, when they don't have resources, they tend to violently relieve someone else of his/her belongings.

How dare you!

It is the same Blacks in America that allowed your ability to migrate to the United States from your cane fields in Guyana.

It is the same Blacks in America that built the United States, toiling in the cotton fields to help keep America's economy booming.

It is the same Blacks in America that built the White House and other monumental buildings with their hands.

And yet you dare suggest "Blacks...are not the type to do manual labor"


Funny enough, any Caucasian/Anglo-Saxon person would view you as a "Black" given the color of your skin, and treat you accordingly. The same "Black" that doesn't like manual labor

Complete bottom feeder FILTH, the lot of you. 

@Rochelle posted:

How dare you!

It is the same Blacks in America that allowed your ability to migrate to the United States from your cane fields in Guyana.

It is the same Blacks in America that built the United States, toiling in the cotton fields to help keep America's economy booming.

It is the same Blacks in America that built the White House and other monumental buildings with their hands.

And yet you dare suggest "Blacks...are not the type to do manual labor"


Funny enough, any Caucasian/Anglo-Saxon person would view you as a "Black" given the color of your skin, and treat you accordingly. The same "Black" that doesn't like manual labor

Complete bottom feeder FILTH, the lot of you. 

Funny you listed what the blacks did. No other race ever did anything for America. We should not thank only the blacks in America, we should also thank the African CHIEFS who sold them for beads. Blacks were forced and whipped to complete their tasks. You should have watched ROOTS and Kunta Kinte. As Donald Trump said, "Blacks have a lazy trait in them".
The blacks provided the labor because the white man had the brains.
FYI: I came to America and did manual labor to get an education. I did not rob or cheat anyone. I took the opportunity(I paid my way) that was afforded to me and did well. I did not ask for a handout or expect one. I did it the hard way; I earned it. What is wrong with working for what you want? Look here impostor, get a life and face reality. Don't dwell on ancient history. If it wasn't for the white man, the American blacks would still practice cannibalism in Africa.

@Former Member posted:

Funny you listed what the blacks did. No other race ever did anything for America. We should not thank only the blacks in America, we should also thank the African CHIEFS who sold them for beads. Blacks were forced and whipped to complete their tasks. You should have watched ROOTS and Kunta Kinte. As Donald Trump said, "Blacks have a lazy trait in them".
The blacks provided the labor because the white man had the brains.
FYI: I came to America and did manual labor to get an education. I did not rob or cheat anyone. I took the opportunity(I paid my way) that was afforded to me and did well. I did not ask for a handout or expect one. I did it the hard way; I earned it. What is wrong with working for what you want? Look here impostor, get a life and face reality. Don't dwell on ancient history. If it wasn't for the white man, the American blacks would still practice cannibalism in Africa.

A response befitting of a person with no education. Please do your research, you would note that cannibalism started in pre-historic Europe. That's right, the Europeans were the first cannibals. The same white man you apparently laud and lick like a good "craab dog coolie".

If you have to start quoting Donald Trump to make your argument, you're already lost. I don't argue with idiots.

Enjoy your naivety. 

Last edited by Rochelle
@Former Member posted:

Funny you listed what the blacks did. No other race ever did anything for America. We should not thank only the blacks in America, we should also thank the African CHIEFS who sold them for beads. Blacks were forced and whipped to complete their tasks. You should have watched ROOTS and Kunta Kinte. As Donald Trump said, "Blacks have a lazy trait in them".
The blacks provided the labor because the white man had the brains.
FYI: I came to America and did manual labor to get an education. I did not rob or cheat anyone. I took the opportunity(I paid my way) that was afforded to me and did well. I did not ask for a handout or expect one. I did it the hard way; I earned it. What is wrong with working for what you want? Look here impostor, get a life and face reality. Don't dwell on ancient history. If it wasn't for the white man, the American blacks would still practice cannibalism in Africa.

This is the kind of thinking that makes it imperative to forever keep people of @Former Member's ilk from power in Guyana and elsewhere.  Moreover, he is most definitely a coward.  What he engages in would be classified as hate speech and he does it hiding behind a computer.  I dare him to put his real name to the above or any of his other statements about black people.  How about it skeldenjackass?

@Totaram posted:

This is the kind of thinking that makes it imperative to forever keep people of @Former Member's ilk from power in Guyana and elsewhere.  Moreover, he is most definitely a coward.  What he engages in would be classified as hate speech and he does it hiding behind a computer.  I dare him to put his real name to the above or any of his other statements about black people.  How about it skeldenjackass?

They are slowly but surely being rid of in Guyana through interracial coupling. Thankfully, Guyana will become more douglarized with Black seed running through most every Guyanese.

In fact, I will be attending two weddings soon celebrating such intermingling. This is the Guyana I remember and hope to return to. 

@Rochelle posted:

They are slowly but surely being rid of in Guyana through interracial coupling. Thankfully, Guyana will become more douglarized with Black seed running through most every Guyanese.

In fact, I will be attending two weddings soon celebrating such intermingling. This is the Guyana I remember and hope to return to. 

This is a page straight out of Carib playbook. If I could get meh haan on one a dem girls like what u using as your avatar I would be sure to line up for this douglarization.

Last edited by Django

The claim that dead persons or migrated persons voted is simply absurd because it means that every single person in that polling station including the respective party representatives (polling agents) would have had to act in a grand conspiracy to allow a person who does not match the picture on the ID card and the folio to vote....what yo think Django and cohorts . 

@Former Member posted:

The claim that dead persons or migrated persons voted is simply absurd because it means that every single person in that polling station including the respective party representatives (polling agents) would have had to act in a grand conspiracy to allow a person who does not match the picture on the ID card and the folio to vote...

.what yo think Django and cohorts . 

Who are they ?

When there is bloated voters list ,opens up avenues for electoral fraud .Efforts by GECOM to correct the bloated voters list  was blocked.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Who are they ?

When there is bloated voters list ,opens up avenues for electoral fraud .Efforts by GECOM to correct the bloated voters list  was blocked.

Are you saying everyone on the list voted on March 2 /2020?

@Rochelle posted:

They are slowly but surely being rid of in Guyana through interracial coupling. Thankfully, Guyana will become more douglarized with Black seed running through most every Guyanese.

In fact, I will be attending two weddings soon celebrating such intermingling. This is the Guyana I remember and hope to return to. 

Oh rass! We one love gurl want marrid coolies but tek all de land and resourse from de ress who na marry ayoo...hey hey hey. 


Hey hey problem dem chuch goin riggers mention is enough foh overturn de fact dat dem want set up wan blackman govt and be like apharthed. Dis is what all de delay is about. Miss "Singh" deh already rule foh Miss Janet doan swear in. Dem up to de usual ole tricks. Hey hey hey. Vote count at place of poll. How yuh go rig dat?

@Former Member posted:

Are you saying everyone on the list voted on March 2 /2020?

There are theories political parties whose chances are dim to win an election ,used bloated voters list to gain victory.

@Rochelle posted:

How dare you!

It is the same Blacks in America that allowed your ability to migrate to the United States from your cane fields in Guyana.

It is the same Blacks in America that built the United States, toiling in the cotton fields to help keep America's economy booming.


Hey hey dem Jews and liberal wite peopkle who mek abie mattie get foh go Merika. 

@Django posted:

There are theories political parties whose chances are dim to win an election ,used bloated voters list to gain victory.

You refused to provide a direct answer.. why???? your method of answering is the same theory you and your cabals are now using to discredit the very election AYO claimed victory 

The current recount display figures of non voters, I will encourage you to embrace the truth. To date, NOT ONE SINGLE objection is proven to be true, as a matter of fact, one of the dead man shows up ... isn’t this embarrassing. 

@Former Member posted:

You refused to provide a direct answer.. why???? your method of answering is the same theory you and your cabals are now using to discredit the very election AYO claimed victory 

The current recount display figures of non voters,

I will encourage you to embrace the truth.

To date, NOT ONE SINGLE objection is proven to be true, as a matter of fact, one of the dead man shows up ... isn’t this embarrassing. 

What answer you looking for ?   get off the rockers ,Django not affiliated to no political party in Guyana. I know what's the truth.

Who says objections wasn't proven to be true ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

A) Django not affiliated to no political party in Guyana.

B) I know what's the truth.

C) Who says objections wasn't proven to be true ?

A) Django not affiliated to no political party in Guyana. This is a BIG JOKE, You deserve the Best Actor award .

B) I know what's the truth. You believe your lies. 

C) Who says objections wasn't proven to be true ? ..Again!! where is your evidence? 

Lets clarify the process of voting:  Besides your "X" on the paper, there is only the 6-digit serial number of the polling station, placed as a security measure to protect the ballot paper and the electorate. The only way anyone else can know for sure who you voted for, is if you truthfully tell them. Of if you put an identification mark on the paper.... but then such vote gets rejected, and will not count. 

( Can't wait to see your evidence of proven objection) 

Kudos to you for retracting a previous comment of yours  on another thread after I denounce your claimed regarding the announcement of electoral names. I have since attached below for reference. 

@Django posted:

So they announce voters names when the go to vote ?  I watched a few videos on voting day ,have not heard any announcement of voters names. Tell that person to check his noodle.

Mr Django, I was a polling agent in 1985 election, and that's how it is done. I voted on March 2/2020 and at my polling booth, after presenting my ID the polling clerk announced my name and serial number LOUDLY.  

Front of the class for you. Please post the videos that you watch to justify your claim

@Former Member posted:

Mr Django, I was a polling agent in 1985 election, and that's how it is done. I voted on March 2/2020 and at my polling booth, after presenting my ID the polling clerk announced my name and serial number LOUDLY.  

Front of the class for you. Please post the videos that you watch to justify your claim.

Well bhai Dave ,my statement is retracted ,after reviewing the videos ,although a bit noisy ,i could hear voter name, address and some number was called out by polling clerks with the pink slips.


Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

A) Django not affiliated to no political party in Guyana.

This is a BIG JOKE, You deserve the Best Actor award .

B) I know what's the truth. You believe your lies. 

C) Who says objections wasn't proven to be true ? ..Again!! where is your evidence?

The joke is on you ,never was member of any political party in Guyana nor currently. Why should i lie to gain what ? there are possibilities that's your forte. Lots of evidence are there all documented. All the theories of PPP/C skulduggery will be in the open.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The joke is on you ,never was member of any political party in Guyana nor currently. Why should i lie to gain what ? there are possibilities that's your forte. Lots of evidence are there all documented. All the theories of PPP/C skulduggery will be in the open.

The Coalition is doing exactly that to cover up their crimes which incude Mismanagement of the economy, Making deals without parliamentary approval, Taking bribes under the table, lack of progress and others discrepancies.

@Django posted:

The joke is on you ,never was member of any political party in Guyana nor currently. Why should i lie to gain what ? there are possibilities that's your forte. Lots of evidence are there all documented. All the theories of PPP/C skulduggery will be in the open. 

So you have no evidence to back up your frivolous claim, this is very dangerous what you are doing. While you are sitting in the comfort of uncle Sam spreading lies and misinformation, the people of Guyana is sitting on a time bomb. You will be held responsible for any crime against humanity.... ayo waiting for blood to run in the streets of Guyana. carry on.

@Former Member posted:

So you have no evidence to back up your frivolous claim, this is very dangerous what you are doing. While you are sitting in the comfort of uncle Sam spreading lies and misinformation, the people of Guyana is sitting on a time bomb. You will be held responsible for any crime against humanity.... ayo waiting for blood to run in the streets of Guyana. carry on.

What kind of stupid ass threat is this?  Do you know the definition of crime against humanity? 

@Former Member posted:

So you have no evidence to back up your frivolous claim, this is very dangerous what you are doing. While you are sitting in the comfort of uncle Sam spreading lies and misinformation, the people of Guyana is sitting on a time bomb.

You will be held responsible for any crime against humanity.... ayo waiting for blood to run in the streets of Guyana. carry on.

Who feeding the replies for you to copy and paste on this forum ? tell the person the last sentence is rubbish.

@Django posted:

Who feeding the replies for you to copy and paste on this forum ? tell the person the last sentence is rubbish.

I am not handicap. I have exposed you for your blatant lies and now wants to get personal.  I will continue to expose you. YOU ARE A VERY DANGEROUS PERSON.   

@Former Member posted:

I am not handicap. I have exposed you for your blatant lies and now wants to get personal.  I will continue to expose you. YOU ARE A VERY DANGEROUS PERSON.   

You have never exposed Django ,never.

@Totaram posted:

This is the kind of thinking that makes it imperative to forever keep people of @Former Member's ilk from power in Guyana and elsewhere.  Moreover, he is most definitely a coward.  What he engages in would be classified as hate speech and he does it hiding behind a computer.  I dare him to put his real name to the above or any of his other statements about black people.  How about it skeldenjackass?

ReRoTotaDrum & Attorney who wants an Indian Man(Rochelle): You are both tooting your horns about your education and what you have.  Nobody gives a rat's cunny about your status and education. Your status and education would not buy me or anybody else food. What you two wannabes reincarnated GNI monkeys need to do is to help your fellow man rather than trying to rob a whole nation of their freedom. Both of you are black racists who blame Indians for everything. As for the Burnham scholarship recipient, there is no man here interested in you. As for the wannabe pseudo attorney, you are just a fake. You will end up in jail for representing yourself as an attorney. I will be standing in line cheering if that day ever comes. Gwan dah side, no coolie man is interested in you.

@Former Member posted:

ReRoTotaDrum & Attorney who wants an Indian Man(Rochelle): You are both tooting your horns about your education and what you have.  Nobody gives a rat's cunny about your status and education. Your status and education would not buy me or anybody else food. What you two wannabes reincarnated GNI monkeys need to do is to help your fellow man rather than trying to rob a whole nation of their freedom. Both of you are black racists who blame Indians for everything. As for the Burnham scholarship recipient, there is no man here interested in you. As for the wannabe pseudo attorney, you are just a fake. You will end up in jail for representing yourself as an attorney. I will be standing in line cheering if that day ever comes. Gwan dah side, no coolie man is interested in you.

You are a numbskull.  Get back to your therapy and try to kick redneck habits.  Maybe after your visit to North Minneapolis you could go for a walk in Loring Park.  

@Totaram posted:

What kind of stupid ass threat is this?  Do you know the definition of crime against humanity? 

Its not a threat, he posted information to further divide a nation on a public forum he operates   without a shred of evidence makes him an accomplice to crime against humanity.  

Last edited by Former Member

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