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Former Member

Protection of State assets among issues discussed between PPP/C, Top Cop

A high-level delegation from the PPP/C at the Office of the Police Commissioner Leslie James

A high-level delegation from the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) this morning met with the Top Cop Leslie James to discuss a number of issues including the protection of State assets.

With the results of the recount exercise showing that the PPP/C will become the next Government, the party wrote the Police Commissioner requesting an urgent meeting to discuss several matters of national importance.

The meeting was held this morning at the Police Commissioner’s Office.

PPP/C Presidential Candidate Irfaan Ali told reporters following the meeting that among the issues discussed had to do with the protection of State assets. Ali said the Top Cop has assured that systems are in place to protect State assets.

PPP/C Presidential Candidate Irfaan Ali

“You would recall that in 2015, there were police officers stationed in every ministry…while the transition was taking place. We raised this with the Commissioner. As you are aware, there’s lots of news being circulated with assets being moved, and we asked him to ensure that he looks at this and ensure that systems are in place to secure State assets and documents,” Ali said.

Another issue discussed was the possibility of post-election violence; Ali said assurances were also given that systems are in place to deal with this issue, should it occur.

Another matter which was discussed was in relation to persons making racial remarks on social media, and the Top Cop has assured us to look into this issue.

The PPP/C’s team also included Prime Ministerial Candidate Mark Phillips, General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo, and Executive Member Anil Nandlall.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I think President Ali talking bout the current sabotage that’s going on at several Ministries and NCN.

Gyal, that's a trademark of the PNC. History repeating itself. Look at it on the positive side. This is their LAST chance of stealing state property. Dem kark duck.

@Totaram posted:

Teacha Ramakant I believe I am right and you are wrong.  If you want we could ask Dave to be the judge.  Wha you sey padna?

you were talking about assets not asset.  "so many" is used before a plural noun and "so much" is used before a singular noun.

You can find that in the English concise Grammar book.


Interview with President-elect Dr. Irfaan Ali and General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo June 10th 2020

Interview with President-elect Dr. Irfaan Ali and General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo June 10th 2020,  Jun 10, 2020

President-elect Dr. Irfaan Ali and General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo were interviewed by the media just as they exited a meeting with the Police Commissioner a short while ago
@Former Member posted:

Gyal, that's a trademark of the PNC. History repeating itself. Look at it on the positive side. This is their LAST chance of stealing state property. Dem kark duck.

When the PNC lost in 1992 they destroyed lots of equipment all over the country.  And the country was so impoverished. 

Is a thing with Black people. They don’t waste a beat to destroy what not theirs.

@Former Member posted:

When the PNC lost in 1992 they destroyed lots of equipment all over the country.  And the country was so impoverished. 

Is a thing with Black people. They don’t waste a beat to destroy what not theirs.

Haul you LYING mouth, were you there ? Hoyte had the country progressing.

@Totaram posted:

PPP wants to protect state assets?  How come so much of it is in Pradoville?  

Past and present assets are state property. All must be accounted for. And speaking about assets, the ministry of finance recently was flooded and computers and financial records are damaged. That means money cannot be accounted for. When the government steals they steal in billions and it passed off as play money. 


President-Elect Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali has started to take control of his destiny, and who is better than Dr Bharat Jagdeo, to show him the way.

The COP has been briefed on National Security Matters

 PPP presidential candidate, Dr. Irfaan Ali prefered to rely on policies and programmes of a development agenda for the benefit of all Guyanese.

Let the recovery begins.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Django posted:

Haul you LYING mouth, were you there ? Hoyte had the country progressing.

Shameless. Guyana became the most impoverished country in the West under the PNC.  Then they stripped equipment of critical parts when they lost and started looting.

Thats a FACT dimwit!

@Former Member posted:

Past and present assets are state property. All must be accounted for. And speaking about assets, the ministry of finance recently was flooded and computers and financial records are damaged. That means money cannot be accounted for. When the government steals they steal in billions and it passed off as play money. 

Financial records are digitally stored ,two modules  of The Integrated Financial Management System (IFMAS) was activated, during the coalition gov't.

@Former Member posted:

Shameless. Guyana became the most impoverished country in the West under the PNC.  Then they stripped equipment of critical parts when they lost and started looting.

Thats a FACT dimwit!

You are constantly LYING ,pretty good at that. What does one achieve by having such traits , marvex may kill such disease.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

When the PNC lost in 1992 they destroyed lots of equipment all over the country.  And the country was so impoverished. 

Is a thing with Black people. They don’t waste a beat to destroy what not theirs.

There are some Afro Guyanese who exhibit the "ignar trellis" behavior. That is without a doubt.

But u cannot and should not paint an entire race with the same brush.

That is wrong!

@Django posted:

You are constantly LYING ,pretty good at that. What does one achieve by having such traits , marvex may kill such disease.

You are a compounded liar. Hear this, the PNC destroyed Guyana and made it the most impoverished country in the west.  That’s a fact.  

Good they lost and they will be out for the next generation. Get use to saying President Irfaan Ali.  

Don’t pop a vessel!

@Former Member posted:

You are a compounded liar.

Hear this, the PNC destroyed Guyana and made it the most impoverished country in the west.  That’s a fact.  

Good they lost and they will be out for the next generation. Get use to saying President Irfaan Ali.  

Don’t pop a vessel!

Immune system good and far away to get contaminated with that nasty disease.

Wishing a lot of things ,perhaps you may pop a blood vessel . No skin in the game , i am happy camper.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Immune system good and far away to get contaminated with that nasty disease.

Wishing a lot of things ,perhaps you may pp a blood vessel . No skin in the game , i am happy camper.

I ain’t wishing nothing. PPP got you going basidy. 

@Mitwah posted:

Calling a person a liar can be defamatory. 

Shut up. Go and read who started using liar.  Stop being convenient for the shameless.

PNC impoverished Guyana and when they lost in 1992 the destroyed lots of state assets. 

That’s a fact!

@Former Member posted:

Shut up. Go and read who started using liar

Deserved it, remembered when you team up with the posse ,trying to disparage. I man does throw back and watch ,never bothered ,what goes thru my mind is how people can act in such manner. I can never cut no one down ,not in my life time.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

you were talking about assets not asset.  "so many" is used before a plural noun and "so much" is used before a singular noun.

You can find that in the English concise Grammar book.

You must have gone to the same university on the WCD that Irfaan Ali got his degree from.  "State assets" is collective hence you are wrong.  


Is a there a requirement for a person running as a presidential candidate to have a University degree? If so, then this is a very relevant question. If not, should it matter? The electorate didn’t seem to be bothered by it. BTW, didn’t Ali just obtained a degree at UWI?

@Django posted:

Deserved it, remembered when you team up with the posse ,trying to disparage. I man does throw back and watch ,never bothered ,what goes thru my mind is how people can act in such manner. I can never cut no one down ,not in my life time.

Get this LIAR...PNC took the most progressive regional country and turned it into a highly impoverished basket case in under 30 years. Then They destroyed state assets of this improvised nation when they lost power.

Luckily Guyana has been rescued from the abyss....again. It’s already broke.

That’s the PNC.  Smoke that!!

@Ace posted:

Is a there a requirement for a person running as a presidential candidate to have a University degree? If so, then this is a very relevant question. If not, should it matter? The electorate didn’t seem to be bothered by it. BTW, didn’t Ali just obtained a degree at UWI?

There are no academic requirements to run for president which makes it even more significant that Ali lied about his academic qualifications.  It is outright fraudulent that he presented a diploma from a non-existent university of the WCD to gain entry to some fly-by-night outfit in India.  The UWI degree was a con job also.  The question is whether a person like this could be trusted.  GECOM hasn't rendered its final declaration but the fact that many people voted for Ali says a lot about their ethical standards.  BTW, your last sentence should read: "BTW, didn't Ali just obtain a degree from UWI?" (you teacha Ramakant teach you wrang).  The answer is that he conned UWI and the matter is under investigation.  


Get over it.   Coolies got bad ethical standards. That’s why we don’t want the PNC. Dem too good.  However, He will be your president for the foreseeable future.

Last edited by Former Member
@Totaram posted:

There are no academic requirements to run for president which makes it even more significant that Ali lied about his academic qualifications.  It is outright fraudulent that he presented a diploma from a non-existent university of the WCD to gain entry to some fly-by-night outfit in India.  The UWI degree was a con job also.  The question is whether a person like this could be trusted.  GECOM hasn't rendered its final declaration but the fact that many people voted for Ali says a lot about their ethical standards.  BTW, your last sentence should read: "BTW, didn't Ali just obtain a degree from UWI?" (you teacha Ramakant teach you wrang).  The answer is that he conned UWI and the matter is under investigation.  

I don’t want to go off topic but you are wrong on the use of the word “obtained versus obtain. Check with you English teacher.


Rickford Burke is now saying that the PPP killed 1400 Afro-Guyanese men.  The number has moved from 500 to 1400.  These guys are good at inflating numbers.  Claudette and Lowenfield will have to be given protection from the goons when they declare the real winner.  Let's not forget savage beating of Haslyn Paris

Billy Ram Balgobin
@Ace posted:

I don’t want to go off topic but you are wrong on the use of the word “obtained versus obtain. Check with you English teacher.

I don't have to check with anybody.  You are wrong .  

@Former Member posted:

Get over it.   Coolies got bad ethical standards. That’s why we don’t want the PNC. Dem too good.  However, He will be your president for the foreseeable future.

He will never be my president.   

@Django posted:

Haul you LYING mouth, were you there ? Hoyte had the country progressing.

Are you insane?   A couple of housing schemes  was attempted by Hoyte and was incomplete.  There was no money left in the treasury.  All were spent in the National service to control indians.  What progress are you talking about?   They hired blacks in the Civils Service, Police Force, Teaching Profession Army and Government services.   That was racism to the highest extent which you supported.

Do not talk about the PNC being progressive in which way because you would only succeed in making yourself a damn fool.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Are you insane?   A couple of housing schemes  was attempted by Hoyte and was incomplete.  There was no money left in the treasury.  All were spent in the National service to control indians.  What progress are you talking about?   They hired blacks in the Civils Service, Police Force, Teaching Profession Army and Government services.   That was racism to the highest extent which you supported.

Do not talk about the PNC being progressive in which way because you would only succeed in making yourself a damn fool.

Rama ,i was living in Guyana at the time and aware of the Country issues. I am a late migrator ,around the mid 1990's

You are an adult and senior ,live up to expectations.

Last edited by Django
@Ace posted:

I don’t want to go off topic but you are wrong on the use of the word “obtained versus obtain. Check with you English teacher.

He never seemed to get it right most of the times.  He was the English Teacher.   I pity the Students.


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