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@Ramakant-P posted:

Are you insane?   A couple of housing schemes  was attempted by Hoyte and was incomplete.  There was no money left in the treasury.  All were spent in the National service to control indians.  What progress are you talking about?   They hired blacks in the Civils Service, Police Force, Teaching Profession Army and Government services.   That was racism to the highest extent which you supported.

Do not talk about the PNC being progressive in which way because you would only succeed in making yourself a damn fool.

The man is a Pathetic shameless liar.  I visited Guyana every year until 1995. I remember the trip just after the PPP won in 1992. The main road had become almost like a back dam.  It took well over an hour to get to GT.

His claim of fame and progress is like someone setting a fire, when it burnt almost everything, they throw water then claim they are a hero for fighting the fire!

And when he lost, wasn’t he the person who started Guyana Slow Fire BLM movement?  So the little he giveth he taketh 10 fold.


The PPP will continue to widen the roads with two lanes each side. They will rebuild bridges and Kokers.  They will continue to protect the free market Enterprise system and let foreigners bring in  foreign currency to jump start the recovery. They will invest in people by providing scholarships to study  science and technology. 

Oil will be KING.

Guyana will once again be the bread basket of the Caribbean and an atmosphere of trust will be created for Guyanese to go back home.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP will continue to widen the roads with two lanes each side. They will rebuild bridges and Kokers.  They will continue to protect the free market Enterprise system and let foreigners bring in  foreign currency to jump start the recovery. They will invest in people by providing scholarships to study  science and technology. 

Oil will be KING.

Guyana will once again be the bread basket of the Caribbean and an atmosphere of trust will be created for Guyanese to go back home. 

I'll hold you to this. If PPP doesn't deliver, I'm coming there to get you and jail you.  

@Former Member posted:

I'll hold you to this. If PPP doesn't deliver, I'm coming there to get you and jail you.  

Fantastic.  You can count on me to pressure the PPP to fulfill their election promises. I guarantee you that the job will be done.


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