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Let me say this. No one should call the President of Guyana a "jackass", despite how strongly they may dislike the President. He is a head of state.

In fact any public official who engage in such behavior is not fit to hold public office.

However, no President in Guyana has been subjected to the worst type of name calling than former President Jagdeo. 

There is an instigator in these protests named Carol Joseph who is an agitator and a true anti-Indian.  

Anyone notice how these protesters are  referring to Granger  as "MY President"?



VishMahabir posted:

Let me say this. No one should call the President of Guyana a "jackass", despite how strongly they may dislike the President. He is a head of state.

In fact any public official who engage in such behavior is not fit to hold public office.

However, no President in Guyana has been subjected to the worst type of name calling than former President Jagdeo. 

There is an instigator in these protests named Carol Joseph who is an agitator and a true anti-Indian.  

Anyone notice how these protesters are  referring to Granger  as "MY President"?



That chap is disrespectful,and agreed he should not be holding public office.

Me thinks there are two sides to every story.


Last edited by Django
Mitwah posted:

His language  “wasn’t very nice or civil” and he should apologize to Granger and his community as Nenshi did to Kalanick and his employees.

Jagdeo would have had him arrested already. 

Cant compare what happened in first world Canada to third world Guyana. The very recent history shows the current government being disrespectful to both Jagdeo and Ramotar while they were in Opposition and even more recent when Jagdeo stood up and told the National Assembly that he would not stand idly while the sitting President (Granger) is ridiculed, the current Prime Minister yelled out that Jagdeo was a bully as Jagdeo exited the National Assembly. These examples show that the current government was disrespectful to the previous sitting presidents while they were in Opposition as well as being disrespectful to the current Opposition Leader so why should they expect respect? To Jagdeo's credit, he supported respect for the sitting President (Granger).

Don't remember Jagdeo or Ramotar having anyone arrested for disrespecting him bai.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

His language  “wasn’t very nice or civil” and he should apologize to Granger and his community as Nenshi did to Kalanick and his employees.

Jagdeo would have had him arrested already. 

Cant compare what happened in first world Canada to third world Guyana. The very recent history shows the current government being disrespectful to both Jagdeo and Ramotar while they were in Opposition and even more recent when Jagdeo stood up and told the National Assembly that he would not stand idly while the sitting President (Granger) is ridiculed, the current Prime Minister yelled out that Jagdeo was a bully as Jagdeo exited the National Assembly. These examples show that the current government was disrespectful to the previous sitting presidents while they were in Opposition as well as being disrespectful to the current Opposition Leader so why should they expect respect? To Jagdeo's credit, he supported respect for the sitting President (Granger).

Don't remember Jagdeo or Ramotar having anyone arrested for disrespecting him bai.

Youth accused of showing middle finger to President gets $5000 High Court bail



– reappears in court

Several leading personalities yesterday turned up at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court in solidarity with an 18-year-old man who was remanded to prison for two weeks for allegedly showing his middle finger to President Jagdeo’s convoy.
The young man, Kevin Simon of South Ruimveldt, allegedly made the obscene gesture while travelling on the main East Coast Highway on August 8.
He was initially charged with breaching the peace under one section of the law and appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman the following day and pleaded not guilty.
He was remanded to prison for one week but on his return to court on August 16, he was sent back to the Camp Street Prison for another week.
On those occasions, Simon was unrepresented by counsel.
His family then secured the services of prominent defence attorney Nigel Hughes, who subsequently applied to the High Court and secured bail in the sum of $5,000.

Accused Kevin Simon (left) with his sister Dacia and father Ewald Simon outside the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court yesterday.

Yesterday, the Prosecution informed the court that they were withdrawing the charge against the young man, with a view to reinstitution under another section of the law.
Ewald Simon, the young man’s father, told this newspaper that when they turned up at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court yesterday, they learnt that the matter was already called.
However, a representative who was in the courtroom, related to them that the police had “reallocated the charge to another section (of the law), because it couldn’t stand up under the present section and, they will send the youth a summons to appear (in court) on September 20.”
The Prosecution is contending that the young man stuck out his middle finger at the President, which they claimed amounted to a criminal act.
The young man, a porter on a water delivery truck, is on the other hand contending that he was merely hanging his hand against the breeze when he was accused of the act.
He was detained at the Sparendaam Police Station for an entire day and night before being taken to court.
Among those showing their solidarity with the young man were former PNCR Member of Parliament Anthony Vieira, Newspaper Columnist Freddie Kissoon, Social Activist Mark Benschop and Trade Unionists Lincoln Lewis and Norris Witter.

Mars posted:
ksazma posted:

Don't remember Jagdeo or Ramotar having anyone arrested for disrespecting him bai.

Youth accused of showing middle finger to President gets $5000 High Court bail



– reappears in court

Several leading personalities yesterday turned up at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court in solidarity with an 18-year-old man who was remanded to prison for two weeks for allegedly showing his middle finger to President Jagdeo’s convoy.
The young man, Kevin Simon of South Ruimveldt, allegedly made the obscene gesture while travelling on the main East Coast Highway on August 8.
He was initially charged with breaching the peace under one section of the law and appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman the following day and pleaded not guilty.
He was remanded to prison for one week but on his return to court on August 16, he was sent back to the Camp Street Prison for another week.
On those occasions, Simon was unrepresented by counsel.
His family then secured the services of prominent defence attorney Nigel Hughes, who subsequently applied to the High Court and secured bail in the sum of $5,000.

Accused Kevin Simon (left) with his sister Dacia and father Ewald Simon outside the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court yesterday.

Yesterday, the Prosecution informed the court that they were withdrawing the charge against the young man, with a view to reinstitution under another section of the law.
Ewald Simon, the young man’s father, told this newspaper that when they turned up at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court yesterday, they learnt that the matter was already called.
However, a representative who was in the courtroom, related to them that the police had “reallocated the charge to another section (of the law), because it couldn’t stand up under the present section and, they will send the youth a summons to appear (in court) on September 20.”
The Prosecution is contending that the young man stuck out his middle finger at the President, which they claimed amounted to a criminal act.
The young man, a porter on a water delivery truck, is on the other hand contending that he was merely hanging his hand against the breeze when he was accused of the act.
He was detained at the Sparendaam Police Station for an entire day and night before being taken to court.
Among those showing their solidarity with the young man were former PNCR Member of Parliament Anthony Vieira, Newspaper Columnist Freddie Kissoon, Social Activist Mark Benschop and Trade Unionists Lincoln Lewis and Norris Witter.

I stand corrected. Still a stupid law as demonstrated by "Among those showing their solidarity with the young man were former PNCR Member of Parliament Anthony Vieira, Newspaper Columnist Freddie Kissoon, Social Activist Mark Benschop and Trade Unionists Lincoln Lewis and Norris Witter."

Plus we have the Opposition disrespecting both Jagdeo and Ramotar while they were Presidents. Granger is no Jesus.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

His language  “wasn’t very nice or civil” and he should apologize to Granger and his community as Nenshi did to Kalanick and his employees.

Jagdeo would have had him arrested already. 

Cant compare what happened in first world Canada to third world Guyana. The very recent history shows the current government being disrespectful to both Jagdeo and Ramotar while they were in Opposition and even more recent when Jagdeo stood up and told the National Assembly that he would not stand idly while the sitting President (Granger) is ridiculed, the current Prime Minister yelled out that Jagdeo was a bully as Jagdeo exited the National Assembly. These examples show that the current government was disrespectful to the previous sitting presidents while they were in Opposition as well as being disrespectful to the current Opposition Leader so why should they expect respect? To Jagdeo's credit, he supported respect for the sitting President (Granger).

Don't remember Jagdeo or Ramotar having anyone arrested for disrespecting him bai.

The entire friggin GNI Cool Aid crew would have been arrested!!!!!!!!!!

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

His language  “wasn’t very nice or civil” and he should apologize to Granger and his community as Nenshi did to Kalanick and his employees.

Jagdeo would have had him arrested already. 

Cant compare what happened in first world Canada to third world Guyana. The very recent history shows the current government being disrespectful to both Jagdeo and Ramotar while they were in Opposition and even more recent when Jagdeo stood up and told the National Assembly that he would not stand idly while the sitting President (Granger) is ridiculed, the current Prime Minister yelled out that Jagdeo was a bully as Jagdeo exited the National Assembly. These examples show that the current government was disrespectful to the previous sitting presidents while they were in Opposition as well as being disrespectful to the current Opposition Leader so why should they expect respect? To Jagdeo's credit, he supported respect for the sitting President (Granger).

Don't remember Jagdeo or Ramotar having anyone arrested for disrespecting him bai.

One must aspire for greatness to be great. We cannot be ethical relativism  may be sacred turf to cultural anthropologists but to the general consensus of modern reality some things are wrong because they are wrong. No amount of appeal to local normative practices should excuse a rational person from insisting it is wrong.

I do not care that Saudis practice child marriages. It is wrong...grossly wrong and the appeal is to them to change it not tolerate it as "their way".

I can call jagdeo any name. I am not in office and is but a citizen making a point. A minister call him a bitch even if he is a bitch should apologize. That is the appropriate rule for courteous interaction.

Nehru posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

His language  “wasn’t very nice or civil” and he should apologize to Granger and his community as Nenshi did to Kalanick and his employees.

Jagdeo would have had him arrested already. 

Cant compare what happened in first world Canada to third world Guyana. The very recent history shows the current government being disrespectful to both Jagdeo and Ramotar while they were in Opposition and even more recent when Jagdeo stood up and told the National Assembly that he would not stand idly while the sitting President (Granger) is ridiculed, the current Prime Minister yelled out that Jagdeo was a bully as Jagdeo exited the National Assembly. These examples show that the current government was disrespectful to the previous sitting presidents while they were in Opposition as well as being disrespectful to the current Opposition Leader so why should they expect respect? To Jagdeo's credit, he supported respect for the sitting President (Granger).

Don't remember Jagdeo or Ramotar having anyone arrested for disrespecting him bai.

The entire friggin GNI Cool Aid crew would have been arrested!!!!!!!!!!

to what argument are you basing your case that you are able to make any determination as to who is arrestable or not? Were it a crime to be an idiot you would be serving for a long stint in the local jail.

Danyael posted:

One must aspire for greatness to be great. We cannot be ethical relativism  may be sacred turf to cultural anthropologists but to the general consensus of modern reality some things are wrong because they are wrong. No amount of appeal to local normative practices should excuse a rational person from insisting it is wrong.

I do not care that Saudis practice child marriages. It is wrong...grossly wrong and the appeal is to them to change it not tolerate it as "their way".

I can call jagdeo any name. I am not in office and is but a citizen making a point. A minister call him a bitch even if he is a bitch should apologize. That is the appropriate rule for courteous interaction.

I don't disagree that people should always aspire for greatness. My comment was that given where Guyana is today, one cannot expect someone in Guyana to behave as how a person in Canada does. We in America think it is wrong to hit a child. The movie about those American vacationers in Brazil who encountered the body trading lab is a good example. By Guyana's standard, those boys who stole the Americans' property would be fair game for retaliation. However, when one of the Americans retaliated and ended up hurting the kid, his friends were in disbelief. They were like, "you hurt the kid"? Comparing what is acceptable hehavior in Guyana to what it is in the US or Canada is like comparing apples and oranges.

Regarding your point of a minister calling Jagdeo a bitch should apologize. Moses as Prime Minister called Jagdeo a bully in the National Assembly have not yet apologized. Bear in mind that Jagdoe did not disrespect the Assembly. He rightfully argued that his address is just before that of the sitting Finance Minister and when the government inserted Moses between him and the Finance Minister contrary to prevailing norms, he left the Parliament. Moses feelings was hurt that the PPP was not there to hear him speak so retaliated by calling Jagdeo a bully. If he was smart, he should have addressed the Assembly before Jagdeo and ensure that he is heard.

ksazma posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

On radio and on television they called Jagdeo " homo" anti-man, jackassdeo, and whole lot of other other terrible names.  It was fine to do that but it is not now with Granger being the president.

They act like Granger is Jesus. Suddenly everyone is preaching the Gospel.

Hiding their racist sins behind god?

ksazma posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

On radio and on television they called Jagdeo " homo" anti-man, jackassdeo, and whole lot of other other terrible names.  It was fine to do that but it is not now with Granger being the president.

They act like Granger is Jesus. Suddenly everyone is preaching the Gospel.

You folks are missing the point. This is a regional chairman in the pay of the state and must interact with the central authority to deliver services to the community. His constituent are within their right to demand he apologize or even mount a recall effort ( if such is possible) against his behind. He represent them and must reflect their wishes not show disrespect for the office on which they depend. The PPP strangled Georgetown because they were at odds with the mayor and town council. They appointed that ugly shrew Sooba as their Grinch to antagonize and humiliate said council. 

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

On radio and on television they called Jagdeo " homo" anti-man, jackassdeo, and whole lot of other other terrible names.  It was fine to do that but it is not now with Granger being the president.

They act like Granger is Jesus. Suddenly everyone is preaching the Gospel.

Hiding their racist sins behind god?

What scumbag! If racism and racist garbage are sanctionable by the  divine as sins, you are weighed down with more baggage than Scrooges friend Marley!

Cobra posted:

Bro, you see how them black people are defending Granger? They want a coolieman to go down on his knees and apologized to Granger for addressing him by his right name.

They want their Region Chairman and not a common citizen. If he is to represent them, he should reflect their wishes. He is not their liege lord and they are not his surfs. He serves them at their discretion.

Danyael posted:
ksazma posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

On radio and on television they called Jagdeo " homo" anti-man, jackassdeo, and whole lot of other other terrible names.  It was fine to do that but it is not now with Granger being the president.

They act like Granger is Jesus. Suddenly everyone is preaching the Gospel.

You folks are missing the point. This is a regional chairman in the pay of the state and must interact with the central authority to deliver services to the community. His constituent are within their right to demand he apologize or even mount a recall effort ( if such is possible) against his behind. He represent them and must reflect their wishes not show disrespect for the office on which they depend. The PPP strangled Georgetown because they were at odds with the mayor and town council. They appointed that ugly shrew Sooba as their Grinch to antagonize and humiliate said council. 

I would accept your argument if your statement about the previous government's relationship with the Mayor and City Council was true. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Danyael posted:

You folks are missing the point. This is a regional chairman in the pay of the state and must interact with the central authority to deliver services to the community. His constituent are within their right to demand he apologize or even mount a recall effort ( if such is possible) against his behind. He represent them and must reflect their wishes not show disrespect for the office on which they depend. The PPP strangled Georgetown because they were at odds with the mayor and town council. They appointed that ugly shrew Sooba as their Grinch to antagonize and humiliate said council. 

This guy clearly is a PPP member elected by the voters of his region. He does not work for Granger. Secondly, he is not misrepresenting his constituents. This Joseph person is in the minority not Ramphal. He is as within his right to disrespect the President as members of the Coalition were in disrespecting Jagdeo and Ramotar while they were Presidents. Can't have it both ways.

ksazma posted:
Danyael posted:

You folks are missing the point. This is a regional chairman in the pay of the state and must interact with the central authority to deliver services to the community. His constituent are within their right to demand he apologize or even mount a recall effort ( if such is possible) against his behind. He represent them and must reflect their wishes not show disrespect for the office on which they depend. The PPP strangled Georgetown because they were at odds with the mayor and town council. They appointed that ugly shrew Sooba as their Grinch to antagonize and humiliate said council. 

This guy clearly is a PPP member elected by the voters of his region. He does not work for Granger. Secondly, he is not misrepresenting his constituents. This Joseph person is in the minority not Ramphal. He is as within his right to disrespect the President as members of the Coalition were in disrespecting Jagdeo and Ramotar while they were Presidents. Can't have it both ways.

The government in the technical sense means the administration and the opposition.  Both sides are involved in the administration of the state or should be. They are both on the payroll of the state and so represent the state. This fellow as the regional chairman may belong to the opposition bench but he is the leader in the community administration as well.

Last edited by Former Member

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