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The title of this thread is "***** Cat".
I notice that GNI treats the innocent word "*****" like a cuss word.
So sad, because "*****" is one of the nicest sounding words in the English dictionary.
Just as there are many ways to skin a cat, so there are many ways to overcome the embargo placed on "*****".
You can ridicule the ban by writing "Pissy Cat", for example.
Or, you can use the alphabet from a language other than English.
You may try the following:
PÃŧssy Cat
PÞssy Cat
PÅŊssy Cat
PÅ­ssy Cat
PÅģssy Cat
PĮ–ssy Cat
Pȕssy Cat
Pussy Cat
There are other combinations. Feel free to play with your own type of "pʊssy".

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