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Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom.

There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

Ronan, have the right just like the others who are painted as racist on GNI, to make his post. I will refrain from getting into what are considered racist, every one have their take.

By the way did the Punjabi's propose to the Government about the rubber plantation? Haitians don't stay in Guyana, they use the country as transit point on their journey to French Guyana, from there it's easier to get to France.

Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom. There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

It is difficult to shed hate when there are political instabilities. How many times protestors shout "no justice no peace" in America.

Had the Coalition done the decent thing and accepted the NCV ruling as Nagamootoo said on December 21, 2018 they would do which Granger echoed on December 22, 2018 there would have been less hate and discord leading up tp elections by March 21, 2019. Well, thanks to the Coalition, all that has been squandered and we are back the original hate.

Regarding providing proof, the Opposition party is responsible to point out where the government (I used this term with liberty as Guyana currently doesn't really have a government) is in default. Additionally, all of Freedom House pronouncements are coming to fruition so they are not in any deficiency there. As I mentioned yesterday, I will never be in any group which would backstab an innocent Indian.

On your first statement , i will disagree, protesting aren't hate, people doesn't use hate to get the message across when there are political instabilities.

The rest of the post is your opinion, i have mentioned before the there are three branches of Government and you should revisit their authority.

Protesting isn't hate but hatred is developed when there is political instabilities. I don't disagree with the autonomy of the three branches of the government. I do disagree with the stupid argument made by those two foolish judges in their effort to facilitate the Coalition.

Nowhere in that article is the phrase "absolute majority". They made that up making them unfit and improper to be judges.

Here is an explanation

An "absolute majority" may mean a majority of all electors, not just those who voted.[9][11] This usage would be equivalent to a "majority of the entire membership".

However, the definition for "absolute majority" is not consistent, as it could also mean the same as "majority" or "simple majority".[9][12][13][14] The meanings for "absolute majority" and "simple majority" would have to be determined from the context in which these terms are used.

That does not pertain to the article in the constitution relating to the NCV. Is spoke in simple terms that all 65 MPs have to lodge a vote to satisfy the required quorum.

Once that quorum is satisfied, then 33 is a majority of 65. In retrospect, had the Coalition been smarter, they could have deliberately have at least one of their MPs excused themselves by leaving the house during the mayhem after Charrandas' vote in the affirmative which would have caused the quorum to be incomplete.

But they are not that witty. At that time, they too knew that 33 is a majority of 65. It was only like two days that reality stepped in that will lose the seat of government so they started all their feeble excuses to circumvent the law.

Good point, there was no expectation Charandass , will cast his vote against the party list.

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom.

There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

Ronan, have the right just like the others who are painted as racist on GNI, to make his post. I will refrain from getting into what are considered racist, every one have their take.

By the way did the Punjabi's propose to the Government about the rubber plantation? Haitians don't stay in Guyana, they use the country as transit point on their journey to French Guyana, from there it's easier to get to France.

Read his heading. What does this have to with Hindus? What is he really projecting?  The Punjabis have very successful operations here and in California as well as in Autralia. 

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom.

There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

Ronan, have the right just like the others who are painted as racist on GNI, to make his post. I will refrain from getting into what are considered racist, every one have their take.

By the way did the Punjabi's propose to the Government about the rubber plantation? Haitians don't stay in Guyana, they use the country as transit point on their journey to French Guyana, from there it's easier to get to France.

Read his heading. What does this have to with Hindus? What is he really projecting?  The Punjabis have very successful operations here and in California as well as in Autralia. 

There's a lot of Sikhs in Punjab. Ronan might find it difficult hanging out with the Sikhs in Guyana.

ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:

Like you are having a slow day.

This was published 4 years ago and taken from the World Hindu Economic Forum.

Why the racist slant? Has nothing to do with Hindutva. Even then so what?

Published on Apr 4, 2015

Mitwah, how does it have "nothing" to do with "Hindutva" when he (Ravi Dev) referenced it himself, i think more than once

but i see you want to have it both ways with the Charrandass "so what . . ."

i also refuse to believe that you truly believe such a presentation on behalf of Minister Ashni Singh is not a provocation that other ethnic groups in Guyana should view with alarm

you need to take a chance and step out of the walled-up ethnic compound where you have self-exiled on things Guyana of late

i suggest you watch the tape before further embarrassing yourself

You video is outdated and not of relevance. Try and be coherent. I don't care to watch it. Am not a fan of Ravi Dev.  

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

Read his heading. What does this have to with Hindus? What is he really projecting?  The Punjabis have very successful operations here and in California as well as in Autralia. 

There's a lot of Sikhs in Punjab. Ronan might find it difficult hanging out with the Sikhs in Guyana.

Hindus, Sikhs and Punjabis are incidental to the thread topic

nice try ladies

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom.

There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

Ronan, have the right just like the others who are painted as racist on GNI, to make his post. I will refrain from getting into what are considered racist, every one have their take.

By the way did the Punjabi's propose to the Government about the rubber plantation? Haitians don't stay in Guyana, they use the country as transit point on their journey to French Guyana, from there it's easier to get to France.

Read his heading. What does this have to with Hindus? What is he really projecting?  The Punjabis have very successful operations here and in California as well as in Autralia. 

Mits, i can understand your concern,

on the other hand Ravi Dev has Hindutva leanings, Guyana  multicultural population doesn't need such ideology.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Here is an explanation

An "absolute majority" may mean a majority of all electors, not just those who voted.[9][11] This usage would be equivalent to a "majority of the entire membership".

However, the definition for "absolute majority" is not consistent, as it could also mean the same as "majority" or "simple majority".[9][12][13][14] The meanings for "absolute majority" and "simple majority" would have to be determined from the context in which these terms are used.

That does not pertain to the article in the constitution relating to the NCV. Is spoke in simple terms that all 65 MPs have to lodge a vote to satisfy the required quorum.

Once that quorum is satisfied, then 33 is a majority of 65. In retrospect, had the Coalition been smarter, they could have deliberately have at least one of their MPs excused themselves by leaving the house during the mayhem after Charrandas' vote in the affirmative which would have caused the quorum to be incomplete.

But they are not that witty. At that time, they too knew that 33 is a majority of 65. It was only like two days that reality stepped in that will lose the seat of government so they started all their feeble excuses to circumvent the law.

Good point, there was no expectation Charandass , will cast his vote against the party list.

Because of their bombast, they were caught flat footed. They were singing "bring it on" all day not even aware of what is being brought on. The Coalition either doesn't have smart members or they have acceded to the commands of the foolish but bullying PNC. None of them thought of leaving the House. They could have made up any excuse including illness. We know they can make up excuses as they have spent the past three plus months making up one stupid excuse after another.

Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:

Like you are having a slow day.

This was published 4 years ago and taken from the World Hindu Economic Forum.

Why the racist slant? Has nothing to do with Hindutva. Even then so what?

Published on Apr 4, 2015

Mitwah, how does it have "nothing" to do with "Hindutva" when he (Ravi Dev) referenced it himself, i think more than once

but i see you want to have it both ways with the Charrandass "so what . . ."

i also refuse to believe that you truly believe such a presentation on behalf of Minister Ashni Singh is not a provocation that other ethnic groups in Guyana should view with alarm

you need to take a chance and step out of the walled-up ethnic compound where you have self-exiled on things Guyana of late

i suggest you watch the tape before further embarrassing yourself

You video is outdated and not of relevance. Try and be coherent. I don't care to watch it.

if you don't care to watch the tape then you have nothing intelligent to say

and that's why you made a bloody fool of yourself with your "Hindutva" comment

rite . . .?

ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom. There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

He speaking on behalf of the government...why? is he working for the government?

Django is right...his figures are skewed...the population has changed...Indos are not in the majority. As a govt official, he should know better.

What is the reference about the pharmaceuticals about? For a poor and baskward country, what kind of medicine does Guyana produce?

VishMahabir posted:

I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

He speaking on behalf of the government...why? is he working for the government?

Django is right...his figures are skewed...the population has changed...Indos are not in the majority. As a govt official, he should know better.

What is the reference about the pharmaceuticals about? For a poor and baskward country, what kind of medicine does Guyana produce?

Vish, Ravi Dev is not working for the Gov't, that presentation was during the PPP tenure. He is employed at Guyana Times.

ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:
ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:

Like you are having a slow day.

This was published 4 years ago and taken from the World Hindu Economic Forum.

Why the racist slant? Has nothing to do with Hindutva. Even then so what?

Published on Apr 4, 2015

Mitwah, how does it have "nothing" to do with "Hindutva" when he (Ravi Dev) referenced it himself, i think more than once

but i see you want to have it both ways with the Charrandass "so what . . ."

i also refuse to believe that you truly believe such a presentation on behalf of Minister Ashni Singh is not a provocation that other ethnic groups in Guyana should view with alarm

you need to take a chance and step out of the walled-up ethnic compound where you have self-exiled on things Guyana of late

i suggest you watch the tape before further embarrassing yourself

You video is outdated and not of relevance. Try and be coherent. I don't care to watch it.

if you don't care to watch the tape then you have nothing intelligent to say

and that's why you made a bloody fool of yourself with your "Hindutva" comment

rite . . .?

I think I made a bigger fool out of you.  Stop scraping the bottom of barrel. 

Last edited by Mitwah
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom. There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

He speaking on behalf of the government...why? is he working for the government?

Django is right...his figures are skewed...the population has changed...Indos are not in the majority. As a govt official, he should know better.

What is the reference about the pharmaceuticals about? For a poor and baskward country, what kind of medicine does Guyana produce?

If Black investors are willing to invest in Guyana, I doubt the PPP would say no. 

This frightenings that indians want to marginlize blacks is unfounded. 

For now, Guyana do not have enough jobs to be filled by those wishing to work. 

Inviting investments is never a racist motive. These times are not colonialism. 

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom. There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

He speaking on behalf of the government...why? is he working for the government?

Django is right...his figures are skewed...the population has changed...Indos are not in the majority. As a govt official, he should know better.

What is the reference about the pharmaceuticals about? For a poor and baskward country, what kind of medicine does Guyana produce?

It's a racist red herring.  So then Indian investors cannot invest in Guyana due to their race.  And when I refer to these Apartheid minds people say nonsense!  What a bunch of racist.  They are not coming as refugees like the flood of Haitians!  Indian business people have always come to Guyana and some lived there, others returned, some moved to NA.  Bank of Baroda was established to cater to their needs.

What I find, the Ronan's of today and even more racist than the generation before!

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom. There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

He speaking on behalf of the government...why? is he working for the government?

Django is right...his figures are skewed...the population has changed...Indos are not in the majority. As a govt official, he should know better.

What is the reference about the pharmaceuticals about? For a poor and baskward country, what kind of medicine does Guyana produce?

Guyana produced a drug called Excite that is more “productive” than Viagra.  The patent was sold to an Indian drug company.  They also produced an HIV drug but I forgot the name.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom. There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

He speaking on behalf of the government...why? is he working for the government?

Django is right...his figures are skewed...the population has changed...Indos are not in the majority. As a govt official, he should know better.

What is the reference about the pharmaceuticals about? For a poor and baskward country, what kind of medicine does Guyana produce?

It's a racist red herring.  So then Indian investors cannot invest in Guyana due to their race.  And when I refer to these Apartheid minds people say nonsense!  What a bunch of racist.  They are not coming as refugees like the flood of Haitians!  Indian business people have always come to Guyana and some lived there, others returned, some moved to NA.  Bank of Baroda was established to cater to their needs.

What I find, the Ronan's of today and even more racist than the generation before!

TRUE DAT!! They are programmed to be RACIST the same way Pavlov Dogs are!!!!!  It will be impossible to take RACISM out of them. And these are HARD CORE SWINES!!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom. There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

He speaking on behalf of the government...why? is he working for the government?

Django is right...his figures are skewed...the population has changed...Indos are not in the majority. As a govt official, he should know better.

What is the reference about the pharmaceuticals about? For a poor and baskward country, what kind of medicine does Guyana produce?

Guyana produced a drug called Excite that is more “productive” than Viagra.  The patent was sold to an Indian drug company.  They also produced an HIV drug but I forgot the name.

It's a generic version using the API of Viagra!  It's not a new patent.

Here is the molecule and the various brands it's sold under!

Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am more concerned with Ronan racist slant and scraping the barrel bottom. There is a Punjabi group that's willing and ready to start a rubber plantation. Can Haitians compete?

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

He speaking on behalf of the government...why? is he working for the government?

Django is right...his figures are skewed...the population has changed...Indos are not in the majority. As a govt official, he should know better.

What is the reference about the pharmaceuticals about? For a poor and baskward country, what kind of medicine does Guyana produce?

It's a racist red herring.  So then Indian investors cannot invest in Guyana due to their race.  And when I refer to these Apartheid minds people say nonsense!  What a bunch of racist.  They are not coming as refugees like the flood of Haitians!  Indian business people have always come to Guyana and some lived there, others returned, some moved to NA.  Bank of Baroda was established to cater to their needs.

What I find, the Ronan's of today and even more racist than the generation before!

TRUE DAT!! They are programmed to be RACIST the same way Pavlov Dogs are!!!!!  It will be impossible to take RACISM out of them. And these are HARD CORE SWINES!!!

Imagine, when Indians were a larger percent, Indians were allowed to come and invest and live in Guyana.  Now these new ultra racist want investment based on race! 

They prefer hungry-belly Haitians over Indian investors when Guyana cannot even produce jobs for the small population there!  These are the types who infest today's PNC!

This sound like Hitler and Hutu!  And that clown calling GNI Indians Nazi and KKK!

Gwan suh racist shakeabatty!

Baseman posted:

Imagine, when Indians were a larger percent, Indians were allowed to come and invest and live in Guyana.  Now these new ultra racist want investment based on race! 

They prefer hungry-belly Haitians over Indian investors when Guyana cannot even produce jobs for the small population there!  These are the types who infest today's PNC!

This sound like Hitler and Hutu!  And that clown calling GNI Indians Nazi and KKK!

Gwan suh racist shakeabatty!

Banna, even when Indians occupied more than half of the population, they were still the minority, compliments of the bombastic PNC.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Imagine, when Indians were a larger percent, Indians were allowed to come and invest and live in Guyana.  Now these new ultra racist want investment based on race! 

They prefer hungry-belly Haitians over Indian investors when Guyana cannot even produce jobs for the small population there!  These are the types who infest today's PNC!

This sound like Hitler and Hutu!  And that clown calling GNI Indians Nazi and KKK!

Gwan suh racist shakeabatty!

Banna, even when Indians occupied more than half of the population, they were still the minority, compliments of the bombastic PNC.

I know!  My reference was to real math, not fuzzy math rules concocted by dunces!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

It's a racist red herring.  So then Indian investors cannot invest in Guyana due to their race.  And when I refer to these Apartheid minds people say nonsense!  What a bunch of racist.  They are not coming as refugees like the flood of Haitians!  Indian business people have always come to Guyana and some lived there, others returned, some moved to NA.  Bank of Baroda was established to cater to their needs.

What I find, the Ronan's of today and even more racist than the generation before!

memo to baseman: the only "flood" of Haitians coming to Guyana are travelers presenting as 'tourists' . . . going backtrack to French Guyana

people smugglers exploiting Haiti's Caricom membership make a lot of money facilitating this traffic

the ONLY "refugee" population in Guyana comes from Venezuela . . . look it up

banna, are you so mentally exhausted, so cognitively threadbare, so intellectually bereft that the ONLY rebuttal you have in your panic is an easily provable, silly LIE?


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

It's a racist red herring.  So then Indian investors cannot invest in Guyana due to their race.  And when I refer to these Apartheid minds people say nonsense!  What a bunch of racist.  They are not coming as refugees like the flood of Haitians!  Indian business people have always come to Guyana and some lived there, others returned, some moved to NA.  Bank of Baroda was established to cater to their needs.

What I find, the Ronan's of today and even more racist than the generation before!

memo to baseman: the only "flood" of Haitians coming to Guyana are travelers presenting as 'tourists' . . . going backtrack to French Guyana

people smugglers exploiting Haiti's Caricom membership make a lot of money facilitating this traffic

the ONLY "refugee" population in Guyana comes from Venezuela . . . look it up

banna, are you so mentally exhausted, so cognitively threadbare, so intellectually bereft that the ONLY rebuttal you have in your panic is an easily provable, silly LIE?




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  • 9D5C03A0-49E5-4B3B-8E93-5836CA91AFB6
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

It's a racist red herring.  So then Indian investors cannot invest in Guyana due to their race.  And when I refer to these Apartheid minds people say nonsense!  What a bunch of racist.  They are not coming as refugees like the flood of Haitians!  Indian business people have always come to Guyana and some lived there, others returned, some moved to NA.  Bank of Baroda was established to cater to their needs.

What I find, the Ronan's of today and even more racist than the generation before!

memo to baseman: the only "flood" of Haitians coming to Guyana are travelers presenting as 'tourists' . . . going backtrack to French Guyana

people smugglers exploiting Haiti's Caricom membership make a lot of money facilitating this traffic

the ONLY "refugee" population in Guyana comes from Venezuela . . . look it up

banna, are you so mentally exhausted, so cognitively threadbare, so intellectually bereft that the ONLY rebuttal you have in your panic is an easily provable, silly LIE?


So tell us!  What’s your objection to Indian businesses coming to Guyana?  You prefer the oil magnates from Ghana?

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

is it "racist" to point out that a flood of Punjabi farmers will forever alter the delicate demographic balance in a population of less than a million citizens?

is it "racist" to observe that Ravi Dev contextualized all this with reference to 40,000 Chinese in a 400,000 base as a vanguard for "taking over" neighboring Suriname, citing immigrant visas, etc.?

is it "racist" to point to the exhortation of Guyana's foremost Hindutva ideologue that Hindus think "strategically" and do to Guyana what the Chinese are doing/have done in Suriname?

and finally, i have to ask . . . do you really think Afro-Guyanese are stupid!?

the worst part is that Ravi Dev was speaking on behalf of the Ramoutar Government . . . even referencing notes Finance Minister Ashni Singh provided to him


I see your point bro...I can see why Afros might have a problem with this presentation.

It's a racist red herring.  So then Indian investors cannot invest in Guyana due to their race.  And when I refer to these Apartheid minds people say nonsense!  What a bunch of racist.  They are not coming as refugees like the flood of Haitians!  Indian business people have always come to Guyana and some lived there, others returned, some moved to NA.  Bank of Baroda was established to cater to their needs.

What I find, the Ronan's of today and even more racist than the generation before!

memo to baseman: the only "flood" of Haitians coming to Guyana are travelers presenting as 'tourists' . . . going backtrack to French Guyana

people smugglers exploiting Haiti's Caricom membership make a lot of money facilitating this traffic

the ONLY "refugee" population in Guyana comes from Venezuela . . . look it up

banna, are you so mentally exhausted, so cognitively threadbare, so intellectually bereft that the ONLY rebuttal you have in your panic is an easily provable, silly LIE?


So tell us!  What’s your objection to Indian businesses coming to Guyana? 


why do you ask such a STUPID question [there is no proper predicate]?

other than to shift focus from your lame, shameful lies and demagoguery, that is

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Snowster, the matter of pnc importing Hatians has long since been called out, ever since PNC usurped power via cooked books during the ballot counting process. 

How many Haitians live in Guyana? Where do they live and where do they work"  Does the PNC have them hiding in Sophia?  Because I do NOT hear anyone in Guyana talking about Haitians except to say that they arrive in Guyana and promptly depart for Suriname.

skeldon_man posted:
't show the proof ?

There is no hate here Django. It's an observation. Freedom House doesn't need to show proof. The daily newspapers are exposing this daylight fraud.

Really?  The paper already said that this was an error.

But tell us where all of these tens of thousands of Haitians are hiding? Where do they work?  How come Guyanese talk about Chinese and Latin Americans but never about Haitians?

Django posted:

 One can observe most of the Caricom countries  with majority of Africans are ahead of Guyana.Trying to present East Indians are superior is a form of stereotyping.


Not only that but also that many Indos flee to those places often to do work that the locals refuse to do.

Yet the Indo Nazis like Ksazma scream about the genetic "superiority" of the Indian when compared to the black.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Pointblank posted:
ksazma posted:

 And that struggle is not limited to underprivileged parts of Haiti as in India or China. It is countrywide spread.

ksazma That's not true

Right now DR is on a campaign to expel Haitians from DR. The poverty in Haiti is widespread and people there still eat mud pies. Not even Guyanese eat mud pies. I am certain that the poverty and desperation in Haiti is real.

And yet you prattle about Haitians when it is not established that significant numbers of Haitians live in Guyana.

Why do you do this?  Two countries in the Caribbean where Haitians have no interest in living in are Cuba and Guyana.

Pointblank posted:


Dem Haitians gaan to French GY

And Jagdeo is fully aware of this, but screaming "black man a kill ahbe is more his thing".

Haitians go to FG where the wages are high. Some who cannot live there legally go to Suriname's border with FG.  They then cross the river every day to go to work.

The reason why some began to go to Guyana was because an airline that used to operate to Suriname from Haiti via Curacao shut down.  They then began to arrive on COPA and then back tracked to Suriname.

Losing no opportunity to engage in his racism Jagdeo is running around screaming to Indians that hordes of black people are invading Guyana.

Two people that the PPP needs to dump are Jagdeo and Irfaan.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Snowster, the matter of pnc importing Hatians has long since been called out, ever since PNC usurped power via cooked books during the ballot counting process. 

How many Haitians live in Guyana? Where do they live and where do they work"  Does the PNC have them hiding in Sophia?  Because I do NOT hear anyone in Guyana talking about Haitians except to say that they arrive in Guyana and promptly depart for Suriname.

That is the strategy, get people who look like Guyanese blacks and commit election fraud. All they got to do is show up at the poll and cast their bogus ballots. The PNC are smart smart baad when it comes to crookishness. Failures when it comes to anything honest, like growing the economy and making life better for everyone. 

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
Pointblank posted:
ksazma posted:

 And that struggle is not limited to underprivileged parts of Haiti as in India or China. It is countrywide spread.

ksazma That's not true

Right now DR is on a campaign to expel Haitians from DR. The poverty in Haiti is widespread and people there still eat mud pies. Not even Guyanese eat mud pies. I am certain that the poverty and desperation in Haiti is real.

And yet you prattle about Haitians when it is not established that significant numbers of Haitians live in Guyana.

Why do you do this?  Two countries in the Caribbean where Haitians have no interest in living in are Cuba and Guyana.

Why yuh campaigning so hard regarding this Haitian allegation? Haitians eating mud pies in Haiti and being kicked out of DR. Even shithouse Guyana is a huge improvement for them.


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