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caribny posted:
baseman posted:
Cobra posted:
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

Donald Trump said on Thursday it was a “great honor” to be complimented by “highly respected” Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” the GOP presidential front-runner told supporters at a rally in Columbus, Ohio.

Funny, and yet Trump wants to start WWIII by bombing Russian planes.  I keep on telling the peasants, who adore him, that this is only reality TV, Trump style, and that the man isn't serious.

Trump should shove a bamboo up your ass. Trump is not stupid, incompetent Granger who you worship. 

Funny these hungry belly co0lies and Blacks run from "utopia" Guyana, get lil Section 8, food stamps till they get on their feet and build their lives now cussing the people who made this country great.  These people have no shame, but why am I not surprised!

Baseman its quite clear that you are a peasant and only mix with the lower elements of Americans.  It is an established fact that uneducated whites like Trump.  Educated whites do NOT like Trump.

If you think that unemployed ex factory workers, who now spend their days consuming heroin, are people to mix with feel free.  And that is when they aren't shooting up schools and colleges.

Trump is enjoying his reality show with Bill Clinton, and BOTH of them are laughing at how stupid people like you are.


Banna, you would be surprised with whom i have lunch with on a daily basis.  Frankly, I was surprised at the support Trump has with many in the upper-mid educated class.  You people are painting the image that his support is lower-class red-necks and with each poll his ceiling is going higher and higher.  It was once in the 20's, now it's clipping in the 40's.  In a head to head he is in the upper 40's against Hillary, granted, she is ahead.  Now, are you saying that 40% of Americans are unemployed and shooting heroin?  Well, that says a lot about the legacy of the Obama administration, does it not!

Chief posted:
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A Trump/Rubio ticket might bring back the Hispanic voters.  And then Hillary dwindles. 

The Republican battle is not over and things can swing either way. All the republican contenders are betting that Trump will not be the republican nominee. Trump and Bush doesn't seem to get along very well on most debates. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio seem like a good pair, but they differ on policies. However, Trump has some big surprises for his Republican counterparts. I believe he is in this race to stay. Interesting times ahead.

Word is that the mainstream GOP have already given up trying to win the Presidency and are trying to ensure that they keep Congress.  Last time the nutters ran out and Romney lost.  Now its the whole lunatic asylum prancing around, led by Trump, with Cruz and the others evening forcing reasonable people like Bush and Christie to join them.

CaribJ do not under estimate the ignorance of many whites..

Do not underestimate the anger of the folks being raked over by mongrels like you.  They take you in from your dysfunctional societies, feed your hungry belly, rid your crab louse, give your kids a fair chance at living better than you, now you call them ignorant!  If you are not "non-ignorant", how come the societies you support and admire are as dysfunctional as you are!

Lucas posted:

the angry blond man is representing the angry people of that country...this is something to take very seriously.

Yes.  Poor whites are angry that they lost their jobs to automation, and outsourcing, and offshoring of their jobs.

Guess who is to blame. Not Mexicans. Not blacks. Not immigrants. Not Muslims.

Rich white men like Trump are to blame for the eroding economic situation for poor whites.  But you see poor whites value their "whiteness" so dearly that they cannot believe that their own white people sold them out.


Banna, you would be surprised with whom i have lunch with on a daily basis.  Frankly, I was surprised at the support Trump has with many in the upper-mid educated class.  You people are painting the image that his support is lower-class red-necks and with each poll his ceiling is going higher and higher.  It was once in the 20's, now it's clipping in the 40's.  In a head to head he is in the upper 40's against Hillary, granted, she is ahead.  Now, are you saying that 40% of Americans are unemployed and shooting heroin?  Well, that says a lot about the legacy of the Obama administration, does it not!

It is a documented fact that the bulk of Trump's supports comes from white males who don't have a college degree.  If that is the type of folks who you identify with, then that is your right.


Note that Trump's supporters trend as being male, older, and less educated.  Obama won TWICE because he cobbled together a coalition of educated whites, and minorities.   This allowed him inroads into states like VA and NC, which were previously off limits to Democrat presidential candidates.

baseman posted:

Do not underestimate the anger of the folks being raked over by mongrels like you.  They take you in from your dysfunctional societies, feed your hungry belly, rid your crab louse, give your kids a fair chance at living better than you, now you call them ignorant!  If you are not "non-ignorant", how come the societies you support and admire are as dysfunctional as you are!

The white bigots, who baseman surrounds himself, have always torn themselves apart with their hatreds, while the rich white men who they adore rape them by ensuring that automation, off shoring, outsourcing, and declining real wages for uneducated people guarantees their descent into poverty.

caribny posted:

Banna, you would be surprised with whom i have lunch with on a daily basis.  Frankly, I was surprised at the support Trump has with many in the upper-mid educated class.  You people are painting the image that his support is lower-class red-necks and with each poll his ceiling is going higher and higher.  It was once in the 20's, now it's clipping in the 40's.  In a head to head he is in the upper 40's against Hillary, granted, she is ahead.  Now, are you saying that 40% of Americans are unemployed and shooting heroin?  Well, that says a lot about the legacy of the Obama administration, does it not!

It is a documented fact that the bulk of Trump's supports comes from white males who don't have a college degree.  If that is the type of folks who you identify with, then that is your right.


Note that Trump's supporters trend as being male, older, and less educated.  Obama won TWICE because he cobbled together a coalition of educated whites, and minorities.   This allowed him inroads into states like VA and NC, which were previously off limits to Democrat presidential candidates.

Obama won twice because he had the young impressionable, 98% Afro and low turn out in some sectors.  However, in 2008, McCain and Palin did not impress, neither did Romney in 2012.  But after eight years, what did he really accomplish for his key constituencies?  Blacks are no better or worse off.  Black lives Matter started under Obama, not sure what is there to wite home about!  One thing is clear, like in Guyana, it dos not matter, as long as Black rule.

On Trump's appeal, he is 47-48% in a head-to-head with Hillary.  Are you saying the US has 48% non-college White males?

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Do not underestimate the anger of the folks being raked over by mongrels like you.  They take you in from your dysfunctional societies, feed your hungry belly, rid your crab louse, give your kids a fair chance at living better than you, now you call them ignorant!  If you are not "non-ignorant", how come the societies you support and admire are as dysfunctional as you are!

The white bigots, who baseman surrounds himself, have always torn themselves apart with their hatreds, while the rich white men who they adore rape them by ensuring that automation, off shoring, outsourcing, and declining real wages for uneducated people guarantees their descent into poverty.

Baseman is in an absolutely prestigious work environment, one of the top institutions in the USA.  There are divergent opinions but Trump's position does have significant appeal among them, and many are women!

You make no sense on this outsourcing rant, Trump seem very anti-outsourcing.  Not sure what you ranting over!

How about these ladies?

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Lucas posted:

the angry blond man is representing the angry people of that country...this is something to take very seriously.

Yes.  Poor whites are angry that they lost their jobs to automation, and outsourcing, and offshoring of their jobs.

Guess who is to blame. Not Mexicans. Not blacks. Not immigrants. Not Muslims.

Rich white men like Trump are to blame for the eroding economic situation for poor whites.  But you see poor whites value their "whiteness" so dearly that they cannot believe that their own white people sold them out.


ABSOLUTELY AGREE, Poor white men cannot believe and CANNOT SEE that it was their own fellow whites who SOLD THEM OUT!

baseman posted:

Obama won twice because he had the young impressionable, 98% Afro and low turn out in some sectors.  However, in 2008, McCain and Palin did not impress, neither did Romney in 2012.  But after eight years, what did he really accomplish for his key constituencies?  Blacks are no better or worse off.  Black lives Matter started under Obama, not sure what is there to wite home about!  One thing is clear, like in Guyana, it dos not matter, as long as Black rule.

On Trump's appeal, he is 47-48% in a head-to-head with Hillary.  Are you saying the US has 48% non-college White males?

Trump's bigotry is going to generate massive turn out among those who supported Obama.

The GOP love to lose presidential elections.

Polls showed Romney winning.  We know how that ended up.  Why did he lose?  Because of the ridiculous commentary by the lunatic right, now so well encapsulated by Trump.  Obama was a weak president, presiding over a weak economy and as late as April 2012, it wasn't certain what his black support would have been.

But quack, quack, quack, from the lunatic right, and Obama won again.

baseman posted:

You make no sense on this outsourcing rant, Trump seem very anti-outsourcing.  Not sure what you ranting over!

How about these ladies?

Really. So before he decided to run for president what did Trump say about outsourcing. I don't remember Trump over championing supporting ONLY those products manufactured in the USA.  Can you?

Silly simpleton that you are, working in the den of the KKK, are fooled by the reality TV tycoon.

skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Good to see the same ones who supported the PPP support Trump...bodes well for Hillary

I will support any republican nominee. It's the current administration that allowed a fraud election in Guyana to go unchecked. They reinstalled the PNC again just like they did in 1964.

Funny that. In 1992 the US wasn't accused of installing the PPP, even though they were more openly involved in that election than they were in 2015.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Good to see the same ones who supported the PPP support Trump...bodes well for Hillary

I will support any republican nominee. It's the current administration that allowed a fraud election in Guyana to go unchecked. They reinstalled the PNC again just like they did in 1964.

Funny that. In 1992 the US wasn't accused of installing the PPP, even though they were more openly involved in that election than they were in 2015.

They saw a FREE and FAIR election under the PPP at alll times.

skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Good to see the same ones who supported the PPP support Trump...bodes well for Hillary

I will support any republican nominee. It's the current administration that allowed a fraud election in Guyana to go unchecked. They reinstalled the PNC again just like they did in 1964.

Well..seeing I voting Democrat, you vote just got negated

RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Good to see the same ones who supported the PPP support Trump...bodes well for Hillary

I will support any republican nominee. It's the current administration that allowed a fraud election in Guyana to go unchecked. They reinstalled the PNC again just like they did in 1964.

Well..seeing I voting Democrat, you vote just got negated

If Trump is the GOP candidate many Republicans will vote Democrat, or simply not vote.  Hillary is delirious with glee at the prospect of running against "the Donald".  When he shrieks his ignorance she will correct, just as Obama did at that infamous gala.

caribny posted:

They saw a FREE and FAIR election under the PPP at alll times.

And 2015 was no exception, except this time the PPP LOST.

Oh how hard life must be for you as you can no longer scream that Guyana will never have a black president, and that "ahbe pan tap, black man time done" looks quite silly now.

Surujbally got paid by the US govt to deny a recount. PPP did not lose; PNC govt was reininstalled.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

They saw a FREE and FAIR election under the PPP at alll times.

And 2015 was no exception, except this time the PPP LOST.

Oh how hard life must be for you as you can no longer scream that Guyana will never have a black president, and that "ahbe pan tap, black man time done" looks quite silly now.

Surujbally got paid by the US govt to deny a recount. PPP did not lose; PNC govt was reininstalled.

and will be so for the forseeable stay unda the bed

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

They saw a FREE and FAIR election under the PPP at alll times.

And 2015 was no exception, except this time the PPP LOST.

Oh how hard life must be for you as you can no longer scream that Guyana will never have a black president, and that "ahbe pan tap, black man time done" looks quite silly now.

Surujbally got paid by the US govt to deny a recount. PPP did not lose; PNC govt was reininstalled.

This is a fact. Granger was hurry for the result because he was promised a win. The PNC that never won a free and fair election was very confident of winning even though Nagamootoo didn't deliver 11% Indian votes. The PPP was blindsided by the Americans. Maduro said right that Granger is not the legitimate leader of Guyana.

Cobra posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

They saw a FREE and FAIR election under the PPP at alll times.

And 2015 was no exception, except this time the PPP LOST.

Oh how hard life must be for you as you can no longer scream that Guyana will never have a black president, and that "ahbe pan tap, black man time done" looks quite silly now.

Surujbally got paid by the US govt to deny a recount. PPP did not lose; PNC govt was reininstalled.

This is a fact. Granger was hurry for the result because he was promised a win. The PNC that never won a free and fair election was very confident of winning even though Nagamootoo didn't deliver 11% Indian votes. The PPP was blindsided by the Americans. Maduro said right that Granger is not the legitimate leader of Guyana.

Who cares what the MadBurro says? He's living on borrowed time. They already kicked out his party and next elections he'll be out on his ass like Rummouthar.  That's if someone doesn't pop a cap in him before the next elections.

Last edited by Mars

I doubt it will be Trump, he is too upfront and candid however, he has opened up a bracket around some key issues on the American people minds. The new Republican President, Cruz or Rubio will have to face and address these issues as they will embrace them as Trump recedes to the background.  What Trump show, there is a huge swathe of the electorate that no one was catering to.  If Cruz succeeds, he needs to keep Trump in the loop tapping into the angry White blue-collar middle-class.  This group is far larger than the Afro votes and Diamond and Silk will help bring some Black folks.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

They saw a FREE and FAIR election under the PPP at alll times.

And 2015 was no exception, except this time the PPP LOST.

Oh how hard life must be for you as you can no longer scream that Guyana will never have a black president, and that "ahbe pan tap, black man time done" looks quite silly now.

Surujbally got paid by the US govt to deny a recount. PPP did not lose; PNC govt was reininstalled.

OK I see you just cannot finish crying, weeping and wailing because you can no longer scream "ahbe pan tap, black man time done"! 

Life must be a real misery for you now that a black man is really bad if you live in the USA, as there is a black man here, and another in Guyana.

baseman posted:

.  If Cruz succeeds, he needs to keep Trump in the loop tapping into the angry White blue-collar middle-class.  This group is far larger than the Afro votes and Diamond and Silk will help bring some Black folks.

At 15% of the population, about the same as blacks. Sorry to inform you that most whites, neither share, nor care about their plight, and laugh at them, calling them "white trash".

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

.  If Cruz succeeds, he needs to keep Trump in the loop tapping into the angry White blue-collar middle-class.  This group is far larger than the Afro votes and Diamond and Silk will help bring some Black folks.

At 15% of the population, about the same as blacks. Sorry to inform you that most whites, neither share, nor care about their plight, and laugh at them, calling them "white trash".

At almost 40% in a head to head, that's a lot of trash, could cause a major clog-up! 


Now pigmy brain, it has been obvious for a while, his negatives have been high.  I say that he will not when he is at the highest in the polls he ever been.  It was also clear from day one he seem himself as unlikely in the end but wanted to bring the raw issues into play.  His agenda has become the center-stage on the GOP (and even Democrat), illegal immigration, terrorism, primarily Islamic and their many sleeper cells, blue-collar jobs, etc.

The way he did it was for high impact, and it worked, everyone p-u-s-s-y-footed around political correctness.  Now even Rubio and Cruz admit some type of wall will be necessary and they play to his constituency, but in a more political correct way.  He set out to accomplish discussions of the raw but unspoken issues, and that he did.  His so called "stupidity" was most brilliant, just ask Jeb Bush and the rest of the Establishment.

You need to take your wasted "brain-thrust" and go help out them dunces running the show in Guyana!

Last edited by Former Member

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