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baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
Cobra posted:
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:

Donald Trump said on Thursday it was a “great honor” to be complimented by “highly respected” Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” the GOP presidential front-runner told supporters at a rally in Columbus, Ohio.

Funny, and yet Trump wants to start WWIII by bombing Russian planes.  I keep on telling the peasants, who adore him, that this is only reality TV, Trump style, and that the man isn't serious.

Trump should shove a bamboo up your ass. Trump is not stupid, incompetent Granger who you worship. 

Funny these hungry belly co0lies and Blacks run from "utopia" Guyana, get lil Section 8, food stamps till they get on their feet and build their lives now cussing the people who made this country great.  These people have no shame, but why am I not surprised!

Baseman its quite clear that you are a peasant and only mix with the lower elements of Americans.  It is an established fact that uneducated whites like Trump.  Educated whites do NOT like Trump.

If you think that unemployed ex factory workers, who now spend their days consuming heroin, are people to mix with feel free.  And that is when they aren't shooting up schools and colleges.

Trump is enjoying his reality show with Bill Clinton, and BOTH of them are laughing at how stupid people like you are.


Banna, you would be surprised with whom i have lunch with on a daily basis.  Frankly, I was surprised at the support Trump has with many in the upper-mid educated class.  You people are painting the image that his support is lower-class red-necks and with each poll his ceiling is going higher and higher.  It was once in the 20's, now it's clipping in the 40's.  In a head to head he is in the upper 40's against Hillary, granted, she is ahead.  Now, are you saying that 40% of Americans are unemployed and shooting heroin?  Well, that says a lot about the legacy of the Obama administration, does it not!

It is not 40 percent of Americans. Americans in general never vote much beyond 60 percent nationally  so his 40% is among republicans. His fascist bent campaigning  strategy lacks any information as to what he will do and full of bluster of being the best and having the greatest scheme and being the best deal maker. Much of what he says appeals to the gun toting  blue collar and if there is any seep through to the white collar class it is minimal. He will not win the republican nomination and even if he did he has zero chance of winning the presidency with only 13 percent of Hispanics on his side. He need 40 percent and it is beyond a daydream that he can con that many with his bluster and over the top squealch.

baseman posted:
Cobra posted:

The white supremacists want all black to go back to Africa. 

Blacks wanted to go back to Africa, aka Liberia, basket case!  Africans are better off in America and PPP Guyana than in Liberia or Brazil!

I would suggest that you learn history before babbling ignorance. When slavery ended most whites wished blacks to leave the USA. A group of white men established a company which they then funded to set up a colony in Liberia.  Blacks were offered incentives to go, and ONLY a FEW went.  Many of these being missionaries, who thought that they would go to "bring the word of Christ to the heathens".

At no point in the history of the USA have large amounts of black Americans ever had any desire to go live in Africa.


What they have always demanded, and continue to demand, is the right to be treated equally.  When they do make this demand, Uncle Toms like you are always there to wag your tail to your white massas, by maligning them for this. 

The PPP acted like a virtual Indo supremacist party, and folks like you denied it, but those days are now over, at least for the time being.


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