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Hey Super, the biggest Racist is Trump. Remember what he told the Blacks of America, "What do you have to loose" meaning they have Nothing.

 He said that at a rally asking for their votes.

 Once we are defined by race and origins by continent, Racism will always prevail,. Even Hillary Clinton separate the White race as one segment being deplorables , so in a scuttle way she was being racist to a section of the white race. The cast system in India is another example of one being more superior than another, is being racist within a race.

 As for Guyana, the politicians use race to solicit votes, the political parties are divided as such. Just recent, Shuman's party is for the Amerindians

kp posted:

Hey Super, the biggest Racist is Trump. Remember what he told the Blacks of America, "What do you have to loose" meaning they have Nothing.

We don't worry too much with the Presidents ,thankfully they can only be there for two terms. Living in one of  New England States of America ,we don't subscribe to any form of Racism ,it get nipped in the bud. The people have respect for each other.I can attest to the courtesy and mannerism. I wish Guyanese can wake up one day and change their way of thinking.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

A superficial character like Django is expected to single out one side to please his masters.

Rigged election aggravates the racial problem more than anything else.  Focus on getting a  fair count of region 4 votes if you truly care about racial unity and democracy.  

Here comes the wise man !!! now tell us what happened in N.Gtwn and S.Gtwn  comparable to EC and EB ,taking the numbers from PPP. Who really y'all fooling ? I have data for each polling boxes results of 2011 and 2015 Elections ,from GECOM,the information are public . Converted the PDF to Spreadsheet ,to do the calculations faster.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

A superficial character like Django is expected to single out one side to please his masters.

Rigged election aggravates the racial problem more than anything else.  Focus on getting a  fair count of region 4 votes if you truly care about racial unity and democracy.  

Here comes the wise man !!! now tell us what happened in N.Gtwn and S.Gtwn  comparable to EC and EB ,taking the numbers from PPP. Who really y'all fooling ? I have data for each polling boxes results of 2011 and 2015 Elections ,from GECOM,the information are public . Converted the PDF to Spreadsheet ,to do the calculations faster.

Bai Django, until Mingo is able to put his SOPs on a board that everyone can see and verify, the PPP numbers are king. If they get more black votes in N.Gtown and S.Gtown, so be it. Mingo can easily and with full authority dispel the PPP numbers but he is running from doing so. As long as Mingo does not show the country what his SOPs are, he is getting away with fooling you and others willing to ignore logic.


I have to agree with Trump. Obama did absolutely nothing for blacks except take their "my brother" because our people were once slaves racial support. It is the poor blacks who were paying for the China Chinaman trickery and cheap products. They had the lowest unemployment rate since the great depression during the great recession. Trump right what they had to lose.

Last edited by Prashad
ksazma posted:

By the way Django. I went and read Freddie's article and what he is saying is that although the Coalition lost, GECOM will still declare them the winners. I wouldn't take any comfort in Freddie's article there.

We really don't know the truth if the Coalition lost the Elections ,the opposition claiming they win and jump the gun breaking protocol ,declaring according their tally they are ahead.

Most likely there will be a recount and results, declared  which may not be favor with opposition. Freddie article have some truths. Also read between the lines of Gaskin statements. Politrics are dirty game.

Last edited by Django

The fourth Russian was found ...

Quacy Munroe
1 hr Â· 


WPA said something:

A National Unity Government with a Mandate for Constitutional Reform Is the Only Way Out of our Historical Entrapment

In our earlier “Election Statement” WPA had expressed grave concern over developments since March 2 when Guyanese went to the polls to elect the next government. We stated that, for a party which is well aware of the dangers of elections within a winner-takes-all framework, we are aghast at the turn of events. At stake is the very survival of the multi-ethnic covenant that has held our country together since emancipation. The signs of severe dislocation cannot be ignored.
WPA has throughout its long life as a political party and actor advocated for a political solution to our historical problems in the form of a power-sharing Government of National Unity, which guarantees our major ethnic groups protection against domination by the other. It is the foremost reason for our initial and continued membership of the Coalition which we view as a steppingstone towards such a government. We renew that call now in this hour of seeming despair.

At this moment the WPA is in no better position than the Guyana Election Commission (GECOM) to decide which party was victorious in the 2020 General and Regional Elections. Like the rest of the nation, we continue to be alarmed about the developments surrounding tabulation of the votes. The inherent logic of competitive elections is “winners and losers”. At this point in our national existence we are more concerned with a different outcome.
A national unity government with a mandate for constitutional reform ending the present winner- takes- all governance system is the only way out of our historical entrapment, which hinders economic and social progress as well as racial unity.
The WPA as a member of the APNU+AFC coalition is therefore fully committed to a resolution of this crisis in such a manner as to allow the country and its people to make the best use of our new-found wealth from our oil and gas resources.
WPA joins in solidarity with those who call for one or more of the following:
(A) We reiterate our demand that following the examination of the ballot boxes which reveal the credibility of the elections, whichever party wins the most votes forms a government of national unity for an agreed period with a clear mandate to complete constitutional reform and ending the "winner- takes- all" governance system.

(b) A verified recount of all electoral districts as legally permitted under the Constitution. For the avoidance of any doubt we welcome CARICOM’s supervision of this recount in chronological order from one to ten. We call on all political parties to accept the results of a recount and will call on them to do so if necessary;

C) Full respect for the rights of citizens to seek redress in the courts of law on any related electoral issue.

(d) We denounce all calls for sanctions being imposed on Guyana. These will hurt mostly those who are already hurting from poverty and powerlessness.

e) WPA rejects violence in all its forms and especially as has occurred since election day politically-directed against children, women and law enforcement personnel.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

By the way Django. I went and read Freddie's article and what he is saying is that although the Coalition lost, GECOM will still declare them the winners. I wouldn't take any comfort in Freddie's article there.

We really don't know the truth if the the Coalition lost the Elections ,the opposition claiming they win and jump the gun breaking protocol ,declaring according their tally they are ahead.

Most likely there will be a recount and results, declared  which may not be favor with opposition. Freddie article have some truths. Also read between the lines of Gaskin statements. Politrics are dirty game.

The PPP did not break protocol by disclosing their SOPs. They merely reciprocated when GECOM broke the law by introducing a spreadsheet which was not a product of the SOPs from the March 2, 2020.

All Freddie is saying that the PNC dominated Coalition will ignore all laws and conventions as well as all possible threats of sanctions and declare the Coalition the winner because Granger and hi cabal is idiots enough to do so.

Yuh holding onto rotten rope bai.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:


we will find out.

I hope so bai. I was hoping to be off GNI already but this shit is keeping me around longer than I originally thought. My drop dead date is April 4, 2020 which will be exactly 15 years since I joined this rumshop regardless of if there is a conclusion or not.

Hopefully ,you change your mind and visit us time .There are battles ahead to be fought in the homeland.

Django posted:


We will find out.

Do you recall the parties signed an agreement ,not to declare results, then they changed their tune saying SOPS are public and they can do so.

Just responded because you appended your post. I don't remember that the parties signed an agreement but I remember seeing it mentioned here recently. I do remember Jagdeo stating in his address where he gave out the website for the region SOPs that GECOM was about to make a declaration on region even though they have not completed the verification. I clearly remember him saying that he was putting out the information so people see that what GECOM was doing was not accurate. It is clear that Mingo is taking direction from APNU so his fraudulent declaration was on their direction. Therefore APNU broke any agreement they had with Jagdeo regarding non disclosure by colluding with Mingo. Jagdeo should be lauded for his prudence by deciding to preempt GECOM because it made their declaration impotent. No one believed them at that time and more than two weeks later, everyone still doesn't believe.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:


we will find out.

I hope so bai. I was hoping to be off GNI already but this shit is keeping me around longer than I originally thought. My drop dead date is April 4, 2020 which will be exactly 15 years since I joined this rumshop regardless of if there is a conclusion or not.

Hopefully ,you change your mind and visit us time .There are battles ahead to be fought in the homeland.

Nah bai. My greatest strength is my determination. Once I say bye, you will not see any future writing that bear any resemblance of how I write. I don't go back on my word. I wouldn't even be peeping.


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