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ksazma posted:

Only a creature that has yet to join human civilization would brag about controlling things through their violent and uncivilized behavior. There is a good reason why people of all races and nationalities hold blacks in contempt. It will only change when blacks decide to do what is necessary to enter civilized human forums.

More than 2/3 the worlds people are under far worse circumstances than as predicated under the Sophia declaration ( most of which never ever was enforced). China, Bhutan, Russia, Mongolia, most muslim nations and all the stan countries are oppressive in some degree or another.

China is managed by one man who declared himself president for life. He has millions in education camps and have his muslim population in complete subjugation. There facebook and twitter and most western news is shielded by a firewall. That is one pissy oppressive state that no country in the world that calls themselves a liberal democracy should treat as normal.

The US is the last man standing of the big states (Modi just throttled Kashmir for no reason)  that has not walked that way.. It is starting to with this yellow disagreeable fellow but I have faith in the built in auto correct features of this society.


Burnham think he was god. That anyone speaks his name with reverence is ground to hold them as mentally unstable or ignorant of who he was. That was my  breaking point with Granger...his annual puja at the tyrant's grave.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

The converting the Muslims back to Buddhism because they are becoming troublemakers like in Kashmir!

And Burnham was God!

I presume the original forced converts to Islam were furious. I would be furious if I was forced to hit my head in the sod 5 times daily...more so since I extol the values of the heathen! Modi should have begun to clamp down on insurgency movement and interference from Pakistan by kicking out the magis and mullahs preaching hate and advocating the idea that Hindus cannot return to their homes.  His jackboot tactics was not necessary. That is a small valley 90 miles long with only 20 entry points that can be policed as he is using it to oppress the place. It is piss poor and its reknown beauty is gone and all because of this religious bigotry. It should have been made a haven for Hindu tolerance and given massive support to make the lives of the people there safe and secure and restore the natural beauty to the place.

Drugb posted:

Who is "we"?

WE is black people, including the one who duz tek care of yuh and give yuh shelter. Black people across the board are united not just by color, but by centuries of plundering of our resources by various groups. Those days done.

WE not allowing not-a-rass, neva see cum fuh see racist refugees like you and Taliban Mo to lecture us, ESPECIALLY in America where each of alyuh brown skonts would be sent packing were it not for BLACK organizations carrying the fight against profiling.

Oh, and juss mek sure yuh hate speech not emanating from de bank, or you may juss find out de hard way what happens when WE are the victims of it.

Last edited by Former Member
sachin_05 posted:

Ronan? I am yet to see on of those threads. Ronan is to the PNC as Nerhu to the PPP. A shill. The PPP wan would sell he soul fuh rum and poke cuttahs while the PNC wan guh sell he soul fuh dry coconut...

Ever see that jobber man "Nehru" openly criticizing the PPP? He starts thread after thread screaming Bharat's name in orgasmic delights!

Ronan can defend heself but his record of calling out Volda, Basil, Patterson and the other clowns is posted right here. Several anti Granger threads too. He, along with Carib and I, disagreed with the foolish Basil dance in court about the count of the NCV. His posts target ALL corruption, be it coalition corrpution or PPP corruption. It is the latter that makes alyuh pick up fire rage pon he.

Anyway, I see yuh pandit self incarnate as anodda being that tek to racist stereotypes about "dry coconut".

Labba posted:

hey hey ada race na deh chip in. Dem white Jews deh staan quiet. Yu continue foh vote only foh yu mattie and accuse other of racism...hey hey hey. 

Yep, whites and Jews were in it. Funny you should mention it, cuz there is hate speech against Jews posted right hay by people like Taliban Mo and company, all enjoying the benefits of civil rights that Jews participated in fighting for. Y'all hate everybody.

Lissen fat lips, voting fuh mattie in Guyana is second nature to alyuh. Black man got no equivalent for "apan Jaat" in their vocabulary. Y'all created race conflict in Guyana that led to the emergence of Burnham.

Yuh doubt meh? Tek a read of the PPP supporters posting hay and their vile racist shit in dis hay 21st century! You and toupee man better "craft strategy" to educate them rather  than worrying about black man.

Stormborn posted:
We are more like most commonwealth type, unicameral and majoritarian. We do not have a queen who is merely ceremonial. Like all Westminster models the prime minister is supreme. 

Except that most commonwealth nations are not unicameral.  You have heard of the House of Lords. Most of the English Caribbean also has a senate.  To my knowledge only Guyana is unicameral.

And the problem that the CCJ had is that they don't even begin to understand the dysfunction of Guyanese politics which is why they refused to be involved in setting a date.  That constitution is likely a crude cut and paste mess where different sections contradict and begin overly subject to interpretation.  And then it must be put into the context of the miasma which is our political environment based on two warring tribes.

If Jagdeo wanted to be useful rather than an NCV he should have insisted that the Coalition focused on its promise of constitutional reform.  Had the NCV come from a refusal of the Coalition to engage in facilitating a broad based and transparent process of constitutional reform then an NCV would have been merited.

The ONLY reason for the NCV is the race to be in power when "first oil" comes.  Hence the monstrosity of an incompetent man, Irfaan Alli, who even most PPP supporters don't consider suitable.  Jagdeo installed him so that he could run a proxy government and not be seen as having a conflict of interest as he plotted to stick his fingers into that oil soup.

Iguana posted:

Lissen fat lips, voting fuh mattie in Guyana is second nature to alyuh. Black man got no equivalent for "apan Jaat" in their vocabulary. Y'all created race conflict in Guyana that led to the emergence of Burnham.


1.  Black people cannot even agree about what to call ourselves. Are we "African", "Afro Guyanese". "black" or "negro".

2.  There is no definition that we all adhere to about defining who is "black/African/Afro/negro" and who is "mixed".  Our ethnicity exists within a continuum and is flexible.  Because of this many Indos scream "dem black man don't have no culture".  Of course failing to understand that their speech is based on the pidgin English of West Africa.  And in fact many respond to rhythms in an "African" way!

3.  Our prime identity circles around being Guyanese, a subset of a Caribbean culture.  We don't have a monolithic identity based on Africa, and we don't spend hours of our time watching Nollywood or singing afro0 beat from Nigeria/Ghana.

Face it an Afro Guyanese is a GUYANESE of African descent, who prides himself in Guyana's multi cultural heritage. An Indo Guyanese is an INDIAN born in Guyana who prides himself in a mythology of existing in an "Indian" culture, bases his identity around India and often views any other cultural influences as a contamination (except of course if it is "white").  To him the concept of "Creolization" is genocide which Indians must avoid at all costs.

I hear people screaming "racist" but they will furnish no evidence to contradict these statements.

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
We are more like most commonwealth type, unicameral and majoritarian. We do not have a queen who is merely ceremonial. Like all Westminster models the prime minister is supreme. 

Except that most commonwealth nations are not unicameral.  You have heard of the House of Lords. Most of the English Caribbean also has a senate.  To my knowledge only Guyana is unicameral.

And the problem that the CCJ had is that they don't even begin to understand the dysfunction of Guyanese politics which is why they refused to be involved in setting a date.  That constitution is likely a crude cut and paste mess where different sections contradict and begin overly subject to interpretation.  And then it must be put into the context of the miasma which is our political environment based on two warring tribes.

If Jagdeo wanted to be useful rather than an NCV he should have insisted that the Coalition focused on its promise of constitutional reform.  Had the NCV come from a refusal of the Coalition to engage in facilitating a broad based and transparent process of constitutional reform then an NCV would have been merited.

The ONLY reason for the NCV is the race to be in power when "first oil" comes.  Hence the monstrosity of an incompetent man, Irfaan Alli, who even most PPP supporters don't consider suitable.  Jagdeo installed him so that he could run a proxy government and not be seen as having a conflict of interest as he plotted to stick his fingers into that oil soup.

The house of lords is like a chair emeritus for old fogies with little power. Brits were and still are a monarchy. Do we complain that a king/queen is necessary? It is the structure. Majoritarian, single constituency, no separation between the legislature and the PM/ President and the PM/President can do almost anything with little over constraint. This does not happen in britain because they have other "traditions"  that constrains excesses.

We have no moral under-girding philosophy ( ie natural rights etc) no scholarship, no extensive commentary ( except of late) and no founding fathers to whom we can refer. All we have is a completely cobbled together document mirroring the government structures if the commonwealth. It is not Federal, non territorial federal, not decentralized in any way.

With it decoupling from a privy council and mirroring the same in the CCJ we gave everything in structure and tone that is identifiable in the commonwealth states. It would have worked had we not been ethnically bifurcated with the ethnic demographics so closely matched. As it is the state is an ethnic prize as has been commented on by scholars studying this kind of system and ought to have been addressed a long time ago

I am not going to comment on the NCV since both sides did the same ( PNC attempted it) and with the same consequence..truncated tenure of the government in office.


Iguana posted:
Drugb posted:

Who is "we"?

WE is black people, including the one who duz tek care of yuh and give yuh shelter. Black people across the board are united not just by color, but by centuries of plundering of our resources by various groups. Those days done.

WE not allowing not-a-rass, neva see cum fuh see racist refugees like you and Taliban Mo to lecture us, ESPECIALLY in America where each of alyuh brown skonts would be sent packing were it not for BLACK organizations carrying the fight against profiling.

Oh, and juss mek sure yuh hate speech not emanating from de bank, or you may juss find out de hard way what happens when WE are the victims of it.

Please add that druggie manifests a serious love/hate in his attitude towards black man.  He hates us because he "loves" us so much!

Django posted:

As much i am in agreement, so the banana republic runs. I always hoped when the PPP/C won in 1992, they would have sorted out Electoral issues. Me thinks every International election monitoring org are fed up with Guyana, even the ABCE  and CARICOM are silent. I am hoping someday before i expire , real Democracy will grace the homeland.

and these people have no shame.  When most CARICOM nations have issues they sit down and discuss it amongst themselves.  They don't beg the ABC nations to "save" them.  Even tiny Antigua and St Kitts/Nevis, neither having more than 100k, the two being the 2nd smallest and the smallest sovereign nations in the Americas, BOTH receiving independence more than a decade after Guyana did.

Yet here is the PPP screaming "boycaaat Guyana beacause a de PNC".

This is why people are tired of Guyana, including the CCJ.  Such a bunch of infantile morons.  "Maamee, he don' want gi me de baaalll!"  Is Jagdeo a 4 year old, because he sure behaves like one.

caribny posted:
Django posted:

As much i am in agreement, so the banana republic runs. I always hoped when the PPP/C won in 1992, they would have sorted out Electoral issues. Me thinks every International election monitoring org are fed up with Guyana, even the ABCE  and CARICOM are silent. I am hoping someday before i expire , real Democracy will grace the homeland.

and these people have no shame.  When most CARICOM nations have issues they sit down and discuss it amongst themselves.  They don't beg the ABC nations to "save" them.  Even tiny Antigua and St Kitts/Nevis, neither having more than 100k, the two being the 2nd smallest and the smallest sovereign nations in the Americas, BOTH receiving independence more than a decade after Guyana did.

Yet here is the PPP screaming "boycaaat Guyana beacause a de PNC".

This is why people are tired of Guyana, including the CCJ.  Such a bunch of infantile morons.  "Maamee, he don' want gi me de baaalll!"  Is Jagdeo a 4 year old, because he sure behaves like one.

Those two Caribbean states are  cesspools of corruption of the worse sort and not good examples of a deliberative process for sound management.

Stormborn posted:

Those two Caribbean states are  cesspools of corruption of the worse sort and not good examples of a deliberative process for sound management.

and yet so many Guyanese flee to those islands, and I mean middle class professionals in addition to blue collar workers, that they got exemptions from the CSME, so are free to refuse entry to any CARICOM citizen who they don't want.

Please look at any measure of socio economic progress and you will see that those tiny rocks are streaks ahead of Guyana.  Why?  It isn't because of any natural resource endowment. Tiny so not having any economies of scale. Like it or not those gov'ts have delivered more for their people and the numerous CARICOM citizens who live there than any party in Guyana has for Guyanese.

Iguana posted:
Drugb posted:

Who is "we"?

WE is black people, including the one who duz tek care of yuh and give yuh shelter. Black people across the board are united not just by color, but by centuries of plundering of our resources by various groups. Those days done.

WE not allowing not-a-rass, neva see cum fuh see racist refugees like you and Taliban Mo to lecture us, ESPECIALLY in America where each of alyuh brown skonts would be sent packing were it not for BLACK organizations carrying the fight against profiling.

Oh, and juss mek sure yuh hate speech not emanating from de bank, or you may juss find out de hard way what happens when WE are the victims of it.

There is no such concept as a universal "black people".  Ask caribj, he went to the islands and the Jamaicans bax he up and throw he in a corner when he tell them about "we black people". Same with a gutter rat like you who trying to piggy back on the accomplishments of so many other races who were involved in the civil rights movements. In fact you preferred to stay a slave to the white man to this date, ask jackass Granger. 

Read yuh cunumunu rass and ketch sense:

BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2015: Whites in the Civil Rights Movement who fought, and sometimes, died for the cause

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:

Those two Caribbean states are  cesspools of corruption of the worse sort and not good examples of a deliberative process for sound management.

and yet so many Guyanese flee to those islands, and I mean middle class professionals in addition to blue collar workers, that they got exemptions from the CSME, so are free to refuse entry to any CARICOM citizen who they don't want.

Please look at any measure of socio economic progress and you will see that those tiny rocks are streaks ahead of Guyana.  Why?  It isn't because of any natural resource endowment. Tiny so not having any economies of scale. Like it or not those gov'ts have delivered more for their people and the numerous CARICOM citizens who live there than any party in Guyana has for Guyanese.

Why would I care where Guyanese run to? I am making a statement of fact and it has nothing to do with whether Guyanese overlook the horrible administrations for opportunity. 

Where guyana is has nothing to do with its ability to be better. It is populated by a bunch of racist people battling each other for turf. In time they will get over that. 

Those islands have one product. Tourism. They can only show growth as they can accommodate the traffic. Whatever else they do will soon be supplanted by a Guyanese society that can get its act together. We just have to take care ot the thieves...on both sides. 

Drugb posted:

There is no such concept as a universal "black people".  Ask caribj, he went to the islands and the Jamaicans bax he up and throw he in a corner when he tell them about "we black people". Same with a gutter rat like you who trying to piggy back on the accomplishments of so many other races who were involved in the civil rights movements. In fact you preferred to stay a slave to the white man to this date, ask jackass Granger. 

Read yuh cunumunu rass and ketch sense:

Hey Goady fuh brains, I said earlier whites and Jews were in the Civil Rights struggle. Not barefoot refugees like you and yours who were busy smuggling goods in Guyana and robbing yuh mattie fuh get rich. Dem cans of Brunswick Sardines yuh fetch in yuh pants smuggling as a child leff yuh with a goady.

Slave to the white man? me? Yuh mean like how dem white people at  dat chuch dress yuh stupid ass up as a slave boy and put yuh in a graveyard? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. 

Imagine, a nasty skin punk like you who blacker than sin, allowing yuhself to be demoralized by white people and pictures of you posted on the net, telling ME that I'm a slave to white people. LMFAO!

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

There is no such concept as a universal "black people".  Ask caribj, he went to the islands and the Jamaicans bax he up and throw he in a corner when he tell them about "we black people".

1.  West Indians played very strong roles in the Civil Rights movement as well as in other attempts to empower blacks.  When you cover from the latest over consumption of black vegetables that leaves you feeling very sore research who loads of the "first blacks" to do assorting things were.   The first black paper in this country was started by a West Indian!  Chicago was founded by a Haitian.

Do you know that in the 40s and 50s West Indians controlled black politics in NYC?  Constance Baker Motley, whose parents came from Nevis, played a huge role in litigating cases during the Civil Rights movement.  Stokely Carmichael, another Caribbean person (T&T parents) who was an integral part of the CV movement and was the man who coined the phrase "Black Power".

You are the racist ingrate who benefitted from the black led CV movements and then scorn black people, respecting them only for the pleasures that they bring your orifices.

2.  Jamaican women love Afro Guyanese vegetables even more than you do.  Where is the disharmony in Brooklyn.  In fact in Barbados they single out Indo Guyanese who they especially don't like.  A former PM of Antigua stated openly that he didn't want a bunch of Guyanese Indians piling up into his island wither their anti black attitudes.  The bulk of the Guyanese on that island (maybe as much as 10% of the population) are blacks, many of whom are teachers and nurses.

Now discuss the fact that many from India consider Indo Caribbean people to be low life.

Stormborn posted:

Why would I care where Guyanese run to?

Who cares what you care about? 

The fact is that Guyana is being led by a bunch of infants and you rush into the brawl screaming what one of them wails about.  You are part of Jagdeo's whole plot to inject race into the elections by ranting about Haitians being used to vote for APNU.

What did the NCV achieve?  NOTHING!  As is the election will be held now within the 6 month window that  gov'ts use to determine when they are due. 

One brawling infant attacking another and now Guyanese are 10% of the population of Nevis!


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