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The  resignation of Ralph  Ramkarran from  the  PPP, is  perhaps  one  of the  most significant event  since  the passing  of  Cheddi Jagan and would  be remember as  a  water-mark event in  the  history  of  the  party and its future  as  the  vanguard political  institution  of  the  nation.
As some  have  indicated already,  the  label  of  neemakharam,  opportunist, self  centered,  lazy   and  other   degrading  terms would  not  suffice as  in  the  past  with  Ramjattan, Nagamottoo,  Bissessar and  so many  others in  recent  time.

MR. Nagamoottoo  correctly pointed  out that  this  resignation "has taken the PPP to a point of detour from which there would be no return and   the  way it  is  handled  would chart the  course for  the  future of  both  the  party  and  the  nation as  a  whole"
If  their  past  action is an accurate  barometer of  how  the  PPP   deal  with crisis  and  internal conflicts,  I  would bet that a  half  assed  attempt would  be  made  by  the handful of 'frightened' Stalinist  curroptcrats  having  control  of  the  party  apparatchik to  entice  Mr. Ramkarran back .  When  that  failed, and most  certainly  it  would,  the long  knives, swords dagger  would  be  drawn, but  it  would not  find its  mark on  this  occasion. We  will  continue  to  see  the  unravelling  of  the strong  bond, strand  by  strand  that endured for  over  six  decades.

For better or for  worse,  Mr.  Ramkarran's  resignation represent  a  game  changer  for Guyana  politics. For  better, if  those with any  modicum of honesty,  decency  and  conscience within  the party can  muster  the  courage  and  intestinal fortitude to confront  the  demons  within and  excise  the  gangrenous organs within  their  body  politics and  purge  the PPP of  the  parasites,  leaches  and  dead  weights.  I seriously  doubt that  this  would  happen or  even  possible  at  this late  stage. Alternatively,  the  time  for  a  truly Patriotic  National Front  Government comprising   of  all  progressive  and  untainted forces from   all parties and  all  sectors of  the  nation, cannot  be more opportune. Call it  whatever  you  want but  find  a  way  to  engage    distillates of  true  patriots and  decent  folks  from all parties who  are  willing and able to  put aside personal  egos and  minor  differences and   work together for  the  common  good  of  the  Nation and all its  inhabitants -  a  very  tall  order  but  not  impossible.

Finally,  we  can continue with  the status quo and  ignore the  obvious, where   the seepage and  stench  of   corruption becomes  a  rivulet and  continues unchecked with catastrophic consequences for  the nation.         

Originally Posted by Mara:
Alternatively,  the time for a truly Patriotic National Front Government comprising of all progressive and untainted forces from all parties and all sectors of the nation, cannot be more opportune. Call it whatever you want but find a way to engage distillates of true patriots and decent folks from all parties who are willing and able to put aside personal egos and minor differences and work together for the common good of the Nation and all its inhabitants -  a very tall order  but not impossible.

A position I have always stated on GNI.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Someone does not become a Neemakaram because they resign from a Party. When one resign in Passion and join the ENEMY because of frustration, that is a totally different matter.


Kid, You yourself need to wake up from your Coma and smell the Coffee. The Jagans dead and gone, keep blaming them(And that is all you doing casting blame)and you also are like the others. Jagan IS the FATHER of our Nation and no one can take that away.

Nehru is people like who remain in a Coma as 'Coolies'. The man Cheddie came  back to Guyana donned indian garments , joined the BGEIA , rose in position within the east indian organizations to position himself politically then, he tek aff he indian clothes , shredded his indianess and declared himself a marxist- Leninist , something yuh coolie parents and grandparents could not comprehend . All they knew de black skinned Berbice coolieman married was blue eye woman and that alone gave him the platform we wanted . You think Cheddie was some innocent socialist ! The man was conniving . He stopped going to mandhirs and even had recruited pandits with promises of power to join his party . He recruited guys like Burnham to neutralize indian leadership and organizations then you guys bytch about Burnham and the PNC . Hey 'Coolie' yuh is still ah 'Coolie' you have not evolved not progressed. You remind ah dem black people who think Burnham is Guyana Selassie, both blacks and indians were cast netted back into slavery and indentureship . Guyana is a friken orphan bai nah gat father nor mudda thanks to Cheddi and Burnham but , and I BUT , Guyana does have an american blue eye Maha Laksmi and her name is Janet Rosenberg . You think for one moment without janet , Cheddi wudda get as far as he did ? So fool I aint taking nuttin away from you , Jagan was never the father of the nation but 'coolies" like you are steeped in self delusion . Ya'll backside frfiken blackman even after he dead for decades . What a ra55 !

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Churchill:


 The resignation of Ralph Ramkarran from the PPP comes as no surprise, yet it is of great significance for the struggle for decency in public life and clean and accountable governance in Guyana.
Like me, Ralph has been with the PPP for literally his entire lifetime being the eldest son of one of the founders, "Boysie" Ramkarran.
Ralph best represented a moderate outlook fo...r the PPP, and was seen as a compromise candidate to succeed the late Jagans in both the party and state leadership, which was why I backed him in 2010 when I withdrew from the selection process for a presidential candidate. He was defeated by undemocratic methods and maligned, for taking his concerns about corruption public. This is a cardinal and key "sin", and it was a matter of time that, like the democrats before, he fell to the axe of the tiny and frightened clique of Stalinists who have hijacked the PPP.
They would try to get him back, and would make him debased offers as his resignation has taken the PPP to a point of detour from which there would be no return. A luta continua!   Moses Nagamootoo Sunday July 1st ,2012

Well Churchill, Janet gave us the current Stalanist cabal in an undemocratic way.  I don't pity you guys so much as you were all part and parcel of that organization.  However, I do pity the people of Guyana who have to deal with the fall-out from a myriad of bad judgements and decisions by both the Jagans.

yall PPPites and X pppites always laying full blame pun the Janet and always absolving Cheddi .  Listen guys wan ah dese days alyuh might see de light and know dat the reason Guyana is in such a mess is solely because of Cheddi jagan . not janet Jagan , not the CIA and not the British govt. The problem with yous guys is cannot accept blame and responsibility but yuh ready fuh throw blame pun other people . If PNC was fuh tek ova all alyuh would mout fiery words from FAR with the tails up your a55.

Yea bai, weh you get di idea me is a PPP or X-PPP.  Like you lashing daro early morning.

bannas marnin meh de in de gym not lashing daro yuh definitely throwing dung in the wind .

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Someone does not become a Neemakaram because they resign from a Party. When one resign in Passion and join the ENEMY because of frustration, that is a totally different matter.


Kid, You yourself need to wake up from your Coma and smell the Coffee. The Jagans dead and gone, keep blaming them(And that is all you doing casting blame)and you also are like the others. Jagan IS the FATHER of our Nation and no one can take that away.

So if he resign and go roll up in a corner and molt he is a hero.  If Ramkarran decide to go with the "enemy" different matter!  Now, tell me, who is the ENEMY?


The corrupt cabal is a direct political prodigy of the Jagans.  We are only one removed from their stewardship.  Don't we all still refer to LFSB, Hoyte, etc as the roots of Guyana's ills?

You dont know who the Emenies are??? Imagine these People beat Moses to almost death and now he in bed with them. Who is advocating for him to roll up in a corner. Read again what I posted.

Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend , he might be yuh next massa !

Originally Posted by Prashad:

I would say this to Ralph and all the other comrades who have left the party.  Put aside your differences and the past and work together to set up and build a PPP Jagan Party led by a Jagan that can contest the next election.

There goes another idiot the vicious cycle just never ends...stupidty begets more stupidity.


banna get past jagan , get past Burham , they are the architects of Guyana's demise . Grow a brain , take fish oil and other vitamins and hope it aint too late to grow a brain .

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Alternatively,  the time for a truly Patriotic National Front Government comprising of all progressive and untainted forces from all parties and all sectors of the nation, cannot be more opportune. Call it whatever you want but find a way to engage distillates of true patriots and decent folks from all parties who are willing and able to put aside personal egos and minor differences and work together for the common good of the Nation and all its inhabitants -  a very tall order  but not impossible.

A position I have always stated on GNI.

DG this was the modus operandi in the 1930's and 1940's but Jagan had other designs . The chance for resurrection of such is far in the future not today , not in our lifetime . The PPP and PNC have ruined accassion for such for generations . Gotta wait on the poison to drain from the Guyanese veins , the poison Jagan and Burnham and injected into the slaver minded blacks and coolie minded indians . Dont worry with Mara he like a kite , he does go in the direction of the wind. Coolie minded Indians were enslaved by the jagans and the PPP and the new kids on the PPP block capitalizing on it and now all alyuh 'coolie minded ' indians bytching , Payback is bytch eh ! Watch how dem black people kick Corbin to the curb can the coolie do that ? NO! no matter how many more Nagamootoos , Ramjattans and Ramkissoons defect . The masses of Indians need a braincleaning Right here on GNI you hear them , you see them and dem living in North American land of the free and the brave .

Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Alternatively,  the time for a truly Patriotic National Front Government comprising of all progressive and untainted forces from all parties and all sectors of the nation, cannot be more opportune. Call it whatever you want but find a way to engage distillates of true patriots and decent folks from all parties who are willing and able to put aside personal egos and minor differences and work together for the common good of the Nation and all its inhabitants -  a very tall order  but not impossible.

A position I have always stated on GNI.

DG this was the modus operandi in the 1930's and 1940's but Jagan had other designs.

It is a position I advocated with particular emphasis in 1959/1960 when I was involved with national debates and the specific one was titled .. "Guianisation of the public service is a prerequisite for Independence".

Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Alternatively,  the time for a truly Patriotic National Front Government comprising of all progressive and untainted forces from all parties and all sectors of the nation, cannot be more opportune. Call it whatever you want but find a way to engage distillates of true patriots and decent folks from all parties who are willing and able to put aside personal egos and minor differences and work together for the common good of the Nation and all its inhabitants -  a very tall order  but not impossible.

A position I have always stated on GNI.

DG this was the modus operandi in the 1930's and 1940's but Jagan had other designs . The chance for resurrection of such is far in the future not today , not in our lifetime . The PPP and PNC have ruined accassion for such for generations . Gotta wait on the poison to drain from the Guyanese veins , the poison Jagan and Burnham and injected into the slaver minded blacks and coolie minded indians . Dont worry with Mara he like a kite , he does go in the direction of the wind. Coolie minded Indians were enslaved by the jagans and the PPP and the new kids on the PPP block capitalizing on it and now all alyuh 'coolie minded ' indians bytching , Payback is bytch eh ! Watch how dem black people kick Corbin to the curb can the coolie do that ? NO! no matter how many more Nagamootoos , Ramjattans and Ramkissoons defect . The masses of Indians need a braincleaning Right here on GNI you hear them , you see them and dem living in North American land of the free and the brave .


  I  will  risk  being  sanctioned   here ,  but  I  just can't  sit  back  and  let this  one slide ! So e'rgo, HAUL  YOU  SKONT  DA SIDE! Who  is more  like  a  kite and  "  does go in the direction of the wind..."   than  the inimitable Kidmouse Von Soupie?  From  a PPP  Hero  in  1963  to the  GNS/  PNC  poster  boy &  Odo  lap  dog in  the  70s and  now a  rabid &  holier-than-thou critic  of  Jagan,  a  man  whose  backside you are  not qualified  to  wipe!

Stop  waging   the  battle  of  Grand  pappy  &  mama.  They clashed  with  a  true  champion  & patriot  and  emerged second  best, so nothing   the kiddy  does  shall ever  alter  that  fact! 


Mara take it easy there.  Kidmost put his life and livelihood on the line for the party.  That is something many others on this board never did so take it easy there.


I like Dr.Jagan myself.  I got no problem with him.  But I saw for myself how Janet behave sometimes.  It was not a pretty picture.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Ralph has resigned now what will Bayney do? The resignation of Ralph does not mean in the least that the PPP should worry. People come and go all the time. He wanted to be President so now he can pursue that. Best wishes to him.

Boysie Ramkarran quit the PPP party after a dispute with the Jagans.  But Ralph continued to be a member of the party. 

Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Ralph has resigned now what will Bayney do? The resignation of Ralph does not mean in the least that the PPP should worry. People come and go all the time. He wanted to be President so now he can pursue that. Best wishes to him.

Are we witnessing the infancy phases of the of the "neemakaramiztion" process of Mr Ramkarran?  Interesting developments.


So, you characterize the relationship of Mr Ramkarran with the PPP as "come and go?"


What is even more troubling is how it took these folks so long to finally see the corrupt ways of the PPP. All the while when they were drinking soup they were content, when the soup dried up they suddenly develop a conscience. They supported the PPP corruption for decades and now see the light. The question remains, what took them so long and why did they sell their souls for soup for all those years? I once posed the same question to GR and he threatened to sue. ahahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What is even more troubling is how it took these folks so long to finally see the corrupt ways of the PPP. All the while when they were drinking soup they were content, when the soup dried up they suddenly develop a conscience. They supported the PPP corruption for decades and now see the light. The question remains, what took them so long and why did they sell their souls for soup for all those years? I once posed the same question to GR and he threatened to sue. ahahahah

Who would he have sued, your Avatar, and in which court, US of Guyana?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Well Churchill, Janet gave us the current Stalanist cabal in an undemocratic way.  I don't pity you guys so much as you were all part and parcel of that organization.  However, I do pity the people of Guyana who have to deal with the fall-out from a myriad of bad judgements and decisions by both the Jagans.

The Jagans dead Nah????

Do you understand the meaning of the word "legacy?"

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . enslave Indians once again for the next 50 years.

Goebbels-speak of a bottom line HEGEMONIC racist!


The mirror’s take on evil . . .

Hey Reduce, were you one of those ex-GDF PNC campaigners propagating the return to power "forever" mantra last election?  Guyana should never return to a pre-1992 disposition.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What is even more troubling is how it took these folks so long to finally see the corrupt ways of the PPP. All the while when they were drinking soup they were content, when the soup dried up they suddenly develop a conscience. They supported the PPP corruption for decades and now see the light. The question remains, what took them so long and why did they sell their souls for soup for all those years? I once posed the same question to GR and he threatened to sue. ahahahah

Who would he have sued, your Avatar, and in which court, US of Guyana?

Of course he was bluffing but this is the mindset of these creeps who rob and plunder when they were in the soup line. When they have a falling out with their cronies and the soup dry up they suddenly are model citizens with a conscience. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What is even more troubling is how it took these folks so long to finally see the corrupt ways of the PPP. All the while when they were drinking soup they were content, when the soup dried up they suddenly develop a conscience. They supported the PPP corruption for decades and now see the light. The question remains, what took them so long and why did they sell their souls for soup for all those years? I once posed the same question to GR and he threatened to sue. ahahahah

Who would he have sued, your Avatar, and in which court, US of Guyana?

Of course he was bluffing but this is the mindset of these creeps who rob and plunder when they were in the soup line. When they have a falling out with their cronies and the soup dry up they suddenly are model citizens with a conscience. 

I don't know if it's as simple as that.  People are loyal to a team and tolerate certain deviations and hope to influence change from within.  There comes a point when this becomes futile and they break ranks.


That being said, you are correct, he was part and parcel of the corrupt Jagan/Jadeo cabal and one wonders why it took so long.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Alternatively,  the time for a truly Patriotic National Front Government comprising of all progressive and untainted forces from all parties and all sectors of the nation, cannot be more opportune. Call it whatever you want but find a way to engage distillates of true patriots and decent folks from all parties who are willing and able to put aside personal egos and minor differences and work together for the common good of the Nation and all its inhabitants -  a very tall order  but not impossible.

A position I have always stated on GNI.

DG this was the modus operandi in the 1930's and 1940's but Jagan had other designs.

It is a position I advocated with particular emphasis in 1959/1960 when I was involved with national debates and the specific one was titled .. "Guianisation of the public service is a prerequisite for Independence".

what exactly does "Guianisation of the public service is a prerequisite for Independence", mean?

Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It is a position I advocated with particular emphasis in 1959/1960 when I was involved with national debates and the specific one was titled .. "Guianisation of the public service is a prerequisite for Independence".

what exactly does "Guianisation of the public service is a prerequisite for Independence", mean?

Good question!

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Alternatively,  the time for a truly Patriotic National Front Government comprising of all progressive and untainted forces from all parties and all sectors of the nation, cannot be more opportune. Call it whatever you want but find a way to engage distillates of true patriots and decent folks from all parties who are willing and able to put aside personal egos and minor differences and work together for the common good of the Nation and all its inhabitants -  a very tall order  but not impossible.

A position I have always stated on GNI.

DG this was the modus operandi in the 1930's and 1940's but Jagan had other designs . The chance for resurrection of such is far in the future not today , not in our lifetime . The PPP and PNC have ruined accassion for such for generations . Gotta wait on the poison to drain from the Guyanese veins , the poison Jagan and Burnham and injected into the slaver minded blacks and coolie minded indians . Dont worry with Mara he like a kite , he does go in the direction of the wind. Coolie minded Indians were enslaved by the jagans and the PPP and the new kids on the PPP block capitalizing on it and now all alyuh 'coolie minded ' indians bytching , Payback is bytch eh ! Watch how dem black people kick Corbin to the curb can the coolie do that ? NO! no matter how many more Nagamootoos , Ramjattans and Ramkissoons defect . The masses of Indians need a braincleaning Right here on GNI you hear them , you see them and dem living in North American land of the free and the brave .


  I  will  risk  being  sanctioned   here ,  but  I  just can't  sit  back  and  let this  one slide ! So e'rgo, HAUL  YOU  SKONT  DA SIDE! Who  is more  like  a  kite and  "  does go in the direction of the wind..."   than  the inimitable Kidmouse Von Soupie?  From  a PPP  Hero  in  1963  to the  GNS/  PNC  poster  boy &  Odo  lap  dog in  the  70s and  now a  rabid &  holier-than-thou critic  of  Jagan,  a  man  whose  backside you are  not qualified  to  wipe!

Stop  waging   the  battle  of  Grand  pappy  &  mama.  They clashed  with  a  true  champion  & patriot  and  emerged second  best, so nothing   the kiddy  does  shall ever  alter  that  fact! 

bannas I will personally plead your case of admin sanctions you but please ,you see me waging anyone's battle ?  Dude , Guyana is country of lost battles and wars -Guys like you cannot admit you were bamboozled by Cheddi and Blue Eye Bhowjie . Even with Cheddi Jagan back in office back 1in 1992 ya'll could not even return to Guyana to fight side by side with him because ya'll know the PPP is a basket case and once you got the good taste of massa lifestyle you could not go back into the political gutters of Guyana . I biggest regret is GNS did not happen earlier so guys like you could have been recruited then , then , maybe 'some' indians might have had the gumption to stay and fight rather than cut and run . Many of you on GNA are HYPOCRITS! you got beat and lost under the PPP and blame everyone . This is the neemakaraam bhajan they gat guys like singing . Now put this fact and truth in your pipe and smoke it - Cheddi Jagan is the architect of the destruction of any viable political amalgam - nowadays alyuh gat different names for it but the principle is the same. When Cheddi faced real opposition he ran back to the same political amalgam he destroyed to get the UK and USA to accept him. Cheddi was a member of the BGEIA he used to war indian clothes and visit mandhirs and masjids and stopped doing so yet you could have found him in christian churches with suit and tie . I know is haaard Maraman but time to accept ya'll been HAD ! Bamboozled ! Cheddi and Janet gave you guys such a mind F63k you cannot recouperate from it . There is no altering of facts by me but there is sure a lot of memory loss on your part . Happy 4th July .

Is a baaad ting when people been HAD , know they been HAD and cant accept it . Mara you been HAD bai rest yuh old soul.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . enslave Indians once again for the next 50 years.

Goebbels-speak of a bottom line HEGEMONIC racist!


The mirror’s take on evil . . .

Hey Reduce, were you one of those ex-GDF PNC campaigners propagating the return to power "forever" mantra last election?  Guyana should never return to a pre-1992 disposition.

I do not doubt that the "ex-GDF PNC campaigners" said exactly what you say they said; further, your sentiment(s) on the "pre-1992 disposition" thing is shared by [let's say] 95%? of the population . . . So, what's next in your DIVERSIONARY lineup - a discourse on the evil PNCee constitution??


NOW that I have closed off your not so cleverly constructed little DETOUR, let's get back to the little channa bomb I spotlighted in your earlier post [like any good terrorist, you've figured that, after 24 hrs, the smell of gasoline on your person has subsided . . . fortunately, I'M paying attention].


Your fingers STILL smell Herr Doktor!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . enslave Indians once again for the next 50 years.

Goebbels-speak of a bottom line HEGEMONIC racist!


The mirror’s take on evil . . .

Hey Reduce, were you one of those ex-GDF PNC campaigners propagating the return to power "forever" mantra last election?  Guyana should never return to a pre-1992 disposition.

I do not doubt that the "ex-GDF PNC campaigners" said exactly what you say they said; further, your sentiment(s) on the "pre-1992 disposition" thing is shared by [let's say] 95%? of the population . . . So, what's next in your DIVERSIONARY lineup - a discourse on the evil PNCee constitution??


NOW that I have closed off your not so cleverly constructed little DETOUR, let's get back to the little channa bomb I spotlighted in your earlier post [like any good terrorist, you've figured that, after 24 hrs, the smell of gasoline on your person has subsided . . . fortunately, I'M paying attention].


Your fingers STILL smell Herr Doktor!

No diversion my man.  The PPP will continue to get away with a lot due to this and of course, YOU are one who get hopping mad at the suggestion of the removal of the GDF from political control and influence.  It all dove-tails, unless you are too arrogant or dumb to see it.  Connect the dots, you clown.

Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

There are still some rough edges in the PPP to smooth out. What Ralph Ramkarran did was admirable. He's a long-serving politician in the PPP, and it's sad that he had to resign. However, what he said about corruption need to be taken very seriously. Corruption is not an easy task to deal with when the practice is embedded in Guyanese psyche for generation. It's actually a way of life that became a second nature. To be fair, President Ramotar needs the space to concentrate on this issue and make a sound decision on what course of action is necessary to elevate the situation. This will take a long process, but it will never get rid of corruption totally. This should be a joint effort since every member of the three parties are no stranger to corruption. This is definitely not a PPP issue; it's an issue that burned the Guyanese society for many decades.         


Baseman: Ramkarran will not receive the brand of neemakaramism.You jump the gun.  



You ABIDHA will be one of the first calling him neemakaram as you have called Moses using one of your many handles. If Ramkarran takes up a political role I will remind you when you call him such.

Tar_k, If I said Ramkarran will not receive the brand of neemakaramism, it's not going to be said by me. You will never have to remind me. Yes, I branded Moses for breaking his promise to the Guyanese people when he said he will have to be a neemakaram to join the AFC. So, where is Moses now? Moreover, Moses voted for the budget cut against the working class that Jagan had struggled his entire to protect. If Moses says he is a mantle of Jagan, he's lying.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

There are still some rough edges in the PPP to smooth out. What Ralph Ramkarran did was admirable. He's a long-serving politician in the PPP, and it's sad that he had to resign. However, what he said about corruption need to be taken very seriously. Corruption is not an easy task to deal with when the practice is embedded in Guyanese psyche for generation. It's actually a way of life that became a second nature. To be fair, President Ramotar needs the space to concentrate on this issue and make a sound decision on what course of action is necessary to elevate the situation. This will take a long process, but it will never get rid of corruption totally. This should be a joint effort since every member of the three parties are no stranger to corruption. This is definitely not a PPP issue; it's an issue that burned the Guyanese society for many decades.         


Baseman: Ramkarran will not receive the brand of neemakaramism.You jump the gun.  



You ABIDHA will be one of the first calling him neemakaram as you have called Moses using one of your many handles. If Ramkarran takes up a political role I will remind you when you call him such.

Tar_k, If I said Ramkarran will not receive the brand of neemakaramism, it's not going to be said by me. You will never have to remind me. Yes, I branded Moses for breaking his promise to the Guyanese people when he said he will have to be a neemakaram to join the AFC. So, where is Moses now? Moreover, Moses voted for the budget cut against the working class that Jagan had struggled his entire to protect. If Moses says he is a mantle of Jagan, he's lying.



You must be one of those able to build a half a million US$ home in Guyana on Minister salary and perks. You don't understand the difference between a padded budget and a working class budget.

Originally Posted by Daren David:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Ow Bhai, I tell Kid not to start drinking PISS early. Al Yuh forgive him.

When did Boysie Ramkarran quit the PPP? This is the first time I am hearing this!

I know Boysie may have had some problems with the Jagans near the end of his political life.  Yesterday Kaieteur newspaper  said he had quit the PPP party.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by kidmost:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It is a position I advocated with particular emphasis in 1959/1960 when I was involved with national debates and the specific one was titled .. "Guianisation of the public service is a prerequisite for Independence".

what exactly does "Guianisation of the public service is a prerequisite for Independence", mean?

Good question!

Extremely simple .. in other words ..


"Guianese must hold every position in the services before the country obtains indpendence."


Now, check the records for the Patrick Dargan Debates and compare the original title.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This in-fighting is all about leadership and it can only be resolved through an election. All this talk about corruption is just a smokescreen to the real issue. Ralph and others can demand at the next congress that there be an election to decide who will be party leader and the presidential candidate.

I'm sure his resignation meant he saw no other option.


We are reading too much into this resignation. Ralph has presidential ambitions and good luck to him. He is a speaker reject who was not even considered by the combined opposition.


His political future has ended and he should retire. Politicians from all political parties are the same......... political ambition.


His departure will not have a major impact in the political arena.


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