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Originally Posted by Wally:

This is shocking news for me.  I always liked Ralph.  But I always liked Donald also.  I hope he changes his mind and come back.  If the party can find it in their hearts to forgive Narvin and take him back then they can find it in their hearts to bring back Ralph and Moses.  It is truely a sad day for me.

The party is like the parrot who larn to cuss. Good and decent men in the PPP became few. They are outnumbered.  

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Wally:

This is shocking news for me.  I always liked Ralph.  But I always liked Donald also.  I hope he changes his mind and come back.  If the party can find it in their hearts to forgive Narvin and take him back then they can find it in their hearts to bring back Ralph and Moses.  It is truely a sad day for me.

The party is like the parrot who larn to cuss. Good and decent men in the PPP became few. They are outnumbered.  

 I   believe  that  there  are still good  &  decent  men  &  women  within  the  PPP.  Unfortunately  they  all  seems  to  lose their  voice when  it  was important  for  them  to  speak  up.

 First  it  was  Joseph  O'Lal,  then  Khemraj  Ramjattan,  then Moses  Nagamottoo  &  Ragindra  Bisessar and  now  poor  Ralphie!   So, who  is  next?


When they came for the communists, I remained silent;
 Because I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent;
Because I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out;
Because I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews, I remained silent;
Because I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.


Martin  Niemoller


Ralph Ramkarran will not rescind resignation- sourcesPDF | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Tuesday, 03 July 2012 15:46
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Former veteran Peoples Progressive Party member, Ralph Ramkarran is highly unlikely to rescind his resignation, despite an apology by an executive member for insulting remarks.

Ramkarran, when approached by reporters, refused to be drawn into comment on whether he would pull back his June 30 resignation now that the unnamed member has apologised.

“I have absolutely nothing to say on this or otherwiseâ€ĶI’m not saying anything, whether the options or closed,” he said. Ramkarran stayed silent when asked whether it would be bad to “go back” to the PPP.

However, sources close to him have told Demerara Waves Online News ( that he is “done with that” and his resignation stands.

His decision not to rejoin the party has been made despite urgings by senior PPP members and others outside the party that he has served for more than 40 years.

DemWaves has been told that at least two senior party members, who are Office of the President functionaries, had harsh words for Ramkarran over an article on rampant corruption that had been published in the PPP-aligned Mirror newspaper.

The PPP has issued two statements so far, both saying that efforts are being made to reconcile differences between Ramkarran and the party.

Sources close to Ramkarran are also confident that he would not be joining the Alliance For Change (AFC) although that party values his wide ranging experience, integrity and respect among professionals and the middle class.


“I have absolutely nothing to say on this or otherwise â€Ķ I’m not saying anything, whether the options or closed,” he said.

Ramkarran stayed silent when asked whether it would be bad to “go back” to the PPP.

The principled Ralph Ramkarran I know, since as friends at Central High School.

Originally Posted by Churchill:


 The resignation of Ralph Ramkarran from the PPP comes as no surprise, yet it is of great significance for the struggle for decency in public life and clean and accountable governance in Guyana.
Like me, Ralph has been with the PPP for literally his entire lifetime being the eldest son of one of the founders, "Boysie" Ramkarran.
Ralph best represented a moderate outlook fo...r the PPP, and was seen as a compromise candidate to succeed the late Jagans in both the party and state leadership, which was why I backed him in 2010 when I withdrew from the selection process for a presidential candidate. He was defeated by undemocratic methods and maligned, for taking his concerns about corruption public. This is a cardinal and key "sin", and it was a matter of time that, like the democrats before, he fell to the axe of the tiny and frightened clique of Stalinists who have hijacked the PPP.
They would try to get him back, and would make him debased offers as his resignation has taken the PPP to a point of detour from which there would be no return. A luta continua!   Moses Nagamootoo Sunday July 1st ,2012

It is like the split of 1954. The moderates and extremists parted company. And in 2012, you name them as Stalinists


The PPP HAS NEVER been a cohesive political party. They have always been a coalition.


Unfortunate for the masses in the rural areas who are the salt and back bone of the PPP, the boys of Georgetown doan bother about them after the elections.


How many villagers can tell Freedom House that they are lacking?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

“I have absolutely nothing to say on this or otherwise â€Ķ I’m not saying anything, whether the options or closed,” he said.

Ramkarran stayed silent when asked whether it would be bad to “go back” to the PPP.

The principled Ralph Ramkarran I know, since as friends at Central High School.

And here  is  to eternal  hope that you  will  get  off  the  fence and  roundly  condemn the scalawags that forced the departure of  the "The principled Ralph Ramkarran I know, since as friends at Central High School." from  an  organization  he  faithfully  served  for  over  40  years.   


You know rascal  always   interpret the  silence of  good   folks as  tacit  support of  their vile actions. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Uncle Kidmos stuck in the 20's and 30's . sound like he playing poker or blackjack.

Me stuck in the past ? thats a joke ! You guys lamenting over political dinosaurs who are the architects of guyana's demise and in search of a solution you are now looking at what could have been had Jagan and the PPP not destroyed the chance . First thing to advancing in life is to recognize , know and understand your strengths and assets , mistakes and missed opportunities something neither you PPP and Xpppites have the honesty to do. Problem is neither you guys and the guyanese have access to a truthful political history because both the PPP and PNC have shaped and determined your political mindsets hence , none are able to think objectively. Start with searching for the TRUTH , find it then, you will understand why you bought into the lies/propaganda. I read posts on GNI and eslewhere and I can say without reservation most of you are still reflecting and echoing PPP and PNC propaganda from the 1950's and that IS the ENEMY today.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This in-fighting is all about leadership and it can only be resolved through an election. All this talk about corruption is just a smokescreen to the real issue. Ralph and others can demand at the next congress that there be an election to decide who will be party leader and the presidential candidate.

The party Dinosaurs feel entitled in order of seniority and the young ones are all about the rewards, perks etc . The pary is a cesspool of maggots and worms the former the young one feeding off the latter the dinosaurs. An election would not resolve such issues because the party itself needs to review their philosophy , principles etc .

Originally Posted by Prashad:



Martin Carter was a friend of mine and I detest to my core the fact that you (a paid agent of evil in its first degree) is using his unblemished name on this board.   

would be that angry is he used Cheddie jagan or Forbes Burnham ?

Martin is as fair game as both these leaders.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Churchill:


 The resignation of Ralph Ramkarran from the PPP comes as no surprise, yet it is of great significance for the struggle for decency in public life and clean and accountable governance in Guyana.
Like me, Ralph has been with the PPP for literally his entire lifetime being the eldest son of one of the founders, "Boysie" Ramkarran.
Ralph best represented a moderate outlook fo...r the PPP, and was seen as a compromise candidate to succeed the late Jagans in both the party and state leadership, which was why I backed him in 2010 when I withdrew from the selection process for a presidential candidate. He was defeated by undemocratic methods and maligned, for taking his concerns about corruption public. This is a cardinal and key "sin", and it was a matter of time that, like the democrats before, he fell to the axe of the tiny and frightened clique of Stalinists who have hijacked the PPP.
They would try to get him back, and would make him debased offers as his resignation has taken the PPP to a point of detour from which there would be no return. A luta continua!   Moses Nagamootoo Sunday July 1st ,2012

It is like the split of 1954. The moderates and extremists parted company. And in 2012, you name them as Stalinists


The PPP HAS NEVER been a cohesive political party. They have always been a coalition.


Unfortunate for the masses in the rural areas who are the salt and back bone of the PPP, the boys of Georgetown doan bother about them after the elections.


How many villagers can tell Freedom House that they are lacking?

"The PPP HAS NEVER been a cohesive political party. They have always been a coalition."


are you serious ?????????????????????????????????

Originally Posted by Daren David:

I don't think that Ralph will withdraw his resignation. More resignations or "walking aways" will occur if the party don't get rid of its main obstacle who is causing all the problems, not only for the old guards but also many younger members who voice opinions against corruption and poor governance.



Well after this article Darren David.


Ralphie cannot come back. The door is now shut tight.


What will he do, play with granchildren or join with Moses and form the third front?


I think Ralphie and Moses together with a credible group of afro-guyanese and some credible amerindians, the PPP can get a run for their money.


Will the AFC allow such an influx of big guns into their HOUSE?



Last edited by Former Member

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee on Monday offered no comment on the stinging article written by former Speaker and former PPP Executive Member Ralph Ramkarran on the grip that former President Bharrat Jagdeo is trying to keep on the party and the Government.

At a Monday morning press conference, Mr. Rohee simply said “I am not dealing with that this morning”, when asked for his position on the Ramkarran article. Just last Monday, Mr. Rohee when asked to comment on stories carried by the Guyana Times and the Guyana Chronicle pushing a Jagdeo 3rd term, declared that the PPP was behind President Donald Ramotar. Mr. Jagdeo is constitutionally barred from seeking the Presidential Office again, but some of his close friends have been trying to tell the party supporters that Jagdeo would be best to lead the PPP and the Government again.

The articles triggered a probe by the Office of the President into how the Guyana Chronicle published the story that was reportedly based on a bogus poll and came one day after the Guyana Times carried the same story. The Guyana Times is owned by Mr. Jagdeo’s  best friend.

Writing on his blog Conversation Tree, the former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran sought to explain the Jagdeo obsession with power and why some of his close friends may be pushing an agenda to rally support to get him back in charge of the Government and the PPP.

Mr. Ramkarran said “President Ramotar is now paying the price for inaction, which will probably continue and which will become increasingly costly. Dr. Jagdeo, salivating for office, is not going to give up against President Ramotar and the PPP who are not his comrades, but instruments of his now monumental ego and ambition. Scheming has been perfected into a high art.”

Ramkarran who served as Speaker of the National Assembly but never got a cabinet position under the Jagdeo presidency also wrote that “Dr. Jagdeo, who now has nothing but contempt for the alleged failings of the leadership of the PPP and of the Government, arrogantly sees little obstacle in his path even though, as one comrade told him immediately after the elections in 2011, ‘it was your mansion and pension that caused the loss.’ The comrade, deprived of high office as a consequence, omitted the cussing out, loud music, lewd dancing, big rallies and years of hostility to sugar workers, all designed by the genius”.

President Donald Ramotar is believed to be very upset by the newspapers article since he believes, according to sources, that they bring his management of the Government into question and come across as disrespectful. Ramkarran who is also a Senior Counsel believes there is one way that the President could deal with the challenges that appear to be coming his way.

“Unless the Jagdeo grip on the throat of the Party and Government is prised open by President Ramotar, finger by finger, and he nurtures the leaders mentioned above, and they in turn show some political courage, the intellectual successors of Dr. Jagdeo will eventually inherit the leadership of the Party and Government, and he and they will have the last laugh”, he wrote.

The full article on The Jagdeo Challenge could be read on the Conversation Tree Blog by following the link

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by martin Carter:

Ralph has resigned now what will Bayney do? The resignation of Ralph does not mean in the least that the PPP should worry. People come and go all the time. He wanted to be President so now he can pursue that. Best wishes to him.

Boysie Ramkarran quit the PPP party after a dispute with the Jagans.  But Ralph continued to be a member of the party. 

Wally, I was told so too.  Even OLD Ramjattan from Berbice had walked away from the party but their children remain with the party.



Originally Posted by Mara:
The  resignation of Ralph  Ramkarran from  the  PPP, is  perhaps  one  of the  most significant event  since  the passing  of  Cheddi Jagan and would  be remember as  a  water-mark event in  the  history  of  the  party and its future  as  the  vanguard political  institution  of  the  nation.
As some  have  indicated already,  the  label  of  neemakharam,  opportunist, self  centered,  lazy   and  other   degrading  terms would  not  suffice as  in  the  past  with  Ramjattan, Nagamottoo,  Bissessar and  so many  others in  recent  time.

MR. Nagamoottoo  correctly pointed  out that  this  resignation "has taken the PPP to a point of detour from which there would be no return and   the  way it  is  handled  would chart the  course for  the  future of  both  the  party  and  the  nation as  a  whole"
If  their  past  action is an accurate  barometer of  how  the  PPP   deal  with crisis  and  internal conflicts,  I  would bet that a  half  assed  attempt would  be  made  by  the handful of 'frightened' Stalinist  curroptcrats  having  control  of  the  party  apparatchik to  entice  Mr. Ramkarran back .  When  that  failed, and most  certainly  it  would,  the long  knives, swords dagger  would  be  drawn, but  it  would not  find its  mark on  this  occasion. We  will  continue  to  see  the  unravelling  of  the strong  bond, strand  by  strand  that endured for  over  six  decades.

For better or for  worse,  Mr.  Ramkarran's  resignation represent  a  game  changer  for Guyana  politics. For  better, if  those with any  modicum of honesty,  decency  and  conscience within  the party can  muster  the  courage  and  intestinal fortitude to confront  the  demons  within and  excise  the  gangrenous organs within  their  body  politics and  purge  the PPP of  the  parasites,  leaches  and  dead  weights.  I seriously  doubt that  this  would  happen or  even  possible  at  this late  stage. Alternatively,  the  time  for  a  truly Patriotic  National Front  Government comprising   of  all  progressive  and  untainted forces from   all parties and  all  sectors of  the  nation, cannot  be more opportune. Call it  whatever  you  want but  find  a  way  to  engage    distillates of  true  patriots and  decent  folks  from all parties who  are  willing and able to  put aside personal  egos and  minor  differences and   work together for  the  common  good  of  the  Nation and all its  inhabitants -  a  very  tall  order  but  not  impossible.

Finally,  we  can continue with  the status quo and  ignore the  obvious, where   the seepage and  stench  of   corruption becomes  a  rivulet and  continues unchecked with catastrophic consequences for  the nation.         


The three year anniversary since Ralph Ramkarran left the PPP is slowly but surely coming up.


It would seem the dedication to the PPP is still there for some.

If these people clean up their act, they can form a majority government everytime like they did in the 60s, but they all became too self-serving and ignoring the voters rights to a safe and worry free living.

After decades, the people's frustrations are great and most PPP supporters see the AFC as a better option.

Sincerity and trust are important, the PPP lost that a long time ago with Jagdeo.   


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