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@kp posted:

Me see wan Ram Goat suspend Baseman, me never hear about this Goat before, he show up and tun Administrator.  This place nah funny fuh days.

 Django bring all kind Animals in this Farm, Animal Farm.

Let's explain ,Ram is the legal owner of the Forum ,also an administrator. Legal name is a requirement .

Django is just the name used for blogging like any one else ,a name used since 2001 on the forum.  Noticeable you are trying to make fun of the owner of the site, is that acceptable ?

There are few troublemakers who seems to have an axe to grind since the Forum  changed ownership.

Last edited by Django

Some people still don't realize that an individual own this site and a privilege is granted for them to post here, where rules are to be followed.  Until they get suspended and others beg for them to return.

I am sure they don't invite a person to their house, where they allow them to make their own rules and criticize the owner.

@Django posted:

Let's explain ,Ram is the legal owner of the Forum ,also an administrator. Legal name is a requirement .

Django is just the name used for blogging like any one else ,a name used since 2001 on the forum.  Noticeable you are trying to make fun of the owner of the site, is that acceptable ?

There are few troublemakers who seems to have an axe to grind since the Forum  changed ownership.

First I thought you lease out your handle. If Django and Ram is the same person, well, explain to the Forum, We are not Mind readers.

 Yes, I like making fun, I don't CUSS down anyone.

@Tola posted:

Some people still don't realize that an individual own this site and a privilege is granted for them to post here, where rules are to be followed.  Until they get suspended and others beg for them to return.

I am sure they don't invite a person to their house, where they allow them to make their own rules and criticize the owner.

  Listen!! stick to your corner. This is not your House, this is a Public Forum.

@Tola posted:

Some people still don't realize that an individual own this site and a privilege is granted for them to post here, where rules are to be followed.  Until they get suspended and others beg for them to return.

I am sure they don't invite a person to their house, where they allow them to make their own rules and criticize the owner.

Put your house in order then we can talk. 

@kp posted:

First I thought you lease out your handle. If Django and Ram is the same person, well, explain to the Forum, We are not Mind readers.

 Yes, I like making fun, I don't CUSS down anyone.

Wasting your thoughts ,why would my handle be leased ? Emails have to be received ,when reports are made ,or any other issue with the forum, the owner have to be member for such to happen. My name was mentioned a while ago on the forum.

It's obvious you wanted to take a pot shot ,instead of inquiring who is the Member /Administrator.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Owned by someone who gives the privileges ,and  that person must accept abuses ,is that so ?

Owner can't say a word , just have to go with the flow ,never in history have seen such disregard for what's provided from an individual generosity .

You may hate me for saying this. You used to roll in the mud with the same posters  until you took over a site that was already develop and expect to earn respect over night and still share your biased views. You cannot bully your way to earn that respect Sir. You need to recognized your short coming, you constantly call PPP supporters sheeple and has allowed the PNC supporters to insult PPP supporters, then speak of protocol. It is not easy for people to suddenly switch how they are accustomed to viewing another and you has given enough people  reason to disrespect you.

@Former Member posted:

You may hate me for saying this. You used to roll in the mud with the same posters  until you took over a site that was already develop and expect to earn respect over night and still share your biased views. You cannot bully your way to earn that respect Sir. You need to recognized your short coming, you constantly call PPP supporters sheeple and has allowed the PNC supporters to insult PPP supporters, then speak of protocol. It is not easy for people to suddenly switch how they are accustomed to viewing another and you has given enough people  reason to disrespect you.

You can always run away. Wondering who will follow you. 

@Former Member posted:

You may hate me for saying this. You used to roll in the mud with the same posters  until you took over a site that was already develop and expect to earn respect over night and still share your biased views.

 You cannot bully your way to earn that respect Sir. You need to recognized your short coming, you constantly call PPP supporters sheeple and has allowed the PNC supporters to insult PPP supporters, then speak of protocol.

It is not easy for people to suddenly switch how they are accustomed to viewing another and you has given enough people  reason to disrespect you.

Young man ,you are a new comer ,preferably go the the archives and revisit my post portraying disrespect for posters on the forum ,maybe out of frustration  on a few occasion with the usual rants from Nehru ,i have reciprocated.

For some folks when others aren't not conforming to their beliefs and agendas , they are considered biased. From the time  the opportunity  was given to become an admin of the forum to owning , to my belief my performance was fair ,I would appreciate your listing of PNC supporters  on the forum.

As mentioned ,this forum wasn't created for PPP ,PNC or any other political party its open to all ,most of the members here are pro -PPP ,who don't like to be confronted ,if you aren't with them ,you belong to the other side .The word sheeple isn't humongous derogatory in contrast to what other people are being labeled .

There is space for everyone in this world for all ethnic groups ,to subscribe to their beliefs and cultures. People should not condemn and try to push their beliefs and cultures as superior . If this view is called biasness ,will surely wear the label.

Regarding bullying my way ,was never raised that way , I am providing a venue out of my generosity for people to express their views ,that to my mind deserves some respect ,nothing else, don't need to be on a pedestal.

Finally the post below is presumably acceptable ? Also will await the list of PNC members on the forum,then will close this thread.

@Former Member posted:

Listen dumb ass. 

Django made an allegation of persons making vulgar remarks to Rochelle and playing his usual Black card.  I asked him to point it out and he ran like an antiman, just like you.

Point out the vulgar remark.  It's he who said it!

Almost all your post and fake sh1t, just like your suicide missions.  How about your Chiney, Jappy, Pakky split personalities?  Hope they learning good democracy in Guyana!

GECOM chair urges dismissal of case seeking to stop declaration

Last edited by Django
@alena06 posted:

Agreed Django owns the forum, but he should not discriminate against PPP supporters.  Free speech should be allowed on this forum.  Everyone’s point of view counts.  

@Former Member posted:

I did not make any discrimination allegations against Django. I just express my opinions from time to time.

My questions were directed to Alena's allegations.

1> she is insinuating that Django discriminates against PPP supoorters.

2> she is insinuating that free speech is not allowed on the forum.

Do you agree with the above allegations?


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