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Ramadan is near, its near
Ramadan oh so dear, so dear

During this month we must fast
Opportunity for our good deeds to amass

From food and drink we abstain
Satan this month is put on a chain

Wake late in the night for Tahajjud
Pray like you really truly should

Duas at this early hour readily accepted
Almighty ALLAH hears all, the Most Elevated

Then eat your delicious sehri food
Throughout the day don’t be in a mood

Muslims fast all over worldwide
Rewards in this month multiplied

Your eyes will soon open up wide
Looking at all those foods fried

But don’t just anxiously await the iftaar
Make dua, ask to be kept from sins afar

Recite the Holy Qur’an much
Each and every sunnah try to clutch

Make good speech your norm
Extra Nawafil Salah do perform

Having kept your fast during the da


Balil-laha fa'bod wakum minash-shakireen.Worship Allah, and be of those who give thanks. Quran 39:66

Tabarakasmo rabbika thil jalali wal ikram.Blessed be the name of thy Lord, full of Majesty, Bounty, and Honor. Quran 55:78

Fasabbih bismi rabbikal azeem.So celebrate with praises the name of thy Lord, the Supreme. Quran 59:56

Alhamdu lillahil lathi hadana lihatha wama kunna linahtadiya laola an hadanallah.Praise be to Allah, who has guided us to this. Never could we have found guidance, had it not been for the guidance of Allah. Quran 7:43

Wahowallaho lailahaillahu. Lahol hamdo fil oola walakhirah. Walahol hukmu wa'ilayhi turja'oon. And He is Allah, there is no god but He. To Him be praise, at the first and at the last. For Him is the command, and to Him shall you be brought back. Quran 28:70

RAMADAN IS ALWAYS A MONTH OF FORGIVENESS, REDEMPTION & MERCY- Acting President of Guyana, Samuel Hinds joins Muslims in breaking of Fast at ACIC
President of Guyana (Ag), H.E. Mr. Samuel Hinds stated that the Holy Month of Ramadan has always given the Guyanese nation moments of great national significance. He expressed these words while joining with the Muslim community, as well as representatives of other religions, in the breaking of the Ramadan Fast at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex (ACIC) on Saturday last. President (Ag) Hinds joined the Muslims of Guyana and worldwide in welcoming the month of Ramadan, stating that he has no doubt that the Muslims of Guyana will continue to live up to the divine ideals of this month. Emphasizing on Guyana’s renowned and enduring quality of our religious tolerance, Mr. Hinds lauded the respect shown to the religious beliefs and practices of all religions in Guyana by the different religious groups. He particularly complimented the Christian community in being part of the event. The event was also attended by visiting Sunni Muslim scholar from Pakistan, Maulana Muhammad Mujahid, a graduate of Kinzul Iman Islamic College in Pakistan, and fellow Pakistani Bro. Muhammad Azam Ali.  The Scholars are here in Guyana as guests of the ACIC.
President General of ACIC, Hakeem Khan, expressed Ramadan Greeting to the people of Guyana, especially Muslims and stated that the fast is performed for no other reason than to learn discipline, self-restraint and generosity, while obeying God's commandments. He also stated that it is also a time when people of other faiths can learn more about Islam, the great benefits that it offers to mankind and the enormous contributions made by Muslims to human civilization. He opined that Ramadan, each year, brings a promise of renewal and hope for the world. β€œAs we focus this year on self-restraint, prayers and acts of charity to achieve self-reform, these acts must be taken to the wider community. We cannot totally reform ourselves without reforming the communities we live in”.
President of the Guyana Islamic Forum, Hajji Roshan Khan, expounded on the great similarities between the various religions of the world and drew similarities in the teachings of Islam and other faiths. He lauded the government for the many measures taken and maintained to ensure that the various religious communities in Guyana can live and exist with each other in harmony and peace and free to practice their teachings.
Imam of the Meten Meer Zorg Masjid, Imam Haleem Khan and President of the Al Fasilliah Fraternity of Guyana, Bro. Roy Ahmad Van Tholl and Pastor Jeffrey also spoke at the short program which included Qaseedas, Messages, Quranic Exhortations etc. President (Ag) Hinds and the other guests joined the gathering in the breaking of the fast as well as the praying of the Maghrib Salaat (Prayers) before participating in the Dinner.
ACIC is Guyana’s leading Muslim Center and venue of more that 80% of all national Muslim programs held in Guyana and serves as the hub for the international cooperation between the Muslims of Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago, Canada, Holland, England and USA. The program was organized by The Anna Catherina Islamic Complex and the Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman.
Public Relations Officer

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