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Holy Quran

On this first day of this blessed month I extend Ramadan Mubarak to each and everyone. The days are very long because it is now summer so I pray for all who are fasting for Allah to make it easy on all of us. I further pray that all of our fasts and ibadahs are accepted.Let us pray for the sick and elderly and remember our loved ones who are no longer with us.

Ramadan Mubarak! Ramadan Kareem!

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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The month of the Imitation Fullahman Lent.


The one month of the year where all pork-eating beer-guzzling fullahman pretend to not eat pork and not drink because allah only sees fullahman during this month.

Hey you, Shaitaan, behave yourself for once. Ramadan is a time to clean your mind and body of dirty thoughts and actions. If you don't want to observe Ramadan, no problem, but you must show respect to those who do. May Allah shower you with his choicest blessings.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The month of the Imitation Fullahman Lent.


The one month of the year where all pork-eating beer-guzzling fullahman pretend to not eat pork and not drink because allah only sees fullahman during this month.

Hey you, Shaitaan, behave yourself for once. Ramadan is a time to clean your mind and body of dirty thoughts and actions. If you don't want to observe Ramadan, no problem, but you must show respect to those who do. May Allah shower you with his choicest blessings.


There is zero chance of me showing respect to people worshipping their pagan moon god and bowing down in the direction of some desert arabian city in 2015.


Do you really believe Muhammad flew to "heaven" to meet allah on a winged horse? I'd be more impressed if allah had given him a space shuttle or something.


If your kid comes home and tells you he took a winged horse to meet "god", would you believe him or question his mental stability?


The fact is this is a bunch of fairy tales. I'm not required to respect the fairy tales of adults when they hold out said fairy tales to be gospel truth. As true as the theory of gravity.


P.S... religion (all ah dem) are mere ideas. And ideas are all subject to scrutiny. You can't just slap a sticker of "religion" on a bad unprovable idea and make am off limits to scientific inquiry and scrutiny. If islam is true then so is scientology and mormonism. Tell you what chap. "God" came to me in a dream last night and told me to spread the Gospel of Faroukism. Wanna join?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The month of the Imitation Fullahman Lent.


The one month of the year where all pork-eating beer-guzzling fullahman pretend to not eat pork and not drink because allah only sees fullahman during this month.

Hey you, Shaitaan, behave yourself for once. Ramadan is a time to clean your mind and body of dirty thoughts and actions. If you don't want to observe Ramadan, no problem, but you must show respect to those who do. May Allah shower you with his choicest blessings.


There is zero chance of me showing respect to people worshipping their pagan moon god and bowing down in the direction of some desert arabian city in 2015.


Do you really believe Muhammad flew to "heaven" to meet allah on a winged horse? I'd be more impressed if allah had given him a space shuttle or something.


If your kid comes home and tells you he took a winged horse to meet "god", would you believe him or question his mental stability?


The fact is this is a bunch of fairy tales. I'm not required to respect the fairy tales of adults when they hold out said fairy tales to be gospel truth. As true as the theory of gravity.

I pointed out before that, generally, religions have three component parts --- mythology, philosophy/message, and rituals. Islam no different.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S... religion (all ah dem) are mere ideas. And ideas are all subject to scrutiny. You can't just slap a sticker of "religion" on a bad unprovable idea and make am off limits to scientific inquiry and scrutiny. If islam is true then so is scientology and mormonism. Tell you what chap. "God" came to me in a dream last night and told me to spread the Gospel of Faroukism. Wanna join?

Not in Chief's thread. Let's get outa here.

Originally Posted by Chameli:

To all the muslims on gni who observe this month or Ramadan, i wish you a peaceful, prayerful and hungerless fasting...especially my Deed VB, my dahlin Chief, the Riffrass, Ksaz, coolio (if he peeks in) and all others...dunno that Amral or Freaky observe, if you do, then all the best too 

Thank you Chami.


Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims on GNI. May your fasting, prayers, patience and sacrifices be tremendously rewarded.


Image result for ramadan mubarak

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


There is zero chance of me showing respect to people worshipping their pagan moon god and bowing down in the direction of some desert arabian city in 2015.


Do you really believe Muhammad flew to "heaven" to meet allah on a winged horse? I'd be more impressed if allah had given him a space shuttle or something.


If your kid comes home and tells you he took a winged horse to meet "god", would you believe him or question his mental stability?


The fact is this is a bunch of fairy tales. I'm not required to respect the fairy tales of adults when they hold out said fairy tales to be gospel truth. As true as the theory of gravity.

Yuh pun a rale rampage heah bai. I guess Shaitaan nah quite chained eh?


Ramadan Mubarak bai.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


Morning Fish,


You know I remember growing up in the household of my Imam great-grandfather in Berbice and used to be soooooooooo hungry during Ramadan but I wanted to show what a grownup I was but I'd hide and eat


I used to go in the yard and stuff myself on cherries straight from the tree. And then go to my Black neighbors to purchase illicit black pudding.


All during Ramadan

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


Morning Fish,


You know I remember growing up in the household of my Imam great-grandfather in Berbice and used to be soooooooooo hungry during Ramadan but I wanted to show what a grownup I was but I'd hide and eat


I used to go in the yard and stuff myself on cherries straight from the tree. And then go to my Black neighbors to purchase illicit black pudding.


All during Ramadan

A-salaam-o-alai-kum, irreverent Shaitaan. Why am I not surprised at reading your post above? Anyway, between you and me, you're a good man. Again, may Allah shower you with his choicest blessings.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


Morning Fish,


You know I remember growing up in the household of my Imam great-grandfather in Berbice and used to be soooooooooo hungry during Ramadan but I wanted to show what a grownup I was but I'd hide and eat


I used to go in the yard and stuff myself on cherries straight from the tree. And then go to my Black neighbors to purchase illicit black pudding.


All during Ramadan

A-salaam-o-alai-kum, irreverent Shaitaan. Why am I not surprised at reading your post above? Anyway, between you and me, you're a good man. Again, may Allah shower you with his choicest blessings.


W/aleikum salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu.


I was always described as "own way" and "forced ripe" since I was like 5 . I value the cultural aspects of religion. I'm an atheist but I still believe in the cultural value of Islam, Hinduism, and Catholicism.


You're a good man yourself. It's always a pleasure to talk to you.


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