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Former Member

Dr Veersammy Ramayya

By Nafeeza Yahya
THE Alliance for Change linchpin in the Corentyne Dr. Veerasammy Ramayya has tendered his resignation from the party for the second time – this time declaring that his protest against corruption is falling on deaf ears and that his investments in the fledgling party have not paid off.It is the second time Ramayya has resigned from the party- the first time he had complained about the position offered him following the APNU/AFC victory at the polls. He was persuaded to stay on and then offered the post as Regional Executive Officer of Region Six- a position which he has resigned from.

In a letter addressed to David Patterson, General Secretary of the AFC and dated September 13th, 2016 Dr. Ramayya explained that “My contribution and investments did not resonate deeply into the party. Hereby my six years of constructive efforts and time spent rewarded those who are the beneficiaries. Today, I have no remorse to exit myself from the party, because I am self–assertive and strong minded-individual who always crusade with uncompromising principles because the party fails to deliver.”

He added, during the campaign season corruption was highly politicised and at present everyone has turned a blind eye. Dr.Ramayya told this publication, for all the years he had always stood against corruption and it was promised that the party would fight to eradicate it. He said it is happening presently and he cannot accept that. “Honestly I don’t think I was treated as an executive member of the party the five year plus that I have given them was a great sacrifice on my part financially and with my time and effort with the television programme and going door to door…”

Meanwhile, Dr.Ramayya said he is disappointed that the money he spent in 2011 and 2015 was not returned. He mentioned he spent more than $15M of which he was merely given $5.5. “Recently I have sent 6 letters out from the President downwards asking them if I would be reimbursed for the money I spent in 2015 three weeks and no one had the courtesy to acknowledge my letter and further to that in 2011 although I received $5.5 M the election cost Region 6 over $20M… Today I find that people who have not invested more for this new government are reaping the benefit,” Ramayya said.

“This election was not won in 2015 this election was won in 2011 and it happened because of Ramayya and I take pride in saying that …the twenty something years being on television and being out there warranted that victory today for this coalition to come on board it is very striking that when people make claims that they have done this and that I want to know if they come after 2015 they came from the moon.” He went on to question that the 40% that was promised based on the Cummingsburg Accord.

“Where is the forty percent and I ask our leadership to show me where is the 40% in Berbice? People who work so hard they can’t find a job and is left with no alternative but to tell the hierarchy in the party that Ramayyah had enough!…I have no malice. I am not a person who will compromise my principles because many times I was told people are complaining that they are not getting jobs and I even told the PM I don’t have to give anybody jobs they have to go through the tender board; there are evaluators and it has to go through that process.” He said however that there is still hope for the return of true democracy as he will continue the fight for such.

Dr.Ramayya is of the view that the coalition government is not fulfilling its promise to the people of the country, which is to work in their interest. He believes that they care more about themselves. “I don’t think the President knows everything that goes on so I want to shift blame to the party that I represent and with everything that was published not a day anyone made an effort to contact me to ask why this is so, or why this person is saying so …my stopping is not here; the ship is still sailing and the ship is well taken care of in that sense. I will continue to say it; I have determination; I have strong belief in my God that things will happen and I know Guyana will be restored to its true democracy that we gain in 1992.”

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Dr.Ramayya is of the view that the coalition government is not fulfilling its promise to the people of the country, which is to work in their interest. He believes that they care more about themselves.


Ramayya: I will continue to say it; I have determination; I have strong belief in my God that things will happen and I know Guyana will be restored to its true democracy that we gain in 1992.”

Dr. Ramayya acknowledged that democracy was gains under the PPP leadership in 1992. It came straight out from the horse's mouth.


Thank you Dr Ramaya for exposing the clueless Govt.  Dont expect the Namakaram DAAG Uncle Tom to follow  Dr Ramaya principled action. Some Namakaram Crabdaags were born to be SHAMELESS FOREVER!!!!!!!


Ramayya quits againsays AFC turns a blind eye to corruption

September 14, 2016 9:47 am Category: latest news, Politics A+ / A-

Executive Member of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Dr Veerasammy Ramayya has resigned again from the party, citing pervasive corruption to which the party has turned a blind eye, in addition to being owed G$15 million, which he claims was spent on the 2011 election campaign and for which he has not been repaid.

Dr Veerasammy Ramayya

Dr Veerasammy Ramayya

He tendered his resignation on Tuesday with immediate effect, which was addressed to the AFC’s General Secretary David Patterson; Party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan; along with Executive Members Moses Nagamootoo, Raphael Trotman and Dominic Gaskin.

The former AFC Executive, in tendering his resignation said his contributions and investments in the party did not resonate deeply. He said too his contributions over the past six years to the party have instead benefited others, adding “I have no remorse in exiting the party.”

According to Dr Ramayya, the party has failed to deliver on its promises and pointed out that the party which politicised the issue of corruption in the 2015 campaign has instead turned a blind eye.

The party’s former Executive Member who had been credited with helping the AFC secure two parliamentary seats representing Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), has also lamented the fact that the party is yet to repay him G$15 million.

This is the second time the AFC’s Executive Member has resigned from the party, citing internal differences. In August last year, he had tendered his resignation citing internal differences.

This time, he accused the coalition A Partnership for National Unity, AFC (APNU/AFC) of disrespecting him. He had said, “They offer me G$180,000 to sit in an office in Georgetown and take complaints from people and report to Khemraj. I want to work for the people of Berbice and serve them,” the politician said, noting that all he wanted to do was to serve the people of Berbice but the coalition is not allowing him to do so.

He was later appointed Regional Executive Officer, but has since resigned from that position as well.

At the time, Dr Ramayya had been openly critical for not being rewarded by the coalition Government saying, “I spent my money to organise meetings in Berbice during the campaign period. Now when I go to the office in Georgetown, the office is empty because all the boys get Minister jobs and big positions with some Ministry.”


According to Dr Ramayya, the party has failed to deliver on its promises and pointed out that the party which politicised the issue of corruption in the 2015 campaign has instead turned a blind eye.

Leonora posted:

Watch how Carib, Jango, Mars, and friends will avoid this thread.       

I hardly have time to worry with you clowns nowadays. What is there to avoid? The man is complaining that he is not getting enough kickbacks for the campaign donations that he invested last elections. Now he's asking for a refund on money he donated to the campaign. He is among the most corrupt of the lot so for him to complain about corruption is laughable. He vex cause he not gettin enough soup.


Isn't he the same man y'all were blasting because he claimed that he spent $4.5 million on Baigan and Gilbakka and he wanted a refund? Now he's y'all savior.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Leonora posted:

Watch how Carib, Jango, Mars, and friends will avoid this thread.       

I hardly have time to worry with you clowns nowadays. What is there to avoid? The man is complaining that he is not getting enough kickbacks for the campaign donations that he invested last elections. Now he's asking for a refund on money he donated to the campaign. He is among the most corrupt of the lot so for him to complain about corruption is laughable. He vex cause he not gettin enough soup.

That is my take on it.  He uses corruption as a smoke screen.  He didn't get his share of the spoils, so is angry.  If he got his share he would have been happy.

I have more sympathy for the views of others like David Hinds, who aren't in the gravy train, and don't make personal demands.  So when they criticize this gov't I listen.

AFC has 40% of the cabinet.  They have powerful ministries like Agriculture, Business, Natural Resources, and National Security.  They have just under 40% of the MPs.

All this for a party that brought in fewer than 10% of the votes, and lacked the resources to even mount its own campaigns.  Without APNU AFC campaign events would have been an embarrassment.

caribny posted:
Mars posted:
Leonora posted:

Watch how Carib, Jango, Mars, and friends will avoid this thread.       

I hardly have time to worry with you clowns nowadays. What is there to avoid? The man is complaining that he is not getting enough kickbacks for the campaign donations that he invested last elections. Now he's asking for a refund on money he donated to the campaign. He is among the most corrupt of the lot so for him to complain about corruption is laughable. He vex cause he not gettin enough soup.

That is my take on it.  He uses corruption as a smoke screen.  He didn't get his share of the spoils, so is angry.  If he got his share he would have been happy.

I have more sympathy for the views of others like David Hinds, who aren't in the gravy train, and don't make personal demands.  So when they criticize this gov't I listen.

AFC has 40% of the cabinet.  They have powerful ministries like Agriculture, Business, Natural Resources, and National Security.  They have just under 40% of the MPs.

All this for a party that brought in fewer than 10% of the votes, and lacked the resources to even mount its own campaigns.  Without APNU AFC campaign events would have been an embarrassment.

Without the AFC the PNC would be still be white mouth protesting outside parliament instead of sipping champagne and funnelling the nations wealth into their pockets. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

AFC supporters have little to cheer about.  It has been nothing but disappointment from this so-called force for change.

Glad to see you've re-engaged after being told this dude was looking for a ROI and didn't get it so he soured on the AFC. You make a good point about if the AFC knew this before then why entertain him and the likes of him. Caribny responded that the Coalition by any means necessary (not his words but they amount to he same). So now, y'all can end this thread.


These corrupt tendencies have always been there since 2011.  I am not surprised that they have so easily and so quickly been absorbed into the PNC corrupt get rich quick bandwagon. Guyana does not have Mandela of Gandhi a yet.  Everyone had their little agenda and their eye on the cookie jar!!  

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

How you all didn't know the man was corrupted when he was campaigning for the coalition?? Why now and not then?

Where these guys get made to look idiotic is that they think that because we supported the coalition up to the election that we are blind supporters of it now.  At some point ALL of us have been critical, based on what our concerns are, usually around the "change not exchange" theme.

In fact APNU/AFC have shown some level of openness that the PPP never did. Open criticism of Harmon. Open criticism of Granger's governing style. Disappointment with the lack of creativity, especially in determining some approach to economic transformation.

None of this from the PPP frauds.  They scream that we shouldn't talk about Jagdeo, even though as leader of the opposition, he is part of the legislative part of government.  A fact that Guyanese, with our zero sum attitude to governance don't understand. So critiques of Jagdeo are valid as he is an active member of governance and so his past performance is relevant.

They attack me over Burnham and then get confused when in most instances I agree with them.   They then don't know what to do. A black man who advocates for fair treatment of blacks, regardless as to which ethnic group has a power, and yet anti Burnham.

The reality is that this is the vocal Indian element, so these are the folks who define how nonIndians view Indians.

ba$eman posted:

These corrupt tendencies have always been there since 2011. !!  

I remember that in 2011 you called me a PPP soup licker when I called the AFC ambulance chasers and APNU lazy and stupid.

You didn't like the PPP then because you thought them too corrupt.  You even conceded that blacks were under represented in top decision making slots.

It is when AFC joined APNU to curb the instincts of the PPP that you jumped ship.

Drugb posted:

Without the AFC the PNC would be still be white mouth protesting outside parliament instead of sipping champagne and funnelling the nations wealth into their pockets. 

So now its the PPP which is white mouth as the Indo oligarchs lubricate these APNU/AFC pockets and learn that their "services" are cheaper to get than the PPP was.  The old men are grateful for what they can get, whereas your PPP folks demanded 10%.

PPP. No oligarch funding. Deprived of the ability to raid the treasury.  No more crony land deals to benefit narco traffickers. No more incompetent and corrupt PPP stooges in a position to raid the taxpayers.

Life must be really hard for a party which screamed that the AFC was a "dead meat" party and the APNI was a "40%" party, and that the PPP was guaranteed a 60% landslide.

Daily the PPP advertises their incompetence when they whine that APNU rigged the election when the PPP was in power. And that the PNC ran the GDF and the GPF when in fact it was the PPP which paid these salaries, given their control over the budget.

Don't wail about the APNU rigging because it is widely known that the PPP was planning to stuff fake ballots in PPP areas, but they weren't able to.  In addition the PPP grossly under estimated how much blacks and mixed people hated them, when they ran around telling Indians and Amerindians that "black man gun kill ahyu". 

That big Region 4, 10, and 7 vote was a huge shock. No wonder Kwame and the rest of the House of Israel goon squad were running around all day trying to instigate riots, in order to force a cancelation of the elections.  By the time that they succeeded, with the violence in Sophia the election was over.

Now if the PPP fixes itself and stops boasting about "consolidating its East Indian base" and starts to see how they can remove the stench of bigotry towards black and mixed people, their prospects in 2020 might be better.  But with Jagdeo at the helm nothing will change, and Granger and Nagamootoo sleep well at night.



caribny posted:

So now its the PPP which is white mouth as the Indo oligarchs lubricate these APNU/AFC pockets and learn that their "services" are cheaper to get than the PPP was.  The old men are grateful for what they can get, whereas your PPP folks demanded 10%.

PPP. No oligarch funding. Deprived of the ability to raid the treasury.  No more crony land deals to benefit narco traffickers. No more incompetent and corrupt PPP stooges in a position to raid the taxpayers.

Life must be really hard for a party which screamed that the AFC was a "dead meat" party and the APNI was a "40%" party, and that the PPP was guaranteed a 60% landslide.

Daily the PPP advertises their incompetence when they whine that APNU rigged the election when the PPP was in power. And that the PNC ran the GDF and the GPF when in fact it was the PPP which paid these salaries, given their control over the budget.

Don't wail about the APNU rigging because it is widely known that the PPP was planning to stuff fake ballots in PPP areas, but they weren't able to.  In addition the PPP grossly under estimated how much blacks and mixed people hated them, when they ran around telling Indians and Amerindians that "black man gun kill ahyu". 

That big Region 4, 10, and 7 vote was a huge shock. No wonder Kwame and the rest of the House of Israel goon squad were running around all day trying to instigate riots, in order to force a cancelation of the elections.  By the time that they succeeded, with the violence in Sophia the election was over.

Now if the PPP fixes itself and stops boasting about "consolidating its East Indian base" and starts to see how they can remove the stench of bigotry towards black and mixed people, their prospects in 2020 might be better.  But with Jagdeo at the helm nothing will change, and Granger and Nagamootoo sleep well at night.



Replacing one set of thieves with another is nothing to brag about. Indeed the bribery might be less for the Blacks. Years ago I wrote that bribing the Blacks was more economical than bribing the Indians. Hopefully the don't roll back the progress made by the PPP in infrastructure. Already we see they took a step backwards by killing the Amelia falls project and now they are waiting for oil while squeezing the business community to make up the shortfall in revenues. 

Last edited by Former Member

PNC has out performed the PPP stealing in less than two years, their theft and stealing will make Haiti look like a developed nation when compared to Guyana when the AFC/PNC are finished destroying Guyana.


I believed that Ramayya got his money worth when he purchased $4.5 million of baigan and gilbakka for the AFC and couldn't accurately account for the good living expenditures. He belly full and now he became greedy when he can't get more. Why Ramayya didn't expose the AFC when he was part of the corruption? Only now Ramayya know that the PPP is responsible for getting rid of dictatorship and restore democracy? Ramayya helprd to bring back dictatorship and corruption to Guyana. Something tells me he is looking to take his nasty habit to the PPP. Jagdeo don't want corrupted rejects in his party.

Cobra posted:

I believed that Ramayya got his money worth when he purchased $4.5 million of baigan and gilbakka for the AFC and couldn't accurately account for the good living expenditures. He belly full and now he became greedy when he can't get more. Why Ramayya didn't expose the AFC when he was part of the corruption? Only now Ramayya know that the PPP is responsible for getting rid of dictatorship and restore democracy? Ramayya helprd to bring back dictatorship and corruption to Guyana. Something tells me he is looking to take his nasty habit to the PPP. Jagdeo don't want corrupted rejects in his party.

Bhai, not only Ramaya BUt THE SHIT HEADS ON GNI. Few are staunch RACIST and others are Naive, DUMB SHIT HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ba$eman posted:

These corrupt tendencies have always been there since 2011. !!  

I remember that in 2011 you called me a PPP soup licker when I called the AFC ambulance chasers and APNU lazy and stupid.

You didn't like the PPP then because you thought them too corrupt.  You even conceded that blacks were under represented in top decision making slots.

It is when AFC joined APNU to curb the instincts of the PPP that you jumped ship.

I actually pulled back prior to the 2011 elections and left just after. It was long before they joined up ith the PNC.


Carib pretends to be a middle of the line politician.  He defends the terrible track record of the PNC and then in another breath claims neutrality by saying the PNC destroyed Africans. His attacks on the ideology of the old PPP as a defense against attacks on the PNC for their three decades of dictatorial rule comes as no surprise to those who are familiar with Guyana's politics.  Anti-communist bashings on the PPP have always been used as justification for the denial of democratic rule in Guyana.  It is not different to the arguments Whites used in South Africa against Black protest against apartheid - communist ANC justified White Apartheid.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Carib pretends to be a middle of the line politician.  He defends the terrible track record of the PNC and then in another breath claims neutrality by saying the PNC destroyed Africans. His attacks on the ideology of the old PPP as a defense against attacks on the PNC for their three decades of dictatorial rule comes as no surprise to those who are familiar with Guyana's politics.  Anti-communist bashings on the PPP have always been used as justification for the denial of democratic rule in Guyana.  It is not different to the arguments Whites used in South Africa against Black protest against apartheid - communist ANC justified White Apartheid.


And I remember clearly Kari, Chief and Django swallowed his lies, trickery like was caviar.  It is one thing to be fooled by intelligent people . It is the most terrible thing to be fooled a complete IDIOT!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Carib pretends to be a middle of the line politician.  He defends the terrible track record of the PNC and then in another breath claims neutrality by saying the PNC destroyed Africans. His attacks on the ideology of the old PPP as a defense against attacks on the PNC for their three decades of dictatorial rule comes as no surprise to those who are familiar with Guyana's politics.  Anti-communist bashings on the PPP have always been used as justification for the denial of democratic rule in Guyana.  It is not different to the arguments Whites used in South Africa against Black protest against apartheid - communist ANC justified White Apartheid.


And I remember clearly Kari, Chief and Django swallowed his lies, trickery like was caviar.  It is one thing to be fooled by intelligent people . It is the most terrible thing to be fooled a complete IDIOT!!!!!!!

Bhai you can say anything,no one is fooled Carib says a lot that is factual,i was looking at a 2006 report on Guyana,nothing good to be said it was a hell hole,nuff stupidness occurred after Cheddi gone beyond.

One of the reason i was looking at that period because I was not paying much attention to politics and developments in Guyana from the late 90's to mid 2000,i was busy getting things done in the new homeland i choose to reside.


Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Nehru posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Carib pretends to be a middle of the line politician.  He defends the terrible track record of the PNC and then in another breath claims neutrality by saying the PNC destroyed Africans. His attacks on the ideology of the old PPP as a defense against attacks on the PNC for their three decades of dictatorial rule comes as no surprise to those who are familiar with Guyana's politics.  Anti-communist bashings on the PPP have always been used as justification for the denial of democratic rule in Guyana.  It is not different to the arguments Whites used in South Africa against Black protest against apartheid - communist ANC justified White Apartheid.


And I remember clearly Kari, Chief and Django swallowed his lies, trickery like was caviar.  It is one thing to be fooled by intelligent people . It is the most terrible thing to be fooled a complete IDIOT!!!!!!!

Bhai you can say anything,no one is fooled Carib says a lot that is factual,i was looking at a 2006 report on Guyana,nothing good to be said it was a hell hole,nuff stupidness occurred after Cheddi gone beyond.

One of the reason i was looking at that period because I was not paying much attention to politics and developments in Guyana from the late 90's to mid 2000,i was busy getting things done in the new homeland i choose to reside.


HEHEHE  Meh Neighba seh when yuh stupid, yuh done stupid. It is natural for an IDIOT to FOOL a naive, clueless, paglee individual But you are entitled to your love for staunch RACISTS!!!

Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  Meh Neighba seh when yuh stupid, yuh done stupid. It is natural for an IDIOT to FOOL a naive, clueless, paglee individual But you are entitled to your love for staunch RACISTS!!!

Pavi, your neighbor knows you well. That's exactly what he said about you.

Kari posted:
Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  Meh Neighba seh when yuh stupid, yuh done stupid. It is natural for an IDIOT to FOOL a naive, clueless, paglee individual But you are entitled to your love for staunch RACISTS!!!

Pavi, your neighbor knows you well. That's exactly what he said about you.

If you knew to read and was even semi literate you would not embarrass yourself not knowing you ARE A SHIT HEAD.  I was trying to be nice to you SHIT HEAD.  Well, ah stupid yuh stupid.

Drugb posted:

Replacing one set of thieves with another is nothing to brag about. Indeed the bribery might be less for the Blacks. Years ago I wrote that bribing the Blacks was more economical than bribing the Indians.. 

Who is bragging?  You indeed are proud that 23 years of PPP rule and Guyana is still LAST using most parameters of socio economic development, despite the fact that it has vastly more options for economic development than virtually every single other Caribbean nation.

Given that most business people like to reduce costs then the one who demands lower bribes gets the support.  So it looks like its the PPP which will be white mouth due to their greed, especially after 2000. 

In fact Cheddi got a heart attack when he saw how corrupt his former fellow communists were.  Oh what would he have done if he saw that it was innocent in his time when compared to what followed under Jagdeo. 

Turning Guyana into a narco fueled state would have made Jagan die a 100 deaths. He must be cussing his wife for selecting Jagdeo.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Carib pretends to be a middle of the line politician.  He defends the terrible track record of the PNC


And when do I do so?  Your issue is that you want me to sing praises of the PPP and that I cannot do.  Sorry.

Understand this.  PPP racism and abuse of black and mixed Guyanese caused them to lose last year.  Until you Indo KKK repent and beg black people to like you all it will be endless "black man a kill ahbe" screams from your corner. 

The days of getting 100% of the Indian vote are over, and you don't have what it takes to buy the Amerindian vote.  So life for you will be tough as you wail "black man a tek me daughter and me wife too!".

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Replacing one set of thieves with another is nothing to brag about. Indeed the bribery might be less for the Blacks. Years ago I wrote that bribing the Blacks was more economical than bribing the Indians.. 

Who is bragging?  You indeed are proud that 23 years of PPP rule and Guyana is still LAST using most parameters of socio economic development, despite the fact that it has vastly more options for economic development than virtually every single other Caribbean nation.

Given that most business people like to reduce costs then the one who demands lower bribes gets the support.  So it looks like its the PPP which will be white mouth due to their greed, especially after 2000. 

In fact Cheddi got a heart attack when he saw how corrupt his former fellow communists were.  Oh what would he have done if he saw that it was innocent in his time when compared to what followed under Jagdeo. 

Turning Guyana into a narco fueled state would have made Jagan die a 100 deaths. He must be cussing his wife for selecting Jagdeo.

All this accusations of narco state and corruption under the PPP and yet not one PPP jailed after umpteen forensic audits and wasting of tax payers dollars to accounting cronies to find the evidence. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Replacing one set of thieves with another is nothing to brag about. Indeed the bribery might be less for the Blacks. Years ago I wrote that bribing the Blacks was more economical than bribing the Indians.. 

Who is bragging?  You indeed are proud that 23 years of PPP rule and Guyana is still LAST using most parameters of socio economic development, despite the fact that it has vastly more options for economic development than virtually every single other Caribbean nation.

Given that most business people like to reduce costs then the one who demands lower bribes gets the support.  So it looks like its the PPP which will be white mouth due to their greed, especially after 2000. 

In fact Cheddi got a heart attack when he saw how corrupt his former fellow communists were.  Oh what would he have done if he saw that it was innocent in his time when compared to what followed under Jagdeo. 

Turning Guyana into a narco fueled state would have made Jagan die a 100 deaths. He must be cussing his wife for selecting Jagdeo.

All this accusations of narco state and corruption under the PPP and yet not one PPP jailed after umpteen forensic audits and wasting of tax payers dollars to accounting cronies to find the evidence. 

Ya got a point deh bannahs......that's why this coalition is clueless.....big mouth about corruption in the PPP years and nothing to show for it....

Drugb posted:

All this accusations of narco state and corruption under the PPP and yet not one PPP jailed after umpteen forensic audits and wasting of tax payers dollars to accounting cronies to find the evidence. 

All your screams that the PNC was killing Indians when the PPP was in power and yet not one PNC leader arrested.  15 years after such accusations were made.

Chat in another few years before you start boasting that no PPP thief was jailed.

Kari posted:

Ya got a point deh bannahs......that's why this coalition is clueless.....big mouth about corruption in the PPP years and nothing to show for it....

The fact that none have gone to jail doesn't mean that none are guilty.  It is a known fact that some PNC leaders (Corbin as an example) had their hands out for Jagdeo soup.  The involvement of Nigel in Amaila is another clue.

caribny posted:
Kari posted:

Ya got a point deh bannahs......that's why this coalition is clueless.....big mouth about corruption in the PPP years and nothing to show for it....

The fact that none have gone to jail doesn't mean that none are guilty.  It is a known fact that some PNC leaders (Corbin as an example) had their hands out for Jagdeo soup.  The involvement of Nigel in Amaila is another clue.

so....quid pro scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Two peas in a pod - the PPP and the PNC. The WPA was a protest movement that lost its way when Rodney was murdered, and the AFC is a disenchanted movement (well movement is not quite the word as it's raison d'etre has disappeared). So what is Guyana left with? Yeah, you guessed it - more of the same.


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