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@Former Member posted:

I saw some photos in April I believe when the Coalition took custody of it and it looked like a dump then. It looks a lot better now after they spent the $1.6B but according to the very competent Dr. Frank Anthony it is a total disaster.

Immitation English man Anthony should pick up a hammer and fix up the place. If this man's name was William Andrews or Frank Peterson or James Rollins instead of Rambarran then you would not have heard a squeek out of the PPP nor fake Brown English man Anthony.

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

Immitation English man Anthony should pick up a hammer and fix up the place. If this man's name was William Andrews or Frank Peterson or James Rollins instead of Rambarran then you would not have heard a squeek out of the PPP nor fake Brown English man Anthony.

What you have to gain? Did Rambarran set u up.  

 Who is going to pay for the renovation???

@Prashad posted:

Immitation English man Anthony should pick up a hammer and fix up the place. If this man's name was William Andrews or Frank Peterson or James Rollins instead of Rambarran then you would not have heard a squeek out of the PPP nor fake Brown English man Anthony.

Bai justice has to transcend race, religion nationality class and caste if the country is to move forward.

@Former Member posted:

Bai justice has to transcend race, religion nationality class and caste if the country is to move forward.

You never read what I write here?  I have always maintained that Guyana is a shit hole racist failed state.  That will never change.  I have always advocated an independent sovereign country for Guyanese East Indians, Douglas who love their Guyanese East Indian heritage and Allies of the Guyanese East Indian people regardless of race and religion.

@Prashad posted:

You never read what I write here?  I have always maintained that Guyana is a shit hole racist failed state.  That will never change.  I have always advocated an independent sovereign country for Guyanese East Indians, Douglas who love their Guyanese East Indian heritage and Allies of the Guyanese East Indian people regardless of race and religion.

We have a one week old new government. They don’t seem interested in your formula but let’s see if they can create something that you can accept.

@Former Member posted:

We have a one week old new government. They don’t seem interested in your formula but let’s see if they can create something that you can accept.

You cannot stop time.  A failed shit hole racist state will always remain a failed shit hole racist state. So gave the man his money and don't try to bully him or take advantage of him because he is an East Indian and vulnerable in a racist society.

Last edited by Prashad
@Former Member posted:

We have a one week old new government. They don’t seem interested in your formula but let’s see if they can create something that you can accept.

Read the inaugural speech. You will find that President Ali indicated that he will create an atmosphere of trust so that all Guyanese can live in harmony, peace, progress, and prosperity.

@Prashad posted:

I just did a currency converter 52 million Guyana dollars is a lot of money is like 300,000 us dollars.  That is a lot of money. The two sides should negotiate a fair settlement to both sides.

Why do you need a currency converter to figure that?  Did you not do arithmetic in school?  This is primarily school level problem resolution skills.

Furthermore, your converter is wrong. USD 300k suggests the GYD rate us ~170, which is incorrect.  On Friday I transferred funds via WU to take care of clothing and School needs for the mother with 10 kids.  The rate was ~200:1.

Under the Coalition misrule, the Cambio rate went to 230. 

@Former Member posted:

Why do you need a currency converter to figure that?  Did you not do arithmetic in school?  This is primarily school level problem resolution skills.

Furthermore, your converter is wrong. USD 300k suggests the GYD rate us ~170, which is incorrect.  On Friday I transferred funds via WU to take care of clothing and School needs for the mother with 10 kids.  The rate was ~200:1.

Under the Coalition misrule, the Cambio rate went to 230. 

Base it is Prashad you talking to here.  Math is not my strong point.  Give me a piece of wire and I can turn it into a deadly weapon.


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