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Former Member

This was quote by a GNI poster:


"Now his remarks at the Toronto gathering, "Can u imagine these people wanting the government to protect them with helicopter while they catch dem mullet and curass. These people doan even pay taxes."


Time for Indos to decide who will defend them.


Ever wondered why crimes against Indos are escalating and no one in the AFC/PNC cares ?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I admire poster Gil for speaking out this early on the direction that the AFC leadership is headed.


More AFC supporters must speak out now before it is too late.


Indios who voted APNU were hoping that Moses and Ramjattan represented their interests. Their actions are quite disgraceful so far.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This was quote by a GNI poster:


"Now his remarks at the Toronto gathering, "Can u imagine these people wanting the government to protect them with helicopter while they catch dem mullet and curass. These people doan even pay taxes."


Time for Indos to decide who will defend them.


Ever wondered why crimes against Indos are escalating and no one in the AFC/PNC cares ?

Do you really believe that it's feasible for the Guyana Government to patrol behind the fishing boats with helicopters in order to combat piracy? They barely own two helicopters and they are probably not in proper working condition since the PPP spent mega dollars to buy two scrap choppers. You should really think before you start writing crap but then again with shit for brains I don't expect that anything of consequence would come out of your noggin.  

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This was quote by a GNI poster:


"Now his remarks at the Toronto gathering, "Can u imagine these people wanting the government to protect them with helicopter while they catch dem mullet and curass. These people doan even pay taxes."


Time for Indos to decide who will defend them.


Ever wondered why crimes against Indos are escalating and no one in the AFC/PNC cares ?

Ramjattan have a point, forget about taxes, you cannot just have a helicopter up watching all the time, that's crazy, not feasible.  However, the situation cannot be allowed to continue as that too is not acceptable.  Maybe they can explore the use of small unarmed drones which stay aloft for 15 hours at stint.  This could be part of an overall border watch and have a few police with speed boats traversing the river and ready to pounce when anything is spotted!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This was quote by a GNI poster:


"Now his remarks at the Toronto gathering, "Can u imagine these people wanting the government to protect them with helicopter while they catch dem mullet and curass. These people doan even pay taxes."


Time for Indos to decide who will defend them.


Ever wondered why crimes against Indos are escalating and no one in the AFC/PNC cares ?

Ramjattan have a point, forget about taxes, you cannot just have a helicopter up watching all the time, that's crazy, not feasible.  However, the situation cannot be allowed to continue as that too is not acceptable.  Maybe they can explore the use of small unarmed drones which stay aloft for 15 hours at stint.  This could be part of an overall border watch and have a few police with speed boats traversing the river and ready to pounce when anything is spotted!

PNC cannot even afford a donkey cart. They are too busy filling their pockets with their big fat salaries and bonuses etc.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This was quote by a GNI poster:


"Now his remarks at the Toronto gathering, "Can u imagine these people wanting the government to protect them with helicopter while they catch dem mullet and curass. These people doan even pay taxes."


Time for Indos to decide who will defend them.


Ever wondered why crimes against Indos are escalating and no one in the AFC/PNC cares ?

Ramjattan ought to be ashamed to talk down on fishermen like that. The only people who don't pay taxes are people on welfare, thieves and murderers. Even the rum consumers contributed to the economy by purchasing liquor. Fishermen sells their catch at wholesale and retailers sells it to the general public that contributed to the economy by purchasing power. If the fishermen decided to stop fishing for six months, Ramjattan will notice the effect of fishermen. 


He should also remember that the AFC ate $ 4.6 million gilbakka without any receipt to show for it. Ask Ramjattan who catch those gilbakka.


Originally Posted by Red Wine:
Ramjattan ought to be ashamed to talk down on fishermen like that. The only people who don't pay taxes are people on welfare, thieves and murderers. Even the rum consumers contributed to the economy by purchasing liquor. Fishermen sells their catch at wholesale and retailers sells it to the general public that contributed to the economy by purchasing power. If the fishermen decided to stop fishing for six months, Ramjattan will notice the effect of fishermen. 


He should also remember that the AFC ate $ 4.6 million gilbakka without any receipt to show for it. Ask Ramjattan who catch those gilbakka.

be clear . . . are u making a case for fishermen not paying income tax?


if not . . . stop your bray and post something useful

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:
Ramjattan ought to be ashamed to talk down on fishermen like that. The only people who don't pay taxes are people on welfare, thieves and murderers. Even the rum consumers contributed to the economy by purchasing liquor. Fishermen sells their catch at wholesale and retailers sells it to the general public that contributed to the economy by purchasing power. If the fishermen decided to stop fishing for six months, Ramjattan will notice the effect of fishermen. 


He should also remember that the AFC ate $ 4.6 million gilbakka without any receipt to show for it. Ask Ramjattan who catch those gilbakka.

be clear . . . are u making a case for fishermen not paying income tax?


if not . . . stop your bray and post something useful

That is why there is high VAT!  So the US should pull protection from all the free-loaders over here not paying any Income taxes.


I don' think a helicopter is the answer, but the comment of Ramjattan was asinine.

Last edited by Former Member

Ramjattan don't have a solution to safeguard the fishermen. He just get 50% increase in salary and have no clue to improvise method of safety. He don't get paid to insult people. First, he was offering guns to the fishermen to protect themselves. The fishermen refused his offer and said they are not killers, they are fishermen, and that Ramjattan should find ways to protect them. All he does is talk and have nothing useful to work on.

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Ramjattan don't have a solution to safeguard the fishermen. He just get 50% increase in salary and have no clue to improvise method of safety. He don't get paid to insult people. First, he was offering guns to the fishermen to protect themselves. The fishermen refused his offer and said they are not killers, they are fishermen, and that Ramjattan should find ways to protect them. All he does is talk and have nothing useful to work on.

Funny thing, he drew an applause.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Ramjattan don't have a solution to safeguard the fishermen. He just get 50% increase in salary and have no clue to improvise method of safety. He don't get paid to insult people. First, he was offering guns to the fishermen to protect themselves. The fishermen refused his offer and said they are not killers, they are fishermen, and that Ramjattan should find ways to protect them. All he does is talk and have nothing useful to work on.

Funny thing, he drew an applause.

People stupid bad.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This was quote by a GNI poster:


"Now his remarks at the Toronto gathering, "Can u imagine these people wanting the government to protect them with helicopter while they catch dem mullet and curass. These people doan even pay taxes."


Time for Indos to decide who will defend them.


Ever wondered why crimes against Indos are escalating and no one in the AFC/PNC cares ?

Do you really believe that it's feasible for the Guyana Government to patrol behind the fishing boats with helicopters in order to combat piracy? They barely own two helicopters and they are probably not in proper working condition since the PPP spent mega dollars to buy two scrap choppers. You should really think before you start writing crap but then again with shit for brains I don't expect that anything of consequence would come out of your noggin.  

them helicopter cannot fly nonstop for an hour without putting their passengers in peril. The were decommissioned by their owners and but were  sourced through Michael Brassington and put into service by the government for  heafty sums. They never worked well

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Ramjattan don't have a solution to safeguard the fishermen. He just get 50% increase in salary and have no clue to improvise method of safety. He don't get paid to insult people. First, he was offering guns to the fishermen to protect themselves. The fishermen refused his offer and said they are not killers, they are fishermen, and that Ramjattan should find ways to protect them. All he does is talk and have nothing useful to work on.

This is also a case of lack of creativity of Guyanese themselves. If government cannot protect you one is obliged to protect one's self.


Argentina to help Guyana combat piracy

October 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Argentina’s ambassador to Guyana, Luis A Martino, has agreed to have his country assist Guyana in its fight against piracy through shared experience and expertise. The commitment was made during a meeting between Ambassador Martino and Vice President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, at his Brickdam Office yesterday. The two men met to discuss the development of a cooperation project between the Governments of Guyana and Argentina relating to security issues. According to a statement from the Ministry of Public Security, Vice President Ramjattan underscored that piracy has being affecting Guyana’s fishermen, and he intends to strengthen the Maritime Wing of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to combat the problem of piracy. He asked the Argentinian Ambassador to share with Guyana, Argentina’s experience and expertise in combating piracy. The statement said that Ambassador Martino asserted that Argentina has a lot of experience in the area of piracy, and has agreed to the Vice President’s request for Argentina’s assistance. Ramjattan also informed Ambassador Martino that Guyana would welcome training assistance for the staff at the Guyana Forensic Laboratory, and the Guyana Police Force in the areas of the preservation of biological samples for DNA study and Computer forensics. The Ambassador indicated Argentina’s willingness to assist Guyana in the two areas mentioned by the Vice President. The two dignitaries also discussed the Argentina’s House of Justice (HOJ) initiatives, which provide vital social services to citizens in need of such services, and the possibility of Guyana benefitting from Argentina’s assistance in the areas of best practices among others. The Vice President shared his vision of having a House of Justice (HOJ) located initially in Regions Two and Ten in Guyana subsequent to Local Government Elections, so that Guyanese citizens could have proper access to needed social services. Ambassador Martino stated that he would make arrangements for an exploratory mission from Argentina to be in Guyana with regard to the areas of cooperation discussed between him and the Vice President.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Was Moses there?  Think his father was a fisherman.  But good thing he said mullet and currass and not Gilbakka.  Then we would have a real turn of events!!!!

Woulddah be a fishing revolution.

Lol.  Dem people this would fish up you revolution.  Anyway, I read your piece with deep interest and appreciate your thoughts and honesty.  I feel you have echoed the sentiments of other AFC supporters.  But come on man,  you can't tell me that you are surprised by any of this.  Even wan lil Pickney laka me saw this coming.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Argentina to help Guyana combat piracy

October 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Argentina’s ambassador to Guyana, Luis A Martino, has agreed to have his country assist Guyana in its fight against piracy through shared experience and expertise. The commitment was made during a meeting between Ambassador Martino and Vice President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, at his Brickdam Office yesterday. The two men met to discuss the development of a cooperation project between the Governments of Guyana and Argentina relating to security issues. According to a statement from the Ministry of Public Security, Vice President Ramjattan underscored that piracy has being affecting Guyana’s fishermen, and he intends to strengthen the Maritime Wing of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to combat the problem of piracy. He asked the Argentinian Ambassador to share with Guyana, Argentina’s experience and expertise in combating piracy. The statement said that Ambassador Martino asserted that Argentina has a lot of experience in the area of piracy, and has agreed to the Vice President’s request for Argentina’s assistance. Ramjattan also informed Ambassador Martino that Guyana would welcome training assistance for the staff at the Guyana Forensic Laboratory, and the Guyana Police Force in the areas of the preservation of biological samples for DNA study and Computer forensics. The Ambassador indicated Argentina’s willingness to assist Guyana in the two areas mentioned by the Vice President. The two dignitaries also discussed the Argentina’s House of Justice (HOJ) initiatives, which provide vital social services to citizens in need of such services, and the possibility of Guyana benefitting from Argentina’s assistance in the areas of best practices among others. The Vice President shared his vision of having a House of Justice (HOJ) located initially in Regions Two and Ten in Guyana subsequent to Local Government Elections, so that Guyanese citizens could have proper access to needed social services. Ambassador Martino stated that he would make arrangements for an exploratory mission from Argentina to be in Guyana with regard to the areas of cooperation discussed between him and the Vice President.

You lost me at KNews.  Filed under Crap.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Argentina to help Guyana combat piracy

October 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Argentina’s ambassador to Guyana, Luis A Martino, has agreed to have his country assist Guyana in its fight against piracy through shared experience and expertise. The commitment was made during a meeting between Ambassador Martino and Vice President and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, at his Brickdam Office yesterday. The two men met to discuss the development of a cooperation project between the Governments of Guyana and Argentina relating to security issues. According to a statement from the Ministry of Public Security, Vice President Ramjattan underscored that piracy has being affecting Guyana’s fishermen, and he intends to strengthen the Maritime Wing of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to combat the problem of piracy. He asked the Argentinian Ambassador to share with Guyana, Argentina’s experience and expertise in combating piracy. The statement said that Ambassador Martino asserted that Argentina has a lot of experience in the area of piracy, and has agreed to the Vice President’s request for Argentina’s assistance. Ramjattan also informed Ambassador Martino that Guyana would welcome training assistance for the staff at the Guyana Forensic Laboratory, and the Guyana Police Force in the areas of the preservation of biological samples for DNA study and Computer forensics. The Ambassador indicated Argentina’s willingness to assist Guyana in the two areas mentioned by the Vice President. The two dignitaries also discussed the Argentina’s House of Justice (HOJ) initiatives, which provide vital social services to citizens in need of such services, and the possibility of Guyana benefitting from Argentina’s assistance in the areas of best practices among others. The Vice President shared his vision of having a House of Justice (HOJ) located initially in Regions Two and Ten in Guyana subsequent to Local Government Elections, so that Guyanese citizens could have proper access to needed social services. Ambassador Martino stated that he would make arrangements for an exploratory mission from Argentina to be in Guyana with regard to the areas of cooperation discussed between him and the Vice President.

You lost me at KNews.  Filed under Crap.

You try deh. You got fuh dig yuhself out.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Was Moses there?  Think his father was a fisherman.  But good thing he said mullet and currass and not Gilbakka.  Then we would have a real turn of events!!!!

Both of Granger side kicks were there, Nagga and Rumjaat.

Side kicks? Nah! How about foot rest?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Was Moses there?  Think his father was a fisherman.  But good thing he said mullet and currass and not Gilbakka.  Then we would have a real turn of events!!!!

Both of Granger side kicks were there, Nagga and Rumjaat.

Side kicks? Nah! How about foot rest?


Originally Posted by Mars:

Do you really believe that it's feasible for the Guyana Government to patrol behind the fishing boats with helicopters in order to combat piracy? They barely own two helicopters and they are probably not in proper working condition since the PPP spent mega dollars to buy two scrap choppers. You should really think before you start writing crap but then again with shit for brains I don't expect that anything of consequence would come out of your noggin.  

And while all that might be true, this doesn't give Moses, who just received a FIFTY PER CENT increase in pay, in ADDITION to the lavish perks that he gets, to pour scorn on a bunch of poor people.


If APNU/AFC continues at this rate, Jagdeo might be perfectly correct when he predicts that they will be removed in 2 years.


We are beginning to see a face of arrogance and bumbling incompetence from APNU/AFC, and they really need to get their act together if they don't plan to be embarrassed come LGE when legions of PNC supporters stay home.


People vote APNU/AFC for a reason, yes less than 51% of the population did.   If the alienated PNC supporters resume not voting, back comes the PPP with 54% of the votes!

Originally Posted by redux:

be clear . . . are u making a case for fishermen not paying income tax?


if not . . . stop your bray and post something useful

Do you know for a fact that fishermen are the only people who don't pay taxes? How many of them even earn enough to meet the income threshold where taxes become due?


If payment of income taxes became the criteria for who gets services from gov't, it will be only the salaried workers, mainly in G/T, who will get any attention. 

Originally Posted by D2:

This is also a case of lack of creativity of Guyanese themselves. If government cannot protect you one is obliged to protect one's self.

So the pirates will not only seek to steal fish, equipment, and what ever cash that these fishermen have with them, but will also seek to steal their guns.


Guyana needs t figure out ways how to deal with crime.


Maybe Moses needs to hand over his money so that the fishermen can figure how not to rely on the gov't for anything.  He and Nagamootoo are complete wastes, and the same can also be said for many of those old time Burnhamites who are now being given plush jobs.


WHAT does Van West Charles know about running a major utility?


I blame all this sycophants, who hunted down all who offer constructive criticism, for this behavior.  Redux you know who you are! 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

be clear . . . are u making a case for fishermen not paying income tax?


if not . . . stop your bray and post something useful

Do you know for a fact that fishermen are the only people who don't pay taxes? How many of them even earn enough to meet the income threshold where taxes become due?


If payment of income taxes became the criteria for who gets services from gov't, it will be only the salaried workers, mainly in G/T, who will get any attention. 

huh? where in the 2 sentences i posted did i say or imply the nonsense you are running with?


you are seriously losing your freakin mind . . . try, check yuhself

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This was quote by a GNI poster:


"Now his remarks at the Toronto gathering, "Can u imagine these people wanting the government to protect them with helicopter while they catch dem mullet and curass. These people doan even pay taxes."


Time for Indos to decide who will defend them.


Ever wondered why crimes against Indos are escalating and no one in the AFC/PNC cares ?

No I cannot imagine the insult here. He is relating the obvious...a rube Goldberg solution being asked by the fishermen. If you catch mullet how in the world can you demand a helicopter protect you?


I agree he should have offered an alternative option instead of being flabbergasted by the ask.


And this is no crime against Indians. This is indian on Indian crime and much of it is orchestrated by the Fishing organization that they look to for help. A relative of the President here was loaning boats, robbing the fishermen of the equipment and then asking them for repayment for the equipment he stole.


The reason we are in such deep shithole is because idiots like you are allowed to scream anything without seeking solutions. Instead of making a stink of this in racist terms you could have shown how stupid it is for Ramjattan to highlight the preposterous of the ask by simple people and his not being able to step in with an alternative and more realistic solution.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

be clear . . . are u making a case for fishermen not paying income tax?


if not . . . stop your bray and post something useful

Do you know for a fact that fishermen are the only people who don't pay taxes? How many of them even earn enough to meet the income threshold where taxes become due?


If payment of income taxes became the criteria for who gets services from gov't, it will be only the salaried workers, mainly in G/T, who will get any attention. 

huh? where in the 2 sentences i posted did i say or imply the nonsense you are running with?


you are seriously losing your freakin mind . . . try, check yuhself

Guyanese are being victimized by criminals.  The man who is supposed to protect them laughs, and screams that they don't pay taxes.


A rational person would ask what does paying taxes have to do with anything, given that no one knows if they pay taxes or not.


You engage in another exercise.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The reason we are in such deep shithole is because idiots like you are allowed to scream anything without seeking solutions.

And Ramjattan makes it easier by ridiculing the people, and not providing solutions.


A helicopter CANNOT protect them, but then I would have expected Ramjattan to have another solution.


Instead he laughs at them.


What of those who ridicule the fact that crime is soaring, so clearly he is failing, and yet he will get a 50% pay increase, this, to quote Harmon, "so they don't tief all over the place".  Do Guyanese have to be protected from Ramjattan being corrupt, because it is certainly NOT based on his performance as the Minister of Home Affairs?


A had some deep fears about these clowns, and they are as bad, if not worse than I feared that they would be.  I actually that that their arrogance wouldn't surface until after LGE, but then they are quite stupid, so I guess they really do think that throngs of PNC supporters will vote, even as APNU/AFC tells them that they don't need a decent pay increase.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

be clear . . . are u making a case for fishermen not paying income tax?


if not . . . stop your bray and post something useful

Do you know for a fact that fishermen are the only people who don't pay taxes? How many of them even earn enough to meet the income threshold where taxes become due?


If payment of income taxes became the criteria for who gets services from gov't, it will be only the salaried workers, mainly in G/T, who will get any attention. 

huh? where in the 2 sentences i posted did i say or imply the nonsense you are running with?


you are seriously losing your freakin mind . . . try, check yuhself

Guyanese are being victimized by criminals.  The man who is supposed to protect them laughs, and screams that they don't pay taxes.


A rational person would ask what does paying taxes have to do with anything, given that no one knows if they pay taxes or not.


You engage in another exercise.

indeed . . . tilt at the minister, it's only fair 


but at the risk of making a thorough jackass of yourself, why invent an 'issue' out of thin air just to point your rubber lance at me and pretend yuh fiteing?


apparently "redux" pan yuh brain . . . u getting the baseman sickness


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