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Ok so redux is permanently banned.  Druggie is allowed to call people "section 8", which triggered redux' rage no doubt.

I need to know. Is this a racist site, because I cannot see how a thread with this headline would be tolerated if it wasn't.

If Indians didn't wish to attend, that is their right.  What is not acceptable is a demonization of blacks, using all the terminologies that a white supremacist would use.

It is clear that there is a problem, and banning people, or closing threads doesn't resolve the problem.

And this isn't a problem with a few posters.  This is an overall problem, which is evident in almost every Guyanese event in NYC.  If blacks organize it Indians refuse to show up.  Blacks will more likely show up to an event organized by Indians, if it commemorates a national event, but will similarly boycott, if it doesn't.

So let us have an intelligent discussion on Indian racism, because it is clearly evident in the headline of the thread.

caribny posted:

I already predict that if Kari, VishMahabir, or Zed respond to this thread, it will be to confront me.

They will pretend to be too busy to attack cobra.


Carib, I am flattered you mentioned my name in this one. Actually, I am in solidarity with you here. The headline is out of line. Take it from a "dougla" boy.

And why is Redux "permanently" banned?

By the way, I zoomed in on the pix...I found 6 Indos, not just Ramjattan and his wife!


Cobra posted:
Django posted:

Haul you a...s Indians are not second class citizen of Guyana never was or never will be.

You are a second class citizen when you have to worship a blackman and your right to speak freely is trampled on. Get use to it, coolie boy!

Banna don't joke around this coolie boy was never a second class citizen living in Guyana.

Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:

Haul you a...s Indians are not second class citizen of Guyana never was or never will be.

You are a second class citizen when you have to worship a blackman and your right to speak freely is trampled on. Get use to it, coolie boy!

Banna don't joke around this coolie boy was never a second class citizen living in Guyana.

Django, you went to the soca jam in Guyana???

caribny posted:

I already predict that if Kari, VishMahabir, or Zed respond to this thread, it will be to confront me.

They will pretend to be too busy to attack cobra.

I don't understand why people will pretend to attack me for making a caption on a gathering of Black people and Ramjattan. No one ever favors me either. I don't need it, I don't care for it. You should try convincing them to be your friend. I don't have friend nor enemies on GNI.

VishMahabir posted:


Carib, I am flattered you mentioned my name in this one. Actually, I am in solidarity with you here. The headline is out of line. Take it from a "dougla" boy.

And why is Redux "permanently" banned?

By the way, I zoomed in on the pix...I found 6 Indos, not just Ramjattan and his wife!


If you are really in solidarity you would take Cobra's behavior, not as the problem, but as the symptom of a problem.

Redux was banned because druggie continued his incessant racist implication that blacks are unproductive and welfare dependent losers.  He directs this to non Indians. 

Redux was angered and cussed him down. He was banned, but druggie can call me, danyael, and the other non Indians here all sorts of names, which have nothing to do with the issue being discussed, rather than dealing with the issues.

Now I don't have a problem with druggie's behavior, as I think that he is a simpleton, but there needs to be fair treatment here.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:

Haul you a...s Indians are not second class citizen of Guyana never was or never will be.

You are a second class citizen when you have to worship a blackman and your right to speak freely is trampled on. Get use to it, coolie boy!

Banna don't joke around this coolie boy was never a second class citizen living in Guyana.

If you don't like my tone, you can slide off this thread NOW.

Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:

Haul you a...s Indians are not second class citizen of Guyana never was or never will be.

You are a second class citizen when you have to worship a blackman and your right to speak freely is trampled on. Get use to it, coolie boy!

Banna don't joke around this coolie boy was never a second class citizen living in Guyana.

If you don't like my tone, you can slide off this thread NOW.

Now one is bothered by you.  Now resume your bigotry.

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:

Haul you a...s Indians are not second class citizen of Guyana never was or never will be.

You are a second class citizen when you have to worship a blackman and your right to speak freely is trampled on. Get use to it, coolie boy!

Banna don't joke around this coolie boy was never a second class citizen living in Guyana.

Django, you went to the soca jam in Guyana???

Vish,i up here bhai when i was in Guyana i used to hang out with all type of crowds,one time i was the only Indo with my black friend at a bar in Buxton,Cobra would have shivered,by the way back home my next door village is black,i does go to the bars there too,not all black folks are bad every race have bad eggs.

Last edited by Django
Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:
Django posted:

Haul you a...s Indians are not second class citizen of Guyana never was or never will be.

You are a second class citizen when you have to worship a blackman and your right to speak freely is trampled on. Get use to it, coolie boy!

Banna don't joke around this coolie boy was never a second class citizen living in Guyana.

If you don't like my tone, you can slide off this thread NOW.

You does deh pun lot ah stupidness.

comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:

Cobra your heading is very racist . " Look like them, speak like them, smell like them " are words that come from the core of your racism.

Please explain why...

I wouldn't bother to explain  " why " as your are not smart enough to understand.

Then you shouldn't meddle when you want to raise question of racism that you cannot explain.

Chief posted:
Cobra posted:
Chief posted:


This type of racism that you display is appalling.

We human beings all smell the same, we have the same color of blood as well!

Do you wish to take a shot and explain the racism? If not, go and take a seat with Comrade and zip it.

What do you mean by " smell like them"?

Smell like them = fresh, sweet, stink, etc. You decide and don't put words in my mouth.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:
Django posted:

Haul you a...s Indians are not second class citizen of Guyana never was or never will be.

You are a second class citizen when you have to worship a blackman and your right to speak freely is trampled on. Get use to it, coolie boy!

There is a right to speak and that comes with some responsibility to be sensible. All you do is spew your racist bile daily. It is amazing you are the same person you were 15 years ago when you were cussing Jean King as a blackman lover on the Community board. What a pity!

Danyael posted:
Cobra posted:

Ramjattan and his wife at a soca fest. Can you recognize him? Two so called Indians were supposed to represent the minority Indo group of second class citizens.

And why do you think you do not look like them? I am sure we can find a girley man there that looks like you.

Thank you for answering the second question"on looks". I couldn't tell the difference between Ramjattan and his brethren in the crowd.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Cobra posted:

Ramjattan look like them, speak like them, smell like them.

In what way(s), Cobra?

1.Smell like them = fresh, sweet, stink, etc.

2. look like them = I could hardly recognize Ramjattan in the crowd since he blend in perfectly with his dark completion.

3. Speak like them = People change their tone of voice when you work as minority among a predominantly black audience. That is common knowledge.

I owe you this much, sir!


Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:

Cobra your heading is very racist . " Look like them, speak like them, smell like them " are words that come from the core of your racism.

Please explain why...

I wouldn't bother to explain  " why " as your are not smart enough to understand.

Then you shouldn't meddle when you want to raise question of racism that you cannot explain.

I am not meddling as this is a free and open forum. You made a very racist statement . I called out your racism when you mentioned  " smell like them " . I would have done the same to anyone who would have called you " curry breath " or  " dhall belly " . I don't have to explain racism when you are a functioning example of it ! BTW some folks on Liberty Avenue mentioned that you do have " curry breath " and these are guys who have the same ethnic profile as you .

comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:

Cobra your heading is very racist . " Look like them, speak like them, smell like them " are words that come from the core of your racism.

Please explain why...

I wouldn't bother to explain  " why " as your are not smart enough to understand.

Then you shouldn't meddle when you want to raise question of racism that you cannot explain.

I am not meddling as this is a free and open forum. You made a very racist statement . I called out your racism when you mentioned  " smell like them " . I would have done the same to anyone who would have called you " curry breath " or  " dhall belly " . I don't have to explain racism when you are a functioning example of it ! BTW some folks on Liberty Avenue mentioned that you do have " curry breath " and these are guys who have the same ethnic profile as you .


Lets not take this to another level...its bad as it is.

Last edited by VishMahabir

Ok listen folks.  While the racism may seem inappropriate, and it is, without question, I think the real issue is the fact that Ramjattan has betrayed the people of Guyana - Indians and blacks alike. 

His choice in politics has been self serving.  The truth is he doesn't give a crap about any of those people in that photograph any less than he doesn't give a crap about Indians. 

Let's call it out for what it is.  Ramjattan is a hypocrite.  Plain and simple as that.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok listen folks.  While the racism may seem inappropriate, and it is, without question, I think the real issue is the fact that Ramjattan has betrayed the people of Guyana - Indians and blacks alike. 

His choice in politics has been self serving.  The truth is he doesn't give a crap about any of those people in that photograph any less than he doesn't give a crap about Indians. 

Let's call it out for what it is.  Ramjattan is a hypocrite.  Plain and simple as that.

Why you saying that because he is a turncoat.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:


This type of racism that you display is appalling.

We human beings all smell the same, we have the same color of blood as well!

Nah.  I am an Annick Goutal, Petite Cherie, type a gal.  Don't mess with that.

Well if i got to buy a gift for you it's inexpensive,i like that.

As long as it is Made in France!!

Bibi Haniffa
comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:

Cobra your heading is very racist . " Look like them, speak like them, smell like them " are words that come from the core of your racism.

Please explain why...

I wouldn't bother to explain  " why " as your are not smart enough to understand.

Then you shouldn't meddle when you want to raise question of racism that you cannot explain.

I am not meddling as this is a free and open forum. You made a very racist statement . I called out your racism when you mentioned  " smell like them " . I would have done the same to anyone who would have called you " curry breath " or  " dhall belly " . I don't have to explain racism when you are a functioning example of it ! BTW some folks on Liberty Avenue mentioned that you do have " curry breath " and these are guys who have the same ethnic profile as you .

Look at you getting all worked up for nothing. We get pass this already. Why you want to get entangled with a man that doesn't mesh up to your intelligence? If I get curry breath or dhall belly, it's all mine. I am not sharing any with you. You want to get personal, right? I am not sitting at your dinner table, sir.

Cobra posted:
comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:
Cobra posted:
comrade posted:

Cobra your heading is very racist . " Look like them, speak like them, smell like them " are words that come from the core of your racism.

Please explain why...

I wouldn't bother to explain  " why " as your are not smart enough to understand.

Then you shouldn't meddle when you want to raise question of racism that you cannot explain.

I am not meddling as this is a free and open forum. You made a very racist statement . I called out your racism when you mentioned  " smell like them " . I would have done the same to anyone who would have called you " curry breath " or  " dhall belly " . I don't have to explain racism when you are a functioning example of it ! BTW some folks on Liberty Avenue mentioned that you do have " curry breath " and these are guys who have the same ethnic profile as you .

Look at you getting all worked up for nothing. We get pass this already. Why you want to get entangled with a man that doesn't mesh up to your intelligence? If I get curry breath or dhall belly, it's all mine. I am not sharing any with you. You want to get personal, right? I am not sitting at your dinner table, sir.

It is not personal ! You make racist comments about a friend of mine but cannot take it when comments are made about you ! You are too dense to understand this free lesson in civility !  I am finished with this discussion. BTW you will never be invited to sit at my dinner table !

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok listen folks.  While the racism may seem inappropriate,

I note you use "may".

Some might argue that Sam Hinds similarly betrayed people.  This is in the eye of the beholder.

The larger issue is the peddling of some serious bigotry, and the fact that you don't seem to see it as such.

In fact Cobra then explains his bigotry, in case you were in doubt.

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