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Former Member
Ramjattan must step down as minister of public security immediately. Accoding to an open letter posted by Nehru, entitled House Slave, the business community is totally against the 2 am curfew that Ramjattan swiftly put in place to reduce crime. According to the letter, some of the questions posed towards Ramjattan's crime fighting strategy is more political to avoid embarrassment of the PNC inability to tackle crime effectively. Ramjattan admitted that dealing with crime is not an easy task, yet he reserved the security position for himself without any knowledge of the security sector. This regime is gambling with Guyanese life on a daily basis to put unqualified people to run one of the most important ministry in Guyana because of a personal agreement made between him and Granger. Folks, we must keep up the pressure on this failed regime until Ramjattan is replaced.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It was foreseeable that the PNC is guessing their way of managing the country. Folks, the business community resentment of this quack regime is already in the news print for the entire nation to read. This will be the beginning of the end of Ramjattan career as minister of national security. The indos that help installed this regime have much more to regret.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The Guyanese people rights must not be trampled on to speak against their government for better security. The people are the government in Guyana unlike the dictatorship regime of America.


Tell me when security and the "rights of the people" were pressing issues to you. We have archived threads here. Pull up a single post of yours on these issues prior to May 11th 2015.


Now these are issues not so as to solve them for the Indian people you profess to care so much about but just as a pile of shyte to point to in the public discourse as fresh PNC shyte when we all know these are the PPP's 23 year old calcified turds.


Own your shyte buddy!

The American installed PNC regime is solely responsible for the safety of 750,000 Guyanese to date. The Guyanese people are losing confidence in this quack regime daily. Ramjattan must step down and save the regime from embarrassment. Their _100 day promise to the nation is doomed to fail. That will be the sign of the return of dictatorship in Guyana. The dirty Indians will have to repent for helping the evil to control Guyana.
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
The Guyanese people must uprise against this regime and demand answer or Ramjattan must go. They say they can do better than the PPP and they failed. A defense attorney that defended criminals cannot protect the people from criminals.


What is the weather like inside your own ass?

Yu should either ask the "long John" PNC man who nightly poles him, or the super cyat PNC female who holds him down while this is going on.


Cobra is living evidence of freedom of speech under APNU.  Even though he is humiliated every night by them, they still allow him to run his mouth every day.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
May I remind you that this is not a personal debate about me. This is a national failure of an incapable regime to protect innocent citizens from a criminal enterprise that overrun Guyana. Now if you have some positive to add, just keep me out of the discourse.

This is a personal debate with you because you get poled by a PNC man every night.  Crime was a serious problem long before May 11th, and you were one of those who scoffed at the idea that the PPP was to blame.


You claimed that "the police cannot be every where" and that "Guyana isn't the only place with crime". 


Your obsession with the sexual proclivities of black men and women is what has you all confused.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
May I remind you that this is not a personal debate about me. This is a national failure of an incapable regime to protect innocent citizens from a criminal enterprise that overrun Guyana. Now if you have some positive to add, just keep me out of the discourse.

This is a personal debate with you because you get poled by a PNC man every night.  Crime was a serious problem long before May 11th, and you were one of those who scoffed at the idea that the PPP was to blame.


You claimed that "the police cannot be every where" and that "Guyana isn't the only place with crime". 


Your obsession with the sexual proclivities of black men and women is what has you all confused.


I sometimes vacillate between engaging idiots, ignoring them, or just pouring a lil scorn and ridicule pon them in the hope however small that they might feel some shame for their stupidity and avoid such behavior/words in the future. However, I sometimes come across idiots (mostly estate coolies and those on the extreme right and left) who are immune to reason and just spout emotion-laden nonsense in place of arguments. I can forgive it from the truly ignorant like the "real" estate coolies (pun not intended actually) and not the ones who have the information and the tools to know better like Cousin Cobra here and others like VVP and Alunatic Gyal. Such stupidity is actually a choice. One has to choose to be this stupid and impervious to reason. Consequently, where intellectual discourse is just not possible ostracism and exile to the kiddie table should be employed.


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