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I will never allow any member on this Forum to behave in such manner.

Ray is a member on this Forum ,i have made some complaints which he brushes off as GNI is Public Forum ,which i perceived that's is ok for members here can be discussed on his forum.

I am requesting Ray to ask his members (who are former members  and some who are current members here) to refrain from discussing "Django the nick of a Private Person " on his forum.

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This is like a turf war begins. DJ, do you remember GNI former member, NUFF? When he started his site to compete with GNI, we never experienced this kind of behavior. Both sites operated like the true American competitors in business. 

I have not visited the site or intended to. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

This is like a turf war begins. DJ, do you remember GNI former member, NUFF? When he started his site to compete with GNI, we never experienced this kind of behavior. Both sites operated like the true American competitors in business. 

I have not visited the site or intended to. 

There is no turf war .Also there was no cross discussion on Nuff site ,it failed to attract members from the community ,then died . I am not making a penny on the forum ,there is no gain .I am contributing almost the cost of a decent vacation to keep it running. It's one way of giving back.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

There is no turf war .Also there was no cross discussion on Nuff site ,it failed to attract members from the community ,then died . I am not making a penny on the forum ,there is no gain .I am contributing almost the cost of a decent vacation to keep it running. It's one way of giving back.

You shouldn't be doing this on your own. Lets us know if any financial contributions are needed and I am certain many would contribute.

I am sorry to see the new forum turn out the way it has. It is certainly off to a horrible start where it is not a welcoming place for diverse discussion without the ad hominem attacks.

Don't let them get under your skin. They are also talking about me but I don't pay them any mind. Empty barrels make the most noise. Let them continue. Just ignore. They will soon get tired.

Last edited by Rochelle

Negative attitudes don't last a long time. They first talk about others, before they become angry among themselves and 'implode'. If Ray don't set proper guide lines now, he could be sorry later. These posters don't like GCDF because they cannot have their unpleasant way.  Keep the rules in place with moderators and this forum will last a long time. It will also attract like minded people who wants to have a proper discussion and information seekers. Plus I am also on board for expenses. 

This morning was an example of this. The PPP gang was very critical of APNU and what  I wrote was 'What hate from the PPP tag team' etc....... and they all immediately stopped writing. Maybe embarassed.

So you do have many supporters Django. You cant be here all the time, but you have good moderators and members who want to see this forum operate properly. But Cain is one ah those iffy guys.     

@Tola posted:

Negative attitudes don't last a long time. They first talk about others, before they become angry among themselves and 'implode'. If Ray don't set proper guide lines now, he could be sorry later. These posters don't like GCDF because they cannot have their unpleasant way.  Keep the rules in place with moderators and this forum will last a long time. It will also attract like minded people who wants to have a proper discussion and information seekers. Plus I am also on board for expenses. 

This morning was an example of this. The PPP gang was very critical of APNU and what  I wrote was 'What hate from the PPP tag team' etc....... and they all immediately stopped writing. Maybe embarassed.

So you do have many supporters Django. You cant be here all the time, but you have good moderators and members who want to see this forum operate properly. But Cain is one ah those iffy guys.     

I agree 100%. Administrators, moderators, and members must be able to demonstrate open and broad flexibility to public discussions without bias. This has been the motto of GNI from inception. I, for one, fought to be different on many fronts and still insist on this belief. I would say Django picks the right people at the right time. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I agree 100%. Administrators, moderators, and members must be able to demonstrate open and broad flexibility to public discussions without bias. This has been the motto of GNI from inception. I, for one, fought to be different on many fronts and still insist on this belief. I would say Django picks the right people at the right time. 

Recently I wrote Ilum about the biases we bring to this forum, based on our lived experiences as youth in Guyana. He had his in GT and mine was in Berbice, but both are strong influences regarding the manner we write on this forum. 

For me, it is important that I learn to recognize my bias because we also work with diverse cultures and it will not make for a better world, whether I meet that person or not.  

Last edited by Tola

Full disclosure: I visit GNI and Backdam. GNI is tense and Backdam has a very relaxed atmosphere.

Can DJ provide a link to where the actual name Django was referenced at the backdam ?

Ray is not the type of person to tolerate or foster any hard feelings for anyone. I think that DJ might be overreacting. Just my two cents.

Last edited by Former Member
@Rochelle posted:

You shouldn't be doing this on your own. Lets us know if any financial contributions are needed and I am certain many would contribute.

I am sorry to see the new forum turn out the way it has. It is certainly off to a horrible start where it is not a welcoming place for diverse discussion without the ad hominem attacks.

Don't let them get under your skin. They are also talking about me but I don't pay them any mind. Empty barrels make the most noise. Let them continue. Just ignore. They will soon get tired.

Hi Sweetie, just got in from a BBQ. Anyway, if anyone says anything negative about you, I will slap them down. 

@Tola posted:

Negative attitudes don't last a long time. They first talk about others, before they become angry among themselves and 'implode'. If Ray don't set proper guide lines now, he could be sorry later. These posters don't like GCDF because they cannot have their unpleasant way.  Keep the rules in place with moderators and this forum will last a long time. It will also attract like minded people who wants to have a proper discussion and information seekers. Plus I am also on board for expenses. 

This morning was an example of this. The PPP gang was very critical of APNU and what  I wrote was 'What hate from the PPP tag team' etc....... and they all immediately stopped writing. Maybe embarassed.

So you do have many supporters Django. You cant be here all the time, but you have good moderators and members who want to see this forum operate properly. But Cain is one ah those iffy guys.     

Negative attitudes don’t last a long time?  How come your’s last a generation and counting?

@Django posted:

I will never allow any member on this Forum to behave in such manner.

Ray is a member on this Forum ,i have made some complaints which he brushes off as GNI is Public Forum ,which i perceived that's is ok for members here can be discussed on his forum.

I am requesting Ray to ask his members (who are former members  and some who are current members here) to refrain from discussing "Django the nick of a Private Person " on his forum.

It’s your nick them cussing. Stop being a kid. You does cuss PPP politicians and their families mercilessly. 


Rochelle, be aware of some men on this forum. They don't have a good track record with women, whom they had personal contact, or exchanged personal information. This was recently displayed here in a heated manner, with much personal details for the public to see. You know already from telling about yourself, how it can be used against you by 'friends'.   

@Tola posted:

Rochelle, be aware of some men on this forum. They don't have a good track record with women, whom they had personal contact, or exchanged personal information. This was recently displayed here in a heated manner, with much personal details for the public to see. You know already from telling about yourself, how it can be used against you by 'friends'.   

Is Rochelle also aware of men here who pretend to be helping vulnerable youths in Guyana but no one in Guyana knows or heard and he likes to boast of hussling lil girls?  And this is not personal details, it was posted here by person #1.

Good thing PNC lost.

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

Django, do not venture into the land of gossip, big people with nothing fo do but gossip name ain't anything new, always been around and ain't gonna change.

WTR you talking?  Seems there is a back room gossip hall of posters between the Admin and his 5-6 member posse.  They seem to know who each other are and share their views of posters amongst themselves.

So the entire backbone of this site are the epitome of hypocrisy.  And this is on multiple dimensions.

I’ve not even ventured on Ray’s site, however, whatever is posted there, just deal with it.

@Former Member posted:

WTR you talking?  Seems there is a back room gossip hall of posters between the Admin and his 5-6 member posse.  They seem to know who each other are and share their views of posters amongst themselves.

So the entire backbone of this site are the epitome of hypocrisy.  And this is on multiple dimensions.

I’ve not even ventured on Ray’s site, however, whatever is posted there, just deal with it.

Mr. Pablo would like to thank you. Is why you have a black woman as your avatar?

@Tola posted:

Negative attitudes don't last a long time. They first talk about others, before they become angry among themselves and 'implode'. If Ray don't set proper guide lines now, he could be sorry later. These posters don't like GCDF because they cannot have their unpleasant way.  Keep the rules in place with moderators and this forum will last a long time. It will also attract like minded people who wants to have a proper discussion and information seekers. Plus I am also on board for expenses. 

This morning was an example of this. The PPP gang was very critical of APNU and what  I wrote was 'What hate from the PPP tag team' etc....... and they all immediately stopped writing. Maybe embarassed.

So you do have many supporters Django. You cant be here all the time, but you have good moderators and members who want to see this forum operate properly. But Cain is one ah those iffy guys.     

You,Rochelle, and Cobra, had your mouthful to say about people, that you don't like, on this GNI'. Now you all are trying to tell us that you are saints.  If you want to be a moderator, just say it.  But remember, those who live in Glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Django, as Gilbaka said, not everbody has the skin of a rhinoceros where criticism is concerned. I visit GuyanaBackdam, I am interested the points of views of the posters as well as the posters over here. When I read Nehru's comment I wondered why Ray tolerated it. I am surprised D2 doan give a good Gaumont slap of words, like a cussing. He duz cuss from time to time. 

I knew you were going to be offended. One can only say, "oh! it is only Nehru."

Nehru, behave yuhself. GuyanaBackdam iz nah way back of the village of Guyanese readers and posters, you iz accesible by the touch of a button.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You,Rochelle, and Cobra, had your mouthful to say about people, that you don't like, on this GNI'. Now you all are trying to tell us that you are saints.  If you want to be a moderator, just say it.  But remember, those who live in Glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Rochelle does not say anything about people. Others I agree, however, not Django also. He did cross a few times but pulled back.  But he does cuss the PPP bad bad.  My issue with the man is politics, not personal. He still owes me a drink. 

@Former Member posted:

Rochelle does not say anything about people. Others I agree, however, not Django also. He did cross a few times but pulled back.  But he does cuss the PPP bad bad.  My issue with the man is politics, not personal. He still owes me a drink. 

You are wrong, Rochelle did threaten the Indians saying that it isn't over yet and you are going to get what you deserve.  Go back and read some of her posts. She thinks she is black but she is not. She propagates violence against the PPP.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are wrong, Rochelle did threaten the Indians saying that it isn't over yet and you are going to get what you deserve.  Go back and read some of her posts. She thinks she is black but she is not. She propagates violence against the PPP.

Banna, that is not personal. Even some nemacks were saying same. Just listen to Jhatt and others. But I did respond to her appropriately. Didn’t Putin say the PPP leadership will be “blown to smithereens“ if they took power?  then boasted of the daughter-in-law’s relationship to Anil?  And the “smithereens“ comment was “liked” by Mits  

These were all posted on this site.  So don’t pick on her.  She does not have a bad heart, the khulies do.

@Former Member posted:

WTR you talking?  Seems there is a back room gossip hall of posters between the Admin and his 5-6 member posse.  They seem to know who each other are and share their views of posters amongst themselves.

So the entire backbone of this site are the epitome of hypocrisy.  And this is on multiple dimensions.

I’ve not even ventured on Ray’s site, however, whatever is posted there, just deal with it.

In defense of Cain, he wouldn't know about that because he doen't seem to be part of that back room posse.


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