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Ralph Ramkarran

On December 29 the Attorney General’s Chambers issued a statement asserting that the lease that had been granted to the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (CJRC) in connection with the property in Kingston, Georgetown, known as ‘Red House,’ was invalid. Extensive reasons were given as the basis for that conclusion. On the following day a statement by Mr. Anil Nandlall, a prominent and well-respected lawyer and former Attorney General, was published. It was an equally extensive statement with a detailed legal analysis challenging the conclusions of the statement of the Attorney General’s Chambers.

In the meantime, on the evening of December 29, a statement from the Ministry of the Presidency informed the public that the President had revoked the lease on the basis of the advice given by the Attorney General’s Chambers and had given the CJRC 48 hours to vacate the premises. The CJRC had occupied the premises for about fifteen years and had accumulated a vast amount of material. Even trespassers are given longer periods to vacate premises by courts. In law, the period given must be reasonable. 48 hours could not be reasonable under any circumstances.

On the morning of December 30 the CJRC filed constitutional proceedings in court challenging the revocation of the lease on the ground, inter alia, that the lease was property as defined by the Constitution and that the revocation constituted a deprivation of property without compensation, contrary to the Constitution. The Chief Justice ordered that the proceedings be served on the Attorney General and fixed the matter for hearing as to the preliminary issue of a conservatory order, applied for be the CJRC, for 3 pm. The objective of a conservatory order is to preserve the status quo until the hearing and determination of the matter. The Chief Justice eventually granted an order preserving the property of the CJRC in the building. In other words, neither the Attorney General, nor his agents or anyone else, except CJRC, was allowed to interfere with the property of CJRC.

In an interview reported in the media after the hearing on December 30, which up to the time of writing at midday of December 31, has not been refuted by the Attorney General’s Chambers, Mr. Anil Nandlall reported that the Attorney General informed the Court that the lease had been revoked several days before and that possession of Red House had been acquired by the Government also several days ago. If what Mr. Nandlall reported was accurate, the status quo that the Attorney General would have been advancing was that the Government was in possession of the Red House. He would have been urging the Court to preserve the status quo of Government’s possession of Red House ought to have been preserved. I know of my own knowledge that the claim that Government was in possession of Red House was palpably false. I spoke to staff of the CJRC by telephone from the CJRC at about 4 pm and they were in the Red House carrying out their normal activities.

It could be, because of the uncanny connection, that in order to create conditions on the ground, as reported by the Attorney General in court, that the premises were invaded by persons wearing shirts with the insignias ‘MOTP,’ assumed to be ‘Ministry of the Presidency.’ They changed the padlock on the gate, tore down the ‘Cheddi Jagan Research Centre’ sign, prevented entry into and exit from the building and ordered that nothing is to leave the building. The Police eventually intervened and after a while the men departed. The padlock was removed and the sign restored.

The Guyana Chronicle, in a blatantly false and misleading headline yesterday stated, “Red House back with gov’t – court did not grant order to prevent eviction.”

Guyana is a law based society and is governed by the rule of law. If the Government is aggrieved by the possession of Red House by the CJRC, it is the height of lawlessness for it to send its staffers to eject the occupants and seize possession. The same APNU+AFC, even the PNC and PNCR before it, popularized the phrase ‘executive lawlessness.’ The attempt to eject the occupants of Red House is a straight case of the height of executive lawlessness. No Government official has the power to dictate the expulsion of occupants of State or any other property. If the Government requires possession, it must obtain an order of the Court. That is the rule of law. It applies to the President, the Government and the citizen.

The attempted unlawful seizure of Red House, unlawful restriction of the movement of the occupants and the unlawful sequestration of its property, bring back sad memories of times past when the rule of law in Guyana was being severely undermined as a result of political oppression and authoritarian rule. Let us hope that this event is not a foreboding of what will happen in 2017.

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As Guyanese prepare to celebrate the New Year, the President of Guyana H.E David Granger has announced his decision to revoke the lease for the Cheddi…
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Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Public will wait very long. Those two Leaches better dont open their mouth because Harmon will slap them so hard his finger prints will be on their faces forever!!! Their duties will also include changing Granger Diaper and emptying his Septic Tank!!!!!!!!


We have only see the smoke from this murderer ( Granger) worst is yet to come especially leading up closer to the next election. I would not be surprise a year closer to election they convict the opposition leader and PPP members  of allegations of corruption and throw them in jail 

the ppp should embrace all their pass members and work for unity .... they should remember the sacrifices and suffering they endure at the hands of PNC 

Imran posted:

We have only see the smoke from this murderer ( Granger) worst is yet to come especially leading up closer to the next election. I would not be surprise a year closer to election they convict the opposition leader and PPP members  of allegations of corruption and throw them in jail 

the ppp should embrace all their pass members and work for unity .... they should remember the sacrifices and suffering they endure at the hands of PNC 

for all the suffering, I see they have a lot of fat people

RiffRaff posted:
Imran posted:

We have only see the smoke from this murderer ( Granger) worst is yet to come especially leading up closer to the next election. I would not be surprise a year closer to election they convict the opposition leader and PPP members  of allegations of corruption and throw them in jail 

the ppp should embrace all their pass members and work for unity .... they should remember the sacrifices and suffering they endure at the hands of PNC 

for all the suffering, I see they have a lot of fat people

Yeah , that so true ... Guyanese don't like to work . 

Imran posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Guyana is tit for tat politics....these are are little distractions from real problems


Go tell that to granger and company 

they know this, so to avoid people paying attention to real problems, they create all these distractions to keep the masses at each other's troats

Imran posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Imran posted:

We have only see the smoke from this murderer ( Granger) worst is yet to come especially leading up closer to the next election. I would not be surprise a year closer to election they convict the opposition leader and PPP members  of allegations of corruption and throw them in jail 

the ppp should embrace all their pass members and work for unity .... they should remember the sacrifices and suffering they endure at the hands of PNC 

for all the suffering, I see they have a lot of fat people

Yeah , that so true ... Guyanese don't like to work . 

that's why I laugh at all these keyboard warriors calling for revolution...when a man can get a visa or get some small change from foreign, then all is well...just rock back in the hammock and sleep



While the PPP was the government, the Opposition was the wrong and strong group. Now that the PPP is the Opposition is, the government is the wrong and strong group. Anyone who expected a better government than the one replaced has to be living in shame right now. I knew the moment that Cummingsburg Accord was signed the PNC days of old was back. Moses and Ramjattan woefully thought that they were getting big position and all they got was back-up positions.

Last edited by Former Member

"Guyana is a law based society and is governed by the rule of law. If the Government is aggrieved by the possession of Red House by the CJRC, it is the height of lawlessness for it to send its staffers to eject the occupants and seize possession. The same APNU+AFC, even the PNC and PNCR before it, popularized the phrase ‘executive lawlessness.’ The attempt to eject the occupants of Red House is a straight case of the height of executive lawlessness. No Government official has the power to dictate the expulsion of occupants of State or any other property. If the Government requires possession, it must obtain an order of the Court. That is the rule of law. It applies to the President, the Government and the citizen."

ksazma posted:

While the PPP was the government, the Opposition was the wrong and strong group. Now that the PPP is the Opposition is, the government is the wrong and strong group. Anyone who expected a better government than the one replaced has to be living in shame right now. I knew the moment that Cummingsburg Accord was signed the PNC days of old was back. Moses and Ramjattan woefully thought that they were getting big position and all they got was back-up positions.

Kasz, the FACT is these FILTH HEADS has NO SHAME. They are MORE OF A PARASITE AS UNCLE TOM!!!!!!!!!


I could care less. That jackass spent $ 175 million with audits and came up with Nothing, Nada, Shyte.

Please do not attempt to divert attention from the two crooks and traitors Moses and Ramjattan. They are bigger jackasses than Granger.

Moses and Ramjattan are worse than skunks.

yuji22 posted:

Nehru Bhai,

Take notice how the Racist Carib and his side kick Django are in hiding. They are busy celebrating the demise of Indos.

Banna you always prefer to paint individuals with your racist brush,

take a good look in the mirror,

as for defending the rights of Indos,that is blowing hot air.

Last edited by Django
Imran posted:

We have only see the smoke from this murderer ( Granger) worst is yet to come especially leading up closer to the next election. I would not be surprise a year closer to election they convict the opposition leader and PPP members  of allegations of corruption and throw them in jail 

the ppp should embrace all their pass members and work for unity .... they should remember the sacrifices and suffering they endure at the hands of PNC 

Good call there Imran.  They will wait close to election and come up with something to throw the top PPP contenders in jail.  That might be Ramkarran's chance to step out and snatch the election from them.  I don't think he is interested in the Presidency though.  Word has it that the ABC electioneers have Trotman as their guy for 2020 to continue the PNC reign of terror.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Imran posted:

We have only see the smoke from this murderer ( Granger) worst is yet to come especially leading up closer to the next election. I would not be surprise a year closer to election they convict the opposition leader and PPP members  of allegations of corruption and throw them in jail 

the ppp should embrace all their pass members and work for unity .... they should remember the sacrifices and suffering they endure at the hands of PNC 

Good call there Imran.  They will wait close to election and come up with something to throw the topPPP contenders in jail.  That might be Ramkarran's chance to step out and snatch the election from them.  I don't think he is interested in the Presidency though.  Word has it that the ABC electioneers have Trotman as their guy for 2020 to continue the PNC reign of terror.

Suh ABC controlling the show,wondering why the PPP is not their choice.

Can you provide an answer ? i wanna hear.


The answer is: They can manipulate the PNC numbskulls.  They cannot do that to the PPP. For the PPP it's country first.  For the PNC it's oil money first and integrity last.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The answer is: They can manipulate the PNC numbskulls.  They cannot do that to the PPP. For the PPP it's country first.  For the PNC it's oil money first and integrity last.

Grey areas  there,

Suh the PNC have no bright boys,check history that party was surrounded by some renown Indo Guyanese and Afro Guyanese whom were educated in the west.

That can't be said of the fellas from F.H, except for a minuscule few.

I am not defending the PNC, give " jack his jacket"

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The answer is: They can manipulate the PNC numbskulls.  They cannot do that to the PPP. For the PPP it's country first.  For the PNC it's oil money first and integrity last.

Grey areas  there,

Suh the PNC have no bright boys,check history that party was surrounded by some renown Indo Guyanese and Afro Guyanese whom were educated in the west.

That can't be said of the fellas from F.H, except for a minuscule few.

I am not defending the PNC, give " jack his jacket"

Unfortunately though Django bai, none of that pristine education did anything to make the first PNC government and now this current one competent. They were hapless prior to 1992 and are still hapless now. All that renown stuff just went to channa like Guyana.

Just saying my friend.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The answer is: They can manipulate the PNC numbskulls.  They cannot do that to the PPP. For the PPP it's country first.  For the PNC it's oil money first and integrity last.

Grey areas  there,

Suh the PNC have no bright boys,check history that party was surrounded by some renown Indo Guyanese and Afro Guyanese whom were educated in the west.

That can't be said of the fellas from F.H, except for a minuscule few.

I am not defending the PNC, give " jack his jacket"

Unfortunately though Django bai, none of that pristine education did anything to make the first PNC government and now this current one competent. They were hapless prior to 1992 and are still hapless now. All that renown stuff just went to channa like Guyana.

Just saying my friend.

Won't argue there may be the "leader "weren't listening,

Burnham he was a despot,Granger is a rubber stamp,Harmon running the show.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The answer is: They can manipulate the PNC numbskulls.  They cannot do that to the PPP. For the PPP it's country first.  For the PNC it's oil money first and integrity last.

Grey areas  there,

Suh the PNC have no bright boys,check history that party was surrounded by some renown Indo Guyanese and Afro Guyanese whom were educated in the west.

That can't be said of the fellas from F.H, except for a minuscule few.

I am not defending the PNC, give " jack his jacket"

Unfortunately though Django bai, none of that pristine education did anything to make the first PNC government and now this current one competent. They were hapless prior to 1992 and are still hapless now. All that renown stuff just went to channa like Guyana.

Just saying my friend.

Won't argue there may be the "leader "weren't listening,

Burnham he was a despot,Granger is a rubber stamp,Harmon running the show.

Truthfully Burnham was a brilliant lawyer. Jagan was a doctor albeit a Dentist. Granger has several degrees as well as many others in government. I have no flipping idea what Hoyte or Jagdeo has.  All of that means nothing if you are hapless as leaders. Jagdeo was the only leader who was not hapless and actually moved the country to a state of prosperity. Looks like we are going backwards now.

ksazma posted:

Truthfully Burnham was a brilliant lawyer. Jagan was a doctor albeit a Dentist. Granger has several degrees as well as many others in government. I have no flipping idea what Hoyte or Jagdeo has.  All of that means nothing if you are hapless as leaders. Jagdeo was the only leader who was not hapless and actually moved the country to a state of prosperity. Looks like we are going backwards now.

Let the PPP crew explained where Jagdeo studied,and how he was shoved up by Janet to become president,also how he became Finance Minister after they kicked out  Asgar Ali.

Hoyte was wan lawyer studied in England,held a few portfolios during kabaka days,

I can recall we used to mock his name the minister with all the portfolios and no progress.

Any way he did a good  by accepting to have free and fair elections.

below is wan lill read.

There is a sad part how he lost his children,his sister-in-law and driver.

He entered Parliament as a member of the People's National Congress in 1968 and soon began serving in the cabinet. He washome affairs minister from 1969 to 1970, finance minister from 1970 to 1972, works and communications minister from 1972 to 1974, and economic development minister in 1974 to 1980. Hoyte concentrated on economic affairs during his political career. His brilliance was not just seen politically. As an influential role model, he demonstrated how to handle his duties during adversity. With obligation to family and his country, Hoyte masterfully navigated a personal and emotional minefield in May 1985. His entire family, traveling in advance to hear him deliver the May Day address in the town of Linden, experienced tragedy on the evening of 30 April 1985. Their vehicle crashed, killing his only two children: Amanda and Maxine, his sister-in-law and his driver. Only his wife, Joyce, survived. Fraught with grief and tragedy, Desmond Hoyte always continued to skillfully lead his countrymen. He simultaneously mustered the strength to discharge his ministerial duty, and went on to deliver the May Day address the next day after the loss of his love ones. Guyanese remembered listening to the live broadcast on the radio, describing it as an inspiring, yet somber speech which gushed from his mountain of anguish and deep affliction.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Allyo need to pay attention to Harmon. He is Idi Amin born again.

His wings need clipping.

Y'all parroting Moses line?  Everybody knows that Moses don't like Harmon because Harmon stole his thunder.

Harmon cannot do shit without Granger blessing.  They are both culprits along with Moses.  A pack of packoos.

VVP posted:
Imran posted:

Django ... Dr Jagdeo is the most charasmatic leader currently in Guyana . 

Name 5 points that granger has to offer or 5  positive he has done so far 

If Granger did anything positive it was to allow the US DEA in,but that might have been a condition for US support last elections.


Imran posted:

Django ... Dr Jagdeo is the most charismatic leader currently in Guyana . 

Name 5 points that granger has to offer or 5  positive he has done so far 

Firstly he has no Doctorate,conferred Dr. don't count.

Charismatic too each his own,i see him as a con.

Too early call on Granger,important wan to mention is advancing the settlement of the border issue.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Truthfully Burnham was a brilliant lawyer. Jagan was a doctor albeit a Dentist. Granger has several degrees as well as many others in government. I have no flipping idea what Hoyte or Jagdeo has.  All of that means nothing if you are hapless as leaders. Jagdeo was the only leader who was not hapless and actually moved the country to a state of prosperity. Looks like we are going backwards now.

Let the PPP crew explained where Jagdeo studied,and how he was shoved up by Janet to become president,also how he became Finance Minister after they kicked out  Asgar Ali.

Hoyte was wan lawyer studied in England,held a few portfolios during kabaka days,

I can recall we used to mock his name the minister with all the portfolios and no progress.

Any way he did a good  by accepting to have free and fair elections.

below is wan lill read.

There is a sad part how he lost his children,his sister-in-law and driver.

He entered Parliament as a member of the People's National Congress in 1968 and soon began serving in the cabinet. He washome affairs minister from 1969 to 1970, finance minister from 1970 to 1972, works and communications minister from 1972 to 1974, and economic development minister in 1974 to 1980. Hoyte concentrated on economic affairs during his political career. His brilliance was not just seen politically. As an influential role model, he demonstrated how to handle his duties during adversity. With obligation to family and his country, Hoyte masterfully navigated a personal and emotional minefield in May 1985. His entire family, traveling in advance to hear him deliver the May Day address in the town of Linden, experienced tragedy on the evening of 30 April 1985. Their vehicle crashed, killing his only two children: Amanda and Maxine, his sister-in-law and his driver. Only his wife, Joyce, survived. Fraught with grief and tragedy, Desmond Hoyte always continued to skillfully lead his countrymen. He simultaneously mustered the strength to discharge his ministerial duty, and went on to deliver the May Day address the next day after the loss of his love ones. Guyanese remembered listening to the live broadcast on the radio, describing it as an inspiring, yet somber speech which gushed from his mountain of anguish and deep affliction.

Not diminishing his personal losses but he still rigged the 1985 elections and was forced to hold free elections in 1992 because Guyana had gone to shit by then. So all that education still had them hapless. Nothing wrong with Janet Jagan giving the green light for Jagdeo to become President. All parties have their systems and that is their systems. What is notable is how he governed and how Guyana thrived when he was President. Maybe the people who Caribny complained about not thriving were just lazy and not innovative.

ksazma posted:

Not diminishing his personal losses but he still rigged the 1985 elections and was forced to hold free elections in 1992 because Guyana had gone to shit by then. So all that education still had them hapless. Nothing wrong with Janet Jagan giving the green light for Jagdeo to become President. All parties have their systems and that is their systems.What is notable is how he governed and how Guyana thrived when he was President. Maybe the people who Caribny complained about not thriving were just lazy and not innovative.

That governing and prosperity is questionable,some of the illegal activity flourished

was that good  and are we seeing the repercussions,well some will say as i have heard from friends  it's ok,for me no good.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Not diminishing his personal losses but he still rigged the 1985 elections and was forced to hold free elections in 1992 because Guyana had gone to shit by then. So all that education still had them hapless. Nothing wrong with Janet Jagan giving the green light for Jagdeo to become President. All parties have their systems and that is their systems.What is notable is how he governed and how Guyana thrived when he was President. Maybe the people who Caribny complained about not thriving were just lazy and not innovative.

That governing and prosperity is questionable,some of the illegal activity flourished

was that good  and are we seeing the repercussions,well some will say as i have heard from friends  it's ok,for me no good.

As of now with nearly two years of a changed government, they still remain just allegations.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Not diminishing his personal losses but he still rigged the 1985 elections and was forced to hold free elections in 1992 because Guyana had gone to shit by then. So all that education still had them hapless. Nothing wrong with Janet Jagan giving the green light for Jagdeo to become President. All parties have their systems and that is their systems.What is notable is how he governed and how Guyana thrived when he was President. Maybe the people who Caribny complained about not thriving were just lazy and not innovative.

That governing and prosperity is questionable,some of the illegal activity flourished

was that good  and are we seeing the repercussions,well some will say as i have heard from friends  it's ok,for me no good.

As of now with nearly two years of a changed government, they still remain just allegations.

Suh how some folks got penned for the white stuff ??

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Not diminishing his personal losses but he still rigged the 1985 elections and was forced to hold free elections in 1992 because Guyana had gone to shit by then. So all that education still had them hapless. Nothing wrong with Janet Jagan giving the green light for Jagdeo to become President. All parties have their systems and that is their systems.What is notable is how he governed and how Guyana thrived when he was President. Maybe the people who Caribny complained about not thriving were just lazy and not innovative.

That governing and prosperity is questionable,some of the illegal activity flourished

was that good  and are we seeing the repercussions,well some will say as i have heard from friends  it's ok,for me no good.

What do you consider illegal activity, do you have evidence to prove your claim 


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