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Former Member

Dear Uncle David Let me tell you about my life…


I WILL only address you as Mr. President when we are in those overly formal situations which demand it. Outside of that formality, you will be Uncle David to me because you are family, and I hope that by holding you so close to my heart, it will encourage you to keep me close to yours.I know for certain that I have faith in you and one or two of your soldiers. I recognise that at this point in Guyana’s history, a government led by you is the best choice for our nation moving forward. But I don’t think many Guyanese realise just why this was so necessary. It is necessary because it is the first step in changing the political tradition which has ripped our nation limb from limb.
Tonight, I expected to be happy now that you’ve been sworn in, but instead, I find myself in a kind of pain for which I am still too young to describe with just the right words.
Tonight, Uncle David, I am in tears, and I look at my family and I look at the walls of my home and I feel as if I am alone here, and as if I am homeless.
Many of us have said much about what one government or the other has done to Guyana. But most of our stories seek only to cast blame on one side or the other. But me, I am lucky that I can see the bigger picture; I see that it isn’t one side or the other, but it is the entire system and tradition of politics which have been responsible for our state.
Let me tell you about my life, Uncle David; let me tell you about what our country’s tradition of politics has taken from me. It has taken my mother’s peace and replaced it with a fear so heavy that it drags her into deep, dark places where even I cannot reach her. It has taken my Nani’s good sense and replaced it with a loyalty to men and women who will never love her. It has taken my family from me, Uncle David, and replaced them with strangers who look at me across our kitchen table with anger in their eyes.
I have looked steadily back at them, and done my best to calm their fears while dealing with my own. I told Nani to remember that the greatest wars in our Hindu scriptures were fought within families to rid the world of evil. I have told her that it is her own wayward family that has blinded her so, and that love is no excuse for tolerating things which are wrong.
I am not sure she could really hear me. Even the woman I have loved best in my life; even she has been taken from me.
This week I walked through my village to shouts of “We done with dem coolie sk*nt” and “Yuh coolie crass, we gon tek back everything now.” These words will hurt me for years to come, but hurt is all I will feel. I will not feel anger or bitterness or the need to retaliate, because I know that this is the legacy of our political tradition. So you see, Uncle David, I have inherited the hate and anger that is directed to that last batch of politicians for their infamous deeds. And this is yet another thing politics has taken from me, Uncle David; it has taken my face and turned it into an icon which represents one section of the elitist group of rulers who have ruined our nation in the only twisted sort of unity of which they were capable.
The things I feel today, I am certain that many Guyanese have felt them to some degree in their lives. But how many have been able to resist the anger that comes from that sort of pain? How many have been able to keep their fear in check, so that it did not manifest into hate? I am afraid of the answer, Uncle David; very afraid. This is not what our people deserve.
I chose to tell you these things today, because I am certain that even as you go through the necessary social rituals, you are well aware of how serious our situation is and just how difficult the road ahead will be. I want you to remember my words, and keep in mind that every day we spend not bridging the divide is one more day of misery for me and you and all of us. Go with our blessings.

Without Wax


Replies sorted oldest to newest

I know these are ordinary semi-literate ignars most likely but it does have a cumulative chilling effect on the Indian population.


It is very possible Indian people just didn't lose an election but we're about to feel the full brunt of PNC supporters who blame every single Indian peasant for every misdeed committed by the past regime.


What is light for some will be darkness for others.


Of course we can thank the PPP for this. 23 years of oppressive rule and gross incompetence simultaneously.


A PNC Presidency+A PNC Cabinet+A PNC Loyal Army+ A PNC Loyal Police Force+A PNC Loyal Civil Service+ A PNC Loyal Foreign Service+Some Useful Indian Idiots in the AFC Ready Fuh Tief=?


Times have changed. It is APNU and AFC running the show now. The PPP and its sidekick the PNC can go and eat grass for all I care. The PPP is the one who ran the police force. The PPP headman himself Ramotar was commander in chief. It is not the current government who installed even a single person in the police force. Trying to claim otherwise is a clear indication of how the lying and thieving PPP operates. When trouble reach them they are all sudden victims instead of the actual crime bosses.


As for the letter from Bharat: TREASON!!! Lock him up. He is sowing the seeds for a coup to grab power by force.


you display an attitude that is worrying, that is indicative of black supremac. A lot of East Indians voted against the PPP because they were against vehat they were seeing. More voted for the PPP because they had concerns about the apnu in power. These ordinary people should not  be accused of directly benefitting from whatever wrongs were committed by those in the leadership in government. we need to move forward and we will never do this if almost half of the population is accused and demonized. There are so many reports of people being told what will happen to their wife and children.


Those that voted for the PPP because of their fear or racial bias against APNU are the kind of folks that Guyana can do without. The last 23 years were the worse in the economic history of Guyana. If they wanted the country to keep steering that course then that says a lot of their involvement with the PPP criminals. Only thieves and their associates are scared of better security and living standards.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I know these are ordinary semi-literate ignars most likely but it does have a cumulative chilling effect on the Indian population.

How so fool? . . . i'm sure that u [do] understand what "cumulative" means, rite?


It is very possible Indian people just didn't lose an election but we're about to feel the full brunt of PNC supporters who blame every single Indian peasant for every misdeed committed by the past regime.

seriously . . .? what does the illiterate "full brunt of PNC supporters" actually mean? textbook definition of a belly-crawling, ignoble reach; smfh


What is light for some will be darkness for others.

sure, suuure bai . . . very profound; clap clap


Of course we can thank the PPP for this. 23 years of oppressive rule and gross incompetence simultaneously.

nothing a good heavy dose of RSS/Hindutva discipline and ideology can't cure, rite?


A PNC Presidency+A PNC Cabinet+A PNC Loyal Army+ A PNC Loyal Police Force+A PNC Loyal Civil Service+ A PNC Loyal Foreign Service+Some Useful Indian Idiots in the AFC Ready Fuh Tief=?

typical coward antiman . . . messaging "blackman" using "PNC" as proxy!


Last i checked, 40% of cabinet positions go to AFC, including AFC control of Home Affairs and Agriculture.

also, do you have new information about the Foreign Service? please share; because, if i recall correctly, it was practically cleansed of Afro-Guyanese under Jagdeo and i didn't hear u complaining; what's your point again?

The GDF and police attract too few Indians for your liking . . . what's new? nothing to do with PNC; your dream of a "loyal" Indo-dominated military and police to support illegal acts by the PPP is noted and filed

shaitaan, see my response(s) (in bold above) to your silly, scattershot, sullen, race-baiting nonsense 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

She is real. She supported the coalition. I have heard of many instances of verbal abuse of Indos running up to the election. Educated Indos understood that these abuses were coming because of the dangerous line of campaigning the PPP leadership took on. The rural Indos thought voting for PPP was the only way to preserve themselves. I have received numerous cases of these verbal abuse, so I am not surprised what Sara wrote. I have an example of an Indian guy who was always fervently anti-PPP. He never voted PPP in his life. I don't know how he voted in the end. I hope mature leadership over the next 5 years will defuse the situation on the ground. The coalition was most mature running up to the election.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

Ow Mitwah, she is real and what she said is a real situation and her message is one to drive ethnic healing.


The great many East Indians are not too vocal with their anti-Black racists comments.


Not all Blacks are more prone to be abusive with it-very loud. I see it happened in 1955 after the Split. It was like they had an inward hatred just waiting for the opportunity to be vented.


The same thing will happen this time. Until it ran its course.  


Politicians, after being elected, have a different agenda. And President Granger cannot and will not be able to wrestle every racist-both Blacks and Indians. What he should be doing, is to hurry up and educate the Guyana Police Force  


Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

She is real. She supported the coalition. I have heard of many instances of verbal abuse of Indos running up to the election. Educated Indos understood that these abuses were coming because of the dangerous line of campaigning the PPP leadership took on. The rural Indos thought voting for PPP was the only way to preserve themselves. I have received numerous cases of these verbal abuse, so I am not surprised what Sara wrote. I have an example of an Indian guy who was always fervently anti-PPP. He never voted PPP in his life. I don't know how he voted in the end. I hope mature leadership over the next 5 years will defuse the situation on the ground. The coalition was most mature running up to the election.


Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

Ow Mitwah, she is real and what she said is a real situation and her message is one to drive ethnic healing.

I read the letter again. I stand corrected. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I know these are ordinary semi-literate ignars most likely but it does have a cumulative chilling effect on the Indian population.


It is very possible Indian people just didn't lose an election but we're about to feel the full brunt of PNC supporters who blame every single Indian peasant for every misdeed committed by the past regime.


What is light for some will be darkness for others.


Of course we can thank the PPP for this. 23 years of oppressive rule and gross incompetence simultaneously.


A PNC Presidency+A PNC Cabinet+A PNC Loyal Army+ A PNC Loyal Police Force+A PNC Loyal Civil Service+ A PNC Loyal Foreign Service+Some Useful Indian Idiots in the AFC Ready Fuh Tief=?

one of the truly asinine notion embraced by you and the Rev is you can flip flop, cuss the hell out of others, call them crude names and pillory their friends and family etc  but in the end accuse others for being morons for doing the same. Ms Bharrat is Indian, she is bright, she is in your face she has been at the boot of some of the very crude assault by members of the PPP. She calling others coolie in the pejorative does not even rise to the  sense of you calling  them "mudheads", and "canecutters" etc or the Rev "nigg.e.r Indian" and "dirty Indian". While it is not a nice thing it is looking for a word to leverage the crudeness of others among one's own ethnicity that one disagrees with who acts in loathsome ways. By the way, I think she is a linguist so I am sure she grasp the full force of the word.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I know these are ordinary semi-literate ignars most likely but it does have a cumulative chilling effect on the Indian population.


It is very possible Indian people just didn't lose an election but we're about to feel the full brunt of PNC supporters who blame every single Indian peasant for every misdeed committed by the past regime.


What is light for some will be darkness for others.


Of course we can thank the PPP for this. 23 years of oppressive rule and gross incompetence simultaneously.


A PNC Presidency+A PNC Cabinet+A PNC Loyal Army+ A PNC Loyal Police Force+A PNC Loyal Civil Service+ A PNC Loyal Foreign Service+Some Useful Indian Idiots in the AFC Ready Fuh Tief=?

one of the truly asinine notion embraced by you and the Rev is you can flip flop, cuss the hell out of others, call them crude names and pillory their friends and family etc  but in the end accuse others for being morons for doing the same. Ms Bharrat is Indian, she is bright, she is in your face she has been at the boot of some of the very crude assault by members of the PPP. She calling others coolie in the pejorative does not even rise to the  sense of you calling  them "mudheads", and "canecutters" etc or the Rev "nigg.e.r Indian" and "dirty Indian". While it is not a nice thing it is looking for a word to leverage the crudeness of others among one's own ethnicity that one disagrees with who acts in loathsome ways. By the way, I think she is a linguist so I am sure she grasp the full force of the word.

Looks like Stormy knows this lady personally.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I know these are ordinary semi-literate ignars most likely but it does have a cumulative chilling effect on the Indian population.


It is very possible Indian people just didn't lose an election but we're about to feel the full brunt of PNC supporters who blame every single Indian peasant for every misdeed committed by the past regime.


What is light for some will be darkness for others.


Of course we can thank the PPP for this. 23 years of oppressive rule and gross incompetence simultaneously.


A PNC Presidency+A PNC Cabinet+A PNC Loyal Army+ A PNC Loyal Police Force+A PNC Loyal Civil Service+ A PNC Loyal Foreign Service+Some Useful Indian Idiots in the AFC Ready Fuh Tief=?

one of the truly asinine notion embraced by you and the Rev is you can flip flop, cuss the hell out of others, call them crude names and pillory their friends and family etc  but in the end accuse others for being morons for doing the same. Ms Bharrat is Indian, she is bright, she is in your face she has been at the boot of some of the very crude assault by members of the PPP. She calling others coolie in the pejorative does not even rise to the  sense of you calling  them "mudheads", and "canecutters" etc or the Rev "nigg.e.r Indian" and "dirty Indian". While it is not a nice thing it is looking for a word to leverage the crudeness of others among one's own ethnicity that one disagrees with who acts in loathsome ways. By the way, I think she is a linguist so I am sure she grasp the full force of the word.


When de F did I ever cuss out Coalition? Or even President Granger? Whose "family and friends" have I ever pilloried? I've pilloried public figures who needed some pillorying.


I pointed out repeatedly that I do not buy the line that the AFC will be representing Indians. And I stand to that. I have yet to hear one AFC official make one statement about the vile things being hurled at Indians today as part of the celebrations of the victory of APNU-AFC.


On the contrary, the only times I ever employed "mudheads" and "canecutters" was usually for the PPP. Occasionally for the AFC (their posters anyway not their officials).


As for "n**ger Indian" and "dirty Indian", Rev and yugi used to call me that daily for years. I even called out both of them here several times to refrain from such language to describe Indians who have every right to support the Coalition or any other party of their choice. I have never once vilified Indians for supporting APNU or AFC.


I supported the PPP out of a strong belief that the institutions of the Guyanese State are skewed against Indians. I hold firm to that belief especially as I notice the PNC consolidating power in a very Machiavellian manner.


I am for reforming the PPP. They are not a party that is currently worthy of Government. I am hoping they can be cleansed and made civilized. And I'm working to that effect. So are many others.


Lastly, I see no contradiction in hoping that the Coalition succeeds in Government. The situation in Guyana is not as black and white as you would have us believe.

P.S....As for this girl Sara Bharrat, I have never once criticized her. I still do not. Though, I did reference this AFC Indian willingness to cuss down Indians as a bunch of unredeemable racists. I think every Indian who voted for the Coalition had very good reasons to do so. I completely understand their vote. I just find it wrong that instead of her being made to feel a part of their victory, she is now getting the "coolie" treatment.


You still have to deal with the coolies so and so in the new Government, or do you plan to get rid of them too.  This election belongs to the AFC coolies.  They have a right to everything...      The PNC would have been in the wilderness had it not been for them.


PS: I am still a PPP supporter and will always be.  The fact is that the government is now in the hands of criminals who once run the country.  If you think they change then think again.  I will there to pick up the pieces. 


Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Those that voted for the PPP because of their fear or racial bias against APNU are the kind of folks that Guyana can do without. The last 23 years were the worse in the economic history of Guyana. If they wanted the country to keep steering that course then that says a lot of their involvement with the PPP criminals. Only thieves and their associates are scared of better security and living standards.


Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

Not sure about Bharrat but expect the ghost writers. A page straight out of the Ravi Dev / Jihaji / Hindutva book, though I do think he tried to document some legitimate incidents of racism. But now, fully expect professional shit stirrers with lots of idle time and an empty resume to produce reams of unsourced, undocumented racist crap so their masters can see that "ahyuh gaffo larn bout soshall meeeedia". Stories which will tarnish and discount any instances of legitimate acts of racism which may be perpetrated against Indians.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I know these are ordinary semi-literate ignars most likely but it does have a cumulative chilling effect on the Indian population.


It is very possible Indian people just didn't lose an election but we're about to feel the full brunt of PNC supporters who blame every single Indian peasant for every misdeed committed by the past regime.


What is light for some will be darkness for others.


Of course we can thank the PPP for this. 23 years of oppressive rule and gross incompetence simultaneously.


A PNC Presidency+A PNC Cabinet+A PNC Loyal Army+ A PNC Loyal Police Force+A PNC Loyal Civil Service+ A PNC Loyal Foreign Service+Some Useful Indian Idiots in the AFC Ready Fuh Tief=?

one of the truly asinine notion embraced by you and the Rev is you can flip flop, cuss the hell out of others, call them crude names and pillory their friends and family etc  but in the end accuse others for being morons for doing the same. Ms Bharrat is Indian, she is bright, she is in your face she has been at the boot of some of the very crude assault by members of the PPP. She calling others coolie in the pejorative does not even rise to the  sense of you calling  them "mudheads", and "canecutters" etc or the Rev "nigg.e.r Indian" and "dirty Indian". While it is not a nice thing it is looking for a word to leverage the crudeness of others among one's own ethnicity that one disagrees with who acts in loathsome ways. By the way, I think she is a linguist so I am sure she grasp the full force of the word.


When de F did I ever cuss out Coalition? Or even President Granger? Whose "family and friends" have I ever pilloried? I've pilloried public figures who needed some pillorying.


I pointed out repeatedly that I do not buy the line that the AFC will be representing Indians. And I stand to that. I have yet to hear one AFC official make one statement about the vile things being hurled at Indians today as part of the celebrations of the victory of APNU-AFC.


On the contrary, the only times I ever employed "mudheads" and "canecutters" was usually for the PPP. Occasionally for the AFC (their posters anyway not their officials).


As for "n**ger Indian" and "dirty Indian", Rev and yugi used to call me that daily for years. I even called out both of them here several times to refrain from such language to describe Indians who have every right to support the Coalition or any other party of their choice. I have never once vilified Indians for supporting APNU or AFC.


I supported the PPP out of a strong belief that the institutions of the Guyanese State are skewed against Indians. I hold firm to that belief especially as I notice the PNC consolidating power in a very Machiavellian manner.


I am for reforming the PPP. They are not a party that is currently worthy of Government. I am hoping they can be cleansed and made civilized. And I'm working to that effect. So are many others.


Lastly, I see no contradiction in hoping that the Coalition succeeds in Government. The situation in Guyana is not as black and white as you would have us believe.

P.S....As for this girl Sara Bharrat, I have never once criticized her. I still do not. Though, I did reference this AFC Indian willingness to cuss down Indians as a bunch of unredeemable racists. I think every Indian who voted for the Coalition had very good reasons to do so. I completely understand their vote. I just find it wrong that instead of her being made to feel a part of their victory, she is now getting the "coolie" treatment.

We are not speaking about any cussing of the coalition. I specifically reference Ms Bharat's use of the term coolie and contrasted it with what is used here referencing others. That is all.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

Absolutely. A page straight out of the Ravi Dev / Jihaji / Hindutva book, though I do think he tried to document some legitimate incidents of racism. But now, fully expect professional shit stirrers with lots of idle time and an empty resume to produce reams of unsourced, undocumented racist crap so their masters can see that "ahyuh gaffo larn bout soshall meeeedia". Stories which will tarnish and discount any instances of legitimate acts of racism which may be perpetrated against Indians.


Are you people so daft that you can't even read the woman's article a little carefully. She is an APNU-AFC supporter and voter according to her.


There is zero reason to believe this woman is fabricating anything. This is not some grand PPP conspiracy to make the new Government look bad. It is a rather eloquent piece which articulates well the hopes of those Indians (and Blacks) that voted for the Coalition and the fears and angst of an Indian population that now finds itself under PNC rule once again. The first go of PNC rule didn't work out so well for Indians.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

Absolutely. A page straight out of the Ravi Dev / Jihaji / Hindutva book, though I do think he tried to document some legitimate incidents of racism. But now, fully expect professional shit stirrers with lots of idle time and an empty resume to produce reams of unsourced, undocumented racist crap so their masters can see that "ahyuh gaffo larn bout soshall meeeedia". Stories which will tarnish and discount any instances of legitimate acts of racism which may be perpetrated against Indians.


Are you people so daft that you can't even read the woman's article a little carefully. She is an APNU-AFC supporter and voter according to her.


There is zero reason to believe this woman is fabricating anything. This is not some grand PPP conspiracy to make the new Government look bad. It is a rather eloquent piece which articulates well the hopes of those Indians (and Blacks) that voted for the Coalition and the fears and angst of an Indian population that now finds itself under PNC rule once again. The first go of PNC rule didn't work out so well for Indians.

Not suggesting she is fabricating anything. But I fully expect the fabrications to pour in, especially if Granger is semi competent.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

Absolutely. A page straight out of the Ravi Dev / Jihaji / Hindutva book, though I do think he tried to document some legitimate incidents of racism. But now, fully expect professional shit stirrers with lots of idle time and an empty resume to produce reams of unsourced, undocumented racist crap so their masters can see that "ahyuh gaffo larn bout soshall meeeedia". Stories which will tarnish and discount any instances of legitimate acts of racism which may be perpetrated against Indians.


Are you people so daft that you can't even read the woman's article a little carefully. She is an APNU-AFC supporter and voter according to her.


There is zero reason to believe this woman is fabricating anything. This is not some grand PPP conspiracy to make the new Government look bad. It is a rather eloquent piece which articulates well the hopes of those Indians (and Blacks) that voted for the Coalition and the fears and angst of an Indian population that now finds itself under PNC rule once again. The first go of PNC rule didn't work out so well for Indians.

Not suggesting she is fabricating anything. But I fully expect the fabrications to pour in, especially if Granger is semi competent.


She was one of the hardest working Indians for the APNU-AFC Coalition. Did you miss that?


The point of her article is to plead with President Granger to do something about the racial situation in the country. The angst and fear of her PPP relatives and the racism being hurled at Indians (including herself).


The point....she is an APNU-AFC supporter and voter who is reporting racial incidents which she is an eyewitness to in her own village. That's all!


This insulting of Blacks and Indians by each other goes way back and needs to be stopped.

Old timers need to set an example, but unfortunately, plenty of them racist, so they teach their kids the same nonsense.

It's difficult to control what people say...sometimes those at the bottom of the barrel just look for the crudest stuff to say to evoke laughter, they are looking for their 15 mins.

Maybe Govt should embark on some kind of public service message to discourage youths from engaging in this sort of racist behaviour. Spread the message via the airwaves, in schools, on billboards, that respect must be shown to each other.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I know these are ordinary semi-literate ignars most likely but it does have a cumulative chilling effect on the Indian population.


It is very possible Indian people just didn't lose an election but we're about to feel the full brunt of PNC supporters who blame every single Indian peasant for every misdeed committed by the past regime.


What is light for some will be darkness for others.


Of course we can thank the PPP for this. 23 years of oppressive rule and gross incompetence simultaneously.


A PNC Presidency+A PNC Cabinet+A PNC Loyal Army+ A PNC Loyal Police Force+A PNC Loyal Civil Service+ A PNC Loyal Foreign Service+Some Useful Indian Idiots in the AFC Ready Fuh Tief=?

one of the truly asinine notion embraced by you and the Rev is you can flip flop, cuss the hell out of others, call them crude names and pillory their friends and family etc  but in the end accuse others for being morons for doing the same. Ms Bharrat is Indian, she is bright, she is in your face she has been at the boot of some of the very crude assault by members of the PPP. She calling others coolie in the pejorative does not even rise to the  sense of you calling  them "mudheads", and "canecutters" etc or the Rev "nigg.e.r Indian" and "dirty Indian". While it is not a nice thing it is looking for a word to leverage the crudeness of others among one's own ethnicity that one disagrees with who acts in loathsome ways. By the way, I think she is a linguist so I am sure she grasp the full force of the word.


When de F did I ever cuss out Coalition? Or even President Granger? Whose "family and friends" have I ever pilloried? I've pilloried public figures who needed some pillorying.


I pointed out repeatedly that I do not buy the line that the AFC will be representing Indians. And I stand to that. I have yet to hear one AFC official make one statement about the vile things being hurled at Indians today as part of the celebrations of the victory of APNU-AFC.


On the contrary, the only times I ever employed "mudheads" and "canecutters" was usually for the PPP. Occasionally for the AFC (their posters anyway not their officials).


As for "n**ger Indian" and "dirty Indian", Rev and yugi used to call me that daily for years. I even called out both of them here several times to refrain from such language to describe Indians who have every right to support the Coalition or any other party of their choice. I have never once vilified Indians for supporting APNU or AFC.


I supported the PPP out of a strong belief that the institutions of the Guyanese State are skewed against Indians. I hold firm to that belief especially as I notice the PNC consolidating power in a very Machiavellian manner.


I am for reforming the PPP. They are not a party that is currently worthy of Government. I am hoping they can be cleansed and made civilized. And I'm working to that effect. So are many others.


Lastly, I see no contradiction in hoping that the Coalition succeeds in Government. The situation in Guyana is not as black and white as you would have us believe.

P.S....As for this girl Sara Bharrat, I have never once criticized her. I still do not. Though, I did reference this AFC Indian willingness to cuss down Indians as a bunch of unredeemable racists. I think every Indian who voted for the Coalition had very good reasons to do so. I completely understand their vote. I just find it wrong that instead of her being made to feel a part of their victory, she is now getting the "coolie" treatment.

We are not speaking about any cussing of the coalition. I specifically reference Ms Bharat's use of the term coolie and contrasted it with what is used here referencing others. That is all.


You must be getting old because this thread is not about any words like "coolie" or what not and the usage thereof.


The word "coolie" by itself is innocuous as are all words. Context and intent in this case is the issue. The language Sara reports are insulting and abusive. We do not hold some random Indian responsible for what the leader of the PPP does. If Irfaan Ali is a thief then we jail Irfaan Ali. We don't go find some random Indian and wail on them.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I know these are ordinary semi-literate ignars most likely but it does have a cumulative chilling effect on the Indian population.


It is very possible Indian people just didn't lose an election but we're about to feel the full brunt of PNC supporters who blame every single Indian peasant for every misdeed committed by the past regime.


What is light for some will be darkness for others.


Of course we can thank the PPP for this. 23 years of oppressive rule and gross incompetence simultaneously.


A PNC Presidency+A PNC Cabinet+A PNC Loyal Army+ A PNC Loyal Police Force+A PNC Loyal Civil Service+ A PNC Loyal Foreign Service+Some Useful Indian Idiots in the AFC Ready Fuh Tief=?

one of the truly asinine notion embraced by you and the Rev is you can flip flop, cuss the hell out of others, call them crude names and pillory their friends and family etc  but in the end accuse others for being morons for doing the same. Ms Bharrat is Indian, she is bright, she is in your face she has been at the boot of some of the very crude assault by members of the PPP. She calling others coolie in the pejorative does not even rise to the  sense of you calling  them "mudheads", and "canecutters" etc or the Rev "nigg.e.r Indian" and "dirty Indian". While it is not a nice thing it is looking for a word to leverage the crudeness of others among one's own ethnicity that one disagrees with who acts in loathsome ways. By the way, I think she is a linguist so I am sure she grasp the full force of the word.


When de F did I ever cuss out Coalition? Or even President Granger? Whose "family and friends" have I ever pilloried? I've pilloried public figures who needed some pillorying.


I pointed out repeatedly that I do not buy the line that the AFC will be representing Indians. And I stand to that. I have yet to hear one AFC official make one statement about the vile things being hurled at Indians today as part of the celebrations of the victory of APNU-AFC.


On the contrary, the only times I ever employed "mudheads" and "canecutters" was usually for the PPP. Occasionally for the AFC (their posters anyway not their officials).


As for "n**ger Indian" and "dirty Indian", Rev and yugi used to call me that daily for years. I even called out both of them here several times to refrain from such language to describe Indians who have every right to support the Coalition or any other party of their choice. I have never once vilified Indians for supporting APNU or AFC.


I supported the PPP out of a strong belief that the institutions of the Guyanese State are skewed against Indians. I hold firm to that belief especially as I notice the PNC consolidating power in a very Machiavellian manner.


I am for reforming the PPP. They are not a party that is currently worthy of Government. I am hoping they can be cleansed and made civilized. And I'm working to that effect. So are many others.


Lastly, I see no contradiction in hoping that the Coalition succeeds in Government. The situation in Guyana is not as black and white as you would have us believe.

P.S....As for this girl Sara Bharrat, I have never once criticized her. I still do not. Though, I did reference this AFC Indian willingness to cuss down Indians as a bunch of unredeemable racists. I think every Indian who voted for the Coalition had very good reasons to do so. I completely understand their vote. I just find it wrong that instead of her being made to feel a part of their victory, she is now getting the "coolie" treatment.

We are not speaking about any cussing of the coalition. I specifically reference Ms Bharat's use of the term coolie and contrasted it with what is used here referencing others. That is all.


You must be getting old because this thread is not about any words like "coolie" or what not and the usage thereof.


The word "coolie" by itself is innocuous as are all words. Context and intent in this case is the issue. The language Sara reports are insulting and abusive. We do not hold some random Indian responsible for what the leader of the PPP does. If Irfaan Ali is a thief then we jail Irfaan Ali. We don't go find some random Indian and wail on them.

I read your post and it was in my opinion not worth commenting on in general. I addressed the title of the thread and its implication.


Ifraan is low functioning ape and his thievery is the least of my worry these days. I am more concerned with them ripping apart NICIL and he certainly will fall out on his presumption of buying his place for seven million which subsequently disappeared in GUYSUCO accounts.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
She was one of the hardest working Indians for the APNU-AFC Coalition. Did you miss that?


The point of her article is to plead with President Granger to do something about the racial situation in the country. The angst and fear of her PPP relatives and the racism being hurled at Indians (including herself).


The point....she is an APNU-AFC supporter and voter who is reporting racial incidents which she is an eyewitness to in her own village. That's all!

Granger cannot control individuals and their racism. Neither can the PPP. What Granger can do is ensure that institutional racism is not practiced in his administration and there is fair governance for all. The PPP practiced institutional racism for 23 years.


I note this statement of yours "Whose "family and friends" have I ever pilloried? I've pilloried public figures who needed some pillorying."


Not entirely true is it? You hold the record for the most bannings on this site for racist vulgarity and "pillorying" of individuals. The cure for racism begins with the individual. Look in the mirror.


ignorant,  hateful black people saying random hateful things to Indian people should never leverage a race bait whisper campaign to divide and alienate


note the vile, sometimes semi-official PPP racism aimed at Black people on this board


ask Elizabeth Harper of her experiences with jagdeo's crowd as the regime struggled in extremis this past week


barefoot ethnic spear carriers like shaitaan will continue to do what they do; it is all they have


leaders LEAD! pay attention to them; ignore the curs

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

ignorant,  hateful black people saying random hateful things to Indian people should never leverage a race bait whisper campaign to divide and alienate


note the vile, sometimes semi-official PPP racism aimed at Black people on this board


ask Elizabeth Harper of her experiences with the barat crowd as the regime struggled in extremis this past week


barefoot, ethnic spear carriers like shaitaan will continue to do what they do; it is all they have


leaders LEAD! pay attention to them; ignore the curs

But the triumphalism has to stop. The coalition won the Parliament by 1 fricking vote.


Yes Region 8 - the 33rd seats was won by 1 vote.


Nothing to pump our chest in the air and shout we on top.


This was the closest election in the entire Caribbean.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I know these are ordinary semi-literate ignars most likely but it does have a cumulative chilling effect on the Indian population.


It is very possible Indian people just didn't lose an election but we're about to feel the full brunt of PNC supporters who blame every single Indian peasant for every misdeed committed by the past regime.


What is light for some will be darkness for others.


Of course we can thank the PPP for this. 23 years of oppressive rule and gross incompetence simultaneously.


A PNC Presidency+A PNC Cabinet+A PNC Loyal Army+ A PNC Loyal Police Force+A PNC Loyal Civil Service+ A PNC Loyal Foreign Service+Some Useful Indian Idiots in the AFC Ready Fuh Tief=?

I will tell of of my experience.  When Cheddi came to NYC on one of his first trips to address Guyanese Cheddi spoke his rhetoric about national unity and urged the two races to embrace each the.


The VAST Majority of the Indo Guyanese crowd there yelled "NO", and proceeded to scream all sorts of racist crap about "black man", this when there were many blacks in the room.


Cheddi was extremely embarrassed.


So ecxit with your nonsense of impending doom against Indians.   APNU AFC start off with a structure which will prevent APNU from unilaterally installing monoracial African rule.


Despite making nice sounds the PPP refused to.  The result is that we had mono racial Indian rule, which bred that reaction, just as the mono racial African rule of the Burnham era bred the reaction which I experienced.



And BTW not all of those people were ignars.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

She is real. She supported the coalition. I have heard of many instances of verbal abuse of Indos running up to the election. Educated Indos understood that these abuses were coming because of the dangerous line of campaigning the PPP leadership took on. The rural Indos thought voting for PPP was the only way to preserve themselves. I have received numerous cases of these verbal abuse, so I am not surprised what Sara wrote. I have an example of an Indian guy who was always fervently anti-PPP. He never voted PPP in his life. I don't know how he voted in the end. I hope mature leadership over the next 5 years will defuse the situation on the ground. The coalition was most mature running up to the election.

IMHO, dat man BHARRAT JAGDEO is chiefly responsible for what is going on against Indians now. Jagdeo spearheaded a dangerous race-baiting campaign, ably supported by some educated Indian rights activists. With just a difference of 4,506 votes, the election results show that most Indians voted for Jagdeo's PPP. APNU+AFC campaigned for national unity. The photos are there to show that black people were swooning over Moses Nagamootoo whom the PPPites had branded a DIRTY INDIAN.

So, APNU+AFC promoted national unity while the PPP promoted division and disunity. The chickens are now coming home to roost. Can one blame the average Afro for concluding that the average Indo doesn't want a government of national unity?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:

ignorant,  hateful black people saying random hateful things to Indian people should never leverage a race bait whisper campaign to divide and alienate


note the vile, sometimes semi-official PPP racism aimed at Black people on this board


ask Elizabeth Harper of her experiences with the barat crowd as the regime struggled in extremis this past week


barefoot, ethnic spear carriers like shaitaan will continue to do what they do; it is all they have


leaders LEAD! pay attention to them; ignore the curs

But the triumphalism has to stop. The coalition won the Parliament by 1 fricking vote.


Yes Region 8 - the 33rd seats was won by 1 vote.


Nothing to pump our chest in the air and shout we on top.


This was the closest election in the entire Caribbean.


Well Sase,


Have the AFC issue a statement since ya'll are the people supposedly entrusted with the interests of the 10%. I'm not holding my breath here.


Indians will once again have to do what they know how to in Guyana....endure. We will endure. We've had plenty of practice.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:

ignorant,  hateful black people saying random hateful things to Indian people should never leverage a race bait whisper campaign to divide and alienate


note the vile, sometimes semi-official PPP racism aimed at Black people on this board


ask Elizabeth Harper of her experiences with the barat crowd as the regime struggled in extremis this past week


barefoot, ethnic spear carriers like shaitaan will continue to do what they do; it is all they have


leaders LEAD! pay attention to them; ignore the curs

But the triumphalism has to stop. The coalition won the Parliament by 1 fricking vote.


Yes Region 8 - the 33rd seats was won by 1 vote.


Nothing to pump our chest in the air and shout we on top.


This was the closest election in the entire Caribbean.


Well Sase,


Have the AFC issue a statement since ya'll are the people supposedly entrusted with the interests of the 10%. I'm not holding my breath here.


Indians will once again have to do what they know how to in Guyana....endure. We will endure. We've had plenty of practice.


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:

ignorant,  hateful black people saying random hateful things to Indian people should never leverage a race bait whisper campaign to divide and alienate


note the vile, sometimes semi-official PPP racism aimed at Black people on this board


ask Elizabeth Harper of her experiences with the barat crowd as the regime struggled in extremis this past week


barefoot, ethnic spear carriers like shaitaan will continue to do what they do; it is all they have


leaders LEAD! pay attention to them; ignore the curs

But the triumphalism has to stop. The coalition won the Parliament by 1 fricking vote.


Yes Region 8 - the 33rd seats was won by 1 vote.


Nothing to pump our chest in the air and shout we on top.


This was the closest election in the entire Caribbean.


Well Sase,


Have the AFC issue a statement since ya'll are the people supposedly entrusted with the interests of the 10%. I'm not holding my breath here.


Indians will once again have to do what they know how to in Guyana....endure. We will endure. We've had plenty of practice.

Bhai, They will have to get permission to make any statements, especially about Indian rights and Security.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:

ignorant,  hateful black people saying random hateful things to Indian people should never leverage a race bait whisper campaign to divide and alienate


note the vile, sometimes semi-official PPP racism aimed at Black people on this board


ask Elizabeth Harper of her experiences with the barat crowd as the regime struggled in extremis this past week


barefoot, ethnic spear carriers like shaitaan will continue to do what they do; it is all they have


leaders LEAD! pay attention to them; ignore the curs

But the triumphalism has to stop. The coalition won the Parliament by 1 fricking vote.


Yes Region 8 - the 33rd seats was won by 1 vote.


Nothing to pump our chest in the air and shout we on top.


This was the closest election in the entire Caribbean.

"triumphalism" by whom?


would it be more 'legitimate' for uncle ignar in Sophia to shit talk bout "coolie people" if the Coalition had had won by a landslide


stop reasoning like a 12 year-old

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:

ignorant,  hateful black people saying random hateful things to Indian people should never leverage a race bait whisper campaign to divide and alienate


note the vile, sometimes semi-official PPP racism aimed at Black people on this board


ask Elizabeth Harper of her experiences with the barat crowd as the regime struggled in extremis this past week


barefoot, ethnic spear carriers like shaitaan will continue to do what they do; it is all they have


leaders LEAD! pay attention to them; ignore the curs

But the triumphalism has to stop. The coalition won the Parliament by 1 fricking vote.


Yes Region 8 - the 33rd seats was won by 1 vote.


Nothing to pump our chest in the air and shout we on top.


This was the closest election in the entire Caribbean.


Well Sase,


Have the AFC issue a statement since ya'll are the people supposedly entrusted with the interests of the 10%. I'm not holding my breath here.


Indians will once again have to do what they know how to in Guyana....endure. We will endure. We've had plenty of practice.


Like Bharat got you so bazadee that you seeing JUMBEE these days Shyster.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Times have changed. It is APNU and AFC running the show now. The PPP and its sidekick the PNC can go and eat grass for all I care. The PPP is the one who ran the police force. The PPP headman himself Ramotar was commander in chief. It is not the current government who installed even a single person in the police force. Trying to claim otherwise is a clear indication of how the lying and thieving PPP operates. When trouble reach them they are all sudden victims instead of the actual crime bosses.


As for the letter from Bharat: TREASON!!! Lock him up. He is sowing the seeds for a coup to grab power by force.

Mr T with due respect to you this attitude will result in the swift demise of an APNU dominated gov't.  The election season is over and so should partisanship. 


APNU AFC is obligated to govern for 100% of the Guyanese population.  Guyanese need to move beyond this need for ethnic revenge.  Our global reputation should cease being the "most racist country in the Americas" as I saw on a non Guyanese forum!


If Indians as a group are harassed and a new "black man pan tap, collie time done" emerges, the AFC with its heavy Indian support, will be forced to withdraw.  APNU will face an MONC with their 21 votes, and a vengeful PPP will return, this with a "collie pan tap" attitude on steroids.


So I suggest that you desist from any notion of APNU AFC arrogance.  I also suggest that we do for Indians what Indians didn't do for us and that is LISTEN.


If Bharat had an experience and is respectful enough to attempt to bring Granger's attention to it HE MUST BE RESPECTED.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
So I suggest that you desist from any notion of APNU AFC arrogance.  I also suggest that we do for Indians what Indians didn't do for us and that is LISTEN.


If Bharat had an experience and is respectful enough to attempt to bring Granger's attention to it HE MUST BE RESPECTED.

Fully agree, but with proper sources. Make sure that professional shit stirrers with hindutva agendas don't corrupt the process.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by redux:

ignorant,  hateful black people saying random hateful things to Indian people should never leverage a race bait whisper campaign to divide and alienate


note the vile, sometimes semi-official PPP racism aimed at Black people on this board


ask Elizabeth Harper of her experiences with the barat crowd as the regime struggled in extremis this past week


barefoot, ethnic spear carriers like shaitaan will continue to do what they do; it is all they have


leaders LEAD! pay attention to them; ignore the curs

But the triumphalism has to stop. The coalition won the Parliament by 1 fricking vote.


Yes Region 8 - the 33rd seats was won by 1 vote.


Nothing to pump our chest in the air and shout we on top.


This was the closest election in the entire Caribbean.


Well Sase,


Have the AFC issue a statement since ya'll are the people supposedly entrusted with the interests of the 10%. I'm not holding my breath here.


Indians will once again have to do what they know how to in Guyana....endure. We will endure. We've had plenty of practice.

Bhai, They will have to get permission to make any statements, especially about Indian rights and Security.




Lawd have murcy. Abbe great AFC defenders have to clear their every word with Congress Place. I pray to the God I don't believe in that this is not a true indication of what Indians have to look forward to from the AFC.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Those that voted for the PPP because of their fear or racial bias against APNU are the kind of folks that Guyana can do without. .

Despite the fact that Burnham reduced Afro Guyanese to pauperism, and drove out the black middle class, Africans still vote PNC.  


They did so because of fear of what would happen to them under the PPP, which they saw as Indian rule.  Sadly their fears were justified and a tremendous anger developed.  Indians refused to listen to those blacks who raised the issue of African marginalization when it had become apparent by 1994.  Anger rose and we are now seeing the results of it.



Should A{NU go down the road that the PPP did, when it won and election (with the help of the AFC) on the basis of introducing multi ethnic rule.  NO!!



No political party will win an election based on mono racial support.  And definitely NOT the APNU.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Indians will once again have to do what they know how to in Guyana....endure. We will endure. We've had plenty of practice.

"Indians" will do/are doing just fine


you, on the other hand, have much panty adjusting to do

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

She is real. She supported the coalition. I have heard of many instances of verbal abuse of Indos running up to the election. Educated Indos understood that these abuses were coming because of the dangerous line of campaigning the PPP leadership took on. The rural Indos thought voting for PPP was the only way to preserve themselves. I have received numerous cases of these verbal abuse, so I am not surprised what Sara wrote. I have an example of an Indian guy who was always fervently anti-PPP. He never voted PPP in his life. I don't know how he voted in the end. I hope mature leadership over the next 5 years will defuse the situation on the ground. The coalition was most mature running up to the election.

IMHO, dat man BHARRAT JAGDEO is chiefly responsible for what is going on against Indians now. Jagdeo spearheaded a dangerous race-baiting campaign, ably supported by some educated Indian rights activists. With just a difference of 4,506 votes, the election results show that most Indians voted for Jagdeo's PPP. APNU+AFC campaigned for national unity. The photos are there to show that black people were swooning over Moses Nagamootoo whom the PPPites had branded a DIRTY INDIAN.

So, APNU+AFC promoted national unity while the PPP promoted division and disunity. The chickens are now coming home to roost. Can one blame the average Afro for concluding that the average Indo doesn't want a government of national unity?

I am completely with you. The PPP promoted disunity and thought it could purchase black/mixed support while demonizing blacks - the suck cane and blow whistle approach. The coalition campaigned on unity. The evidence is there for all to see.


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