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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I supported the PPP out of a strong belief that the institutions of the Guyanese State are skewed against Indians. I hold firm to that belief especially as I notice the PNC consolidating power in a very Machiavellian manner.


Shaitaan remember I warned you all with your tribal screams that you were panicking the African population.


Well YOUR acts are breeding this reaction from some, as repulsive as it is.


I keep on warning almost all of the Indo posters here, DO NOT TAKE BLACK PEOPLE FOR GRANTED.  I warned about a rage that had developed after 22 years of being treated like undocumented aliens by the Indo elite.


YOU, rather then seeking to preserve the rights of Indians through linking it to the rights of ALL Guyanese, started to beat the tribal drum.


Well your tribal drum beats will lead to the other tribe beating drums, and the results will be nasty for BOTH groups.


So quit this nonsense that the way to preserve the rights of one racial group in Guyana is to dominate and dump on another.  It didn't work for Indians, and the African supremacists, who might be emerging out of the wood work will realize that it will NOT work for them either.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. . . Lawd have murcy. Abbe great AFC defenders have to clear their every word with Congress Place. I pray to the God I don't believe in that this is not a true indication of what Indians have to look forward to from the AFC.

the froth in your head is fascinating to watch escape


more interesting is the thought that someone apparently convinced u that this is 'cleverness'


* First of all there is no hatred between blacks and Indians in Guyana----the 2 races get along just fine.


* Regarding blacks using the C word in expressing their joy and elation---they are excused.


* In my opinion Sara Bharat is just a thin-skinned, hypersensitive whiner who is easily hurt by foolish labels she hears.



Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I would not be surprised that Bharat is a paid PPP/C writer with intent to drive fear in the Indo Guyanese.

Not sure about Bharrat but expect the ghost writers. A page straight out of the Ravi Dev / Jihaji / Hindutva book, though I do think he tried to document some legitimate incidents of racism. But now, fully expect professional shit stirrers with lots of idle time and an empty resume to produce reams of unsourced, undocumented racist crap so their masters can see that "ahyuh gaffo larn bout soshall meeeedia". Stories which will tarnish and discount any instances of legitimate acts of racism which may be perpetrated against Indians.

All that might be true and Shaitaan from the safety of Queens will use his influence for continue to foment tribal war.


But this woman seems to be real, and TK has received reports.  He was an AFC supporter long before it was fashionable for an Indian to be, so these reports are true.


And face facts. There is a lot of ethnic anger on both sides, coming from our bouts of monoracial African and Indian rule.  Look at where it has left Guyana. ALL reports by non Guyanese sources focus on two issues


1.  Guyana is one of the POOREST countries in the Americas




2.  Guyana is a nest of inter ethnic conflict.


The dialogue on BOTH sides of the ethnic divide has to shift towards how the country can maintain a democratic system of government based on a fair and INCLUSIVE gov't and an assertive opposition, which is also fair and INCLUSIVE.


APNU AFC has started this process and we will see if it works.


The PPP needs to cease crying. Apologize to the nation for its racially divisive campaign, and engage in measures to demonstrate its commitment to multi ethnic governance.

Originally Posted by Wally:

A Ministry of Race Relations should be set up together with the introduction of enforced anti-racism laws.

We already have an Ethnic Reltions Commission.  It should be removed from gov't control and run by a separate nonprofit group staffed by civic society.  It can continue to receive some of its funding from the govt.


What is needed is a DIALOGUE about the roots of our ethnic insecurity.  This should lead to solutions. 


FACT.  The African ethnic dilemma was in existence under Hoyte (Desi Persaud).  The Indian ethnic dilemma was in existence under the PPP.  So clearly even when a party dominated by one group has ruled Guyana it hasn't given people of that ethnic group the sense that they will be fairly treated.

Originally Posted by Wally:

A Ministry of Race Relations should be set up together with the introduction of enforced anti-racism laws.

that would only formalize racism and its effects. We should enact hate crime laws that cover race, gender and sexuality issues. This is an area for implicit update in the constitution.

Originally Posted by redux:

ignorant,  hateful black people saying random hateful things to Indian people should never leverage a race bait whisper campaign to divide and alienate


note the vile, sometimes semi-official PPP racism aimed at Black people on this board


ask Elizabeth Harper of her experiences with jagdeo's crowd as the regime struggled in extremis this past week


barefoot ethnic spear carriers like shaitaan will continue to do what they do; it is all they have


leaders LEAD! pay attention to them; ignore the curs

Agreed.  Shaitaan is an Indo supremacist who is enraged that mono racial Indo rule has ended.  He will stir up passions rather than using his talents to lead to solutions.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:

A Ministry of Race Relations should be set up together with the introduction of enforced anti-racism laws.

that would only formalize racism and its effects. We should enact hate crime laws that cover race, gender and sexuality issues. This is an area for implicit update in the constitution.

The people need to see their history. I like the USA, they tell their stories-regardless.


The Youth and Culture ministry should promote more filmmaking of historical content. 

Originally Posted by Rev:

* First of all there is no hatred between blacks and Indians in Guyana----the 2 races get along just fine.


* Regarding blacks using the C word in expressing their joy and elation---they are excused.


* In my opinion Sara Bharat is just a thin-skinned, hypersensitive whiner who is easily hurt by foolish labels she hears.



You gone again with your wrong labels, bai. Curb yuh bad habit, nuh.

Originally Posted by Franky:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Those that voted for the PPP because of their fear or racial bias against APNU are the kind of folks that Guyana can do without. The last 23 years were the worse in the economic history of Guyana. If they wanted the country to keep steering that course then that says a lot of their involvement with the PPP criminals. Only thieves and their associates are scared of better security and living standards.


23 years of the worst economic history of Guyana? Maybe Mr.T remembers how Guyana "flourished" under the oppressive PNC regime for 28 years.

I will agree that the PPP needed to be taken to the back shed. They have, and it is a great time for them to do some soul searching and house cleaning. They still have a very important role in this economy because of the historical links to at least two of the most important sectors of the economy. They showed that under good leadership they were able to steer the country out of the backwaters into which the PNC had driven it.

Unfortunately just like the PNC before them, they succumbed to the same temptations of absolute power and the temptations that comes with it.


No matter how hard we try to argue against it, voting in Guyana has largely  been along racial lines. The Indian vote sees the PPP as a bulwark against the kind of domination they experienced under the PNC regime, and the Afro vote will always go back "to we family" on voting day, no matter how much the PPP gov't did to appease them. Case in point, the condition of Buxton and Linden under the PNC vs PPP regimes. The lot of both got better under the PPP, yet it is a "coolie gov't".


The Indian vote for the coalition was a protest vote against the corrupt and ineptness of the PPP leadership. To change that they needed to chastise the party that they had put their faith in, for losing sight of the goals which got them to power in the first place. They did not want to be taken for granted in favour of their oligarch friends.  They had to vote for someone else without voting for APNU, whom many still see as the PNC in different clothing. Nothing in the rhetoric over the last 23 years have shown them anything different. I do believe that the PNC made up its mind on day one, similarly to the Republicans in the US against the Obama regime, that they would not cooperate in the governance of the country, yet today they hope to get, and need that cooperation. Nagamootoo in the AFC, represented that protest vote. Knowing that the APNU depended on him, the Indian vote realised that the AFC could be that bulwark against the domination they fear. This all depends on how good the two can get along, how strong Moses can be, and how much restraint Granger can exercise against APNU elements who have chafing at the bit to "tek back we own". For the record I think both Moses and Granger are essentially good men.


No one is singing "Kumbaya" yet !

Originally Posted by Rev:

* First of all there is no hatred between blacks and Indians in Guyana----the 2 races get along just fine.


* Regarding blacks using the C word in expressing their joy and elation---they are excused.


* In my opinion Sara Bharat is just a thin-skinned, hypersensitive whiner who is easily hurt by foolish labels she hears.



Spoken like a true PPP man. Backward, obtuse, ignar with lots to say. Typical.

Originally Posted by Rev:

* First of all there is no hatred between blacks and Indians in Guyana----the 2 races get along just fine.


* Regarding blacks using the C word in expressing their joy and elation---they are excused.


* In my opinion Sara Bharat is just a thin-skinned, hypersensitive whiner who is easily hurt by foolish labels she hears.



Have some respect you don't know the woman. She is extremely smart and articulate and she is not a racist who all of a sudden has been cured.

Originally Posted by Franky:
., and the Afro vote will always go back "to we family" on voting day, no matter how much the PPP gov't did to appease them. Case in point, the condition of Buxton and Linden under the PNC vs PPP regimes. The lot of both got better under the PPP, yet it is a "coolie gov't".



I see people haven't learned their lesson.



1. Afro Guyanese say that they have faced discrimination under the PPP, so maybe you should just accept that they have experienced that, and are now elated that maybe their lives will improve.


2.  The PPP rebuilt Tipperary Hall and all of Buxton must bow down in praise, because I bet you cannot name too many other things that they have done.  The people have complained that even when the PPP has built structures in the village, PPP contractors, using PPP labor are used.  Other black villages have made similar complaints.


3. To claim that Linden is better off is a joke.  The PPP sold off the bauxite industry and allowed the Chinese to dominate the forestry industry.  The Guyanese working for them have complained about slave like conditions.  The PPP did NOTHING. There is massive unemployment in Linden.  And to cap it off the PPP sent their goons into Linden and shot people in cold blood.


In fact one can argue that its the PPPs treatment of Lindeners and of the small miners which cost them the election.  They couldn't scare up votes in these towns, much as the APNU AFC was able to do.  So the margin of loss is equivalent to the higher APNU AFC vote in Regions 7 and 10.



Quit calling black people ungrateful because they didn't vote PPP.  You will be no more than the ignars who are now screaming "black man on top".


I find it interesting that you frame Indo support for the PPP as part of their insecurity and fear of mono racial African rule, yet when Africans behave similarly you see it only as part of a clannish instinct.  If any group exhibits clannishness in Guyana it will be the Indian population, NOT the African!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Caribny, Indians are being attacked in Guyana because they don't want to support the granger Government.

Do you have any comments?

As of now a few people got cussed out, as happened in 1992.  So its OK for Indos to have cussed out blacks in 1992 and boasted that they would be sent back to slavery.


When you can find evidence of post election racial violence then you will stop looking so silly.


In 1992 bands of drunken Indos drove around Guyana screaming "ahbe  pan tap, black man time done".  You can dish it, but you cannot take it back?

Last edited by Former Member

It's as if the PPP supporters on GNI are begging to be beaten and robbed. Incessant wailing and bawling as though genocide is underway a la Rwanda. Let's examine the facts.


- Jagdeo and his cronies invoked race at babu john

- Jagdeo and his cronies branded the PPP a "co.olie" party

- Multiple statements by the PPP suggesting that the coalition would unleash violence pre and during the elections

- Multiple posts on GNI by frantic PPP men in panties having orgasms at the thought of coalition inspired violence.

- PPP henchman Kwame was cornered at a polling station. Instead of inciting the angry crowd or leaving kwame to reap his just deserts, Granger appeared and insisted he be released

- Similar incident in Sophia, a PNC stronghold. Instigated by PPP henchmen which resulted in a fire.

- Coalition supporter Crum Ewing executed and again PPP antimen on GNI wailed about the burning to come. Granger appealed for calm.

- Elections results delayed by GECOM...PPP antimen on GNI insisting burning to start any minute. No burning.

- the PPP refuses to accept defeat graciously. Burning to start any minute we are told by the GNI PPP antimen. No burning.


Throughout all the above and more the good Brigadier kept a steady hand and the nation calm. But these PPP antimen on GNI are still wishing and hoping for violence on the poor people in Guyana so they can feel vindicated. What a bunch of weasels!



Last edited by Former Member

All of this is why APNU AFC need to issue a public service announcement, so if an Indo hears some racial epithet he doesnt run to IAC to aqllow them to start broadcasting the start of some Indo holocaust.


Its a pity because if these people really cared about Indians they would be encouraging the PPP to apologize for its race based campaign, and insist that it begins to find cross ethnic partners with credibility, the same way that APNU did.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
How is Granger this girl Uncle. I don't get it.

Gerhard calls Gilbakka and Demerara_Guy his uncle but we're not blood relatives. It's customary for younger folks to address older men whom they respect as "uncle."

I imagine Sara Bharrat respects David Granger.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
How is Granger this girl Uncle. I don't get it.

Gerhard calls Gilbakka and Demerara_Guy his uncle but we're not blood relatives. It's customary for younger folks to address older men whom they respect as "uncle."

I imagine Sara Bharrat respects David Granger.

Everyone is Gerhard uncle and aunty he needs a sharp kick in the behind when it comes to this.


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