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If a party could declare moral bankruptcy, today’s Republican Party would be in Chapter 11.

This party needs to just shut itself down and start over — now. Seriously, someone please start a New Republican Party!

America needs a healthy two-party system. America needs a healthy center-right party to ensure that the Democrats remain a healthy center-left party. America needs a center-right party ready to offer market-based solutions to issues like climate change. America needs a center-right party that will support common-sense gun laws. America needs a center-right party that will support common-sense fiscal policy. America needs a center-right party to support both free trade and aid to workers impacted by it. America needs a center-right party that appreciates how much more complicated foreign policy is today, when you have to manage weak and collapsing nations, not just muscle strong ones.

But this Republican Party is none of those things. Today’s G.O.P. is to governing what Trump University is to education — an ethically challenged enterprise that enriches and perpetuates itself by shedding all pretense of standing for real principles, or a truly relevant value proposition, and instead plays on the ignorance and fears of the public.

It is just an empty shell, selling pieces of itself to the highest bidders, — policy by policy — a little to the Tea Party over here, a little to Big Oil over there, a little to the gun lobby, to antitax zealots, to climate-change deniers. And before you know it, the party stands for an incoherent mess of ideas unrelated to any theory of where the world is going or how America actually becomes great again in the 21st century.

It becomes instead a coalition of men and women who sell pieces of their brand to whoever can most energize their base in order for them to get re-elected in order for them to sell more pieces of their brand in order to get re-elected.

And we know just how little they are attached to any principles, because today’s Republican Party’s elders have told us so by (with a few notable exceptions) being so willing to throw their support behind a presidential candidate who they know is utterly ignorant of policy, has done no homework, has engaged in racist attacks on a sitting judge, has mocked a disabled reporter, has impugned an entire religious community, and has tossed off ignorant proposals for walls, for letting allies go it alone and go nuclear and for overturning trade treaties, rules of war and nuclear agreements in ways that would be wildly destabilizing if he took office.

Despite that, all top G.O.P. leaders say they will still support Donald Trump — even if he’s dabbled in a “textbook definition” of racism, as House Speaker Paul Ryan described it — because he will sign off on their agenda and can do only limited damage given our checks and balances.

Really? Mr. Speaker, your agenda is a mess, Trump will pay even less attention to you if he is president and, as Senator Lindsey Graham rightly put it, there has to be a time “when the love of country will trump hatred of Hillary.”

Will it ever be that time with this version of the G.O.P.?

Et tu, John McCain? You didn’t break under torture from the North Vietnamese, but your hunger for re-election is so great that you don’t dare raise your voice against Trump? I hope you lose. You deserve to. Marco Rubio? You called Trump “a con man,” he insults your very being and you still endorse him? Good riddance.

Chris Christie, have you not an ounce of self-respect? You’re serving as the valet to a man who claimed, falsely, that on 9/11, in Jersey City, home to many Arab-Americans, “thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.” Christie is backing a man who made up a baldfaced lie about residents of his own state so that maybe he can be his vice president. Contemptible.

This is exactly why so many Republican voters opted for Trump in the first place. They intuited that the only thing these G.O.P. politicians were interested in was holding onto their seats in office — and they were right. It made voters so utterly cynical that many figured, Why not inflict Trump on them? It’s all just a con game anyway. And at least Trump sticks it to all of those politically correct liberals. And anyway, governing doesn’t matter — only attitude.

And who taught them that?

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But it does matter. I know so many thoughtful conservatives who know it matters. One of them has got to start the N.R.P. — New Republican Party — a center-right party liberated from all the Trump birthers, the Sarah Palins, the Grover Norquists, the Sean Hannitys, the Rush Limbaughs, the gun lobby, the oil lobby and every other narrow-interest group, a party that redefines a principled conservatism. Raise your money for it on the internet. If Bernie Sanders can, you can.

This is such a pivotal moment; the world we shaped after W.W. II is going wobbly. This is a time for America to be at its best, defending its best values, which are now under assault in so many places — pluralism, immigration, democracy, trade, the rule of law and the virtue of open societies. Trump will never be a credible messenger, or a messenger at all, for those values. A New Republican Party can be.

If you build it, they will come.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The world watched how easily Trump crushed his Republican rivals and secured the nomination.  The world is now waiting and watching curiously what he will do to the Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary R. Clinton.  I can't wait to watch the debate between the two of them. It's going to be something to watch. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

The will never be president of the US .The people are wise to his lies.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The world watched how easily Trump crushed his Republican rivals and secured the nomination.  The world is now waiting and watching curiously what he will do to the Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary R. Clinton.  I can't wait to watch the debate between the two of them. It's going to be something to watch. 

Yes, she will skewer his behind as he screams ..."liar, corrupt"...and spit and stew and forget the presidency is about ideas.

ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

Given that both of you are racists no surprise that you think he will do well.

A Trump presidency will be good for you as finally you will learn that you aren't white.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The world watched how easily Trump crushed his Republican rivals and secured the nomination.  

And Hillary will skewer Trump, with her loud and dismissive laugh.

This after Trump tried telling her that she is old and ugly, and that there is no way that he would ever want to go to bed with her. And that no wonder Bill had to find other women.

Danyael posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The world watched how easily Trump crushed his Republican rivals and secured the nomination.  The world is now waiting and watching curiously what he will do to the Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary R. Clinton.  I can't wait to watch the debate between the two of them. It's going to be something to watch. 

Yes, she will skewer his behind as he screams ..."liar, corrupt"...and spit and stew and forget the presidency is about ideas.

When she faces Trump she will falter at some point and Trump will crush her.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Trump is trying to secure America's borders and stop the flow of illegals in the country.  How can you argue that vigorous enforcement of the laws of the US is racist??? I agree that his comments on the Judge was racist but his policy of controlling immigration to the US is controversial but not necessarily racist. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Trump is trying to secure America's borders and stop the flow of illegals in the country.  How can you argue that vigorous enforcement of the laws of the US is racist??? I agree that his comments on the Judge was racist but his policy of controlling immigration to the US is controversial but not necessarily racist. 

Actually, the comment was not racist as "Mexican" is not a race but nationality.  He never said Hispanic!  He has a right to be cautious as once the any ruling is done, it's too late to cry foul!  It's a clever strategy in event an appeal is in order.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Trump is trying to secure America's borders and stop the flow of illegals in the country.  How can you argue that vigorous enforcement of the laws of the US is racist??? I agree that his comments on the Judge was racist but his policy of controlling immigration to the US is controversial but not necessarily racist. 

Everyone wants to manage the immigration problem. His solution is untenable. He is also plainly being grandiose by suggesting that he was going to build a forty five feet impregnable wall for over a thousand miles and the Mexicans will pay for it because he is the grand master deal maker and can persuade the Mexicans to do it.

ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Trump is trying to secure America's borders and stop the flow of illegals in the country.  How can you argue that vigorous enforcement of the laws of the US is racist??? I agree that his comments on the Judge was racist but his policy of controlling immigration to the US is controversial but not necessarily racist. 

Actually, the comment was not racist as "Mexican" is not a race but nationality.  He never said Hispanic!  He has a right to be cautious as once the any ruling is done, it's too late to cry foul!  It's a clever strategy in event an appeal is in order.

He calls senator Warren, Pocahontas. He is completely indifferent to the insult it is for the Powhatan  and other native peoples for once again violating this much abused Indian princess by whites. She was their pawn to negotiate deals for peace. She was passed off to an older man, raped, abused further traded, displayed as an exhibit of her people and did not trust white people so Trump is abusing her again.

Ten there is his deal with the judge and calling brothers "my African"!

Danyael posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Trump is trying to secure America's borders and stop the flow of illegals in the country.  How can you argue that vigorous enforcement of the laws of the US is racist??? I agree that his comments on the Judge was racist but his policy of controlling immigration to the US is controversial but not necessarily racist. 

Everyone wants to manage the immigration problem. His solution is untenable. He is also plainly being grandiose by suggesting that he was going to build a forty five feet impregnable wall for over a thousand miles and the Mexicans will pay for it because he is the grand master deal maker and can persuade the Mexicans to do it.

What did Obama do about the immigration problem??  Nothing.  What will Hillary do??  Nothing.  Illegal immigrants are draining the life blood out of America.  They pay no taxes and many of them reap the same benefits as citizens of America. Go to the emergency room at hospitals and see who is getting free healthcare.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Trump is trying to secure America's borders and stop the flow of illegals in the country.  How can you argue that vigorous enforcement of the laws of the US is racist??? I agree that his comments on the Judge was racist but his policy of controlling immigration to the US is controversial but not necessarily racist. 

Actually, the comment was not racist as "Mexican" is not a race but nationality.  He never said Hispanic!  He has a right to be cautious as once the any ruling is done, it's too late to cry foul!  It's a clever strategy in event an appeal is in order.

That the judge cannot be trusted to do his job well because he is "Mexican" is as racist as you can get. You cannot grasp that because you use similar arguments here on a daily basis.It is the problem of the fish being unable to discover water.


A wall in the remote unpopulated desert areas is the best.  Then border patrol can focus on the populated centers where legit crossing happen.  This is a win win for Mexico too as the gangs will not flourish as they do today.  Less open drug routes means less business and they will shrink and shrivel like a cancer starved of blood supply.  If you dont think walls work, ask the Israelis!!

Trump will control illegals and institutionalize a guest worker program for farmers.  Our Guyanese and other legal construction wprkers and handy men operations will thrive and do well and take better care of their families.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

Given that both of you are racists no surprise that you think he will do well.

A Trump presidency will be good for you as finally you will learn that you aren't white.

White ppl put up with too much nonsense. It is about time they stand up for their way of life. Who doan like it, just return to where yuh mother mek up and build a society like the great United States of America.

The country has degenerated into the type of leadership they have at the upcoming election. That is because the politicians of these days doan consider USA first, they consider what is politically correct. And the true citizens, white people, builders of America is left at the whims of the Democrats.  And Hillary is another excuse for their loss of prestige.

Suh Trump will have to carry their banner. It is the case of the Citizens versus the Multitudes of Visitors(non white people in the USA)

just imagine if the Hispanics get control. Just go over to Florida and observe what it is like for non-Hispanics.

The Democrats, just wants the Presidency. So they will sleep with the devil, knowing such a move will consume the great USA.

Make America Great Again.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

Given that both of you are racists no surprise that you think he will do well.

A Trump presidency will be good for you as finally you will learn that you aren't white.

White ppl put up with too much nonsense. It is about time they stand up for their way of life. Who doan like it, just return to where yuh mother mek up and build a society like the great United States of America.

The country has degenerated into the type of leadership they have at the upcoming election. That is because the politicians of these days doan consider USA first, they consider what is politically correct. And the true citizens, white people, builders of America is left at the whims of the Democrats.  And Hillary is another excuse for their loss of prestige.

Suh Trump will have to carry their banner. It is the case of the Citizens versus the Multitudes of Visitors(non white people in the USA)

just imagine if the Hispanics get control. Just go over to Florida and observe what it is like for non-Hispanics.

The Democrats, just wants the Presidency. So they will sleep with the devil, knowing such a move will consume the great USA.

Make America Great Again.

Yes Sir!!!

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The world watched how easily Trump crushed his Republican rivals and secured the nomination.  

And Hillary will skewer Trump, with her loud and dismissive laugh.

This after Trump tried telling her that she is old and ugly, and that there is no way that he would ever want to go to bed with her. And that no wonder Bill had to find other women.

It is going to be sparring match ahright.

Something like Cassius Clay telling Sony Liston he is too ugly to be Champion.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

Given that both of you are racists no surprise that you think he will do well.

A Trump presidency will be good for you as finally you will learn that you aren't white.

White ppl put up with too much nonsense. It is about time they stand up for their way of life. Who doan like it, just return to where yuh mother mek up and build a society like the great United States of America.

The country has degenerated into the type of leadership they have at the upcoming election. That is because the politicians of these days doan consider USA first, they consider what is politically correct. And the true citizens, white people, builders of America is left at the whims of the Democrats.  And Hillary is another excuse for their loss of prestige.

Suh Trump will have to carry their banner. It is the case of the Citizens versus the Multitudes of Visitors(non white people in the USA)

just imagine if the Hispanics get control. Just go over to Florida and observe what it is like for non-Hispanics.

The Democrats, just wants the Presidency. So they will sleep with the devil, knowing such a move will consume the great USA.

Make America Great Again.

You are plainly silly. It is not unexpected since you are morosely racist. I thought you had change from your old incarnation but you are still threading the same path.

This is not white people's country. This Was indian country that white stole. It was built on the backs of 400 years of black slavery and Chinese intentureship, Italians Irish, Polish etc. It evolved away from the racist back woods cesspool akin to South Africa apartheid by the force feeding of the enlightenment creed ( where before it it existed only as a racist pact) to white people by through examples in humanism and the law by men like Houston, and Marshall and greased by the blood of hundreds of black and white  civil rights martyrs.

Amrerica is what it is because of its diversity. Its musical  culture is the  rock, hip hop and country...each built up on the blues and gospel and work songs of its people.  It is not white. It's writers are Hughes, Wright, Hawthorne, Fitzgerald etc. It is not white. Its fashion is  Versace, Dior and Fubu; it is not white. Trump is a loud mouthed, narrow minded racist. He does not represent white.

California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona etc were spanish lands before they were American states. Now they are American States it is not white states. Most of the people who are Mexicans south of the border are descendants of sons and daughters of America before it was called america. America is an idea of strength in the unity of cultures; it is not white.

Non white people may be the "devil" to you but to America it means its strength. 

Last edited by Former Member

In America everyone is entitled to make their own choices. That is what DEMOCRACY is all about.  You also have a right to be annoyed in our DEMOCRACY. Enjoy and cherish our great Democracy.


See what Soujaboy doing in Guyana??


Indeed they changed a lot. Today you would gladly agree no one own the sky. Then with similar ease humans conclude no one can own the earth. Now you cling to terms like "real estate"  without knowing it represents a measure of how far we drift from what is real. Fortunately for us the chinese the russans or any other group will not take us back to that place where ownership means the extent to how we maximize sharing. Without being melodramatic, we need to return to that place before we can head out to the stars.  America and the west are the only ones who can ensure that possibility. It is where we must go if we are to live forever. Otherwise, there will be no one left in the universe to call its name.

Last edited by Former Member
Chief posted:

Cobra where are you?

You have to remind yourself that being angry with the people who supports Trump is undemocratic in the USA. I am NOT angry with you for supporting Hillary because it's your right. Old people does say when you hate someone, that person may be your worst nightmare.

I am proud to vote and support Trump in the primary, and I will vote for him in November. I am not here to shade the illegals or the terrorists. Trump is a decent man that means no harm to law abiding Muslims. Are you afraid of something if Trump get elected, Chief?

BTW, no one on GNI can ever trample on my democratic right to chose. I am sorry to disappoint you.

Bro, Ramadan is still on. What the hell you arguing over Trump for?

Danyael posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

Given that both of you are racists no surprise that you think he will do well.

A Trump presidency will be good for you as finally you will learn that you aren't white.

White ppl put up with too much nonsense. It is about time they stand up for their way of life. Who doan like it, just return to where yuh mother mek up and build a society like the great United States of America.

The country has degenerated into the type of leadership they have at the upcoming election. That is because the politicians of these days doan consider USA first, they consider what is politically correct. And the true citizens, white people, builders of America is left at the whims of the Democrats.  And Hillary is another excuse for their loss of prestige.

Suh Trump will have to carry their banner. It is the case of the Citizens versus the Multitudes of Visitors(non white people in the USA)

just imagine if the Hispanics get control. Just go over to Florida and observe what it is like for non-Hispanics.

The Democrats, just wants the Presidency. So they will sleep with the devil, knowing such a move will consume the great USA.

Make America Great Again.

You are plainly silly. It is not unexpected since you are morosely racist. I thought you had change from your old incarnation but you are still threading the same path.

This is not white people's country. This Was indian country that white stole. It was built on the backs of 400 years of black slavery and Chinese intentureship, Italians Irish, Polish etc. It evolved away from the racist back woods cesspool akin to South Africa apartheid by the force feeding of the enlightenment creed ( where before it it existed only as a racist pact) to white people by through examples in humanism and the law by men like Houston, and Marshall and greased by the blood of hundreds of black and white  civil rights martyrs.

Amrerica is what it is because of its diversity. Its musical  culture is the  rock, hip hop and country...each built up on the blues and gospel and work songs of its people.  It is not white. It's writers are Hughes, Wright, Hawthorne, Fitzgerald etc. It is not white. Its fashion is  Versace, Dior and Fubu; it is not white. Trump is a loud mouthed, narrow minded racist. He does not represent white.

California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona etc were spanish lands before they were American states. Now they are American States it is not white states. Most of the people who are Mexicans south of the border are descendants of sons and daughters of America before it was called america. America is an idea of strength in the unity of cultures; it is not white.

Non white people may be the "devil" to you but to America it means its strength. 

In a century, I have witnessed 72 years of it. I was bread on politics at the age 5 which stimulated my interest in world politics, geography and peoples of the world. I have lived in Canada for 50 years, where I pursued a university education in applied science. Developed and managed a manufacturing enterprise for 33 years. With all of that, I made enough money that I have traveled in every part of the world except Muslim countries.

All of that in the white-man society. And not to mention homes I have in Guyana, Barbados, Florida and soon North Carolina.

My experiences have been good one with the white folks.  

Leslie, perhaps you are no match for my intelligence. For over 20 years on this BB, all u can conclude is that I am a racist. My opinions are not in line with yours. Never. But I doan feel superior and cuss yuh skont.

I am living in the civilization of the White-man. His medicine and the Almighty provided and provides my good health. With my young Muslim Female Physician, I could end up being as Old as Methuselah. She thinks highly me. And when I have frequent checkups, she personally sends me the results by e-mail. Just in case, I am in some foreign land. 

With all of the above I could still be a racist. I do not think I am

My commentaries are simply sharing perspectives. I have no beef with no racial group. However, other than the white-man, every tribe wants to have a ready made country.

And they come to America and want to ***k it all up.  

seignet posted:
Danyael posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

Given that both of you are racists no surprise that you think he will do well.

A Trump presidency will be good for you as finally you will learn that you aren't white.

White ppl put up with too much nonsense. It is about time they stand up for their way of life. Who doan like it, just return to where yuh mother mek up and build a society like the great United States of America.

The country has degenerated into the type of leadership they have at the upcoming election. That is because the politicians of these days doan consider USA first, they consider what is politically correct. And the true citizens, white people, builders of America is left at the whims of the Democrats.  And Hillary is another excuse for their loss of prestige.

Suh Trump will have to carry their banner. It is the case of the Citizens versus the Multitudes of Visitors(non white people in the USA)

just imagine if the Hispanics get control. Just go over to Florida and observe what it is like for non-Hispanics.

The Democrats, just wants the Presidency. So they will sleep with the devil, knowing such a move will consume the great USA.

Make America Great Again.

You are plainly silly. It is not unexpected since you are morosely racist. I thought you had change from your old incarnation but you are still threading the same path.

This is not white people's country. This Was indian country that white stole. It was built on the backs of 400 years of black slavery and Chinese intentureship, Italians Irish, Polish etc. It evolved away from the racist back woods cesspool akin to South Africa apartheid by the force feeding of the enlightenment creed ( where before it it existed only as a racist pact) to white people by through examples in humanism and the law by men like Houston, and Marshall and greased by the blood of hundreds of black and white  civil rights martyrs.

Amrerica is what it is because of its diversity. Its musical  culture is the  rock, hip hop and country...each built up on the blues and gospel and work songs of its people.  It is not white. It's writers are Hughes, Wright, Hawthorne, Fitzgerald etc. It is not white. Its fashion is  Versace, Dior and Fubu; it is not white. Trump is a loud mouthed, narrow minded racist. He does not represent white.

California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona etc were spanish lands before they were American states. Now they are American States it is not white states. Most of the people who are Mexicans south of the border are descendants of sons and daughters of America before it was called america. America is an idea of strength in the unity of cultures; it is not white.

Non white people may be the "devil" to you but to America it means its strength. 

In a century, I have witnessed 72 years of it. I was bread on politics at the age 5 which stimulated my interest in world politics, geography and peoples of the world. I have lived in Canada for 50 years, where I pursued a university education in applied science. Developed and managed a manufacturing enterprise for 33 years. With all of that, I made enough money that I have traveled in every part of the world except Muslim countries.

All of that in the white-man society. And not to mention homes I have in Guyana, Barbados, Florida and soon North Carolina.

My experiences have been good one with the white folks.  

Leslie, perhaps you are no match for my intelligence. For over 20 years on this BB, all u can conclude is that I am a racist. My opinions are not in line with yours. Never. But I doan feel superior and cuss yuh skont.

I am living in the civilization of the White-man. His medicine and the Almighty provided and provides my good health. With my young Muslim Female Physician, I could end up being as Old as Methuselah. She thinks highly me. And when I have frequent checkups, she personally sends me the results by e-mail. Just in case, I am in some foreign land. 

With all of the above I could still be a racist. I do not think I am

My commentaries are simply sharing perspectives. I have no beef with no racial group. However, other than the white-man, every tribe wants to have a ready made country.

And they come to America and want to ***k it all up.  

I take what you say. I know you are a segregationist. You said as much. I know you do not think black people are smart. You said as much. I am giving you back your words on your own platter. Now here you are calling this place a whiteman's world when it is composed of some 35 percent of other folks. It is also clear that much of what composes the  intellectually legacy of this world resides in many cultures.

I do not care how much you have or what you earned. I cannot say I ever focused on making money most of my life. I focused on having fun doing what I did and that still is my objective.

If you make these silly statements you  have to own them. You cannot rent them for a day or when convenient. You can cuss all you want and believe yourself to be superior but that would be your own self deception If you want to live in an imagined world  that is your choice.   I am smart,  healthy and I am doing what pleases me. I am happy with who I am and what I am far exceeds my greatest expectations.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Trump is trying to secure America's borders and stop the flow of illegals in the country.  How can you argue that vigorous enforcement of the laws of the US is racist??? I agree that his comments on the Judge was racist but his policy of controlling immigration to the US is controversial but not necessarily racist. 

Everyone wants to manage the immigration problem. His solution is untenable. He is also plainly being grandiose by suggesting that he was going to build a forty five feet impregnable wall for over a thousand miles and the Mexicans will pay for it because he is the grand master deal maker and can persuade the Mexicans to do it.

What did Obama do about the immigration problem??  Nothing.  What will Hillary do??  Nothing.  Illegal immigrants are draining the life blood out of America.  They pay no taxes and many of them reap the same benefits as citizens of America. Go to the emergency room at hospitals and see who is getting free healthcare.

What did Obama do about the immigration problem??  Nothing.

Did you read this before posting it? Did you believe it after you posted it? If you did both then you are as uneducated on Governance in the United States.

Firstly Obama laid out his legislative agenda and asked Congress - the only body that can vote on and propose Bills to the President to sign into the law of the land.

Obama called for fixing the broken immigration system he inherited by tackling the Border issue, the 11 million undocumented workers and strengthening immigration controls. The no-action Congress stopped all conversation over immigration as they wanted to do the border control and nothing else.

Obama then did the max he could with Executive action, including the Dream Act to help illegal students.

Now, Bibi, how did you come up with Obama doing nothing? And with 2 question marks - the equivalent of Nehru's CAPS.

Danyael posted:
seignet posted:
Danyael posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

Given that both of you are racists no surprise that you think he will do well.

A Trump presidency will be good for you as finally you will learn that you aren't white.

White ppl put up with too much nonsense. It is about time they stand up for their way of life. Who doan like it, just return to where yuh mother mek up and build a society like the great United States of America.

The country has degenerated into the type of leadership they have at the upcoming election. That is because the politicians of these days doan consider USA first, they consider what is politically correct. And the true citizens, white people, builders of America is left at the whims of the Democrats.  And Hillary is another excuse for their loss of prestige.

Suh Trump will have to carry their banner. It is the case of the Citizens versus the Multitudes of Visitors(non white people in the USA)

just imagine if the Hispanics get control. Just go over to Florida and observe what it is like for non-Hispanics.

The Democrats, just wants the Presidency. So they will sleep with the devil, knowing such a move will consume the great USA.

Make America Great Again.

You are plainly silly. It is not unexpected since you are morosely racist. I thought you had change from your old incarnation but you are still threading the same path.

This is not white people's country. This Was indian country that white stole. It was built on the backs of 400 years of black slavery and Chinese intentureship, Italians Irish, Polish etc. It evolved away from the racist back woods cesspool akin to South Africa apartheid by the force feeding of the enlightenment creed ( where before it it existed only as a racist pact) to white people by through examples in humanism and the law by men like Houston, and Marshall and greased by the blood of hundreds of black and white  civil rights martyrs.

Amrerica is what it is because of its diversity. Its musical  culture is the  rock, hip hop and country...each built up on the blues and gospel and work songs of its people.  It is not white. It's writers are Hughes, Wright, Hawthorne, Fitzgerald etc. It is not white. Its fashion is  Versace, Dior and Fubu; it is not white. Trump is a loud mouthed, narrow minded racist. He does not represent white.

California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona etc were spanish lands before they were American states. Now they are American States it is not white states. Most of the people who are Mexicans south of the border are descendants of sons and daughters of America before it was called america. America is an idea of strength in the unity of cultures; it is not white.

Non white people may be the "devil" to you but to America it means its strength. 

In a century, I have witnessed 72 years of it. I was bread on politics at the age 5 which stimulated my interest in world politics, geography and peoples of the world. I have lived in Canada for 50 years, where I pursued a university education in applied science. Developed and managed a manufacturing enterprise for 33 years. With all of that, I made enough money that I have traveled in every part of the world except Muslim countries.

All of that in the white-man society. And not to mention homes I have in Guyana, Barbados, Florida and soon North Carolina.

My experiences have been good one with the white folks.  

Leslie, perhaps you are no match for my intelligence. For over 20 years on this BB, all u can conclude is that I am a racist. My opinions are not in line with yours. Never. But I doan feel superior and cuss yuh skont.

I am living in the civilization of the White-man. His medicine and the Almighty provided and provides my good health. With my young Muslim Female Physician, I could end up being as Old as Methuselah. She thinks highly me. And when I have frequent checkups, she personally sends me the results by e-mail. Just in case, I am in some foreign land. 

With all of the above I could still be a racist. I do not think I am

My commentaries are simply sharing perspectives. I have no beef with no racial group. However, other than the white-man, every tribe wants to have a ready made country.

And they come to America and want to ***k it all up.  

I take what you say. I know you are a segregationist. You said as much. I know you do not think black people are smart. You said as much. I am giving you back your words on your own platter. Now here you are calling this place a whiteman's world when it is composed of some 35 percent of other folks. It is also clear that much of what composes the  intellectually legacy of this world resides in many cultures.

I do not care how much you have or what you earned. I cannot say I ever focused on making money most of my life. I focused on having fun doing what I did and that still is my objective.

If you make these silly statements you  have to own them. You cannot rent them for a day or when convenient. You can cuss all you want and believe yourself to be superior but that would be your own self deception If you want to live in an imagined world  that is your choice.   I am smart,  healthy and I am doing what pleases me. I am happy with who I am and what I am far exceeds my greatest expectations.

I have read comment.

Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What did Obama do about the immigration problem??  Nothing.  What will Hillary do??  Nothing.  Illegal immigrants are draining the life blood out of America.  They pay no taxes and many of them reap the same benefits as citizens of America. Go to the emergency room at hospitals and see who is getting free healthcare.

What did Obama do about the immigration problem??  Nothing.

Did you read this before posting it? Did you believe it after you posted it? If you did both then you are as uneducated on Governance in the United States.

Firstly Obama laid out his legislative agenda and asked Congress - the only body that can vote on and propose Bills to the President to sign into the law of the land.

Obama called for fixing the broken immigration system he inherited by tackling the Border issue, the 11 million undocumented workers and strengthening immigration controls. The no-action Congress stopped all conversation over immigration as they wanted to do the border control and nothing else.

Obama then did the max he could with Executive action, including the Dream Act to help illegal students.

Now, Bibi, how did you come up with Obama doing nothing? And with 2 question marks - the equivalent of Nehru's CAPS.

Whoa, Bibi dearest, I see you larnin something else again this week, happy you joined GNI eh?

Last edited by cain
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Trump is trying to secure America's borders and stop the flow of illegals in the country.  How can you argue that vigorous enforcement of the laws of the US is racist??? I agree that his comments on the Judge was racist but his policy of controlling immigration to the US is controversial but not necessarily racist. 

Everyone wants to manage the immigration problem. His solution is untenable. He is also plainly being grandiose by suggesting that he was going to build a forty five feet impregnable wall for over a thousand miles and the Mexicans will pay for it because he is the grand master deal maker and can persuade the Mexicans to do it.

What did Obama do about the immigration problem??  Nothing.  What will Hillary do??  Nothing.  Illegal immigrants are draining the life blood out of America.  They pay no taxes and many of them reap the same benefits as citizens of America. Go to the emergency room at hospitals and see who is getting free healthcare.

I heard that many guyanese are doing the same thing you are complaining about here. Think of the thousands of guyanese who illegally entered the US and the many who became productive citizens and valuable consumers to help spur industry in the US. 

The question to ask is "what is spurring this immigration, whether it is legal or illegal?" Who is benefitting from it? Yes  the illegals, but who else?

The law of unintended consequences is what America is facing with this issue. America was busy selling the American Dream. Well, this is one of the consequence. 

This election justifies my decision to never consider living in the USA. It is rife with racism and sense of superiority that is used to justify so many wrongs. Not hoping for a Trump victory, but it is possible, then all of you here who want to welcome his presidency will face the law of unintended consequences. You can still move back to Guyana. 


seignet posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump is a great man and will be a good prezzy, with or without your liking.  He will become president! start adjusting to that reality!!

Given that both of you are racists no surprise that you think he will do well.

A Trump presidency will be good for you as finally you will learn that you aren't white.

White ppl put up with too much nonsense. It is about time they stand up for their way of life. Who doan like it, just return to where yuh mother mek up and build a society like the great United States of America.

The country has degenerated into the type of leadership they have at the upcoming election. That is because the politicians of these days doan consider USA first, they consider what is politically correct. And the true citizens, white people, builders of America is left at the whims of the Democrats.  And Hillary is another excuse for their loss of prestige.

Suh Trump will have to carry their banner. It is the case of the Citizens versus the Multitudes of Visitors(non white people in the USA)

just imagine if the Hispanics get control. Just go over to Florida and observe what it is like for non-Hispanics.

The Democrats, just wants the Presidency. So they will sleep with the devil, knowing such a move will consume the great USA.

Make America Great Again.

There is so much that is wrong with what is in this post that it will take me all day to point it out. But, I think that it will be an exercise in futility.

Chief posted:
Danyael posted:

It is amazing that all of the nasty racists here are Trump disciples!

You could not have said it any better.

Look at these two hate mongers tampling on peoples rights who make their free choice.  Chief, the Islamist who make a career cussing out non-Muslim indians from his house of worship in Queens call us Chammars.  Who the hell gave you the right to call out other when you are a zealot who backs very un-American principles. You enjoy the spoils of America but hate its principles.

And we have our resident Amazonian who ran away from PNC/Burnham rule now sitting his ass comfortable in the USA and telling people PNC is the best thing or Guyana.

you two clowns can take a hike with you opinion.  and profess to know what you think is best for others.  


No one is stopping you from voting. One is commenting on the choice of as Ms Warren said, the choice of that thin-skinned, wannabe tyrant is objectionable to progressive. Even conservatives are running away from that fellow.Ryan calls him a racist, Mc Connell calls him unamericana. This is an unprecedented reluctance of Republicans to self identify with their nominee because they have a dread that this awful fellow will re-brand the GOP as a racist party

You are a shallow ignoramus so it is little wonder you vote against your interest. And what are you doing here sitting on your ass pretending you are the noblesse oblige? What happened, burnham begged you to leave? Dude you are  undeniably an enigma even to yourself since contradictions  do not matter to you.


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