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The attack against the Coalition for selfish reasons


 Dear Editor,

Businessman Terrence Campbell has resigned from A New and United Guyana (ANUG). This is a new political party that he formed with PPP stalwart and former PPP Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran.
In his resignation statement, he referenced a conversation with me. After much inquiry, I’m constrained to add my perspective to this discourse. Intelligence suggests internecine warfare about dual citizenship and Ramkarran’s PPP motives have paralyzed the nascent group. A battle ready leader and general doesn’t retreat under light pressure, unless retreat speaks to conviction about the cause. But I digress.
Last Sunday, Mr. Campbell and I contributed to a Facebook discussion on a post that criticized the Guyana Chronicle for a news story that the author believed was biased against a presumed critique of the Coalition Government.
I challenged Mr. Campbell about his silence or failure to denounce the said newspaper, which under the PPP regime, engaged in an obnoxious character assassination campaign of PPP opponents like me.
He observed that as leaders, we must go high when our enemies go low, and a desire for a new politics. I did not disagree. I however retorted that his silence on PPP abuses compromised his moral authority to speak out now. This was the essence of our frank, amicable, objective and respectful discussion.
These discussions on social media emanate from the no confidence vote and the polarization and instability it has engendered. The no confidence vote was not a normal exercise of parliamentary democracy.
The PPP used this parliamentary mechanism to attempt to criminally overthrow the APNU+AFC Coalition because President David Granger’s illness and overseas treatment created a leadership vacuum and a perception that the government was weak.
The government committed no unlawful act or political malfeasance; hence, there was no constitutional legitimacy for a no confidence motion. Opposition leader Bharrat Jagdeo brought the motion, singularly, to exploit the President’s illness.
The PPP calculated that the government has lost some support among the people and that, with the President being ill, they can force a snap election and win. Jagdeo and the PPP are desperate to get their hands on government resources and the country’s oil revenues. They will do anything to succeed, including destroying our country.
This is why the PPP allegedly orchestrated for government MP Charrandass Persaud, a multi-million US dollar bribe to vote against the government. That alleged criminal act is treason.
No government will allow itself to be overthrown by criminals. No government will allow itself to be ousted by an act of treason. This was not a legitimate no confidence vote. It was the execution of conspiracy that involved bribery of a double agent to bring down the government in Parliament.
Having attempted to commit treason, Bharrat Jagdeo and his PPP conspirators are feigning a call for the government to resign. Many, including Ramkarran’s new party, RISE etc, have jumped on the PPP bandwagon, because they want the government to collapse. They don’t believe that certain segments of the population should govern Guyana.
They have made a serious miscalculation. The APNU+AFC Coalition has hundreds of thousands of supporters. They have ignited a simmering underground volcanic activity that may have awaken the spirit of the Jamaican maroons in Guyanese. Heaven helps Guyana if it erupts!
Coalition supporters will not allow the PPP to threaten our democracy. The Coalition Government will not be bullied out of office. It is a democratically elected government that was elected by the people for a term of five years. It will serve out its five-year term unless otherwise determined by the courts.
Guyana was in relative stability until the opposition PPP decided to attempt to overthrow the government. In one fell swoop, the PPP sunk Guyana to the brink of chaos and political instability. They want to destroy our beautiful country in order to gain power.
The people who conspired to overthrow the coalition government will fail. They should also read the writing on the wall. Guyanese are mobilized against them. The people will endeavour to defeat the PPP in the next elections, whenever it’s called. If by chance the PPP wins an election pursuant to the bribery that brought about the no confidence vote, our democracy would have failed, and they should not be allowed to govern either.
Furthermore, this should be clear to the people who are invested in defeating the Coalition Government. You’re in for a hell of a ride! Democracy will triumph over criminality.

Rickford Burke


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Troubling times ahead....if PPP wins and thinks they can govern at the exclusion of others...tokenism and claims to being multi-racial will not work this time around....the stakes too high....yall Indos in for a rude awakening.


Lets highlight a few points for the slow readers...for KP, Skeldon-Man and Dave....

The PPP used this parliamentary mechanism to attempt to criminally overthrow the APNU+AFC Coalition.

Jagdeo and the PPP are desperate to get their hands on government resources and the country’s oil revenues. They will do anything to succeed, including destroying our country.

 the PPP allegedly orchestrated for government MP Charrandass Persaud, a multi-million US dollar bribe to vote against the government. That alleged criminal act is treason.

No government will allow itself to be overthrown by criminals. 

Having attempted to commit treason, Bharrat Jagdeo and his PPP conspirators are feigning a call for the government to resign.

The APNU+AFC Coalition has hundreds of thousands of supporters. They have ignited a simmering underground volcanic activity that may have awaken the spirit of the Jamaican maroons in Guyanese. Heaven helps Guyana if it erupts!

 If by chance the PPP wins an election ...they should not be allowed to govern either.

The only problem with this PNC perspective is he sees the PNC are the rightful moral party to lead Guyana and he leaves no room for the possibility that the PPP leaders hay have learned from previous lessons and can redeem themselves if in power....

But that is beside the point....

If this is a typical PNC perspective, then the writing is really on the wall...

AND they control the government, police, army, main cities....

So....can the PPP really handle a "winner take all"...

we gon see  

VishMahabir posted:

Troubling times ahead....if PPP wins and thinks they can govern at the exclusion of others...tokenism and claims to being multi-racial will not work this time around....the stakes too high....yall Indos in for a rude awakening.

Bubble Head who advocate for PPP to govern Guyana at the exclusion of others. 

Baseman posted:

It’s BS.  That NCV seems to have been in the planning for some time.  That’s why the PPP went all out in the LGE.  They wanted that momentum!

MP Mahendra Sharma, Rupert Roopnarine, Sydney Allicok, suppose to vote YES with Charandass but chicken out after hearing death threat was mention opening in parliament.


Ralph Ramkarran responds to Rickford Burke


At the beginning of every Sitting of the National Assembly, the beneficence of the Almighty is invoked by Prayer to deliver wisdom to Parliamentarians in their deliberations. The Prayer does not contain a request to ensure the loyalty of members or for predictions as to whether that loyalty will be sustained.
I don’t have a line to the Almighty, but I doubt that he/she will, even if asked, convey a prevision to the Government that a member plans to defect to the Opposition and vote against the Appropriation Bill.
If the Government has no foreknowledge, then once the vote is taken, the deed is done. The Government cannot “instantly recall and replace” the member during the vote or after the vote is taken as Mr. Rickford Burke, in his letter published yesterday, triumphantly suggests. It will be too late. If the Government has foreknowledge before the debate, it can cause the removal and replacement of the member. This process will take several weeks.
If I am “subversive” and “ridiculously dishonest,” as Mr. Rickford Burke hyperbolically alleges, then so must be Vice President Carl Greenidge. Only a few days before my views were published by SN, VP Greenidge publicly said much the same thing. He thought that if the Opposition had the votes, they didn’t have to wait on a no confidence motion. He said they could vote against the Appropriations Bill and bring down the Government.

Ralph Ramkarran

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

It’s BS.  That NCV seems to have been in the planning for some time.  That’s why the PPP went all out in the LGE.  They wanted that momentum!

MP Mahendra Sharma, Rupert Roopnarine, Sydney Allicok, suppose to vote YES with Charandass but chicken out after hearing death threat was mention opening in parliament.

Dem bannas ain’t gatt dual citizenship!!

VishMahabir posted:

The attack against the Coalition for selfish reasons


 Dear Editor,

Businessman Terrence Campbell has resigned from A New and United Guyana (ANUG). This is a new political party that he formed with PPP stalwart and former PPP Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran....
Coalition supporters will not allow the PPP to threa...

PPP wins an election pursuant to the bribery that brought about the no confidence vote, our democracy would have failed, and they should not be allowed to govern either.
Furthermore, this should be clear to the people who are invested in defeating the Coalition Government. You’re in for a hell of a ride! Democracy will triumph over criminality.

Rickford Burke


This is Burke and the other Vultutres like Phillips, Ogunseye making their usual threats. The government has lots of resources to take care of this and if elected must do so fairly. 


For 69 years, from its birth to today, the PPP has faced threats in various ways, shapes and forms. And the PPP has stood up valiantly to them, though not always successfully. Threats don't scare the PPP. 

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

For 69 years, from its birth to today, the PPP has faced threats in various ways, shapes and forms. And the PPP has stood up valiantly to them, though not always successfully. Threats don't scare the PPP. 

Doh is true...PPP face nuff nuff destabilization. but know when yuh live in wan kuntry like Guyana yuh actions gat reaction...meh tink wan great scientist dey seh so. When yuh decide yuh go mek US$ 5mill mansion next to de sea yuh will face reaction from de other racial is human nature let alone de nature of wan racial divided kuntry like Guyana...Hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
Gilbakka posted:

For 69 years, from its birth to today, the PPP has faced threats in various ways, shapes and forms. And the PPP has stood up valiantly to them, though not always successfully. Threats don't scare the PPP. 

Doh is true...PPP face nuff nuff destabilization. 

This is the source and inspiration of PPP courage.


The PPP used this parliamentary mechanism to attempt to criminally overthrow the APNU+AFC Coalition.

Can you explain what was it that the PPP did to criminally overthrow this dictatorship? Can you describe "criminal". You seem to have your head way up your anus all the time.
Do you want to see a criminal? Go look at your woman Vulgah. You criminal black people always try to rub your shit on other people.


Gilbakka posted:

For 69 years, from its birth to today, the PPP has faced threats in various ways, shapes and forms. And the PPP has stood up valiantly to them, though not always successfully. Threats don't scare the PPP. 

It seems like either the PPP or the PNC would need 34 seats to govern effectively. BTW 69 is meh favorit numba. 

Gilbakka posted:
Labba posted:
Gilbakka posted:

For 69 years, from its birth to today, the PPP has faced threats in various ways, shapes and forms. And the PPP has stood up valiantly to them, though not always successfully. Threats don't scare the PPP. 

Doh is true...PPP face nuff nuff destabilization. 

This is the source and inspiration of PPP courage.

Yuh know everybady gat dem source of inspiration. Was true Cheddie mek de driver pon de GNCB board when dem win in 1992? 

Mitwah posted:
Gilbakka posted:

For 69 years, from its birth to today, the PPP has faced threats in various ways, shapes and forms. And the PPP has stood up valiantly to them, though not always successfully. Threats don't scare the PPP. 

It seems like either the PPP or the PNC would need 34 seats to govern effectively. BTW 69 is meh favorit numba. 

Hey hey hey...hehehehe...

Labba posted:

Yuh know everybady gat dem source of inspiration. Was true Cheddie mek de driver pon de GNCB board when dem win in 1992? 

Wha wrang wid dat? Hugo Chavez mek bus driver Maduro de President of Venezuela. And Castro mek a bellboy de manager of Havana Hilton hotel. As Burnham said, the small man would become a real man.

Give them a chance and if they don't perform, sack them.

BTW, if PPP wins upcoming election I shall ask President X to appoint Django as Head of the National Archives.

Ray posted:

Burke is a criminal

No he is not...he is an occasional resource but when he goes on his anti PPP rant it is when he becomes a panafricanist nutjob.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
Gilbakka posted:

For 69 years, from its birth to today, the PPP has faced threats in various ways, shapes and forms. And the PPP has stood up valiantly to them, though not always successfully. Threats don't scare the PPP. 

It seems like either the PPP or the PNC would need 34 seats to govern effectively. BTW 69 is meh favorit numba. 

East gon get Lips BIBI all excited with her lipstick face    

Gilbakka posted:
Labba posted:
Gilbakka posted:

For 69 years, from its birth to today, the PPP has faced threats in various ways, shapes and forms. And the PPP has stood up valiantly to them, though not always successfully. Threats don't scare the PPP. 

Doh is true...PPP face nuff nuff destabilization. 

This is the source and inspiration of PPP courage.

You have to go that FAR back for inspiration??? least Donald and Jagdeo are still alive....not inspirational enough? 

...60 % of the young people today will not rely on that institutional memory....and most of them will vote....

dont mean to burst your bubble....

jes asking


Rickford Burke is a RACIST THUG and nothing less. What he is saying is  " NO C@@!!E can RULE GUyana , that Guyana belong to Afros". These people are NOT hiding their RACISM anymore!!!

D2 posted:
Ray posted:

Burke is a criminal

No he is not...he is an occasional resource but when he goes on his anti PPP rant it is when he becomes a panafricanist nutjob.

He is certainly a CERTIFIED RACIST PIG and worst!!

Nehru posted:

Rickford Burke is a RACIST THUG and nothing less. What he is saying is  " NO C@@!!E can RULE GUyana , that Guyana belong to Afros". These people are NOT hiding their RACISM anymore!!!

PNC always wid dem ginkak bring ramgoat story. Dem wrang and strang.

This jackass wrote, "The government committed no unlawful act or political malfeasance; hence, there was no constitutional legitimacy for a no-confidence motion". What theF**K is wrong with this ass hole? Is there a constitutional clause that states that someone in the governing body must comit a "unlawful act or political malfeasance" before an NCV can be taken? Where did this fool get educated? At Congress Place with a gun over his head?

Mitwah posted:
Gilbakka posted:

For 69 years, from its birth to today, the PPP has faced threats in various ways, shapes and forms. And the PPP has stood up valiantly to them, though not always successfully. Threats don't scare the PPP. 

It seems like either the PPP or the PNC would need 34 seats to govern effectively. BTW 69 is meh favorit numba. 

Bai, 69 means that yuh duz reciprocate.

Dave posted:

awaken the spirit of the Jamaican maroons  - Rickford Burke

macron yellow vest - Carib

These skunks should be put in a cage full of Lions.

So let us see.  GHK Lall writing about Guyana bristling and being in a cauldron. Cathy Hughes warning about racist animosity growing.  Both Granger and Jagdeo undertaking to calm down their respective bases. I think that he lives in Guyana and he is a frequent letter writer.  His letter is in yesterday's KN.

I will sooner listen to them than to a man who is so racist than even HIS kids have to call him up on it!  Yes YOU said that your kids have to talk to you.

France has Yellow Jackets. Read up on them and see how applicable this is for Guyana.

Dave posted:

Bubble Head who advocate for PPP to govern Guyana at the exclusion of others. 

YOU do!  Black people say the PPP is racist.  You scream that it isnt. So you dont give a damn about what black people think, so yes you do think that the PPP can run Guyana excluding the perspectives of others.

D2 posted:
Ray posted:

Burke is a criminal

No he is not...he is an occasional resource but when he goes on his anti PPP rant it is when he becomes a panafricanist nutjob.

Maybe but his thinking isnt unique.


The leaders need to tamp down the rhetoric and calm the situation.  I believe this is what you begin to see in the tone. 

PPP has the numbers advantage and PNC have the fear.  Both need to assure each constituency that their interest will be guarded.  They need to relook at the governing model.  

The Venos are coming you stupid people!  We have to fight them!


Well lucky for Guyana Granger isnt a power drunk politician along the lines of Jagdeo, plus he is sick anyway so maybe not up for a fight.

I suggest that you challenge Jagdeo because he is not in the habit of displaying inclusivity, whether in respecting the opinions WITHIN the PPP or those by those who detest the PPP.

When Jagdeo begins to campaign (and you know fully well that regardless as to who is the choice, Jagdeo will dominate) he needs to acknowledge that blacks perceive the PPP negatively and outline ways that the PPP will under take to change their minds.


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