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Originally Posted by Amral:

ok she seh beef pelu, seems as if there is sweet and there is salt pelu

she is 100% correct Amral.


my beef pelau is very famous amongst my family.


let's see if i can recall the recipe off my head

beef - cut in small pieces and pressured

2 cups rice (parboiled) brown rice

3 tbsp butter

1 onion finely chopped

6 flegs garlic crushed

2 tomatoes chopped

1 cinnamon stick

6 pods of cardamom (elaichi)

6 cloves

1 tblsp garamasala

1/2 tsp (roasted) ground geera

1/2 tsp dried thyme

2 tbsp soy sauce

salt to taste

enough boiling water to cover about 3/4 inches above rice

using medium to low heat:

1) melt butter in pot

2) cook onion for a minute and then add in garlic

3) add cinnamon, cardamom & clove and cook for 1-2 mins

4) add tomatoes, garamasala,thyme, and geera -cook for about 5 mins

5) add cooked beef and soy sauce - cook for 2 mins

6) add washed rice and salt - cook for another few minutes

7) pour in boiling water (make sure it cover rice and 3/4 above)

8) cover pot, reduce heat to low and cook for 15 mins (DO NOT remove pot lid)

9) when timer goes off, turn off heat and leave sitting for another 15 mins (DO NOT remove pot lid)


At the end of this time, once you open the pot you will see that most of the cinnamon, cardamom and cloves have risen to the top -I usually remove them.


Stir and serve!





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