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Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by JB:

Is gay Pooran the snake or Sugrim?

The one who pretends to be a snake. He's more like a worm.

At least me nah gat to look out fuh people coming to collect their monies stolen from them and fuh dem Boys from Django Town coming for more sweet sugar.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by JB:

Is gay Pooran the snake or Sugrim?

The one who pretends to be a snake. He's more like a worm.


So now I get it. The snake and Nehru are domestic partners. That's why their comments are so similar. The snake always defends his partner. That's love! 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by JB:

Is gay Pooran the snake or Sugrim?

The one who pretends to be a snake. He's more like a worm.


So now I get it. The snake and Nehru are domestic partners. That's why their comments are so similar. The snake always defends his partner. That's love! 

And poor you sharing yuh Domestic Partner.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by JB:

Is gay Pooran the snake or Sugrim?

The one who pretends to be a snake. He's more like a worm.

At least me nah gat to look out fuh people coming to collect their monies stolen from them and fuh dem Boys from Django Town coming for more sweet sugar.

I guess that the effect of last night's cheap rum still has your few brain cells muddled. You seem to fantasize about sugar a lot. I can understand since you were a cane harvester in your younger days and you have a domestic partner known to you affectionately as Demerara Sugar. Does Gay Pooran know that you call him Sugar?

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Danyael:

all this clowning around with Maduro and he still will not relinquish the illegal claims to our state. Their maps is still being printed with a portion called the reclaimed zones. This bull shit about friendship is a charade. It is a brushing the teeth of a crocodile.

And Ankoko as well. When we we get that back.  If Maduro is really serious, he'll have to re draw the venezuelian map without the Essequibo being part of their territory.


The foundation set by Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chaves for flourishing bilateral relations with Guyana was recognised by President Donald Ramotar and his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolas Maduro as the two leaders met here on Saturday. Following their discussions, the heads of state signed a joint declaration, signalling their commitment to its content which focused on strengthening and widening relations between the two countries.


As part of the declaration, the two sides highlighted the greater thrust given to the United Nations Good Offices Process since the appointment of good officer to the United Nations Secretary General, Professor Norman Girvan. As such, they recommitted that the search for a peaceful and practical settlement of the controversy in accordance with the Geneva Agreement of 1966, was one that should be pursued under the good offices process. In this regard, it was agreed that Professor Girvan should be reappointed for a further term.


Meanwhile, the two leaders received the report of the fifth meeting of the Guyana/ Venezuela High-Level Bilateral Commission, which was held on Friday. It focused on political consultation; food and agriculture; air, land and sea transportation; energy; and education and culture.


Good relations


Speaking to media operatives from the two countries, President Ramotar stated that the declaration signed strengthens the political will of the two countries to build on their peaceful and fruitful relations. He said President Maduro’s acceptance to visit Guyana is an indication of the interest shown by Venezuela in ratifying ties with this country.


“I would like to recognise the tremendous work that was done by the late President Chavez in this regard, who changed the thinking about the good neighbourly relationships with Guyana and Venezuela, and we must recognise the efforts that he made personally so that today, we can be building on the foundations that have been already laid,” Ramotar said. He pointed out that the discussions held with the Venezuelans on Friday and the president on Saturday, were fruitful.


Air linkages


“We already have strong relations in the rice and PetroCaribe arrangement, energy and now the agreements for connections by air and we’re also looking at maritime transport. All of which of course would have the great possibility of broadening our relationship.”


The agreement to establish direct air linkages between the two countries will be made possible through CONVIASA airline, which will see some 70 passengers being transported at least twice weekly. The Venezuelan government also offered the government of Guyana increased skills training for technicians and flight operations inspectors. However, he said the two sides have recognised room for improvement in the relations that exist. “We intend to pursue all areas of activity vigorously in the future,” Ramotar said.  Meanwhile, speaking through an interpreter, the Venezuelan leader also welcomed the discussions, highlighting that it covered core areas that will seek to fortify the ties that exist between the two neighbouring nations.


“We have decided to reinvigorate the bilateral cooperation in the two countries in all these areas… to strengthen the commission on trade mechanisms and to widen these mechanisms”. Maduro added that their relationship goes beyond physical cooperation, as he acknowledged the platform set by his predecessor President Chavez, who he dubbed as the architect of the friendly relations Guyana and Venezuela now enjoy. Chavez, he said, devised a humanist approach that paved the way for the brotherhood between Guyana and Venezuela.  Both presidents expressed satisfaction with the results of the talks held, but highlighted that it is now up to both teams to implement the agreements reached in the joint declaration signed(Guyana Times).


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