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Ow bai, me have a few small fish sources in de PNC camp from me school days. One of dem is now a PNC top dawg.

PPP will have a tough time to avoid this coup. De numbers are baked in for region 4. Thats why I was conceding yesterday. PNC has region 4 all planned out with dem monkey business. They know that they will still oil over things with ABC if they rig.

Jagdeo will have to pull off a miracle for the SOP to be counted as is. If SOP are counted. PPP wins but with PNC bakery in GECOM, it now looks difficult.

Still keeping the faith though. Jagdeo is the comeback kid.

Last edited by Former Member

Some of you should open a "Cook Shop" just to sell SOUP.

 Guyana, a tiny country with so much oil wealth to come, it doesn't who is in Power, we would always have a suspicion that they will thief. The people in Guyana voted, they choose their leader, they will have to live with that government. 

Now, the country needs a strong united opposition to keep the government in check.

Last edited by Django

I have a question for the constitutional experts. Can GECOM make a private declaration and use the tense situation as an excuse and have Granger sworn in ? An official email will be sent out to all parties and observers after the declaration.

This is PNC plan C. 

Plan D is to start celebrating after granger is sworn in.


As you indicated earlier Base, if they rig, Guyana becomes a rouge nation.

This is uncertainty for investors.

Sarah has to take our her whip and then ask Trump for US troops. Looks like she can become the interim leader.

PNC so dumb dat dem seeing Russians everywhere  The probably mistook Jagan jumbie for a russian 

Last edited by Former Member
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