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Region Ten takes umbrage at Mr Jagdeo’s ‘chase out’ declaration

Dear Editor,

The most recent public display of Bharrat Jagdeo’s departure from political decency and decorum leaves one to wonder, how much lower can he go?

I watched and listened with great amusement as the leader of the opposition, who at the yearly memorial pilgrimage for the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan at Babu John, Berbice, took the opportunity (in front of the obviously unimpressive crowd) to promote himself— not the legacy of the founding father of the PPP and the true philosophy of Dr. Jagan, nor his handpicked presidential candidate (whom he publicly diminishes every time he is present by hogging all the attention of the press).

In the noticeable absence of the children of Dr. Jagan, as well as key party stalwarts such as Donald Ramotar, Clement Rohee, Ganga Persaud, Dr. Frank Anthony, Anil Nandlall and many others, Mr. Jagdeo took the opportunity to sell himself as the chosen and anointed leader and face of the party Dr. Jagan founded and built.

Editor, despite the aforementioned snippets of this circus of Jagdeo’s performance at Dr. Jagan’s memorial attempt, it would be remiss of me not to state unequivocally, that we in Linden and Region Ten take umbrage at the audacity of Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo to call on us, the people of Linden and Region Ten, to “chase out” our beloved President, David Arthur Granger and ministers of “our” government, when they come to our township and Region. Is he crazy?

This man, who, while President, along with his PPP administration while in government, marginalised, economically stigmatised and disenfranchised our people, and shot and killed innocent protesters. Editor, time and space are not luxuries your pages provide to list the unforgettable scars of our experiences of the Jagdeo/Ramotar  reign.

Editor, I strongly believe it would be most prudent to inform Mr. Jagdeo— and he should take this message/advice very seriously— we in Linden and Region Ten will not take dictates from him or anyone for that matter, to bring disrespect to “our” President and government. Additionally, any of your supporters that exist in very relatively small numbers within our community, who attempt to act in accordance with your directive to “chase” our leaders, will have a much stronger and profound counter “chase” from our supporters (in observance of the law of course). After all, we are a peaceful people, and we don’t look for trouble, just ask around.

In conclusion, it is important to note that, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, (George Santayana philosopher).

 We will never forget where we came from and the hardships of those 23 years of dictatorship /authoritarian rule, rampant drug smuggling, gold smuggling, absolute corruption, suppression of press freedom, etc.

I maintain: Guyana under the David Granger-led Coalition Government is better equipped to continue serving this nation for the benefit of all Guyanese.

Forward ever, backward never

Yours faithfully,

Jermaine Figueira



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mr.T posted:

If Jagdeo can behave like that in opposition, he sure can behave even worse in government. The PPP needs to get rid of him. He is damaging the brand.

If Granger is breaking the law and bullying the people of Guyana like a dictator the country needs to get rid of him.  He is damaging the brand.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mr.T posted:

If Jagdeo can behave like that in opposition, he sure can behave even worse in government. The PPP needs to get rid of him. He is damaging the brand.

If Granger is breaking the law and bullying the people of Guyana like a dictator the country needs to get rid of him.  He is damaging the brand.

Gurl, like me and you still deh pon same sleep and wake cycle!!  Good morning dawling!

Mr.T posted:

If Jagdeo can behave like that in opposition, he sure can behave even worse in government. The PPP needs to get rid of him. He is damaging the brand.

He is overshadowing Irfaan and dominating the meetings. 

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

We will never forget the 28 years of oppression and suffering under the PNC.  They are trying to resurrect the past, but:

Forward ever, Backward never!!

Is't 28 yrs ?

You already forget 1964-1992? Ow me mumma.


Charanrass need a good cussin followed by a backhand upside 'e head. If he din like the party, he shoulda used his "conscience" and get da hell out but nahhhh, at the time he had nothing to entice gold, nothing.

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

We will never forget the 28 years of oppression and suffering under the PNC.  They are trying to resurrect the past, but:

Forward ever, Backward never!!

Is't 28 yrs ?

You already forget 1964-1992? Ow me mumma.

Not really forgetting, it's a lie 28 yrs was oppressive and suffering. Do some justice and separate the good times from the bad. Same goes for the PPP not every period was rosy and dandy.

Gilbakka posted:

Jermaine wondering how lower Jagdeo can go. The same Jermaine cussed and backhanded Charrandas in PARLIAMENT. How lower can Jermaine go? We will never forget.

When is Jermaine going to be jailed for physically assaulting a Parliamentarian?  On live television, witnessed by millions around the world.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:

Jermaine wondering how lower Jagdeo can go. The same Jermaine cussed and backhanded Charrandas in PARLIAMENT. How lower can Jermaine go? We will never forget.

Gilly, when you dealing with shameless, inhuman Bastards that are hypocritical to the max, it is business as usual for such asses!!!

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

We will never forget the 28 years of oppression and suffering under the PNC.  They are trying to resurrect the past, but:

Forward ever, Backward never!!

Is't 28 yrs ?

If you add on the 4 years by Granger it’s 32 years.  Which is greater than 33 years.  

Bibi Haniffa

Those who fetch pnc slopcan suddenly appear to distract from pnc/afc violation of the constitution. Shifting the focus from Granger power grab to  Jagdeo' s fiery words to energize the PPP base. When PNC were burning and killing PPP supporters these same hypocrites were bragging about how PPP soft. 

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

We will never forget the 28 years of oppression and suffering under the PNC.  They are trying to resurrect the past, but:

Forward ever, Backward never!!

Is't 28 yrs ?

You already forget 1964-1992? Ow me mumma.

Not really forgetting, it's a lie 28 yrs was oppressive and suffering. Do some justice and separate the good times from the bad. Same goes for the PPP not every period was rosy and dandy.

What lie?  How did the PNC came to power?  With lots of Indian blood on their hands.   Then they continued with their military enforced apartheid which drove large swathes of the population out.  

Tell me, when was the good times for Indians under the PNC.  I actually think they are trying now, but their hardliners having their way.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

We will never forget the 28 years of oppression and suffering under the PNC.  They are trying to resurrect the past, but:

Forward ever, Backward never!!

Is't 28 yrs ?

If you add on the 4 years by Granger it’s 32 years.  Which is greater than 33 years.  

Exactly the same thing in "New PNC Mathematics Book One", page 32 which is after page 33.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

We will never forget the 28 years of oppression and suffering under the PNC.  They are trying to resurrect the past, but:

Forward ever, Backward never!!

Is't 28 yrs ?

You already forget 1964-1992? Ow me mumma.

Not really forgetting, it's a lie 28 yrs was oppressive and suffering. Do some justice and separate the good times from the bad. Same goes for the PPP not every period was rosy and dandy.

What lie?  How did the PNC came to power?  With lots of Indian blood on their hands.   Then they continued with their military enforced apartheid which drove large swathes of the population out.  

Tell me, when was the good times for Indians under the PNC.  I actually think they are trying now, but their hardliners having their way.  

What apartheid ??  ayuh does talk for talk sake.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

We will never forget the 28 years of oppression and suffering under the PNC.  They are trying to resurrect the past, but:

Forward ever, Backward never!!

Is't 28 yrs ?

You already forget 1964-1992? Ow me mumma.

Not really forgetting, it's a lie 28 yrs was oppressive and suffering. Do some justice and separate the good times from the bad. Same goes for the PPP not every period was rosy and dandy.

What lie?  How did the PNC came to power?  With lots of Indian blood on their hands.   Then they continued with their military enforced apartheid which drove large swathes of the population out.  

Tell me, when was the good times for Indians under the PNC.  I actually think they are trying now, but their hardliners having their way.  

What apartheid ??  ayuh does talk for talk sake.

Well you must have lived on the other side of the gun barrel!

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Well, let me just say anyone with a Pea brain and larger can figure it out

Haul yuh @ss, i lived there and know what life was about under the PNC.

You had to be the TOKEN Village RAM under the PNC. Burnham picked ONE in every community.

cain posted:

Charanrass need a good cussin followed by a backhand upside 'e head. If he din like the party, he shoulda used his "conscience" and get da hell out but nahhhh, at the time he had nothing to entice gold, nothing.

Would you say the same if a Putagee had voted YES, Wrong man at the RIGHT Time. That's all democracy.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Well, let me just say anyone with a Pea brain and larger can figure it out

Haul yuh @ss, i lived there and know what life was about under the PNC.

You had to be the TOKEN Village RAM under the PNC. Burnham picked ONE in every community.



Keep the pressure on, Mr Jagdeo

Dear Editor,
It is very disgusting that the APNU/AFC coalition Government is trying to subdue and implicate Bharrat Jagdeo in making an inflammatory statement at Babu Jaan, Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice. The Opposition Leader was at the time addressing the massive crowd gathered to commemorate the birth and death anniversaries of the late President, Dr Cheddi Jagan.
Jagdeo must be complimented for enlightening the residents of Region Six and the entire Guyana that they must not allow this illegal,  disrespectful, undemocratic group of people to wastefully use taxpayers’ monies to benefit themselves when  they are not allowed to constitutionally.  This statement by Jagdeo “to chase them out of the communities” is justifiable, because this group of political ‘drunkies’ in Government is so much addicted to the benefits that they are refusing to uphold and respect the Constitution despite their oath of office.  Guyanese must be very much appreciative for the strength and resilience that the Opposition Leader is showing against this APNU/AFC Government that is quickly becoming a dictatorship Government. If Jagdeo does not stand up to this Government, we will find our country returning to the dark days of the PNC.  The people of Region Six are in full support of your statement, Mr Jagdeo, so do not be distracted, keep the pressure on these ‘ political drunkies’, do not allow them to destroy Guyana.

Zamal Hussain

Baseman posted:

We will never forget the 28 years of oppression and suffering under the PNC.  They are trying to resurrect the past, but:

Forward ever, Backward never!!

And we will also never forget the Jagdeo/Ramotar years when the PPP reduced Guyana to a state of terror controlled by private militias, who eaves dropped and people's phone calls, made death threats and assaulted people in broad daylight.  Extrajudicial killings soaring and guns readily available to the criminal element.

ksazma posted:

I can say with 100% certainty that I never experienced any hardships under the PPP so I don’t know what my brother is talking about. 😀

Did you live in Guyana under PPP rule?  Even as fewer Guyanese migrated to North America, the population declined between 2002 and 2012. Why?  Because Guyanese fled to islands like Barbados, St Lucia, Antigua, St Kitts, St Maarten and Tortola, in addition of course to Trinidad. Some of the streets in downtown Port of Spain are lined with Guyanese vendors.

Last edited by Former Member

Region Ten takes umbrage at Mr Jagdeo’s ‘chase out’ declaration

Dear Editor,

The most recent public display of Bharrat Jagdeo’s departure from political decency and decorum leaves one to wonder, how much lower can he go?

Yours faithfully,
Jermaine Figueira

Perhaps this person - Figueria - is way, waaaaay in lala land.

Demerara_Guy posted:

Region Ten takes umbrage at Mr Jagdeo’s ‘chase out’ declaration

Dear Editor,

The most recent public display of Bharrat Jagdeo’s departure from political decency and decorum leaves one to wonder, how much lower can he go?

Yours faithfully,
Jermaine Figueira

Perhaps this person - Figueria - is way, waaaaay in lala land.

When you engage in constructive criticism of the PPP and display that you have a mind of your own then your opinion will matter.  Until then you are merely a Freedom House press release.

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