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Former Member

GUYANA CHRONICLE, JAN 20 --- REGION Two Regional Executive Officer Rupert Hopkinson has refuted accusations that he has been living in luxury on state funds.

The Region Two REO debunked the allegations published in a recent issue of the Guyana Times, branding them as “false and misleading.”

The Guyana Times story had claimed that the REO was living a luxurious life at the State House, through unauthorized spending from the State House account.

However, in an exclusive interview with the Guyana Chronicle, the REO explained that he was temporarily dwelling at the State House as no house had been designated for him at the time. He said also that he was forced to live in a smaller house than what his subordinates were living in and he refused to degrade himself by occupying such a property.

Poison Threat

The REO told this publication that he was forced out of the State’s property after it was alleged that the three cooks assigned to him were overheard by another house staff plotting to poison his food. These allegations forced him to conduct emergency renovations to another building in the compound in fear of his life. Currently there are no maids or cooks assigned to him.

The REO said that the property in which he is currently residing was customarily used for the housing of government guests if the State House was filled. He posited that this property is far from luxurious and before taking up the post of REO, he had been in more extravagant properties in Eccles East Bank Demerara and the United States.

The property which was in a deplorable state after it was abandoned was refurbished and he is currently residing there. According to the REO, the three-bedroom, wooden apartment is furnished with his furniture and home appliances except for a stove, refrigerator and television stand. When Guyana Chronicle visited the house, it was without curtains and the REO said none had been provided for him.

Beautifying the Environment

Responding to the allegation that he spent in excess of $100,000 on decorative plants, the REO did not refute this but said that his intention was to beautify the environs of the State’s property so that it would be welcoming to the President or any government official whenever they are guests at the property. “If the President wishes to have a meeting outside in the yard when he comes, he must be able to do so because the environment must be clean and refreshing and that is why I planted the plants,” Hopkinson said.

The REO said that currently the State houses are occupied by several persons in the employ of the region, including maids. He said that the house designated to him is the smallest of these and is in a deplorable state.

“I am the REO and my subordinates such as the Assistant REO should not be living in houses bigger and better than the house designated for me to live in. I studied for seven years and I cannot live in a chicken coop,” he declared.

The REO also observed that State houses are still being occupied by persons affiliated to the opposition and they should vacate these homes. It was also revealed to this publication that an electrician in the employ of the region who is the nephew of a former Regional Chairman is living in one of the State’s houses, but owns his own house, which he is renting to earn additional funds. “When I asked him, he said ‘REO, me got two wife and that is why I get two property’,” he told the Guyana Chronicle.

Regarding the allegation about him occupying the room designated for the President and Prime Minister during the Prime Minister’s last visit to the Region, the REO said such an allegation was false as that was never the case. He said that he vacated the room and occupied a room at the bottom flat of the building during the PM’s visit as he was fully aware of the purpose the master room of the house. “Am I mad to do such a thing?” the REO asked rhetorically.
Hopkinson added that the allegations made against him were attempts to have the government remove him from the position of REO. “This is a deliberate attempt to thwart my efforts,” the REO said, adding that he had made tremendous progress over the last four months in initiatives never previously attempted.

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: Having read the Chronicle report above, I must admit that I erred in giving credibility to the and Guyana Times reports. Both publications are owned by Dr Bobby Ramroop who is partisan to Mr Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP but I was prepared to give them the benefit of my doubt, particularly in regard to the part on Prime Minister's recent visit to the Essequibo Coast. That was my mistake.




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Replies sorted oldest to newest

The REO also observed that State houses are still being occupied by persons affiliated to the opposition and they should vacate these homes. It was also revealed to this publication that an electrician in the employ of the region who is the nephew of a former Regional Chairman is living in one of the State’s houses, but owns his own house, which he is renting to earn additional funds. “When I asked him, he said ‘REO, me got two wife and that is why I get two property’,” he told the Guyana Chronicle.


Someone and his two wives might be having a talk and a beat down after this gets out.

Nehru posted:

HEHEHE  Only a PNC person or a House Slace can come up with excuses like dat

"It was also revealed to this publication that an electrician in the employ of the region who is the nephew of a former Regional Chairman is living in one of the State’s houses, but owns his own house, which he is renting to earn additional funds. “When I asked him, he said ‘REO, me got two wife and that is why I get two property’,” he told the Guyana Chronicle."


Them PPP bhais living large on state assets.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

PNC on top now, they will bleed the country dry at the expense of tax payers. A clear sign of the redistribution of wealth from Indian to Black. 

Race bait again.

You scream race baiting now but PPP were in power you folks had no qualms crying about Blacks being marginalized. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

PNC on top now, they will bleed the country dry at the expense of tax payers. A clear sign of the redistribution of wealth from Indian to Black. 

Race bait again.

You scream race baiting now but PPP were in power you folks had no qualms crying about Blacks being marginalized. 

These AFC boys cannot debate so they resort to their weakness:



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Drugb posted:

You scream race baiting now but PPP were in power you folks had no qualms crying about Blacks being marginalized. 

Did you agree that blacks were marginalized? No.  You boasted that blacks had excellent opportunities for wealth creation through being employed by drug dealers like Roger Khan as their private militia. 

As is typical of Indo KKK types, you painted blacks as a uniformly violent, and criminal bunch, or alternatively as lazy and unambitious.

So you really should have nothing to say at this point.

yuji22 posted:

These AFC boys cannot debate so they resort to their weakness:


Yes, every day you sing "blackman a beat ahbie, black man a rape ahbe, blackman a starve ahbe, blackman a kill ahbe".  All the problems of Guyana you blame on blacks.

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

PNC on top now, they will bleed the country dry at the expense of tax payers. A clear sign of the redistribution of wealth from Indian to Black. 

Race bait again.

You scream race baiting now but PPP were in power you folks had no qualms crying about Blacks being marginalized. 

These AFC boys cannot debate so they resort to their weakness:


What a friken joke here. One who is the most racist shits on this site calling another poster, racist. hehehe


QUOTE: "The REO told this publication that he was forced out of the State’s property after it was alleged that the three cooks assigned to him were overheard by another house staff plotting to poison his food. These allegations forced him to conduct emergency renovations to another building in the compound in fear of his life."

That allegation warrants an investigation. If the allegation is confirmed, the three State House cooks should be fired and/or charged. Not even the President's life is safe with such cooks. Just having such a thought of poisoning someone's food is abominable.

Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "The REO told this publication that he was forced out of the State’s property after it was alleged that the three cooks assigned to him were overheard by another house staff plotting to poison his food. These allegations forced him to conduct emergency renovations to another building in the compound in fear of his life."

That allegation warrants an investigation. If the allegation is confirmed, the three State House cooks should be fired and/or charged. Not even the President's life is safe with such cooks. Just having such a thought of poisoning someone's food is abominable.

Gill..totally agreed this allegation should not be taken lightly,it certainly warrants an investigation.This matter should be handed over to the police.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "The REO told this publication that he was forced out of the State’s property after it was alleged that the three cooks assigned to him were overheard by another house staff plotting to poison his food. These allegations forced him to conduct emergency renovations to another building in the compound in fear of his life."

That allegation warrants an investigation. If the allegation is confirmed, the three State House cooks should be fired and/or charged. Not even the President's life is safe with such cooks. Just having such a thought of poisoning someone's food is abominable.

Gill..totally agreed this allegation should not be taken lightly,it certainly warrants an investigation.This matter should be handed over to the police.

Recently, right here in GNI Political, a certain member suggested putting croton oil in food for APNU+AFC visitors' to New York. I was appalled but didn't respond. 


This behaviour by the cooks is both reprehensible and illegal and should be investigated by the proper authorities I and charges laid if proven true. 

Also, I am wondering why Rupert did not fire the cooks since he has the authority to do so. 


The new and improved new government.

“I am the REO and my subordinates such as the Assistant REO should not be living in houses bigger and better than the house designated for me to live in. I studied for seven years and I cannot live in a chicken coop,” he declared. REO Rupert Hopkinson.

Gilbakka posted:

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: Having read the Chronicle report above, I must admit that I erred in giving credibility to the and Guyana Times reports. Both publications are owned by Dr Bobby Ramroop who is partisan to Mr Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP but I was prepared to give them the benefit of my doubt, particularly in regard to the part on Prime Minister's recent visit to the Essequibo Coast. That was my mistake.


Likewise, the Chronicle is controlled by the government and while Bobby Ramroop can choose to not be partisan to Jagdeo, the Chronicle is chained to the commands of the government. So Gilbakka, you are still mistaken.

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

This behaviour by the cooks is both reprehensible and illegal and should be investigated by the proper authorities I and charges laid if proven true. 

Also, I am wondering why Rupert did not fire the cooks since he has the authority to do so. 

This new government ain't care to charge anyone. They too busy removing people and replacing them with hapless ones.

Zed posted:

This behaviour by the cooks is both reprehensible and illegal and should be investigated by the proper authorities I and charges laid if proven true. 

Also, I am wondering why Rupert did not fire the cooks since he has the authority to do so. 

Guyanese are very sensitive especially when it comes to which party in Government,the racial divide is thin,let suppose the cooks are Indian Rupert will be more disliked in the region.

ksazma posted:

The new and improved new government.

“I am the REO and my subordinates such as the Assistant REO should not be living in houses bigger and better than the house designated for me to live in. I studied for seven years and I cannot live in a chicken coop,” he declared. REO Rupert Hopkinson. thinks the REO is US based and went back to GY.

Django posted:
Zed posted:

This behaviour by the cooks is both reprehensible and illegal and should be investigated by the proper authorities I and charges laid if proven true. 

Also, I am wondering why Rupert did not fire the cooks since he has the authority to do so. 

Guyanese are very sensitive especially when it comes to which party in Government,the racial divide is thin,let suppose the cooks are Indian Rupert will be more disliked in the region.

Hopkinson doesn't seem to care what people think as evidence by the following;

“I am the REO and my subordinates such as the Assistant REO should not be living in houses bigger and better than the house designated for me to live in. I studied for seven years and I cannot live in a chicken coop,” he declared. REO Rupert Hopkinson.

ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: Having read the Chronicle report above, I must admit that I erred in giving credibility to the and Guyana Times reports. Both publications are owned by Dr Bobby Ramroop who is partisan to Mr Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP but I was prepared to give them the benefit of my doubt, particularly in regard to the part on Prime Minister's recent visit to the Essequibo Coast. That was my mistake.


Likewise, the Chronicle is controlled by the government and while Bobby Ramroop can choose to not be partisan to Jagdeo, the Chronicle is chained to the commands of the government. So Gilbakka, you are still mistaken.

The Chronicle has changed looks more balanced,it's not like the Kabaka days.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The new and improved new government.

“I am the REO and my subordinates such as the Assistant REO should not be living in houses bigger and better than the house designated for me to live in. I studied for seven years and I cannot live in a chicken coop,” he declared. REO Rupert Hopkinson. thinks the REO is US based and went back to GY.

Doesn't matter Django. Didn't this government state that their purpose is to serve the people? This guy should have stayed in the US if he is so sensitive.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: Having read the Chronicle report above, I must admit that I erred in giving credibility to the and Guyana Times reports. Both publications are owned by Dr Bobby Ramroop who is partisan to Mr Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP but I was prepared to give them the benefit of my doubt, particularly in regard to the part on Prime Minister's recent visit to the Essequibo Coast. That was my mistake.


Likewise, the Chronicle is controlled by the government and while Bobby Ramroop can choose to not be partisan to Jagdeo, the Chronicle is chained to the commands of the government. So Gilbakka, you are still mistaken.

The Chronicle has changed looks more balanced,it's not like the Kabaka days.

The Chronicle never changed bai. It followed the orders of the Kabaka, then the PPP and now the current government. No state owned media is independent of the state.

ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: Having read the Chronicle report above, I must admit that I erred in giving credibility to the and Guyana Times reports. Both publications are owned by Dr Bobby Ramroop who is partisan to Mr Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP but I was prepared to give them the benefit of my doubt, particularly in regard to the part on Prime Minister's recent visit to the Essequibo Coast. That was my mistake.


Likewise, the Chronicle is controlled by the government and while Bobby Ramroop can choose to not be partisan to Jagdeo, the Chronicle is chained to the commands of the government. So Gilbakka, you are still mistaken.


Gil is spinning for the AFC/PNC coalition. There will come a a day when Gil will get tired of spinning for this arrogant AFC/PNC administration.

yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: Having read the Chronicle report above, I must admit that I erred in giving credibility to the and Guyana Times reports. Both publications are owned by Dr Bobby Ramroop who is partisan to Mr Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP but I was prepared to give them the benefit of my doubt, particularly in regard to the part on Prime Minister's recent visit to the Essequibo Coast. That was my mistake.


Likewise, the Chronicle is controlled by the government and while Bobby Ramroop can choose to not be partisan to Jagdeo, the Chronicle is chained to the commands of the government. So Gilbakka, you are still mistaken.


Gil is spinning for the AFC/PNC coalition. There will come a a day when Gil will get tired of spinning for this arrogant AFC/PNC administration.

Gilly is still hoping for the best although things don't look too good for him right now.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The new and improved new government.

“I am the REO and my subordinates such as the Assistant REO should not be living in houses bigger and better than the house designated for me to live in. I studied for seven years and I cannot live in a chicken coop,” he declared. REO Rupert Hopkinson. thinks the REO is US based and went back to GY.

Doesn't matter Django. Didn't this government state that their purpose is to serve the people? This guy should have stayed in the US if he is so sensitive. will be tough for the REO to function in region 2,regardless of his qualifications,the sensitivity is the ethnic make of that region.

Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

QUOTE: "The REO told this publication that he was forced out of the State’s property after it was alleged that the three cooks assigned to him were overheard by another house staff plotting to poison his food. These allegations forced him to conduct emergency renovations to another building in the compound in fear of his life."

That allegation warrants an investigation. If the allegation is confirmed, the three State House cooks should be fired and/or charged. Not even the President's life is safe with such cooks. Just having such a thought of poisoning someone's food is abominable.

Gill..totally agreed this allegation should not be taken lightly,it certainly warrants an investigation.This matter should be handed over to the police.

Recently, right here in GNI Political, a certain member suggested putting croton oil in food for APNU+AFC visitors' to New York. I was appalled but didn't respond. 

Is who you talking bout ?

Lil croton oil can help dem constipated AFC boys. It hold dem so tight that Moses talking stupidness in New York.

Django posted: will be tough for the REO to function in region 2,regardless of his qualifications,the sensitivity is the ethnic make of that region.

Does that mean that he is appointed to a position where his chances of success is slim to nil? In that case, he should have stayed in the US.

ksazma posted:
Django posted: will be tough for the REO to function in region 2,regardless of his qualifications,the sensitivity is the ethnic make of that region.

Does that mean that he is appointed to a position where his chances of success is slim to nil? In that case, he should have stayed in the US.

I was thinking the same,unless he will be earning more.

From the beginning following the story i knew they will give the guy a hard time.


ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: Having read the Chronicle report above, I must admit that I erred in giving credibility to the and Guyana Times reports. Both publications are owned by Dr Bobby Ramroop who is partisan to Mr Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP but I was prepared to give them the benefit of my doubt, particularly in regard to the part on Prime Minister's recent visit to the Essequibo Coast. That was my mistake.


Likewise, the Chronicle is controlled by the government and while Bobby Ramroop can choose to not be partisan to Jagdeo, the Chronicle is chained to the commands of the government. So Gilbakka, you are still mistaken.

I like your point, Kaz, but in this particular issue surrounding the REO, I believe the Chronicle report is closer to the Qur'an, ie Truth. 

yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: Having read the Chronicle report above, I must admit that I erred in giving credibility to the and Guyana Times reports. Both publications are owned by Dr Bobby Ramroop who is partisan to Mr Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP but I was prepared to give them the benefit of my doubt, particularly in regard to the part on Prime Minister's recent visit to the Essequibo Coast. That was my mistake.


Likewise, the Chronicle is controlled by the government and while Bobby Ramroop can choose to not be partisan to Jagdeo, the Chronicle is chained to the commands of the government. So Gilbakka, you are still mistaken.


Gil is spinning for the AFC/PNC coalition. There will come a a day when Gil will get tired of spinning for this arrogant AFC/PNC administration.

Hey bhai, kaha jallah? Since when yuh friken to address yuh buddy Gilbakka directly? I can absorb all your punches, man.

Gilbakka posted:

I like your point, Kaz, but in this particular issue surrounding the REO, I believe the Chronicle report is closer to the Qur'an, ie Truth. 

Then you don't doubt the man's belligerence, right Gilly?

“I am the REO and my subordinates such as the Assistant REO should not be living in houses bigger and better than the house designated for me to live in. I studied for seven years and I cannot live in a chicken coop,” he declared. REO Rupert Hopkinson.



Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted: will be tough for the REO to function in region 2,regardless of his qualifications,the sensitivity is the ethnic make of that region.

Does that mean that he is appointed to a position where his chances of success is slim to nil? In that case, he should have stayed in the US.

I was thinking the same,unless he will be earning more.


More than he could in the US Django bhai? With seven years of schooling? Interesting.

ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

I like your point, Kaz, but in this particular issue surrounding the REO, I believe the Chronicle report is closer to the Qur'an, ie Truth. 

Then you don't doubt the man's belligerence, right Gilly?

“I am the REO and my subordinates such as the Assistant REO should not be living in houses bigger and better than the house designated for me to live in. I studied for seven years and I cannot live in a chicken coop,” he declared. REO Rupert Hopkinson.



Forget party politics for a moment, Kaz. An REO is higher in status than an Assistant REO. Isn't it logical that Hopkinson must expect the government to shelter him in a bigger house than the one his assistant has been provided with? Nothing is wrong with Hopkinson's point. In fact, he is at the receiving end of a gross injustice. Is Joe Biden living in a bigger house than Obama's?

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted: will be tough for the REO to function in region 2,regardless of his qualifications,the sensitivity is the ethnic make of that region.

Does that mean that he is appointed to a position where his chances of success is slim to nil? In that case, he should have stayed in the US.

I was thinking the same,unless he will be earning more.


More than he could in the US Django bhai? With seven years of schooling? Interesting.

Kaz..he got some pip on his shoulder,I think this is him.Come in Gill help needed.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Kaz..he got some pip on his shoulder,I think this is him.Come in Gill help needed.

Region 2 gets new REO

A new Regional Executive Officer, Rupert Hopkinson, has joined the Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam)

New Region Two REO Rupert Hopkinson

New Region Two REO Rupert Hopkinson

administration as of Friday, September 11.
Hopkinson who is the son of the first Regional Chairman of Region Two, Kenneth “Baggie” Hopkinson has pledged his support to move the region forward.
According to the new REO, he is delighted to return to his homeland and county of Essequibo to serve the people. His main objective he noted will be to work with Regional Officials to lift the region as well as to foster unity among workers and the people.

The 60-year-old who resided at Darthmouth village said that he attended the Anna Regina Multilateral Secondary. After finishing school, he was appointed as the Regional Information Officer. He then left the region to go further his studies at the Tuskegee University in New York where he did a management and economic course. He has Degrees in Science and Economics. He had attained a Masters in the Agriculture Science and Economics from the Auburn University also in New York.
Hopkinson said he is approaching the work with much enthusiasm.
He was welcomed by the Region Two Chairman Daveanand Ramdatt and Regional Vice Chairman Nandranie Coonjah.
The newly elected Chairman Ramdatt pledged his support to the REO in making Region Two one of the best regions in the country, while Coonjah said that she too looks forward in working with Hopkinson.
Hopkinson replaced Sunil Singh.


The 60-year-old who resided at Darthmouth village said that he attended the Anna Regina Multilateral Secondary. After finishing school, he was appointed as the Regional Information Officer.

Rupert is an Essequibian,Them PPP bhais need to give the brother a chance.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: Having read the Chronicle report above, I must admit that I erred in giving credibility to the and Guyana Times reports. Both publications are owned by Dr Bobby Ramroop who is partisan to Mr Bharrat Jagdeo and the PPP but I was prepared to give them the benefit of my doubt, particularly in regard to the part on Prime Minister's recent visit to the Essequibo Coast. That was my mistake.


Likewise, the Chronicle is controlled by the government and while Bobby Ramroop can choose to not be partisan to Jagdeo, the Chronicle is chained to the commands of the government. So Gilbakka, you are still mistaken.


Gil is spinning for the AFC/PNC coalition. There will come a a day when Gil will get tired of spinning for this arrogant AFC/PNC administration.

Hey bhai, kaha jallah? Since when yuh friken to address yuh buddy Gilbakka directly? I can absorb all your punches, man.

Ow Bhai,

मैं बहुत ठीक हूँ , I am very well.

Main yahaan hoon, bhai. I have lots of respect and will trade punches only if necessary and as a last resort.

You are a GNI gem and perhaps the most knowledgable in Guyana's  politics and history. Please understand where my respect comes from. I always respect folks like you and always stop in my tracks if you put me in my place.

I also admire those who live humble and righteous lifestyles and will not allow our political differences to get in the way of how I view you.






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