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Originally Posted by JB:

Rev needs to be banned permanently. Very racist views. Makes Guyanese look like a backward people. I wish Mr Amral would clean up the hundreds of racist posts by Rev of OP/NICIL/MOF. 

I want the post to stay exactly where they are. The admin did not see fit to edit them when they were created. He should not edit them in retrospect.





* The Rev, one of the most respectable posters on GNI, fully supports Bhai amral in his decision to suspend the posting privileges of Mitwah, Jalil and Mars.




* Shame on those who are crying crocodile tears for the vulgar Mitwah, Jalil and Mars.


* Keep up the good work amral.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


* The Rev, one of the most respectable posters on GNI, fully supports Bhai amral in his decision to suspend the posting privileges of Mitwah, Jalil and Mars.




* Shame on those who are crying crocodile tears for the vulgar Mitwah, Jalil and Mars.


* Keep up the good work amral.



rev you is a low life back stabbing collie dog supporting corruption and think what a man post is unethical 

Originally Posted by Rev:


* The Rev, one of the most respectable posters on GNI, fully supports Bhai amral in his decision to suspend the posting privileges of Mitwah, Jalil and Mars.




* Shame on those who are crying crocodile tears for the vulgar Mitwah, Jalil and Mars.


* Keep up the good work amral.



A racist is never respected. You obviously don't know what the term crocodile tears imply.  

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Rev:

Poster JB is a man pretending to be a woman on GNI---the Rev will no longer respond directly to that weirdo JB.



What a coward you are. 1 inch willy Rev.

Gal JB like you like 10 inches and longer????

You old pervert! 

Gal, Yuh callin me pervert and whold day yuh only talking bout dick size and antiman. Well look meh story. Yuh gat to be one of the best cutthroat.


Ban them for life, they are no good and don't deserve being on this forum. They contribute nothing sensible. All they do is hurl insults and vulgarity. Say no to this lot. 

You will note that the people calling for their release are not the ones they harass. This is not about a popularity contest, it is about right and wrong.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ban them for life, they are no good and don't deserve being on this forum. They contribute nothing sensible. All they do is hurl insults and vulgarity. Say no to this lot. 

You will note that the people calling for their release are not the ones they harass. This is not about a popularity contest, it is about right and wrong.

stop acting like ah 2 bit hooker

Originally Posted by Rev:


* The Rev, one of the most respectable posters on GNI, fully supports Bhai amral in his decision to suspend the posting privileges of Mitwah, Jalil and Mars.




* Shame on those who are crying crocodile tears for the vulgar Mitwah, Jalil and Mars.


* Keep up the good work amral.




Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How come no PPP members get banned from GNI?

We know the rules. We play by the rules. We might push it but we know where the "line in the sand is".

The rest of us know that the rules were made up by the PPP. But this is a foreign government imposing regulation on a web server in North America. That constitutes an attack on the US. We also know that the server is being used by the PPP as a means to communicate with its network of drugs smugglers and money launderers. So there is a lot there to look into.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How come no PPP members get banned from GNI?

We know the rules. We play by the rules. We might push it but we know where the "line in the sand is".

The rest of us know that the rules were made up by the PPP. But this is a foreign government imposing regulation on a web server in North America. That constitutes an attack on the US. We also know that the server is being used by the PPP as a means to communicate with its network of drugs smugglers and money launderers. So there is a lot there to look into.


You are entitled to your opinion but not your fabricated "nancy story" facts.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How come no PPP members get banned from GNI?


* PPP supporters have been banned before.


* Rev got banned once.


* I believe Yuji was also banned once.



* The PPP members here on GNI are not vulgar and boorish people.


* You may not agree with their opinions and ideas.


* But PPP posters are not vulgar.


* The most vulgar poster on GNI is MITWAH.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

How come no PPP members get banned from GNI?


* PPP supporters have been banned before.


* Rev got banned once.


* I believe Yuji was also banned once.



* The PPP members here on GNI are not vulgar and boorish people.


* You may not agree with their opinions and ideas.


* But PPP posters are not vulgar.


* The most vulgar poster on GNI is MITWAH.








For the record: Yuji was also banned after he took on a staunch AFC/PNC supporter who attacked Yuji.


The Big Boss applies the rules as he sees fit and posters who violate forum rules must be sent to "jail" to cool off. The three persons banned are the most vulgar and indecent posters on this forum.


Notice how posters here now engage in a civilized manner since their departure ? Kudos to the Big Boss for enforcing the rules. And yes, the Big Boss gave them warnings before he sent them away to cool off.


Vulgarity and Indecency must never be tolerated. This is not a Rum Shop. 

Last edited by Former Member

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