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Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The hero who I choose  to remember on this sacred day is Kowsilla, who was massacred on March 6, 1964 by the PNC.


Kowsilla – an ordinary woman who made an extraordinary sacrifice for her fellow humans

Above: Three women who were injured in the protest that day

EVENTS would prove that the pandit chose an appropriate name for her – Kowsilla, whose namesake was Lord Rama’s mother, revered for upholding what Hindus call Dharm – a principled way of life and supporting her husband’s quest for discharging his duty and honouring his given word; even though it meant the banishment to the jungle of her beloved son and his gently-bred wife, Sita for fourteen years.

Kowsilla – an ordinary woman who made an extraordinary sacrifice for her fellow human

Kowsilla, also known as Alice, was involved in the sugar workers’ struggle for better working and living conditions and she paid the ultimate price for upholding her convictions and her principles.

On March 6th 1964 during an industrial strike at Plantation Leonora she and several other women stood resolutely, shoulder to shoulder, on a bridge and faced-off a PNC scab driving a tractor inexorably toward them under the direction of the colonial managers.

She, along with fourteen other sugar workers were mown down by the scab, Felix Ross. Kowsilla’s body was cut in two, while several other women were severely injured, with some being crippled for life.

As Rakesh Rampersaud describes it, this was an extraordinary act by ordinary women; who nevertheless were agents of change in the labour movement, because their supreme sacrifice catalysed the recognition of the bargaining agent for sugar workers – The Man Power Citizens’ Association (MPCA) which, although it subsequently proved a disappointment for the sugar workers, because it later degenerated into a supporter of the oppressive PNC regime, paved the way for the emergence of the GAWU; but not without years-long, unrelenting struggle, spearheaded by Dr. Cheddi Jagan and the PPP, with the WPO giving optimum support to the cause.

Left, Alice Street (note sign), dedicated to Kowsilla. Right, not the original house but place where Kowsilla lived in Leonora

t was this struggle that precipitated the strike of 1964 and culminated in the murder of Kowsilla. However the sacrifice of these indomitable women did not go in vain, because GAWU gained recognition by the Booker Tate sugar plantations in 1973.

Kowsilla lost her life, succumbing on her way to the Georgetown Hospital, and two other women – Jagdai and Daisy Sookram suffered broken spines, remaining crippled for the rest of their lives; while several other workers received severe injuries to various parts of their bodies. Some never recovered from those injuries, suffering one kind of disability or another, which precipitated their demise. Although they did not die directly from their injuries, their quality of live and lifespans were severely diminished, which was indirectly attributable to Felix Ross’s murderous act, for which he was acquitted.

Kowsilla was born in 1920 in Seafield, Leonora, West Coast Demerara. Her parents were very poor and, although little is known of her married life, reports indicated that she became a single mother of four children whom she worked as a huckster to provide for.

She was enamoured by charismatic leader fighting for social and political change, Dr. Cheddi Jagan and became an activist for improving the lives of women in then British Guyana. She joined the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO), formed in 1953 by Mrs. Janet Jagan the wife of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, and became leader of the Leonora branch and executive member of the organization.

Alice Street in Seafield, Leonora, West Coast Demerarathat was named in honour of Kowsilla a.k.a. Alice

Kowsilla was forty-four years old when she paid the supreme price for her convictions on that fateful Friday morning on March 6th 1964. Along with her fellow workers she stood immovable, unheeding of the scab’s shouts as he continued to drive the tractor directly at them: “You-all ain’t hear what the Boss-man say? Get off the blasted bridge.” Before he ruthlessly ran them down.

An eyewitness recalled Kowsilla telling the other women “Don’t budge.We can’t let the rich man thief we children-them future ” before she fell, along with the others, scythed down in the prime of their lives like so much chaff by a murderous tool of evil men.

Of the fourteen who were mown down by the tractor, receiving serious injuries, two of them, Jagdai and Daisee Sookram suffered broken backs and were crippled for life. Another, Kisson Dai, lost one kidney and had broken hips.

Gravesite of Kowsilla at CI, West Coast Demerara. (Rakesh Rampertab photos)

The unyielding stance of these ordinary workers heralded a sea change and a new dynamic in the labour movement, and the results of their sacrifices are today being enjoyed by all workers in the nation.

Yesterday, as the world observes International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women 2014, the sacrifices of our female forebears need to be commemorated; especially the ultimate sacrifice by Kowsilla fifty years ago.

Left, high bridge where the protest was held,from south (or back dam) end. Right, elevation to high bridge from
the village end, or north

Last Sunday the WPO held a remembrance day activity at the Leonora Secondary School to reflect on the 50th death anniversary of Kowsilla.

(By ParvatiPersaud-Edwards)

Don’t correct him.  Leave him to wallow in his ignorance.  The woman bury right in his backyard at CI.  You would think he knows who she is.

Bibi Haniffa
GTAngler posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The hero who I choose  to remember on this sacred day is Kowsilla, who was massacred on March 6, 1964 by the PNC.


On March 6th 1964 during an industrial strike at Plantation Leonora she and several other women stood resolutely, shoulder to shoulder, on a bridge and faced-off a PNC scab driving a tractor inexorably toward them under the direction of the colonial managers.

She, along with fourteen other sugar workers were mown down by the scab, Felix Ross. Kowsilla’s body was cut in two, while several other women were severely injured, with some being crippled for life.

As Rakesh Rampersaud describes it, this was an extraordinary act by ordinary women; who nevertheless were agents of change in the labour movement, because their supreme sacrifice catalysed the recognition of the bargaining agent for sugar workers – The Man Power Citizens’ Association (MPCA) which, although it subsequently proved a disappointment for the sugar workers, because it later degenerated into a supporter of the oppressive PNC regime, paved the way for the emergence of the GAWU; but not without years-long, unrelenting struggle, spearheaded by Dr. Cheddi Jagan and the PPP, with the WPO giving optimum support to the cause.

Left, Alice Street (note sign), dedicated to Kowsilla. Right, not the original house but place where Kowsilla lived in Leonora

t was this struggle that precipitated the strike of 1964 and culminated in the murder of Kowsilla. However the sacrifice of these indomitable women did not go in vain, because GAWU gained recognition by the Booker Tate sugar plantations in 1973.

Kowsilla lost her life, succumbing on her way to the Georgetown Hospital, and two other women – Jagdai and Daisy Sookram suffered broken spines, remaining crippled for the rest of their lives; while several other workers received severe injuries to various parts of their bodies. Some never recovered from those injuries, suffering one kind of disability or another, which precipitated their demise. Although they did not die directly from their injuries, their quality of live and lifespans were severely diminished, which was indirectly attributable to Felix Ross’s murderous act, for which he was acquitted.

DG, quick question. Not that it really matters nor does it subtract from her sacrifice. One part of the article says she was cut in half and another says she succumbed to her injuries on the way to the hospital. Which is correct or more accurate?

My understanding from this and other articles specific to this incident talk about her being cut in two.

It is unclear to me whether she was bodily cut in half or was severely cut at two parts/locations of her body.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The hero who I choose  to remember on this sacred day is Kowsilla, who was massacred on March 6, 1964 by the PNC.


Can you elaborate, what is FALSE with that statement? Perhaps you should read the article by D-G. 1. Her name is Kowsilla 2. She was Murdered / Massacred / Slaughtered . 3. By the PNC scabs. Unless you were present at the scene to give a First Hand account.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The hero who I choose  to remember on this sacred day is Kowsilla, who was massacred on March 6, 1964 by the PNC.


Can you elaborate, what is FALSE with that statement? Perhaps you should read the article by D-G. 1. Her name is Kowsilla 2. She was Murdered / Massacred / Slaughtered . 3. By the PNC scabs. Unless you were present at the scene to give a First Hand account.

What proof you have Felix Ross was PNC ??

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The hero who I choose  to remember on this sacred day is Kowsilla, who was massacred on March 6, 1964 by the PNC.


Don’t correct him.  Leave him to wallow in his ignorance.  The woman bury right in his backyard at CI.  You would think he knows who she is.

Kowsilla is buried at Anna Catherina Cemetery, every year there were commemorations,also i know her son who is married to a friend daughter.

Last edited by Django

Kowsilla – an ordinary woman who made an extraordinary sacrifice for her fellow humans

Above: Three women who were injured in the protest that day

Kowsilla – an ordinary woman who made an extraordinary sacrifice for her fellow human

Kowsilla, also known as Alice, was involved in the sugar workers’ struggle for better working and living conditions and she paid the ultimate price for upholding her convictions and her principles.

On March 6th 1964 during an industrial strike at Plantation Leonora she and several other women stood resolutely, shoulder to shoulder, on a bridge and faced-off a PNC scab driving a tractor inexorably toward them under the direction of the colonial managers.

She, along with fourteen other sugar workers were mown down by the scab, Felix Ross. Kowsilla’s body was cut in two, while several other women were severely injured, with some being crippled for life.

Source and rest of the article --
Demerara_Guy posted:

Kowsilla – an ordinary woman who made an extraordinary sacrifice for her fellow humans

Above: Three women who were injured in the protest that day

Kowsilla – an ordinary woman who made an extraordinary sacrifice for her fellow human

Kowsilla, also known as Alice, was involved in the sugar workers’ struggle for better working and living conditions and she paid the ultimate price for upholding her convictions and her principles.

On March 6th 1964 during an industrial strike at Plantation Leonora she and several other women stood resolutely, shoulder to shoulder, on a bridge and faced-off a PNC scab driving a tractor inexorably toward them under the direction of the colonial managers.

She, along with fourteen other sugar workers were mown down by the scab, Felix Ross. Kowsilla’s body was cut in two, while several other women were severely injured, with some being crippled for life.

Source and rest of the article --

These are the atrocities Indians suffer at the hands of these  BLACKS fkers yet Django has the fk balls asking for prof the Felix Ross massacre a Indian. 

Dave posted:

These are the atrocities Indians suffer at the hands of these  BLACKS fkers yet Django has the fk balls asking for prof the Felix Ross massacre a Indian. 

Did Felix Ross had PNC stamped on his forehead ?

Also did Afro Guyanese suffered at the hands of Indo Guyanese ?

Last edited by Django
kp posted:
Django posted:

Looks like Felix Ross had PNC stamped on his forehead.

Since you know, other than his forehead where would people get stamped by the PNC, maybe on his BT. How absurd. 

Asinine rebuttal !!

Django posted:

Looks like Felix Ross had PNC stamped on his forehead.

CONTEXT: In early 1964 the pro-PPP GAWU called a strike in the sugar industry. The strike was so effective that GAWU's rival, the pro-PNC MPCA recruited scabs to do the work. Richard Ishmael was MPCA President and TUC President simultaneously. The previous year, 1963, the TUC had called an 80-days general strike against the democratically elected PPP government headed by Premier Cheddi Jagan. That strike served the interests of the opposition PNC+UF. It was accompanied by rioting, burning, looting, beating and killing of innocent folks who didn't have PPP stamped on their foreheads. Among those beaten was an 11-year-old high school student who is now a humble GNI member, Gilbakka. The incident occurred in D'Urban Street near Louisa Row.

Having said the above, let's return to the GAWU strike at Leonora. I can say categorically that no PPP supporter served as a pro-PNC+UF scab to undermine the GAWU strike. True, that Ross didn't have PNC stamped upon his head but as a scab he was serving the interests of the PNC-led opposition to GAWU+PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Dave posted:

These are the atrocities Indians suffer at the hands of these  BLACKS fkers yet Django has the fk balls asking for prof the Felix Ross massacre a Indian. 

Did Felix Ross had PNC stamped on his forehead ?

Also did Afro Guyanese suffered at the hands of Indo Guyanese ?

Where in my comment did I mention PNC. 

Shame on you, such a historical day, you Django a born collie man turn Blackman choose to justified that Afro Guyanese suffer at the hands of Indo, So slaughtering a Indian woman  is pay back time . 

Django posted:
Dave posted:

These are the atrocities Indians suffer at the hands of these  BLACKS fkers yet Django has the fk balls asking for prof the Felix Ross massacre a Indian. 

Did Felix Ross had PNC stamped on his forehead ?

Also did Afro Guyanese suffered at the hands of Indo Guyanese ?

Stop with your asinine defense of PNC terrorism!  You should be ashamed!

One of my jine family got hacked to death in GT accused of breaking the PNC strike.  He was an accountant with Bookers.  He was actually going to get milk for his five kids, the youngest being five weeks.  He pleaded for his life showing them the milk bottles in a bag on his bicycle.  

His wife stood a few houses away pleaded also showing them the baby through the window.  They proceeded to hack him to death in front of her and the older kids looking on from the window. They threw his body in a trench.  They then threaten to set the house on fire with the family.  That was when my uncle, armed police, showed up and the gang ran off into the PNC neighborhood. 

So say what you want, it was the PNC who perpetrated these crimes, not the colonials!  The police who showed up to the rescue were colonials.  

Why was he killed?   I guess he had PPP printed on his forehead?

No, Afros did not suffer at the hands of Indians, they got some retribution for what they did.  

This goes on to this day and when Indians react, they are labeled racist.  

Jagdeo has to stand firm and develop the Balram Singh Rai thinking in the Indian community!  Indians have no alternative but to protect themselves.  Disregard the Yellow belly jaganite coolies and PNC thugs.

BTW, all five of those kids now live here in NJ and their mother is in Florida!

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

Looks like Felix Ross had PNC stamped on his forehead.

CONTEXT: In early 1964 the pro-PPP GAWU called a strike in the sugar industry. The strike was so effective that GAWU's rival, the pro-PNC MPCA recruited scabs to do the work. Richard Ishmael was MPCA President and TUC President simultaneously. The previous year, 1963, the TUC had called an 80-days general strike against the democratically elected PPP government headed by Premier Cheddi Jagan. That strike served the interests of the opposition PNC+UF. It was accompanied by rioting, burning, looting, beating and killing of innocent folks who didn't have PPP stamped on their foreheads. Among those beaten was an 11-year-old high school student who is now a humble GNI member, Gilbakka. The incident occurred in D'Urban Street near Louisa Row.

Having said the above, let's return to the GAWU strike at Leonora. I can say categorically that no PPP supporter served as a pro-PNC+UF scab to undermine the GAWU strike. True, that Ross didn't have PNC stamped upon his head but as a scab he was serving the interests of the PNC-led opposition to GAWU+PPP.

Thanks bro for your contextual analysis, i was 11 yrs when that incident occurred.

Years  after migrated wanted to find what caused these incidents, although there were different narratives heard in the homeland, my quest was to find the truth.

My conclusion both the PNC and PPP are guilty. I would like to share a few historical documents which highlights what my life and others will be after birth in the homeland.

see attachment.


Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

These are the atrocities Indians suffer at the hands of these  BLACKS fkers yet Django has the fk balls asking for prof the Felix Ross massacre a Indian. 

Did Felix Ross had PNC stamped on his forehead ?

Also did Afro Guyanese suffered at the hands of Indo Guyanese ?

Where in my comment did I mention PNC. 

Shame on you, such a historical day, you Django a born collie man turn Blackman choose to justified that Afro Guyanese suffer at the hands of Indo, So slaughtering a Indian woman  is pay back time . 

Bhai, having seen trying to prop up other posters with a rotten fork stick, have decided to ask the questions. In your haste without using the noodle,came up with the insinuations about Django. Bear in mind bhai, i don't kowtow to any political party in Guyana. Take a look at the documents attached to my post to brother Gill.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

These are the atrocities Indians suffer at the hands of these  BLACKS fkers yet Django has the fk balls asking for prof the Felix Ross massacre a Indian. 

Did Felix Ross had PNC stamped on his forehead ?

Also did Afro Guyanese suffered at the hands of Indo Guyanese ?

Stop with your asinine defense of PNC terrorism!  You should be ashamed!

One of my jine family got hacked to death in GT accused of breaking the PNC strike.  He was an accountant with Bookers.  He was actually going to get milk for his five kids, the youngest being five weeks.  He pleaded for his life showing them the milk bottles in a bag on his bicycle.  

His wife stood a few houses away pleaded also showing them the baby through the window.  They proceeded to hack him to death in front of her and the older kids looking on from the window. They threw his body in a trench.  They then threaten to set the house on fire with the family.  That was when my uncle, armed police, showed up and the gang ran off into the PNC neighborhood. 

So say what you want, it was the PNC who perpetrated these crimes, not the colonials!  The police who showed up to the rescue were colonials.  

Why was he killed?   I guess he had PPP printed on his forehead?

No, Afros did not suffer at the hands of Indians, they got some retribution for what they did.  

This goes on to this day and when Indians react, they are labeled racist.  

Jagdeo has to stand firm and develop the Balram Singh Rai thinking in the Indian community!  Indians have no alternative but to protect themselves.  Disregard the Yellow belly jaganite coolies and PNC thugs.

BTW, all five of those kids now live here in NJ and their mother is in Florida!

Instead of getting emotional, try to find the truth what caused these incidents. Both the PNC and PPP are guilty. Both side of the fence lost lives.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

These are the atrocities Indians suffer at the hands of these  BLACKS fkers yet Django has the fk balls asking for prof the Felix Ross massacre a Indian. 

Did Felix Ross had PNC stamped on his forehead ?

Also did Afro Guyanese suffered at the hands of Indo Guyanese ?

Stop with your asinine defense of PNC terrorism!  You should be ashamed!

One of my jine family got hacked to death in GT accused of breaking the PNC strike.  He was an accountant with Bookers.  He was actually going to get milk for his five kids, the youngest being five weeks.  He pleaded for his life showing them the milk bottles in a bag on his bicycle.  

His wife stood a few houses away pleaded also showing them the baby through the window.  They proceeded to hack him to death in front of her and the older kids looking on from the window. They threw his body in a trench.  They then threaten to set the house on fire with the family.  That was when my uncle, armed police, showed up and the gang ran off into the PNC neighborhood. 

So say what you want, it was the PNC who perpetrated these crimes, not the colonials!  The police who showed up to the rescue were colonials.  

Why was he killed?   I guess he had PPP printed on his forehead?

No, Afros did not suffer at the hands of Indians, they got some retribution for what they did.  

This goes on to this day and when Indians react, they are labeled racist.  

Jagdeo has to stand firm and develop the Balram Singh Rai thinking in the Indian community!  Indians have no alternative but to protect themselves.  Disregard the Yellow belly jaganite coolies and PNC thugs.

BTW, all five of those kids now live here in NJ and their mother is in Florida!

Instead of getting emotional, try to find the truth what caused these incidents. Both the PNC and PPP are guilty. Both side of the fence lost lives.

You are pathetic!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am surprised that Mrs. Ali didn't lead a robust commemoration to pay tribute to Kowsilla.  Her gravesite is not far from her home.  Last year the women of the WPO did a commemoration.  

Guyan has a much bigger crisis to deal with right now. A small ceremony is just fine for Kowsilla. 

Did Ralph and his ANUS party participate in remembering Kowsilla ?

Prashad posted:

According to House of Israel street activists they were under strict orders from the PNC not to touch Dr Jagan but everyone else in the PPP including Gilbakka was fair game for beat up or worst on the sunny streets of Georgetown. He was the best political enemy the PNC ever had. He did more for the PNC party then any other non PNC person.

Of course Janet rewarded these HOI thugs by enticing them into the PPP after Hoyte tossed them out of the PNC.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The hero who I choose  to remember on this sacred day is Kowsilla, who was massacred on March 6, 1964 by the PNC.


Can you elaborate, what is FALSE with that statement? Perhaps you should read the article by D-G. 1. Her name is Kowsilla 2. She was Murdered / Massacred / Slaughtered . 3. By the PNC scabs. Unless you were present at the scene to give a First Hand account.

The PYO murdered "PNC scabs" as well.  Of course no mention of this.

cain posted:

There was mention some members of the PYO were sent abroad to learn the art of bomb making, any truth to that?

Of course you know the answer to that.  the PYO were not choir boys and guns from Cuba intercepted from a boat that was supposedly sent to Guyana to pick up rice.

The Jaganites were hard core communists well enmeshed in the Moscow/ Havana system of Soviet intervention into the Americas.

Baseman posted:


No, Afros did not suffer at the hands of Indians, they got some retribution for what they did.  

This goes on to this day and when Indians react, they are labeled racist.  

Jagdeo has to stand firm and develop the Balram Singh Rai thinking in the Indian community!  Indians have no alternative but to protect themselves.  Disregard the Yellow belly jaganite coolies and PNC thugs.

BTW, all five of those kids now live here in NJ and their mother is in Florida!

I can be a jackass like you and scream that Afros did nothing to Indos except for engaging in revenge attacks.  FACT.  Black women, children and old people were attacked and killed by PYO goons and forced to flee to areas where blacks were the majority.

FACT both groups engaged in atrocities and both suffered as a result.  It takes a special kind of Indo Nazi racist to pretend as if this was a one sided affair.

1.  The first recorded instances of racial violence was in 1961 when PYO elements insulted blacks on the ECD when they celebrated "ahbe pan tap".  A black man was also killed in Berbice.

2.  !962/63 both the PNC and the UF engaged in violence with an intent to destabilize the PPP.  They received CIA encouragement and funding.

3.  The PPP engaged in terrorism with an intent to create instability to force the cancelation of the proposed elections using the PR system. The PPP feared that a post election alliance of the PNC and the UF would lead to them losing this election.  Both groups engaged in tit for tat.  The PYO had the upper hand as they were trained in guerilla warfare by Cuba/Soviet Union and also provided with arms.  Its is believed that more blacks died and more Indian property was destroyed.

And as to the rest. Indos are probably no more than 45% of the electorate now so how does it help the PPP to campaign like an Indo rights party?  The non Indian vote is at least 55% so your tribal strategy guarantees a Coalition win.  This because not every Indo is PPP and even now the AFC retains some Indo support.  And with the Irfaangate mess maybe more than you think.

The best insurance for Indos is to reduce the level of African insecurity towards them.   But you don't care about Indos so you will urge a civil war and tribal struggle with Afros and them scream moral superiority.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, beyond pathetic, swines are known to eat from the sewer so I am NOT surprised!!!

How can one who participates in such be surprised?

Al yuh 2 gat a swine Coop?/

caribny posted:

And as to the rest. Indos are probably no more than 45% of the electorate now so how does it help the PPP to campaign like an Indo rights party?  The non Indian vote is at least 55% so your tribal strategy guarantees a Coalition win.  This because not every Indo is PPP and even now the AFC retains some Indo support.  And with the Irfaangate mess maybe more than you think.

The best insurance for Indos is to reduce the level of African insecurity towards them.   But you don't care about Indos so you will urge a civil war and tribal struggle with Afros and them scream moral superiority.

Actually they are around 40 %

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:
cain posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, beyond pathetic, swines are known to eat from the sewer so I am NOT surprised!!!

How can one who participates in such be surprised?

Al yuh 2 gat a swine Coop?/

Kerr you r@ss.

Django posted:

Actually they are around 40 %

That is the total population.  The mixed and Amerindian populations skew younger than do the Indian and black so the latter account for a higher % of the voters.  In addition because of the limitations of the interior Amerindian turnout is lower.

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Actually they are around 40 %

That is the total population.  The mixed and Amerindian populations skew younger than do the Indian and black so the latter account for a higher % of the voters.  In addition because of the limitations of the interior Amerindian turnout is lower.

Yep, surprisingly the voters are the same percentage, take a look at the 2012 Census.


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