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Feb 20th is the birth anniversary of Guyana's late President Linden Forbes Sampson BURNHAM.

The late President Burnham was brilliant and was one of the best orators in the world at his time. His vision of Guyana becoming self reliant is up to this day being pursued by the government OF THE DAY.

President Burnham was involved in promoting culture and during his term the first ever Carribean Festival of Creative Arts(CARIFESTA) was held. He was also part and parcel of world leaders who advocated and supported the the movement to free Nelson Mandela and to bring apartheid to an end in Africa. He was committed to the Non Aligned movement and also was an architect for the forming of Caricom.

The late President was an acute politician and outwitted many of his opponents, including Dr and Mrs Jagan.

Although his years in office was marred by rigged elections the fact still remain that he served Guyana as President and was admired by many, both at home and abroad.

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Originally posted by Chief:
Feb 20th is the birth anniversary of Guyana's late President Linden Forbes Sampson BURNHAM.

The late President Burnham was brilliant and was one of the best orators in the world at his time. His vision of Guyana becoming self reliant is up to this day being pursued by the government OF THE DAY.

President Burnham was involved in promoting culture and during his term the first ever Carribean Festival of Creative Arts(CARIFESTA) was held. He was also part and parcel of world leaders who advocated and supported the the movement to free Nelson Mandela and to bring apartheid to an end in Africa. He was committed to the Non Aligned movement and also was an architect for the forming of Caricom.

The late President was an acute politician and outwitted many of his opponents, including Dr and Mrs Jagan.

Although his years in office was marred by rigged elections the fact still remain that he served Guyana as President and was admired by many, both at home and abroad.

Shut your trap, you idiot.
Originally posted by Chief:
Feb 20th is the birth anniversary of Guyana's late President Linden Forbes Sampson BURNHAM.

The late President Burnham was brilliant and was one of the best orators in the world at his time. His vision of Guyana becoming self reliant is up to this day being pursued by the government OF THE DAY.

President Burnham was involved in promoting culture and during his term the first ever Carribean Festival of Creative Arts(CARIFESTA) was held. He was also part and parcel of world leaders who advocated and supported the the movement to free Nelson Mandela and to bring apartheid to an end in Africa. He was committed to the Non Aligned movement and also was an architect for the forming of Caricom.

The late President was an acute politician and outwitted many of his opponents, including Dr and Mrs Jagan.

Although his years in office was marred by rigged elections the fact still remain that he served Guyana as President and was admired by many, both at home and abroad.


Once again you posting shit about a dictator whose ass you and your father used to lick
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by Chief:
Feb 20th is the birth anniversary of Guyana's late President Linden Forbes Sampson BURNHAM.

The late President Burnham was brilliant and was one of the best orators in the world at his time. His vision of Guyana becoming self reliant is up to this day being pursued by the government OF THE DAY.

President Burnham was involved in promoting culture and during his term the first ever Carribean Festival of Creative Arts(CARIFESTA) was held. He was also part and parcel of world leaders who advocated and supported the the movement to free Nelson Mandela and to bring apartheid to an end in Africa. He was committed to the Non Aligned movement and also was an architect for the forming of Caricom.

The late President was an acute politician and outwitted many of his opponents, including Dr and Mrs Jagan.

Although his years in office was marred by rigged elections the fact still remain that he served Guyana as President and was admired by many, both at home and abroad.


Once again you posting shit about a dictator whose ass you and your father used to lick
Originally posted by Chief
Although his years in office was marred by rigged elections the fact still remain that he served Guyana as President and was admired by many, both at home and abroad.


So if he didn't rig the elections the writer would not have had a chance to admire him.
Smile I am sure Hitler would have admired him too.
LFS Burnham is a historical figure who has a permanent place in Guyana's history....

He was used by the colonial powers to split the independence movement...he received funds from the CIA to fight the PPP and to rig the elections of 1968 and onwards....

He was a hero to fools who thought that he was great...

Chief do you think the Prophet would have approved of Burnham and his actions ?.....
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nehru:
What BLOODY contributions he made?? Starve the BLOODY Nation??? Man either you are a certified JASS or you need Belllevue!!![QUOTE]

Brother Nehru take it easy and take a deep breath.
His policies were good but implementation was poor due to party paramountcy. however after certain food stuff was banned entire farming villages became prosperous. Take Bath settlement on the west coast of berbice, every houshold started to plant shallot after imported onions were restricted, the next thing Bath settlement became rich, shallot built houses upon houses.Under the Burnham regime many Guyanese used the stumbling blocks as stepping stones.
Originally posted by Chief:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nehru:
What BLOODY contributions he made?? Starve the BLOODY Nation??? Man either you are a certified JASS or you need Belllevue!!![QUOTE]

Brother Nehru take it easy and take a deep breath.
His policies were good but implementation was poor due to party paramountcy. however after certain food stuff was banned entire farming villages became prosperous. Take Bath settlement on the west coast of berbice, every houshold started to plant shallot after imported onions were restricted, the next thing Bath settlement became rich, shallot built houses upon houses.Under the Burnham regime many Guyanese used the stumbling blocks as stepping stones.
Originally posted by Chief:
Do you think your God Jagan would have approved Nagamootoo actions?

The late,great Dr.Cheddi Jagan would have been very proud of Moses...... flag

BTW....Jagan was not my God but the person who opened my mind and educated me to the evils of exploitation and corruption.....

What did Burnham taught you ?
Originally posted by Churchill:
Originally posted by Chief:
Do you think your God Jagan would have approved Nagamootoo actions?

The late,great Dr.Cheddi Jagan would have been very proud of Moses...... flag

BTW....Jagan was not my God but the person who opened my mind and educated me to the evils of exploitation and corruption.....

What did Burnham taught you ?

Burnham taught me the art of outwitting your opponents and how to stay on top.The late President surrounded himself with advisors that was brilliant just like himself.
What Chief has posted is what is normal. Forbes Burnham may be the best this and the best that but his record was debilitating. That does not mean that his Presidency should be erased from Guyana's history.

Chief is not celebrating Burnham's record or any of his bad governance. ll he's doing is acknowledging some aspects of his rule that certainly shaped and changed Guyanese views on who we are and so on. While he may have legislated for the East Indian holidays, he also stymied Indian cultural development ( the Indian High Commission's efforts notwithstanding). All Chief is saying is the things like abandoning the tie, wearing shirt-Jacs and eat local, etc. all had the major opposition's blessings too (Jagan's PPP).

BTW a lot of Indians from both Courantyne and Essequibo benefited from Burnham's shenanigans. And so too a lot of folks here in North America - by being forced to emigrate.
I am absolutely no fan of Burnham but I can see that he did have three revolutionary ideas.

1. Free education from primary to University.

2. A grow more local fresh food campaign which was ahead of its time.

3. Land to the tiller program. Which distributed land to small farmers.

Some of these programs failed badly but the ideas were great and it took true guts for a politician to try to impliment these revolutionary programs in a capitalist, class oriented and racist society.
Originally posted by Prashad:
I am absolutely no fan of Burnham but I can see that he did have three revolutionary ideas.

1. Free education from primary to University.

2. A grow more local fresh food campaign which was ahead of its time.

3. Land to the tiller program. Which distributed land to small farmers.

Some of these programs failed badly but the ideas were great and it took true guts for a politician to try to impliment these revolutionary programs in a capitalist, class oriented and racist society.

Nuff peeple seh soa. He try haaad but dem blacks see only freeness and poped da whole system. Poo Burnham. Jagan was appasite, he peeple dem waan wuk, but he seh Communism an' gett popped by Burnham.

But nuff coolies wah seh Burhman was good leff pre-1992 and ah talk from far.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Burnham was a thief..

Rama you're repeating what we know.

Haresay does not mean that you know. I witnessed Burnham's Police raided Michael Ford bookshop at Freedom house and stole their books.

It was nice that the PPP opened a bookshop however the police should have arrested you for promoting communism in Guyana.
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Burnham was a thief..

Rama you're repeating what we know.

Haresay does not mean that you know. I witnessed Burnham's Police raided Michael Ford bookshop at Freedom house and stole their books.

It was nice that the PPP opened a bookshop however the police should have arrested you for promoting communism in Guyana.

The police was afraid of me, not unlike you who had to pimp your family to walk the sreets.
Originally posted by Churchill:

He was used by the colonial powers to split the independence movement...he received funds from the CIA to fight the PPP and to rig the elections of 1968 and onwards....

Churchill today you are reaping the benefits from the CIA, you are an American citizen. AMERICA DESTROYED COMMUNISM AND THANK THE LATE President Burnham for his contribution. He had the wisdom to know that Jagan and his wife would have ruind Guyana with marxism /Lenninism.


Just like how the world and history books will remember Adolph Hitler for what he was---an evil, tyrannical, repugnant, and hateful monster. Guyanese and Guyana's history books will also remember Burnham for what he was---an evil, wicked, corrupt, racist, malicious tyrant and dictator.


Originally posted by Chief:
Pure wickedness on some people to compare our late leader with Hitler.


No more wicked, depraved, abominable, devilish, immoral, and nasty racist ever came out of Guyana than Linden Forbes Samson Burnham.

That dirty, rotten scoundrel ruined and bankrupted Guyana. It was a blessed day on August 6th 1985 when Burnham dropped dead.

Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Churchill:

He was used by the colonial powers to split the independence movement...he received funds from the CIA to fight the PPP and to rig the elections of 1968 and onwards....

Churchill today you are reaping the benefits from the CIA, you are an American citizen. AMERICA DESTROYED COMMUNISM AND THANK THE LATE President Burnham for his contribution. He had the wisdom to know that Jagan and his wife would have ruind Guyana with marxism /Lenninism.

Maybe, but nuff alyuh coolies suck da gravy wid PPP and run to Merica wenn ting nh wuk out.
Originally posted by Chief:

Feb 20th is the birth anniversary of Guyana's late President Linden Forbes Sampson BURNHAM.

Although his years in office was marred by rigged elections the fact still remain that he served Guyana as President and was admired by many, both at home and abroad.

Despite a person's intellectual abilities, being in political power through known fradulent means is unconscionable.
Originally posted by Prashad:
I am absolutely no fan of Burnham but I can see that he did have three revolutionary ideas.

1. Free education from primary to University.

2. A grow more local fresh food campaign which was ahead of its time.

3. Land to the tiller program. Which distributed land to small farmers.

Some of these programs failed badly but the ideas were great and it took true guts for a politician to try to impliment these revolutionary programs in a capitalist, class oriented and racist society.

Cheddie started free education when he became premier.
The agrarian reform failed miserably because of PNC racial mismanagent, cronyism, and corruption.

Burnham rule was a blight on Guyana from which it is still recovering.

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