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A controversial doctor is building the  world's first 'baby factory' which will house hundreds of poverty-stricken  Indian women making babies for childless Western couples.

The one-stop surrogacy shop - complete with a  gift shop and hotel rooms - is under construction as part of India's  multibillion dollar commercial surrogacy industry.

The medic behind the plans, Dr Nayna Patel,  already runs a back street clinic in rural Gujarat which currently accommodates  around 100 pregnant women in a single house.

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Dr Nayna Patel [front, centre) is building the world's largest surrogate house to provide rooms for hundreds of women to carry babies for western couples

Dr Nayna Patel (front, centre) is building the world's  largest surrogate house to provide rooms for hundreds of women to carry babies  for western couples


Plans for Dr Patel's new super surrogacy hospital which is expected to house hundreds of Indian women making babies for childless Western couples

Plans for Dr Patel's new super surrogacy hospital which  is expected to house hundreds of Indian women making babies for childless  Western couples

Wannabe parents send sperm or embryos to the  clinic via courier, often only visiting India to pick up their new son or  daughter.

Dr Patel charges hopeful parents $28,000 (ÂĢ17,330) in exchange for using the womb of  one of her surrogates. She pays each surrogate $8,000 (ÂĢ4,950) per single  pregnancy. If it is twins, they are paid an extra $2,000.


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