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caribny posted:
Labba posted:
.De whole idea dat blackman can prosper economic is crazy without de bigger market.  

The root of the African ethnic insecurity dilemma isnt about whether Africans will rule or not, despite what Ravi Dev, Stormborn and others think.

They couldn't give 2 figs about who is ruling if they feel that they will have fair access to opportunity. Well the perception that they have is that they do not and this belief remains as active with the Coalition gov't in power as it was under the PPP regime.  And this is why Volda collapsed into her "I gun only hire PNC" nonsense.

Solve this problem and you solve 50% of Guyana's ethnic dilemma.  And I suspect even more as if Indians stop feeling that Africans are restive and resentful they would be less bothered about the ethnic composition of the GDF and the GPF, because face facts, Indians do NOT want those jobs, whereas Africans do.

Regardless as to who supposedly came first we are all here now.  In fact, upsetting Eric's argument many Afro Guyanese are descended from 19thC migration from the West Indies and post slavery migration from West/Central Africa. So are no more entitled to lands than are Amerindians who entered Guyana fleeing Spanish/Portuguese slavers in the 18thC. Yes Arrival Day is AS IMPORTANT to Afro Guyanese as it is to Indo Guyanese!

The issue should be how can Afro Guyanese be made to feel less anxious about their economic circumstances in 2019.  THAT is what ought to be addressed and reparations isnt part of that debate because those who deprived Africans in the 17-19thC no longer live in Guyana. 

That the majority Indo elites might deprive segments of the Afro population of economic opportunity also needs to be seen within the context of the fact that they also deprive grass roots Indians of ditto.   Surveys show that roughly 1/3 of Afro, Indo and mixed identified Guyanese fall under the poverty line. Surveys also show that majority Afro areas have higher % of educated and skilled people than do majority Indo rural areas.


Me and Ravi Dev described in the same way is truly peachy coming from you. I guess you forgot I spent years debating them here and on their sites disputing their theosophy.

In our present arrangement, who rules matter to all. To say the ethnic groups do not arrange themselves by ethnic identified party to elect who rule is like denying filings to not align according to the magnetic field when placed under a magnet.

Ethnic insecurities are a political phenomena because all social ills seep out of that hence my constant prating on constitutional reform where we can build a system that compensates for the ethnic nepotism that comes out of parties dominated by one group or another.

Let me repeat. Guyana is in south America and Amerindians Are South Americans as Africans are Africans.  No part of Africa is deemed not African, similarly no part of South America is deemed not Amerindian. You or Phillips do not get to say that your arrival there by migration or the happenstance of slavery is to deemed your arrival time. Our arrival time is buried in the obscurity of eons. Dont weight the us per your unfortunate arrival here. Our ancestors walked!


caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:

That nut case can insist in speeches and in writing ( with no evidence) that the NDCs steal African land is not deemed racist by you. d.

And how do you know that no instances of this happened. Here is how this could have happened. NDC officialdom find some excuse to penalize some small landowner and suddenly a wealthy man takes control.  This through corruption.

You know enough to know that in Guyana when such transaction involves an PPP controlled NDC where the small landowner is black and the rich beneficiary is Indian how this will be interpreted by the black villagers and what they will run and tell Eric.

Understand this. Eric didn't go to them.  They went to Eric when tehy saw that Corbin was inept and a Jagdeo stooge.  And now a narrative developed because the PPP ignored this issue just as Forbes Burnham did in his time.  Of course the people around today weren't around during the Burnham era so all they know is what happened to them when the PPP was in power.  Burnham died 34 years ago and the average Guyanese isnt even that age.

I dont know much about tHis, but the way you stated it, it sounds like conjectures.

How do we assess whether such claims are legit, without opening a can of worms? 

And, why is this not seen as an inciteful move (to open these land claims)...Eric did not have to take on this task...he could have refused...and debunked the claims. Instead, he has taken up this cause with a passion, without and concern as to where the chips fall and how divisive such a plan will be...

Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:

That nut case can insist in speeches and in writing ( with no evidence) that the NDCs steal African land is not deemed racist by you. d.

And how do you know that no instances of this happened. Here is how this could have happened. NDC officialdom find some excuse to penalize some small landowner and suddenly a wealthy man takes control.  This through corruption.

You know enough to know that in Guyana when such transaction involves an PPP controlled NDC where the small landowner is black and the rich beneficiary is Indian how this will be interpreted by the black villagers and what they will run and tell Eric.

Understand this. Eric didn't go to them.  They went to Eric when tehy saw that Corbin was inept and a Jagdeo stooge.  And now a narrative developed because the PPP ignored this issue just as Forbes Burnham did in his time.  Of course the people around today weren't around during the Burnham era so all they know is what happened to them when the PPP was in power.  Burnham died 34 years ago and the average Guyanese isnt even that age.

There is a difference in the statement Indians marginalized blacks by stealing their land and some land were stolen by crooked people. If that is the case then use the commission to reveal the losses and demand them back. Do not say that "Indians" stole land when most Indians are poorer than church mice.

I am form the Corentyne and 90 percent of the people there own barely more than the land they live on. The 40 percent or so Indians in deep poverty themselves need land. The few with land have been our traditional rich folks like the Hanomans who inherited their property from hardworking grandparents. I do not know any black person there whose land was stolen so that is almost a third of the country where it did not happen.

The blanked statement of Africans are in poverty because they lack a village system is also bunk. 90 percent of black people do not want to go back to living in any commune run by sainted elders. The notion of getting 18 % of the land from the state and housing it under some regime of this sort abject crap. That aint happening. Phillips needed to use his chance at an ivy league education to get a degree in economics because he is failing miserably as a historian and organizer.

And yes, I believe the PPP give their friends and family access to land easily. There again the PPP represent themselves and their perfidious clan not "Indians" in general. Phillips and his clan are poisoning the minds of black folks against Indians. And I have not addressed his lies against Amerindians.

I wanted to say that, but I was afraid Ronan will call me a racist and embark on a cussdown....glad you said it.

Ironically, Eric teaches business classes at UG....I wonder what qualifications he possess that earned him that position.

caribny posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Are they saying that Reparations include taking away land from Amerindians and Indos?

Furthermore...given Alexander's statements ...are they really going to oversee and election that will result in the PNC losing...a la Freddie Kissoon...

Indos and Amerindians should be alarmed at this ... and they should seek to prioritize their own interests...

i’m not on board with this reparations waste-of-time stuff

but why are you making things up and spray painting them as ‘questions’ to create fake ‘realities’ for spurious conversations pitting Afro-Guyanese against Indos and Amerindians?

invidious much?


I can only wonder where is the evidence that the Afro Guyanese want to take land away from anyone.  My reading of this is that they merely want to have decision about managing a village be made at the village level.  Given that villages in Guyana are inhabited by all sorts of people, and not just Africans not sure where there is a pitting of any group against the other.

The issue is if an African village is surrounded by Indian villages and these villages dominate the NDC then the concern is whether people alien to a given village will have decision making authority over said village.

I am often amazed at how fixated Guyanese are on the issue of boggles the mind...almost everything I read on this site is like Afros and Indos are living in 2 different worlds. 

I do have family members like this too, on both sides of the fence....

If we are arguing the highlighted above, you are really saying that the racial problem in Guyana will exist until infinity...why should Afros be concerned that the local villagers who may be a majority in the NDC be so concerned about such a situation?

Then, the same can be said by Indians who dont see them selves as part of the government, especially when the institutions of government, army, police, ministers, etc are predominantly made up of Afros....where will this lead Guyanese ?? 

Who exactly are the patriotic and nationalistic people of Guyana who are above racial divisions?? 

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Are they saying that Reparations include taking away land from Amerindians and Indos?

Furthermore...given Alexander's statements ...are they really going to oversee and election that will result in the PNC losing...a la Freddie Kissoon...

Indos and Amerindians should be alarmed at this ... and they should seek to prioritize their own interests...

i’m not on board with this reparations waste-of-time stuff

but why are you making things up and spray painting them as ‘questions’ to create fake ‘realities’ for spurious conversations pitting Afro-Guyanese against Indos and Amerindians?

invidious much?


I can only wonder where is the evidence that the Afro Guyanese want to take land away from anyone.  My reading of this is that they merely want to have decision about managing a village be made at the village level.  Given that villages in Guyana are inhabited by all sorts of people, and not just Africans not sure where there is a pitting of any group against the other.

The issue is if an African village is surrounded by Indian villages and these villages dominate the NDC then the concern is whether people alien to a given village will have decision making authority over said village.

I am often amazed at how fixated Guyanese are on the issue of boggles the mind...almost everything I read on this site is like Afros and Indos are living in 2 different worlds. 

I do have family members like this too, on both sides of the fence....

If we are arguing the highlighted above, you are really saying that the racial problem in Guyana will exist until infinity...why should Afros be concerned that the local villagers who may be a majority in the NDC be so concerned about such a situation?

Then, the same can be said by Indians who dont see them selves as part of the government, especially when the institutions of government, army, police, ministers, etc are predominantly made up of Afros....where will this lead Guyanese ?? 

Who exactly are the patriotic and nationalistic people of Guyana who are above racial divisions?? 

Vish, please show where Indians demand or lay conditions for their living in Guyana or any part of this world in respective of other races. 

Why is it that Indos and Afros can live in harmony, until Afros start demanding ownership and blaming others for their failure, and do you expect Indians to stay quiet? 

Indians have migrated to all part of this world and built successful family lives without protesting, unlike Blacks who always blame someone else for their downfall. 

In Guyana, Indians get blame for Afro poor livelihood. The blacks protest, loot and burned Indians home and business. 

In US and Canada, the white gets blame for keeping blacks down. The blacks protest, loot and burn business. 

Vish, don’t you see a issue here. 

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

If this is where Guyana is heading, then this country need to brace itself for more racial divisions.


As much as your voice was silent during the PPP era when Indo elites were plotting the demise of Afro Guyanese your sudden interest in "racial divisions" is quite insincere.

Did they only start in May 2015? Hardly not!

If history is any guide, and we can agree that the history of Guyana is a sordid one...the logical and necessary thing to do is to move away from that past...

Accusing people here who are concerned about the construction of a society in which future generations can live in peace and enjoy the fruits of their labor and what the country has to offer is not a crime or part of any hidden agenda.

This comment is meant to stifle this search for the good life and a new start.

I honestly dont believe the problem is at the level that most people here make it out to be. AND, I dont believe that most powerless working class Guyanese are concerned about whether their leaders are Afros, Indos, Anmerindians, long as they perceive their government to be an include and caring one. This may sound naive but its based upon my experience in Guyana last year.

If we are to take the accusation you are making here, then its only going to create a defensive posture...and one can very ask why is your target set at 2015, and not inclusive of the 28 years...

History has shown that Afros and Indos leaders dont have any claims to a moral authority to govern...attributing GUILT to the PPP and its leaders (or the PNC and its leaders) alone is being intellectually dishonest.


VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:

That nut case can insist in speeches and in writing ( with no evidence) that the NDCs steal African land is not deemed racist by you. d.

And how do you know that no instances of this happened. Here is how this could have happened. NDC officialdom find some excuse to penalize some small landowner and suddenly a wealthy man takes control.  This through corruption.

You know enough to know that in Guyana when such transaction involves an PPP controlled NDC where the small landowner is black and the rich beneficiary is Indian how this will be interpreted by the black villagers and what they will run and tell Eric.

Understand this. Eric didn't go to them.  They went to Eric when tehy saw that Corbin was inept and a Jagdeo stooge.  And now a narrative developed because the PPP ignored this issue just as Forbes Burnham did in his time.  Of course the people around today weren't around during the Burnham era so all they know is what happened to them when the PPP was in power.  Burnham died 34 years ago and the average Guyanese isnt even that age.

There is a difference in the statement Indians marginalized blacks by stealing their land and some land were stolen by crooked people. If that is the case then use the commission to reveal the losses and demand them back. Do not say that "Indians" stole land when most Indians are poorer than church mice.

I am form the Corentyne and 90 percent of the people there own barely more than the land they live on. The 40 percent or so Indians in deep poverty themselves need land. The few with land have been our traditional rich folks like the Hanomans who inherited their property from hardworking grandparents. I do not know any black person there whose land was stolen so that is almost a third of the country where it did not happen.

The blanked statement of Africans are in poverty because they lack a village system is also bunk. 90 percent of black people do not want to go back to living in any commune run by sainted elders. The notion of getting 18 % of the land from the state and housing it under some regime of this sort abject crap. That aint happening. Phillips needed to use his chance at an ivy league education to get a degree in economics because he is failing miserably as a historian and organizer.

And yes, I believe the PPP give their friends and family access to land easily. There again the PPP represent themselves and their perfidious clan not "Indians" in general. Phillips and his clan are poisoning the minds of black folks against Indians. And I have not addressed his lies against Amerindians.

I wanted to say that, but I was afraid Ronan will call me a racist and embark on a cussdown....glad you said it.

Ironically, Eric teaches business classes at UG....I wonder what qualifications he possess that earned him that position.

I think he is an ivy league grad with a degree in history. 

Stormborn posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:

That nut case can insist in speeches and in writing ( with no evidence) that the NDCs steal African land is not deemed racist by you. d.

And how do you know that no instances of this happened. Here is how this could have happened. NDC officialdom find some excuse to penalize some small landowner and suddenly a wealthy man takes control.  This through corruption.

You know enough to know that in Guyana when such transaction involves an PPP controlled NDC where the small landowner is black and the rich beneficiary is Indian how this will be interpreted by the black villagers and what they will run and tell Eric.

Understand this. Eric didn't go to them.  They went to Eric when tehy saw that Corbin was inept and a Jagdeo stooge.  And now a narrative developed because the PPP ignored this issue just as Forbes Burnham did in his time.  Of course the people around today weren't around during the Burnham era so all they know is what happened to them when the PPP was in power.  Burnham died 34 years ago and the average Guyanese isnt even that age.

There is a difference in the statement Indians marginalized blacks by stealing their land and some land were stolen by crooked people. If that is the case then use the commission to reveal the losses and demand them back. Do not say that "Indians" stole land when most Indians are poorer than church mice.

I am form the Corentyne and 90 percent of the people there own barely more than the land they live on. The 40 percent or so Indians in deep poverty themselves need land. The few with land have been our traditional rich folks like the Hanomans who inherited their property from hardworking grandparents. I do not know any black person there whose land was stolen so that is almost a third of the country where it did not happen.

The blanked statement of Africans are in poverty because they lack a village system is also bunk. 90 percent of black people do not want to go back to living in any commune run by sainted elders. The notion of getting 18 % of the land from the state and housing it under some regime of this sort abject crap. That aint happening. Phillips needed to use his chance at an ivy league education to get a degree in economics because he is failing miserably as a historian and organizer.

And yes, I believe the PPP give their friends and family access to land easily. There again the PPP represent themselves and their perfidious clan not "Indians" in general. Phillips and his clan are poisoning the minds of black folks against Indians. And I have not addressed his lies against Amerindians.

I wanted to say that, but I was afraid Ronan will call me a racist and embark on a cussdown....glad you said it.

Ironically, Eric teaches business classes at UG....I wonder what qualifications he possess that earned him that position.

I think he is an ivy league grad with a degree in history. 

Eric Philips has a Bachelors degree in chemical engineering from McMaster University in Canada and a MBA from NYU

where are you getting your information from?

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
ronan posted:


Vish, please show where Indians demand or lay conditions for their living in Guyana or any part of this world in respective of other races. 

Why is it that Indos and Afros can live in harmony, until Afros start demanding ownership and blaming others for their failure, and do you expect Indians to stay quiet? 

Indians have migrated to all part of this world and built successful family lives without protesting, unlike Blacks who always blame someone else for their downfall. 

In Guyana, Indians get blame for Afro poor livelihood. The blacks protest, loot and burned Indians home and business. 

In US and Canada, the white gets blame for keeping blacks down. The blacks protest, loot and burn business. 

Vish, don’t you see a issue here. 

I dont want to distract from this thread...but...

I am not concerned about if and what “conditions” Indians demanded for living in multi-cultural societies in which they live. On the contrary, from what I know about Guyana, two things seems true:

A. I believe that Indians find themselves in situations of their own creation, uncomfortable as they may be. PPP supporters dont want to admit this. The PPP, following the experience of 28 years of dictatorial and authoritarian rule under Burnham should have urgently retrofitted Guyana’s institutions and set the foundations for a transformative democracy. Instead, greed, corruption, and a belief that their Indo built-in majority would guarantee perpetual rule and lordism over all of Guyana. Added to this, the fact that the country is deeply divided, and lack of visionary leaders (except Rodney), the country has steadily decline, whether we look at the data from Transparency Index, Corruption, US Drug Control reports, foreign diplomacy correspondences, etc. THis has resulted in a dysfunctional culture in Guyana where today, bribery and corruption seems normal....and anything the coalition does to correct this situation will require a cultural transformation, or what Storm and AntiBanta referred to as a “paradigm shift”.   

B. From all indications, Indians are passive, not known for radical ideology (communism and socialism for Japan was theory, not shown in their praxis). I have family members who told me they used to walk around in Guyana with Che Guevara t-shirts, but knew nothing about communism. My point is that, yes, (this might be stereotypical) Indos are not known to be aggressive and demanding because they tend to avoid uncomfortable situation and invest their energy in creating wealth and adding value to their work. Their ability (or inability) to make demands like Afros may be seen as weakness. And yes, they also have to take necessary means to defend themselves. Same for Afros and Amerindians. I was always told by my parents that respect can only come with behaving in a certain to guarantees respect. So for all the excesses the coalition is engaged in today, I am appalled by the fact that Indos are making demands and calling a spade a spade. When I did, Ronan said I was preaching violence against a democratically elected government. Bottom line is: the leaders of all of Guyana have to work together to make the country a better one compared to when my parents lived there....and the political system must be perceived as such.

This is why I am raising questions here as to the issue raised at this forum.

Are Guyanese bold enough to charter a new course for the younger generation, one where race and racial divisions are placed on the back burner.?

From where I am sitting, it will be difficult. 

Stormborn posted:

You call that crippled attempt at freestyle haiku oratorical? I called that scatterbrained, incoherent mumbling, with nonsensical arcane references that is known only to himself where plain English would do.

ohhhh, i remember the gooood times way back then when you called my ‘style’ positively poetic . . . remember?


you and Freddie Kissoon belong in the same corner for immature, self-promoting never wasses

btw, pouting is for little girls (remember our little encounter on SN?); you don’t wear it well


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:


I think he is an ivy league grad with a degree in history. 

Eric Philips has a Bachelors degree in chemical engineering from McMaster University in Canada and a MBA from NYU

where are you getting your information from?

Thanks for the correction....and seem to have a lot of insights into the operations of the inner circle of the ruling PNC government...

Perhaps you can explain why he is listed as a “University of Guyana, Business Management Faculty Member” 

And he is also an expert on land acquisition, reparations and redistributive justice, eh?

Philips needs to realize, and accept the fact that Guyana has many different races...

Here he his partisan best:


ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

You call that crippled attempt at freestyle haiku oratorical? I called that scatterbrained, incoherent mumbling, with nonsensical arcane references that is known only to himself where plain English would do.

ohhhh, i remember the gooood times way back then when you called my ‘style’ positively poetic . . . remember?


you and Freddie Kissoon belong in the same corner for immature, self-promoting never wasses

btw, pouting is for little girls (remember our little encounter on SN?); you don’t wear it well


Dude...I do admire your oratorical skills...i use a dictionary sometime to muddle through your posts...

You cant put every Guyanese into a cookie cutter box at your whim and fancy... sometimes you have to take the good with the bad...

Guyana has suffered a massive drain and the handful of people who continue to expose to problems are much needed...the core of such individuals is so railed against Christopher Raam and Freddie Kissoon, but where are the others that Guyana needs to uphold its legal and moral standards, while “holding the feet of the govt to the fire”?


ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am often amazed at how fixated Guyanese are on the issue of boggles the mind...almost everything I read on this site is like Afros and Indos are living in 2 different worlds. 

sooo, who exactly started this thread banna . . . hypocrite much?

look inward poser

smfh seem puzzled at the mere fact that people are questioning what your friends in high places are saying...

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:


I think he is an ivy league grad with a degree in history. 

Eric Philips has a Bachelors degree in chemical engineering from McMaster University in Canada and a MBA from NYU

where are you getting your information from?

Thanks for the correction....and seem to have a lot of insights into the operations of the inner circle of the ruling PNC government...

Perhaps you can explain why he is listed as a “University of Guyana, Business Management Faculty Member” 

And he is also an expert on land acquisition, reparations and redistributive justice, eh?

Philips needs to realize, and accept the fact that Guyana has many different races...

Here he his partisan best:


 ummm . . . why exactly do i need to explain anything about Eric Philips?

i don’t know the fellow . . . NEVER had a conversation with him, on line or otherwise

he preceeded me at Queens College where he was a ‘legend’ and knew my older brother

Stanley Ming is his best buddy from school days . . . go ask him

after losing your original argument on this thread in spectacular fashion, you and Stormborn have succeeded in turning this conversation into a referendum on Eric Philips

clap clap clap

ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

I think he is an ivy league grad with a degree in history. 

Eric Philips has a Bachelors degree in chemical engineering from McMaster University in Canada and a MBA from NYU

where are you getting your information from?

I said I think....I remember when he was here at the WH someone telling me that. Thnks for correcting me. 

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am often amazed at how fixated Guyanese are on the issue of boggles the mind...almost everything I read on this site is like Afros and Indos are living in 2 different worlds. 

sooo, who exactly started this thread banna . . . hypocrite much?

look inward poser

smfh seem puzzled at the mere fact that people are questioning what your friends in high places are saying...

i am, in fact, NOT “puzzled” at all sir

it is YOU who’s mind you claim is “boggled”

hmmmm . . .?

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:


I think he is an ivy league grad with a degree in history. 

Eric Philips has a Bachelors degree in chemical engineering from McMaster University in Canada and a MBA from NYU

where are you getting your information from?

Thanks for the correction....and seem to have a lot of insights into the operations of the inner circle of the ruling PNC government...

Perhaps you can explain why he is listed as a “University of Guyana, Business Management Faculty Member” 

And he is also an expert on land acquisition, reparations and redistributive justice, eh?

Philips needs to realize, and accept the fact that Guyana has many different races...

Here he his partisan best:


 ummm . . . why exactly do i need to explain anything about Eric Philips?

i don’t know the fellow . . . NEVER had a conversation with him, on line or otherwise

he preceeded me at Queens College where he was a ‘legend’ and knew my older brother

Stanley Ming is his best buddy from school days . . . go ask him

after losing your original argument on this thread in spectacular fashion, you and Stormborn have succeeded in turning this conversation into a referendum on Eric Philips

clap clap clap

Eric is the “intellectual author” behind this movement.

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:


I think he is an ivy league grad with a degree in history. 

Eric Philips has a Bachelors degree in chemical engineering from McMaster University in Canada and a MBA from NYU

where are you getting your information from?

Thanks for the correction....and seem to have a lot of insights into the operations of the inner circle of the ruling PNC government...

Perhaps you can explain why he is listed as a “University of Guyana, Business Management Faculty Member” 

And he is also an expert on land acquisition, reparations and redistributive justice, eh?

Philips needs to realize, and accept the fact that Guyana has many different races...

Here he his partisan best:


 ummm . . . why exactly do i need to explain anything about Eric Philips?

i don’t know the fellow . . . NEVER had a conversation with him, on line or otherwise

he preceeded me at Queens College where he was a ‘legend’ and knew my older brother

Stanley Ming is his best buddy from school days . . . go ask him

after losing your original argument on this thread in spectacular fashion, you and Stormborn have succeeded in turning this conversation into a referendum on Eric Philips

clap clap clap

He hosted that conference and there is nothing but toxic emanations about race from him. I responded to this thread affirming that what VM said against Eric P is exactly veritas.

I am at a loss to grasp what is your focus...if the NDCs stealing land it surely was not from the old african village system. The NDCs were implanted by the PPP to steal the elections in the future hence the reason they never held any but instead implanted croneys in almost all of them. If you want to examine how they operated I am willing.

Link copied to your clipboard.