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Dave posted:

In Guyana, Indians get blame for Afro poor livelihood. The blacks protest, loot and burned Indians home and business. 


and yet hear are Indos howling and screaming "me belly empty and is blackman do it to me" when they got the same treatment that the PPP callously handed out to bauxite workers.

So Afros cannot scream about how the PPP treated them but PNC treatment of Indos is treated like the Holy Scriptures.

and btw loads of Indians have a narrative about how the UK damaged India.  THAT is the real reason why the UK isn't going to pay reparations for slavery because they know that India will make the same demand and the bill will be HIGHER!

Iguana posted:

Yuh BOSSES in ROAR led by toupee man advocate openly for Indo rights. Ah neva see yuh complain about  dem.

Nothing wrong with advocating for rights of a particular race, especially in a polarized society like Guyana where blacks and indians squabble over resources and compete for "ahwe own".

I am for the rights of Indians, as long as their "rights" do not trample on my rights as a black man. Unfortunately some of  them (see some of yuh indian frens here) believe in subjugating black people and classifying us as savages. Well, them days over.

Now run along and check out Ravi Dev at his "partisan best" in some of he articles.

Of course not.  ROAR can scream that GY belongs to Indians because blacks are useless, lazy and violent and have made no contribution.  Ramotar wrote a fecal bit of nonsense last week blaming blacks for all the ailments faced by Indians, and scream that even in 2019 Indos still feel oppression from blacks.

Vish claims he is a dougla, but he really needs to stop.  He is an Indo with black relatives!

Dave posted:

What is Eric Philips issues and who’s interest he’s looking out for?... so what am I stereotype if I ask if your mansion may be on their land. 

In the 90s Eric operated as a "Guyanese" then he saw the blatant abuse by the PPP directed towards the African poor, especially those in the rural areas.  He saw how abused those blacks who protested against this were, some even gunned down by Jagdeo's goons.

Because of Eric's international connections Jagdeo couldn't move against him, but allegedly there were still times when Eric had to fear for his life.

Daily we hear screams "Indians this and Indians that" and how blacks abuse them and make life a terror.  Screams that all blacks do is maraud Indians who are all "hard working and honest".

Well expect a reaction if Indians don't want to challenge the racism that exists within their communities!

VishMahabir posted:


As a “dougla” I believe I can see things differently....

No you don't.  You are an Indian with black relatives who you clearly despise.  Look at how you jump to the defense of Indians without examining what happened to blacks during the Jagdeo/Ramotar era. 

Yes certain claims might be exaggerated and seen through an overly sensitive race lens.  Yes Indians didn't meet for dinner to plot seizing lands from blacks.  But powerful people who happened to be Indians used their clout over an Indo government to do dastardly things to less powerful people. 

I have no doubt that some of those who lost their lands were also Indians, but I also understand why in the Jagdeo/Ramotar era a black person wouldn't have a paranoid perspective and would have run to Eric with their fears. Eric didn't start ACDA.  He joined it when the PPP blocked assistance for black villages that were to be provided by an international agency.  I distinctly recall that conversation and all of the "black man lazy screams" that occurred on the Indo Nazi (AKA) as GNI site.  I cannot recall any other serious site that tolerates the repeated anti black bigotry that this one does.

And as to Stormborn AKA D2.  Let me recall why I joined.  I considered this site too silly to comment until the Indo Nazis posted a picture of a black Buxton girl. Called her ugly, stupid, and nasty and a primate. 

How did D2 react?  Did he condemn it?  No! he warned that if this continued and Afrocentrist would arrive. Will I did and too bad for those who don't like it. Had this not been a nest of Indo Nazi behavior Caribny wouldn't be here.

yuji22 posted:

The next election will be very divisive and it may appear that the PPP is poised for a victory and that is what makes most Afros uneasy since they feel that they will not be equal partners in future economic progress especially with oil money looming on the horizon. 


And given that you are a PPP stooge why no demands on the PPP to reduce the unease felt by Africans.

Instead the PPP screams that black people are stupid and being led by bad people if they don't embrace the PPP.  Completely disrespecting the fact that in 23 years blacks had ample time to learn FIRST HAND about the PPP and how it treats blacks.

caribny posted:
Iguana posted:

Yuh BOSSES in ROAR led by toupee man advocate openly for Indo rights. Ah neva see yuh complain about  dem.

Nothing wrong with advocating for rights of a particular race, especially in a polarized society like Guyana where blacks and indians squabble over resources and compete for "ahwe own".

I am for the rights of Indians, as long as their "rights" do not trample on my rights as a black man. Unfortunately some of  them (see some of yuh indian frens here) believe in subjugating black people and classifying us as savages. Well, them days over.

Now run along and check out Ravi Dev at his "partisan best" in some of he articles.

Of course not.  ROAR can scream that GY belongs to Indians because blacks are useless, lazy and violent and have made no contribution.  Ramotar wrote a fecal bit of nonsense last week blaming blacks for all the ailments faced by Indians, and scream that even in 2019 Indos still feel oppression from blacks.

Vish claims he is a dougla, but he really needs to stop.  He is an Indo with black relatives!


...for clarifying that I am "Indo with black relatives"... this reductionist statement alone has placed my everlasting dysfunctional world in proper perspective and psychologically, in one fell swoop, you have put my over-burdened mind at ease... quest for identity, which I always felt was more complex (foolishly  convincing myself sometimes with false pride that I may represent the best of two worlds and what Guyana has to offer), than I originally thought can now be put to rest for you have opened a brave new world for me....An epiphany!

Honestly, like Kipling's "white man's burden", I now feel like a heavy load has been lifted off my puny "Indo" shoulders....psychological liberation at at last...right there in my sheltered little intrinsic "coolie" space! Never mind the mixed parents.

The dysfunctional tribal Indo KKKs is one thing...but if this is what Guyana has to offer humanity, then I can rest assured that that world is lost forever with this generation that expose themselves on GNI... 

Like i said... the racial tribalists are staring each other on both sides of the double-sided mirror...there is no safe space even from those who want to keep the tribes at bay...


BTW....Perhaps Iggy can locate my response to Ramotar...

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:


As a “dougla” I believe I can see things differently....

No you don't.  You are an Indian with black relatives who you clearly despise.  Look at how you jump to the defense of Indians without examining what happened to blacks during the Jagdeo/Ramotar era. 

Yes certain claims might be exaggerated and seen through an overly sensitive race lens.  Yes Indians didn't meet for dinner to plot seizing lands from blacks.  But powerful people who happened to be Indians used their clout over an Indo government to do dastardly things to less powerful people. 

I have no doubt that some of those who lost their lands were also Indians, but I also understand why in the Jagdeo/Ramotar era a black person wouldn't have a paranoid perspective and would have run to Eric with their fears. Eric didn't start ACDA.  He joined it when the PPP blocked assistance for black villages that were to be provided by an international agency.  I distinctly recall that conversation and all of the "black man lazy screams" that occurred on the Indo Nazi (AKA) as GNI site.  I cannot recall any other serious site that tolerates the repeated anti black bigotry that this one does.

And as to Stormborn AKA D2.  Let me recall why I joined.  I considered this site too silly to comment until the Indo Nazis posted a picture of a black Buxton girl. Called her ugly, stupid, and nasty and a primate. 

How did D2 react?  Did he condemn it?  No! he warned that if this continued and Afrocentrist would arrive. Will I did and too bad for those who don't like it. Had this not been a nest of Indo Nazi behavior Caribny wouldn't be here.

You are asking people to condemn things that were not in their presence....or they were not aware of...

You are no different that the Indo KKKs you rally against one knows how much of what you peddle here is fact and or fake...but you obviously have everyone pegged... 

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

The next election will be very divisive and it may appear that the PPP is poised for a victory and that is what makes most Afros uneasy since they feel that they will not be equal partners in future economic progress especially with oil money looming on the horizon. 


And given that you are a PPP stooge why no demands on the PPP to reduce the unease felt by Africans.

Instead the PPP screams that black people are stupid and being led by bad people if they don't embrace the PPP.  Completely disrespecting the fact that in 23 years blacks had ample time to learn FIRST HAND about the PPP and how it treats blacks.

He needs to be ignored in this discussion given his open bigotry.  He screams about "bussing balls" and champions policies that relegate black people to scraps in a land that is equally theirs. He is part of the problem. Don't you believe he had an epiphany!

caribny posted:

And as to Stormborn AKA D2.  Let me recall why I joined.  I considered this site too silly to comment until the Indo Nazis posted a picture of a black Buxton girl. Called her ugly, stupid, and nasty and a primate......had this not been a nest of Indo Nazi behavior Caribny wouldn't be here.

I joined after witnessing the cyber lynching of a BLACK Guyanese woman on GNI who started a program for kids of ALL races in Guyana. The hatred, bigotry and full out assault on this black woman was solely because of her race. Mind you, the beneficiaries of her program were a lot of Indian kids! This is by far the nastiest hate site I've ever seen.

I've been among rednecks down south and racist whites in corporate America. In America, I've never ever experienced this kind of open hatred towards black people as expressed by MANY of the Indians here, and I know full well the roots of it in rural Guyana.

In the words of Edmund Burke - "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". Or some such. Thus I remain.

VishMahabir posted:



But, why all the hyperactive emotionalism about raising questions about a race-based plan, steeped in, as far as we can ascertain, a person’s subjective feelings about “what awe deserve”, and fraught with danger when implemented and based on dubious claims....Like Phillips “bill of Rights”, should the six races of Guyana create their own Bill of Rights and proceed to carve out their own ethnic enclaves? .

No "hyperactive emotionalism" on my part. I've said before on at least 2 occasions - I am not a fan of reparations. The guilty parties simply are not around. No black person on GNI is supporting is you who keep bringing it up.

In your opening posts you stated "Granger is on board" with a plan of reparations. You are yet to produce any evidence of such. You portrayed the entire meeting as one with the aim of taking land from Indians, which was certainly not the point of the meeting. You lied again.

The rest of this thread is just nonsense and should have been abandoned when you were exposed as a liar on the above. Debate Phillips reparations plan on its own merits; point of your entire thread was to cast evil aspersions on black people in Guyana. That's what I object to.

I for one think you are a paid poster here. I do not buy the bullshit you are a "student" searching for his "Guyanese identity". Your posts vacillate between profound stupidity and posts of one well acquainted with Guyana's political history. Not buying that you can be this bipolar. And you can't claim to be around Guyanese relatives and be totally unfamiliar with some of the most basic terms you claimed you "learnt" here!

You do not write like a millennial. You are a bloody OLD man probably recruited by toupee man to stir up shit here. You are not here to "learn" anything. Who hired you? LABBA man?

VishMahabir posted:


...for clarifying that I am "Indo with black relatives"... this reductionist statement alone has placed my everlasting dysfunctional world in proper perspective and psychologically, in one fell swoop, you have put my over-burdened mind at ease... quest for identity, which I always felt was more complex (foolishly  convincing myself sometimes with false pride that I may represent the best of two worlds and what Guyana has to offer), than I originally thought can now be put to rest for you have opened a brave new world for me....An epiphany!

Honestly, like Kipling's "white man's burden", I now feel like a heavy load has been lifted off my puny "Indo" shoulders....psychological liberation at at last...right there in my sheltered little intrinsic "coolie" space! Never mind the mixed parents.

The dysfunctional tribal Indo KKKs is one thing...but if this is what Guyana has to offer humanity, then I can rest assured that that world is lost forever with this generation that expose themselves on GNI... 

Like i said... the racial tribalists are staring each other on both sides of the double-sided mirror...there is no safe space even from those who want to keep the tribes at bay...

banna, shut the f^ck up already about your bogus "quest for identity" . . . OK?

the entertainment aspect of your extended role playing on GNI is now past its useful shelf life

now, go ask someone who has done more than just read the title of Kipling's poem to help locate your gross insult to Black people

how dare you!

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
caribny posted:

And as to Stormborn AKA D2.  Let me recall why I joined.  I considered this site too silly to comment until the Indo Nazis posted a picture of a black Buxton girl. Called her ugly, stupid, and nasty and a primate......had this not been a nest of Indo Nazi behavior Caribny wouldn't be here.

I joined after witnessing the cyber lynching of a BLACK Guyanese woman on GNI who started a program for kids of ALL races in Guyana. The hatred, bigotry and full out assault on this black woman was solely because of her race. Mind you, the beneficiaries of her program were a lot of Indian kids! This is by far the nastiest hate site I've ever seen.

I've been among rednecks down south and racist whites in corporate America. In America, I've never ever experienced this kind of open hatred towards black people as expressed by MANY of the Indians here, and I know full well the roots of it in rural Guyana.

In the words of Edmund Burke - "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". Or some such. Thus I remain.

Then you shoud pay very close attention to the words of Edmund Burke. You, who knows better, is equally as guilty of racism in Guyana by simply thinking you are more intelligent than the Indo Nazi posse.

I joined because there is no other site that one interacts openly with GUYANESE. We people are not afraid to speak our mind in public. Since when we became so prapah, perhaps only uppity Blacks. And I am certain the Blacks on here is nah uppity, I read the sh1te that is written. And is only about 5 alyuh, imagine at large how many more exists. 

Iguana posted:
VishMahabir posted:



But, why all the hyperactive emotionalism about raising questions about a race-based plan, steeped in, as far as we can ascertain, a person’s subjective feelings about “what awe deserve”, and fraught with danger when implemented and based on dubious claims....Like Phillips “bill of Rights”, should the six races of Guyana create their own Bill of Rights and proceed to carve out their own ethnic enclaves? .

No "hyperactive emotionalism" on my part. I've said before on at least 2 occasions - I am not a fan of reparations. The guilty parties simply are not around. No black person on GNI is supporting is you who keep bringing it up.

In your opening posts you stated "Granger is on board" with a plan of reparations. You are yet to produce any evidence of such. You portrayed the entire meeting as one with the aim of taking land from Indians, which was certainly not the point of the meeting. You lied again.

The rest of this thread is just nonsense and should have been abandoned when you were exposed as a liar on the above. Debate Phillips reparations plan on its own merits; point of your entire thread was to cast evil aspersions on black people in Guyana. That's what I object to.

I for one think you are a paid poster here. I do not buy the bullshit you are a "student" searching for his "Guyanese identity". Your posts vacillate between profound stupidity and posts of one well acquainted with Guyana's political history. Not buying that you can be this bipolar. And you can't claim to be around Guyanese relatives and be totally unfamiliar with some of the most basic terms you claimed you "learnt" here!

You do not write like a millennial. You are a bloody OLD man probably recruited by toupee man to stir up shit here. You are not here to "learn" anything. Who hired you? LABBA man?

I agree on dah wan.

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:


...for clarifying that I am "Indo with black relatives"... this reductionist statement alone has placed my everlasting dysfunctional world in proper perspective and psychologically, in one fell swoop, you have put my over-burdened mind at ease... quest for identity, which I always felt was more complex (foolishly  convincing myself sometimes with false pride that I may represent the best of two worlds and what Guyana has to offer), than I originally thought can now be put to rest for you have opened a brave new world for me....An epiphany!

Honestly, like Kipling's "white man's burden", I now feel like a heavy load has been lifted off my puny "Indo" shoulders....psychological liberation at at last...right there in my sheltered little intrinsic "coolie" space! Never mind the mixed parents.

The dysfunctional tribal Indo KKKs is one thing...but if this is what Guyana has to offer humanity, then I can rest assured that that world is lost forever with this generation that expose themselves on GNI... 

Like i said... the racial tribalists are staring each other on both sides of the double-sided mirror...there is no safe space even from those who want to keep the tribes at bay...

banna, shut the f^ck up already about your bogus "quest for identity" . . . OK?

the entertainment aspect of your extended role playing on GNI is now past its useful shelf life

now, go ask someone who has done more than just read the title of Kipling's poem to help locate your gross insult to Black people

how dare you!

Temper, that is a Black thng? Not a statement only a question.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:


As a “dougla” I believe I can see things differently....

No you don't.  You are an Indian with black relatives who you clearly despise.  Look at how you jump to the defense of Indians without examining what happened to blacks during the Jagdeo/Ramotar era. 

Yes certain claims might be exaggerated and seen through an overly sensitive race lens.  Yes Indians didn't meet for dinner to plot seizing lands from blacks.  But powerful people who happened to be Indians used their clout over an Indo government to do dastardly things to less powerful people. 

I have no doubt that some of those who lost their lands were also Indians, but I also understand why in the Jagdeo/Ramotar era a black person wouldn't have a paranoid perspective and would have run to Eric with their fears. Eric didn't start ACDA.  He joined it when the PPP blocked assistance for black villages that were to be provided by an international agency.  I distinctly recall that conversation and all of the "black man lazy screams" that occurred on the Indo Nazi (AKA) as GNI site.  I cannot recall any other serious site that tolerates the repeated anti black bigotry that this one does.

And as to Stormborn AKA D2.  Let me recall why I joined.  I considered this site too silly to comment until the Indo Nazis posted a picture of a black Buxton girl. Called her ugly, stupid, and nasty and a primate. 

How did D2 react?  Did he condemn it?  No! he warned that if this continued and Afrocentrist would arrive. Will I did and too bad for those who don't like it. Had this not been a nest of Indo Nazi behavior Caribny wouldn't be here.

You are asking people to condemn things that were not in their presence....or they were not aware of...

You are no different that the Indo KKKs you rally against one knows how much of what you peddle here is fact and or fake...but you obviously have everyone pegged... 

Exposed. Dem bruddahs on here knows u r an indo. I guess indians write one way and blacks write another way. Distinction. Racism percieved just reading ink on paper.

seignet posted:
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:


As a “dougla” I believe I can see things differently....

No you don't.  You are an Indian with black relatives who you clearly despise.  Look at how you jump to the defense of Indians without examining what happened to blacks during the Jagdeo/Ramotar era. 

Yes certain claims might be exaggerated and seen through an overly sensitive race lens.  Yes Indians didn't meet for dinner to plot seizing lands from blacks.  But powerful people who happened to be Indians used their clout over an Indo government to do dastardly things to less powerful people. 

I have no doubt that some of those who lost their lands were also Indians, but I also understand why in the Jagdeo/Ramotar era a black person wouldn't have a paranoid perspective and would have run to Eric with their fears. Eric didn't start ACDA.  He joined it when the PPP blocked assistance for black villages that were to be provided by an international agency.  I distinctly recall that conversation and all of the "black man lazy screams" that occurred on the Indo Nazi (AKA) as GNI site.  I cannot recall any other serious site that tolerates the repeated anti black bigotry that this one does.

And as to Stormborn AKA D2.  Let me recall why I joined.  I considered this site too silly to comment until the Indo Nazis posted a picture of a black Buxton girl. Called her ugly, stupid, and nasty and a primate. 

How did D2 react?  Did he condemn it?  No! he warned that if this continued and Afrocentrist would arrive. Will I did and too bad for those who don't like it. Had this not been a nest of Indo Nazi behavior Caribny wouldn't be here.

You are asking people to condemn things that were not in their presence....or they were not aware of...

You are no different that the Indo KKKs you rally against one knows how much of what you peddle here is fact and or fake...but you obviously have everyone pegged... 

Exposed. Dem bruddahs on here knows u r an indo. I guess indians write one way and blacks write another way. Distinction. Racism percieved just reading ink on paper.

Actually, dem bais was praising him. Until he dared criticize a black man’s proposal. Suddenly he is toxic. Blacks don’t want to be questioned about their actions. They immediately sound the race trumpet.

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:


...for clarifying that I am "Indo with black relatives"... this reductionist statement alone has placed my everlasting dysfunctional world in proper perspective and psychologically, in one fell swoop, you have put my over-burdened mind at ease... quest for identity, which I always felt was more complex (foolishly  convincing myself sometimes with false pride that I may represent the best of two worlds and what Guyana has to offer), than I originally thought can now be put to rest for you have opened a brave new world for me....An epiphany!

Honestly, like Kipling's "white man's burden", I now feel like a heavy load has been lifted off my puny "Indo" shoulders....psychological liberation at at last...right there in my sheltered little intrinsic "coolie" space! Never mind the mixed parents.

The dysfunctional tribal Indo KKKs is one thing...but if this is what Guyana has to offer humanity, then I can rest assured that that world is lost forever with this generation that expose themselves on GNI... 

Like i said... the racial tribalists are staring each other on both sides of the double-sided mirror...there is no safe space even from those who want to keep the tribes at bay...

banna, shut the f^ck up already about your bogus "quest for identity" . . . OK?

the entertainment aspect of your extended role playing on GNI is now past its useful shelf life

now, go ask someone who has done more than just read the title of Kipling's poem to help locate your gross insult to Black people

how dare you!


...Now that you pollute this thread with your accusatory mealy mouthed viperous diatribe...

This much is clear: You are only here for one purpose - to defend everything "Black" and anything associated with the coalition... Anyone who dare to raise questions are suspect, and toxic...from the get go.

You are no different from the racist Indos here...your poetic lingo is simply a grand cover for your vile hatred of anyone who speak out about anything settled in your racist little bubble...


How dare me??

No. How dare you friggin try to silence me when I raise questions about a person you admire and whose plan threaten to racially divide people...and one reported in the media.

Go on...I gon expose your racist bile    

Now.. go wash your mealy mouth with some listerine...

Haul yo racist arse!  

ksazma posted:
seignet posted:
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:


As a “dougla” I believe I can see things differently....

No you don't.  You are an Indian with black relatives who you clearly despise.  Look at how you jump to the defense of Indians without examining what happened to blacks during the Jagdeo/Ramotar era. 

Yes certain claims might be exaggerated and seen through an overly sensitive race lens.  Yes Indians didn't meet for dinner to plot seizing lands from blacks.  But powerful people who happened to be Indians used their clout over an Indo government to do dastardly things to less powerful people. 

I have no doubt that some of those who lost their lands were also Indians, but I also understand why in the Jagdeo/Ramotar era a black person wouldn't have a paranoid perspective and would have run to Eric with their fears. Eric didn't start ACDA.  He joined it when the PPP blocked assistance for black villages that were to be provided by an international agency.  I distinctly recall that conversation and all of the "black man lazy screams" that occurred on the Indo Nazi (AKA) as GNI site.  I cannot recall any other serious site that tolerates the repeated anti black bigotry that this one does.

And as to Stormborn AKA D2.  Let me recall why I joined.  I considered this site too silly to comment until the Indo Nazis posted a picture of a black Buxton girl. Called her ugly, stupid, and nasty and a primate. 

How did D2 react?  Did he condemn it?  No! he warned that if this continued and Afrocentrist would arrive. Will I did and too bad for those who don't like it. Had this not been a nest of Indo Nazi behavior Caribny wouldn't be here.

You are asking people to condemn things that were not in their presence....or they were not aware of...

You are no different that the Indo KKKs you rally against one knows how much of what you peddle here is fact and or fake...but you obviously have everyone pegged... 

Exposed. Dem bruddahs on here knows u r an indo. I guess indians write one way and blacks write another way. Distinction. Racism percieved just reading ink on paper.

Actually, dem bais was praising him. Until he dared criticize a black man’s proposal. Suddenly he is toxic. Blacks don’t want to be questioned about their actions. They immediately sound the race trumpet.

For decades now I realized no Indian can speak for Blacks or to Blacks. We are not qualified even as Guyanese. Dem have Black pride juss to be prejudice.

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