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My conclusion was that the people wanted their ballot to be counted at the place of poll and the GDF had orders to take it to NEW Amsterdam.


What should have Lt. Henry do?  


Ignore orders and listen to the people or


Carry out orders and shoot the people?


Military members who fail to obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences.





Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:

well guyana dont have democracy anymore.

I do not know about that?  The last time I checked the ballot is counted at the place of polls and I am satisified that the 2011 elections were free and fair and FREE from FEAR.


GECOM is controlled by the APNU and that is a good thing.




Originally Posted by KishanB:

What I do know was Justice Jhappan was a brilliant writer.  I enjoyed reading his writting.



Dhan Jhappan attended the old school where they had to dot their i and cross their t. Even primary school pupils in those years could write excellent English. They learnt Grammar well.

Another thing: they had neat handwriting. Legible.

Last edited by Former Member

The school mentioned at the incident is Tagore High School. 


I was six years old and can clearly remembered when the GDF truck stopped in front of our house and one of the Martyrs was being kicked by the GDF as he begged for water.


Many wonder where the resentment for the PNC stems from. But I will never want to see the rotten and dirty PNC rule Guyana again.


Over my dead body !!!!!


I spoke to one of the soldiers several years after.  He was then a captain or some thing like that.  He said that the place was getting very dark, the crowd was getting very angry and the soldiers were all hungry, tired and just wanted to get out of the area then get something to eat and go to bed.  He said that he did not see anything because the place was getting dark.  He just heard some shots.  That was his side of the story.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The school mentioned at the incident is Tagore High School. 


I was six years old and can clearly remembered when the GDF truck stopped in front of our house and one of the Martyrs was being kicked by the GDF as he begged for water.


Many wonder where the resentment for the PNC stems from. But I will never want to see the rotten and dirty PNC rule Guyana again.


Over my dead body !!!!!

fool, no one "wonders" where your resentment of the PNC comes from


it is the crude, racist ideology that informs your WORLDVIEW on black people that causes "wonder"


i suggest that u, skeldonman and the other race pornographers invest in a new 'ting' to camouflage your low self-esteem, poor education and bigotry, and try it out at at barrat's next poolboy party, arite?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The school mentioned at the incident is Tagore High School. 


I was six years old and can clearly remembered when the GDF truck stopped in front of our house and one of the Martyrs was being kicked by the GDF as he begged for water.


Many wonder where the resentment for the PNC stems from. But I will never want to see the rotten and dirty PNC rule Guyana again.


Over my dead body !!!!!

fool, no one "wonders" where your resentment of the PNC comes from


it is the crude, racist ideology that informs your WORLDVIEW on black people that causes "wonder"


i suggest that u, skeldonman and the other race pornographers invest in a new 'ting' to camouflage your low self-esteem, poor education and bigotry, and try it out at at barrat's next poolboy party, arite?

Depriving an injured man of health care that could have saved his life as in the case of Mr.Remassar is in my opinion just plain murder or at least manslaughter.  They could have also allowed the PPP party officials there to take  Mr.Remassar to the hospital if they could not leave their positions to do so.  I cannot see PPP party officals beating up Mr.Remassar futher just to blame the GDF. 

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The school mentioned at the incident is Tagore High School. 


I was six years old and can clearly remembered when the GDF truck stopped in front of our house and one of the Martyrs was being kicked by the GDF as he begged for water.


Many wonder where the resentment for the PNC stems from. But I will never want to see the rotten and dirty PNC rule Guyana again.


Over my dead body !!!!!

fool, no one "wonders" where your resentment of the PNC comes from


it is the crude, racist ideology that informs your WORLDVIEW on black people that causes "wonder"


i suggest that u, skeldonman and the other race pornographers invest in a new 'ting' to camouflage your low self-esteem, poor education and bigotry, and try it out at at barrat's next poolboy party, arite?

Depriving an injured man of health care that could have saved his life as in the case of Mr.Remassar is in my opinion just plain murder or at least manslaughter.  They could have also allowed the PPP party officials there to take  Mr.Remassar to the hospital if they could not leave their positions to do so.  I cannot see PPP party officals beating up Mr.Remassar futher just to blame the GDF. 

The GDF officer Lt Henry , former QC boy, erred massively here.  He had a choice delivering the ballot box or saving a life; he choose votes over life.


The most he could have done was to take the box and the votes to Skeldon Hospital, drop off the injured chap and then delivered the votes.


For that he was an accessory to murder and his soul shall burn in HELL!




I can empathise with people when they choose dispice the PNC.  But today the PPP is doing the same to afro-Guyanese youths.  Some 300 were murdered under the Gajraj-Rohee rein in office.


I can also see why afro-Guyanese hates the PPP.


Same thing different time, different leaders.


The PPP excuse  - Burnham did am, so what happen to we, goat bite we?


Jags accused Mr. Granger of having “blood on his hands.” He was referring to the shooting by the GDF of two PPP activists who were among a group attempting to block the army from removing ballot boxes following the 1973 election. Mr Granger himself had already stated in response to earlier allegations of a similar character that he was an army major stationed at Timehri at the time, and had no responsibilities in Berbice. 


Lt Colonel Morgan was the boss, Granger was just a ordinary Major so Jaggy as usual lied again!.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The school mentioned at the incident is Tagore High School. 


I was six years old and can clearly remembered when the GDF truck stopped in front of our house and one of the Martyrs was being kicked by the GDF as he begged for water.


Many wonder where the resentment for the PNC stems from. But I will never want to see the rotten and dirty PNC rule Guyana again.


Over my dead body !!!!!

fool, no one "wonders" where your resentment of the PNC comes from


it is the crude, racist ideology that informs your WORLDVIEW on black people that causes "wonder"


i suggest that u, skeldonman and the other race pornographers invest in a new 'ting' to camouflage your low self-esteem, poor education and bigotry, and try it out at at barrat's next poolboy party, arite?

Depriving an injured man of health care that could have saved his life as in the case of Mr.Remassar is in my opinion just plain murder or at least manslaughter.  They could have also allowed the PPP party officials there to take  Mr.Remassar to the hospital if they could not leave their positions to do so.  I cannot see PPP party officals beating up Mr.Remassar futher just to blame the GDF. 

@ wally . . . i am puzzled and disturbed that you choose to post the above non sequitur in 'rebuttal?' to my post on ideological racism re blackman -  particularly the un-clever rationales (e.g., "PNC") defending it offered up by too many Indo-ignoramuses on GNI


whither u . . .?


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

What I do know was Justice Jhappan was a brilliant writer.  I enjoyed reading his writting.



What you don't know is that Justice Dhan Jhappan was afraid of Burnham. What you also don't know is that Forbes attended every day at the Inquiry. He stayed at the back of the room to intimidate Jhappan. I was there everyday, to the end at the inquiry, because of my interest in law. The hearing was held at the building obliquely opposite the Court of Appeal building. 

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

What I do know was Justice Jhappan was a brilliant writer.  I enjoyed reading his writting.



What you don't know is that Justice Dhan Jhappan was afraid of Burnham. What you also don't know is that Forbes attended every day at the Inquiry. He stayed at the back of the room to intimidate Jhappan. I was there everyday, to the end at the inquiry, because of my interest in law. The hearing was held at the building obliquely opposite the Court of Appeal building. 

Well Jhappan was rewarded by Bunham.


Plenty Crulyy were rewarded and got rich under Bunham.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

This stuff is fascinating reading.





This report is why I cannot ever live with a PNC Government.

But them racist like Carib J will not address the East Indian fears as outlined in this report.


Thus these hypocrite have to alway be banished from power.

CaribnJ cannot understand the fear of the East Indians.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

This stuff is fascinating reading.





This report is why I cannot ever live with a PNC Government.

But them racist like Carib J will not address the East Indian fears as outlined in this report.


Thus these hypocrite have to alway be banished from power.

@ kishanB: the REAL TRAGEDY is that fake ass agents of change like u are the PPP ace-in-the-hole


alyuh gon be excusing PPP crime into the 22nd Century (if PPP Guyana still exists) because of Burnham and blackman dem back in de day


"if ONLY PNC would apalagise fuh rigging (unctuously, much wringing of de haan)" . . . alyuh crakadile forever grinning & singing


ROAR on bai

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

This stuff is fascinating reading.





This report is why I cannot ever live with a PNC Government.

But them racist like Carib J will not address the East Indian fears as outlined in this report.


Thus these hypocrite have to alway be banished from power.

@ kishanB: the REAL TRAGEDY is that fake ass agents of change like u are the PPP ace-in-the-hole


alyuh gon be excusing PPP crime into the 22nd Century (if PPP Guyana still exists) because of Burnham and blackman dem back in de day


"if ONLY PNC would apalagise fuh rigging (unctuously, much wringing of de haan)" . . . alyuh crakadile forever grinning & singing


ROAR on bai

Never liked Ravi Dev and never was a member of ROAR since I think Ravi, tarron and all them ROAR boys were RACIST just as equal to Tacoma and Dr Hinds and that other bunch of racist at the other end of the extreme.


I am a Guyanese nationalist.


Wrong is wrong.


PNC rigged and frigged and they must apologise before I can give them any respect.


Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

This stuff is fascinating reading.





This report is why I cannot ever live with a PNC Government.

But them racist like Carib J will not address the East Indian fears as outlined in this report.


Thus these hypocrite have to alway be banished from power.

@ kishanB: the REAL TRAGEDY is that fake ass agents of change like u are the PPP ace-in-the-hole


alyuh gon be excusing PPP crime into the 22nd Century (if PPP Guyana still exists) because of Burnham and blackman dem back in de day


"if ONLY PNC would apalagise fuh rigging (unctuously, much wringing of de haan)" . . . alyuh crakadile forever grinning & singing


ROAR on bai

Never liked Ravi Dev and never was a member of ROAR since I think Ravi, tarron and all them ROAR boys were RACIST just as equal to Tacoma and Dr Hinds and that other bunch of racist at the other end of the extreme.


I am a Guyanese nationalist.


Wrong is wrong.


PNC rigged and frigged and they must apologise before I can give them any respect.


yaaaawwn . . . i take all your wannabe smartman shyte with multiple grains of salt


and btw, i suspect nobody actually cares about you giving them "respect"

Originally Posted by KishanB:

PNC cannot ever win until and unless East Indians like me give them respect.


PUT that in your pipe and smoke it.

banna cut out the race obsessed ignar and live up to the promise of a decent education i know is located somewhere between yuh corked-up ears


this is NOT about the "respect" East Indians like you (a Region 11 denizen, go figure?) 'demand' from PNC as the price of alyuh favor


this is NOT about your personal problems with Jagdeo


It IS about real DEMOCRACY and real institutions of governance being built in Guyana where everyone has a fair shot, Indo, Afro, Amerind, small man, big man . . . not just PPP friends and family, which is tribal and destabilizing by DEFINITION


it IS about REMOVAL of the incumbent tiefman cancer disguised as developmental initiative(s) that is ravaging the country  . . . with only death on the horizon


loudmouth, put THAT in yuh crack pipe and smoke it

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

PNC cannot ever win until and unless East Indians like me give them respect.


PUT that in your pipe and smoke it.

banna cut out the race obsessed ignar and live up to the promise of a decent education i know is located somewhere between yuh corked-up ears


this is NOT about the "respect" East Indians like you (a Region 11 denizen, go figure?) 'demand' from PNC as the price of alyuh favor


this is NOT about your personal problems with Jagdeo


It IS about real DEMOCRACY and real institutions of governance being built in Guyana where everyone has a fair shot, Indo, Afro, Amerind, small man, big man . . . not just PPP friends and family, which is tribal and destabilizing by DEFINITION


it IS about REMOVAL of the incumbent tiefman cancer disguised as developmental initiative(s) that is ravaging the country  . . . with only death on the horizon


loudmouth, put THAT in yuh crack pipe and smoke it

Remember this conversation, the PNC/APNU will lose until and unless they apologise for rigged elections.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

PNC cannot ever win until and unless East Indians like me give them respect.


PUT that in your pipe and smoke it.

banna cut out the race obsessed ignar and live up to the promise of a decent education i know is located somewhere between yuh corked-up ears


this is NOT about the "respect" East Indians like you (a Region 11 denizen, go figure?) 'demand' from PNC as the price of alyuh favor


this is NOT about your personal problems with Jagdeo


It IS about real DEMOCRACY and real institutions of governance being built in Guyana where everyone has a fair shot, Indo, Afro, Amerind, small man, big man . . . not just PPP friends and family, which is tribal and destabilizing by DEFINITION


it IS about REMOVAL of the incumbent tiefman cancer disguised as developmental initiative(s) that is ravaging the country  . . . with only death on the horizon


loudmouth, put THAT in yuh crack pipe and smoke it

Remember this conversation, the PNC/APNU will lose until and unless they apologise for rigged elections.

Furthermore, I have no personal problem with jagdeo, I do not know the man.  I left Guyana too long to give a shyte about Jagdeo.


I am against how he robbed the poor people.


The man never did me anything personal, never deny me bread, never did my family nothing.


So you seem to be shoot rcist unintellectual rubbish as usual.




I cannot fight to remove the PPP until and unless the PNC come clean.


BOTTOM line and it has nothing to do with racism if I say I prefer a tiefman name Jaggy rather than a tief man name Hammie.


Why change one tief for another tief, isn;t it bettet to live with the tief I know rather than try another kind of tief??



Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

PNC cannot ever win until and unless East Indians like me give them respect.


PUT that in your pipe and smoke it.

banna cut out the race obsessed ignar and live up to the promise of a decent education i know is located somewhere between yuh corked-up ears


this is NOT about the "respect" East Indians like you (a Region 11 denizen, go figure?) 'demand' from PNC as the price of alyuh favor


this is NOT about your personal problems with Jagdeo


It IS about real DEMOCRACY and real institutions of governance being built in Guyana where everyone has a fair shot, Indo, Afro, Amerind, small man, big man . . . not just PPP friends and family, which is tribal and destabilizing by DEFINITION


it IS about REMOVAL of the incumbent tiefman cancer disguised as developmental initiative(s) that is ravaging the country  . . . with only death on the horizon


loudmouth, put THAT in yuh crack pipe and smoke it

Remember this conversation, the PNC/APNU will lose until and unless they apologise for rigged elections.

u continue to 'respond' to a scratchy recording in yuh head


a most revealing insight to your conman bullshyte is that u would have us believe that YOU believe the reason APNU/PNC will lose elections is their refusal to "apologise . . ."



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

PNC cannot ever win until and unless East Indians like me give them respect.


PUT that in your pipe and smoke it.

banna cut out the race obsessed ignar and live up to the promise of a decent education i know is located somewhere between yuh corked-up ears


this is NOT about the "respect" East Indians like you (a Region 11 denizen, go figure?) 'demand' from PNC as the price of alyuh favor


this is NOT about your personal problems with Jagdeo


It IS about real DEMOCRACY and real institutions of governance being built in Guyana where everyone has a fair shot, Indo, Afro, Amerind, small man, big man . . . not just PPP friends and family, which is tribal and destabilizing by DEFINITION


it IS about REMOVAL of the incumbent tiefman cancer disguised as developmental initiative(s) that is ravaging the country  . . . with only death on the horizon


loudmouth, put THAT in yuh crack pipe and smoke it

Remember this conversation, the PNC/APNU will lose until and unless they apologise for rigged elections.

u continue to 'respond' to a scratchy recording in yuh head . . .



Ruaway now since you stand busted for your political opportunism, jumping all over the place.  NO POLITICS of consistency, but you are a politician of opportunism.


People like you all will tief if the East indian ever give you all power.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

PNC cannot ever win until and unless East Indians like me give them respect.


PUT that in your pipe and smoke it.

banna cut out the race obsessed ignar and live up to the promise of a decent education i know is located somewhere between yuh corked-up ears


this is NOT about the "respect" East Indians like you (a Region 11 denizen, go figure?) 'demand' from PNC as the price of alyuh favor


this is NOT about your personal problems with Jagdeo


It IS about real DEMOCRACY and real institutions of governance being built in Guyana where everyone has a fair shot, Indo, Afro, Amerind, small man, big man . . . not just PPP friends and family, which is tribal and destabilizing by DEFINITION


it IS about REMOVAL of the incumbent tiefman cancer disguised as developmental initiative(s) that is ravaging the country  . . . with only death on the horizon


loudmouth, put THAT in yuh crack pipe and smoke it

Remember this conversation, the PNC/APNU will lose until and unless they apologise for rigged elections.

u continue to 'respond' to a scratchy recording in yuh head . . .



Ruaway now since you stand busted for your political opportunism, jumping all over the place.  NO POLITICS of consistency, but you are a politician of opportunism.


People like you all will tief if the East indian ever give you all power.

"runway" from a confused lightweight like u . . . where, when?


freudian projection much, hmmm?


like i said earlier . . . a most revealing insight to your conman bullshyte is that u would have us believe that YOU believe the reason APNU/PNC will lose elections is their refusal to "apologise . . ."


anyway, fair is fair . . . empty sloganeering, yugee/conscience style is exactly where the likes of u need to reside rhetorically

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

But them racist like Carib J will not address the East Indian fears as outlined in this report.


Thus these hypocrite have to alway be banished from power.

CaribnJ cannot understand the fear of the East Indians.



My friend, you are obviously an "indo Supremacist" smartman as redux diagnosed you.  You have a battle towards the CURRENT PPP leadership and want to use blacks, just as like those who used them as phantoms.


Using your criteria about who is a racist then you are one because you refuse to see black people as anything other than bullet fodder to be used in your fire rage against the PPP.  Indians must continue to work, make money and do nothing to change Guyana.  Do you know how you embellish the true racists among AfroGuyanese who have exactly this opinion of Indians?


Kishan as of now Africans FEAR the PPP.  Bullets in Linden ensure that, as did the Phantoms who wantonly killed the innocent and the guilty a decade ago.  This in a addition to a nation where the lot of blacks is becoming increasingly limited to being security guards or mercenaries for wealthy Indians. 


Forcing educated blacks to flee to the majority black islands where they tell all about how racist and hostile to blacks Guyana has become.  And I know this because I am told this by Bajans, Antiguans, and Grenadians.  And I have read online comments about this as well.  Indeed at a meeting with Guyanese in Antigua, some one told him exactly that and when a Guyanese journalist reported it in Guyana Jagdeo tried to victimize him.


Yet you dare call me a racist.  Boss man I ACKNOWLEDGE what happened to Indians.  Your rant is that I tell you that Indians are not any better.  You wish I wouldn't but too bad, because I have done this since joining GNI and will NOT stop at this point, because it hurts your Indo-supremacist view of the world.

Last edited by Former Member

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