The fringe says race.
You wanna keep it alive? Be my guest
You kind of setting yourself up for a discussion that will not be nice.
If the PPP wins the rural coastal area, which 99% of most people think that they will, are these people fringe, or merely voting their insecurities?
Do you seriously think that the PPP is going to get only 30% of the vote? And even with that they will win some rural region.
You really think the Indians in Guyana, and especially rural agricultural coastal Guyana, are monolithic and unified in the political party it votes for a particular party, huh?!
You really give credence to their intelligence, eh?!
You really wanna go down that road of speaking for that demographic?
The fringe says race.
You wanna keep it alive? Be my guest
You kind of setting yourself up for a discussion that will not be nice.
If the PPP wins the rural coastal area, which 99% of most people think that they will, are these people fringe, or merely voting their insecurities?
Do you seriously think that the PPP is going to get only 30% of the vote? And even with that they will win some rural region.
You really think the Indians in Guyana, and especially rural agricultural coastal Guyana, are monolithic and unified in the political party it votes for a particular party, huh?!
You really give credence to their intelligence, eh?!
You really wanna go down that road of speaking for that demographic?
When the PNC show their racists "teeth", abie coolie become more "monolithic" than you care to admit.
* Like you don't know how this politics business works.
* First of all you have to MAKE THE LIE BIG.
* And eventually THE PPP MASSES will BELIEVE THE LIE. hahahaha
* You got that Bhai Persaud ?
redux: could someone upload dis waan to social media with a short GNI 'bio' of the esteemed rev . . . just for the home stretch and ting
Here is the PPP record after 23 years:
- Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
- Broken health care system;
- Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
- Poorest country in the hemisphere;
- Most corrupt country in the region;
- Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years
My idrine... what a shame ... what a shame you don't even realize that since you have no integrity and would say and do anything to support the PPP you are actually a most prominent brainwashed.
How can a grown man tell so many bare faced lies? Have you no dignity?
anta bai:
* The Rev is very comfortable with his viewpoints, his way of thinking and his PREJUDICE.
* It is your prerogative anta to judge me in any manner you wish. You are free to label me or define me in the most egregious of ways.
* Of course, you can rest assured that your sentiments or opinions of the Rev will be roundly ignored.
*Come May 11th, the party the Rev supports in Guyana will be victorious and you antabanta will remain who you are---an angry, bitter, and resentful PNC disciple.
Revie Revie Revie... looko story wah you going on wid heah now. You don't have viewpoints my idrine. You are told what to think, say and do. Like dem man wash yuh brain wid Jarvex bai.
Wash what?
* PNC disciples are all charged up. Their expectations are sky high. But on May 11th they will suffer the agony of defeat.
* Moses "I am not Indian" Nagamootoo deeply offended by Norway's decision to pursue a 2nd agreement with Guyana.

LIE NO. 5:
Jagdeo said that one John Silas said to him that Cheddi Jagan never named me as his successor.
John Silas was NOT present at the Lethem meeting.
I am on record as writing Donald Ramotar, in his capacity as PPP General Secretary, that âhe would have known, that upon my return to Georgetown, I was summoned to an emergency Executive Committee meeting at Freedom House.
Party Organiser John Silas, who was not an ExCo member, was invited to the meeting, Comrade Janet demanded that I should explain âwhat happed at Lethem?â
âI related what Comrade Cheddi said, and my reaction to that by suppressing publication of the remarks that I could possibly be a replacement for him at the 1997 elections.
I explained why I had an angry argument with the Organiser [John Silas] for being absent from the meeting, when the microphones broke down; how, when he told me that I had no authority to question him, I chided him for not hearing what Comrade Cheddi had said, and how I added sarcastically âYou could be looking at the next president!ââ
I added in my letter that âComrade Cheddi was within hearing distance in the next room, while that brawl was going onâĶâ.
That matter was never again raised in my presence with (President) Cheddi Jagan.
I was to be at his side until the fatal day that he was flown out from Guyana during February 1997, only to die days later.
He never denied what he had said at Lethem.
End of story.
How soon after the May 11th PPP election victory will there be a nasty and ugly break up between the PNC and AFC ?
"Voters are still angry with the AFC for joining the PNC to contest the election but feel it is a blessing in disguise for the PPP/C.'
More bad news for Dirty PNC Indians. They better take note:
UK's David Cameron re-elected as three rivals resign
Conservative party sweeps to power as three election rivals quit following their disastrous turnout at the polls.
08 May 2015 13:32 GMT | Politics, Europe, United Kingdom, David Cameron
David Cameron has won an unexpected majority in the UK's parliamentary elections, overturning poll predictions and sweeping the Conservatives to power, as three of his election rivals quit following their disastrous turnout at the polls.
The Conservative Party managed to secure 326 seats after 643 constituencies were counted, to the Labour party's 230 seats, and eight for the Liberal Democrat party.
"This is clearly a very strong night for the Conservative Party," Cameron said.
* Moses "I am not Indian" Nagamootoo deeply offended by Norway's decision to pursue a 2nd agreement with Guyana.
All this money goes straight to the cabal not to the people.
Where did the earlier sums go?
The dirtiest of the DIRTY INDIANS
* Many of these maggots harbor a feeling of superiority over the masses of East Indians who are firm supporters of the PPP.
* Many of the DIRTY INDIANS are fairly well educated. Many acquired their degrees at 3rd rate Universities.
* Of course many of the DIRTY INDIANS are slaves---they are trapped in shitty jobs and for the most part they are frustrated professionally.
* But nevertheless, the DIRTY INDIANS despite feeling like LOSERS on the inside---many of these mongrels delude themselves into feeling they are better than the East Indian masses who support the PPP.
* In fact, the DIRTY INDIANS hold PPP East Indian supporters in contempt---they despise and disdain genuine and authentic East Indians.
* May the DIRTY INDIANS forever be frustrated and may they suffer along with their beloved PNC the agony of defeat in every Guyana election for generations to come.
The dirtiest of the DIRTY INDIANS
* Many of these maggots harbor a feeling of superiority over the masses of East Indians who are firm supporters of the PPP.
* Many of the DIRTY INDIANS are fairly well educated. Many acquired their degrees at 3rd rate Universities.
* Of course many of the DIRTY INDIANS are slaves---they are trapped in shitty jobs and for the most part they are frustrated professionally.
* But nevertheless, the DIRTY INDIANS despite feeling like LOSERS on the inside---many of these mongrels delude themselves into feeling they are better than the East Indian masses who support the PPP.
* In fact, the DIRTY INDIANS hold PPP East Indian supporters in contempt---they despise and disdain genuine and authentic East Indians.
* May the DIRTY INDIANS forever be frustrated and may they suffer along with their beloved PNC the agony of defeat in every Guyana election for generations to come.
suh rev, do you really think that what you do is sane or characteristic of a "winner"? . . . antiman wuk s*cking off de rat and he black bais till yuh jaw hutt, and posting race porn on GNI upon dispatch by blackman kwamee
And what of the staged lynching of Granger. Does that reassure Africans or in your world of course Africans don't matter.
Baseman what do you suggest after 2020 when the Indian votes will be significantly outnumber by the non Indian?
suh rev, do you really think that what you do is sane
* The Rev is a keen observer of Guyana politics and his depiction of DIRTY INDIANS above is 99.99% accurate.
* Those loathsome and disgusting maggots, the DIRTY INDIANS, turn their noses up at the masses of East Indians who support the PPP. They feel superior to the masses of East Indians.
* The reality is the majority of the DIRTY INDIANS are 3rd rate intellects who graduated from 3rd rate universities and many are unexceptional and insignificant in their own lives and in their professions.
* Imagine the arrogance and pomposity of those fools, the dirty Indians, believing they are superior to the Indian masses who support the PPP.
It was downright senseless for President Ramotar to campaign in Buxton. The PPP will not gain a single vote from Buxton. It was a waste to time having a rally in that ugly village.
Prezzie getting heckled by the goons in Buxton
* Time would have been better spent in places like Mon Repos, Better Hope, Good Hope, Annandale, etc, ect----that's where the real PPP supporters live
Rev is an antiman, 100%+.
President Donald Ramotar speaks with confidence and authority.
Guyana was once known for rigged elections and economic decay â today we are known for global environmental leadership. The benefits are for all our people and we must not throw them away.â
The PPPC has fixed a country that the opposition destroyed once and âwe will not stand idle and watch them destroy it again,â he asserted.
*(50+1)% of the Guyana electorate will give their upbeat and optimistic leader 5 more years.
It was downright senseless for President Ramotar to campaign in Buxton. The PPP will not gain a single vote from Buxton. It was a waste to time having a rally in that ugly village.
Prezzie getting heckled by the goons in Buxton
* Time would have been better spent in places like Mon Repos, Better Hope, Good Hope, Annandale, etc, ect----that's where the real PPP supporters live
PPP should not waste it's time in Buxton. Let that ugly village rot.
PPP should not waste it's time in Buxton. Let that ugly village rot.
* Instead of wasting time in PNC village Buxton, Ramotar and the PPP should have campaigned in Region 8----they lost region 8 by only 254 votes in 2011.
AFC 995 votes
PPP 741
PNC 739
* Maybe the PPP has surrendered in region 8----but that's foolish---they should have campaigned there instead of wasting time in places like Buxton and Linden.
* That's the face the DIRTY INDIANS want to rule Guyana. It pains those nasty, rotten scoundrels to see the PPP lead Guyana to prosperity. The dirty ones want the Trevor Williams kind to bankrupt and pauperize Guyana.
The PPP/C is desperately chasing the APNU+AFC UNITY Party 52.9% support.
* Incumbents have been on a tear recently---it is nearly impossible for an incumbent to lose an election when his or her country is experiencing positive growth and development.
* BRAZIL--Nov 2014--Incumbent Dilma Rousseff WON.
* ISRAEL--March 2015--Incumbent Netanyahu WON.
* UK--May 2015--Incumbent David Cameron WON.
* GUYANA---Incumbent Ramotar is guaranteed to WIN.
* By the way, GOOD MORNING boys and girls.
In the meanwhile, Moses is flatly rejected in Berbice.
Here is another PNC Afro crowd in Berbice.
Indos are rejecting Moses.
* Incumbents have been on a tear recently---it is nearly impossible for an incumbent to lose an election when his or her country is experiencing positive growth and development.
* BRAZIL--Nov 2014--Incumbent Dilma Rousseff WON.
* ISRAEL--March 2015--Incumbent Netanyahu WON.
* UK--May 2015--Incumbent David Cameron WON.
* GUYANA---Incumbent Ramotar is guaranteed to WIN.
* By the way, GOOD MORNING boys and girls.
Right here in Canada, current Canadian Prime Minister Harper did exactly what Rammo did and prorogued parliament after the opposition tried to bring down his minority government.
He went on to win a majority.
The AFC dunces on GNI do not understand how politics work.
You the chap who never went to school knows how this works?
Is dat right Gold teeth baboo?
Do you know what the inside of a school looks like from the non janitor perspective?
In the meanwhile, Moses is flatly rejected in Berbice.
Here is another PNC Afro crowd in Berbice.
Indos are rejecting Moses.
* Genuine and authentic East Indians will never, ever, ever vote for Moses "I am not Indian" Nagamootoo ?
* It's only the DIRTY ONES who will vote for him---by the way, and many of the dirty Indians live in Demerara---and in region 11(NY) and region 12(Toronto).
In the meanwhile, Moses is flatly rejected in Berbice.
Here is another PNC Afro crowd in Berbice.
Indos are rejecting Moses.
* Genuine and authentic East Indians will never, ever, ever vote for Moses "I am not Indian" Nagamootoo ?
* It's only the DIRTY ONES who will vote for him---by the way, and many of the dirty Indians live in Demerara---and in region 11(NY) and region 12(Toronto).
The dirty one (Dirty Indians) in Regions 11 (NY) and 12 (Toronto) will get a clean wash on May 12th. They will each be handed a cake of salt soap.
You the chap who never went to schoolknows how this works?
ha ha ha ha
* Which school you went to HM_redux ? SUNDAY SCHOOL ?hahahaha
You the chap who never went to schoolknows how this works?
ha ha ha ha
* Which school you went to HM_redux ? SUNDAY SCHOOL ?hahahaha
These AFC chaps are a bunch of jokers. They are disgracing themselves and the AFC on a daily basis.
These AFC chaps are a bunch of jokers. They are disgracing themselves and the AFC on a daily basis.
* Many of those LOSERS are proud of their 3rd rate degrees and 3rd rate intellect and fancy themselves to be superior to the East Indian masses in Guyana.
Donald Ramotar is the Barack Obama of Guyana---a charismatic leader whose 2nd term in office is a fait accompli---a done deed.
* In the meantime Moses "I am not Indian" Nagamootoo is planning his funeral---Moses wants to be buried next to his new hero Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham.hahahahaha
Just like David Cameron can now govern the UK on his own, having won by a majority, Guyana's Donald Ramotar will also be able to rule Guyana on his own after (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate re-elect him on May 11th---that's just 2 days from now.
Just like David Cameron can now govern the UK on his own, having won by a majority, Guyana's Donald Ramotar will also be able to rule Guyana on his own after (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate re-elect him on May 11th---that's just 2 days from now.
PPP/C with a minimum of 52% of the votes on May 11, 2015.
PPP/C with a minimum of 52% of the votes on May 11, 2015.
DG Bhai:
* Anything over 50.1% and Ramotar will rule Guyana all on his own.
* The last 3 years the president has been severely handicapped---the PNC/AFC used their one seat majority in parliament to block numerous projects that would have benefitted Guyana and the Guyanese people.
* But with a guaranteed majority in 2 days time---Ramotar will be large and in charge.
Indeed, Rev ... I am awaiting the culmination on Sunday, May 10, 2015 as the PPP/C again demonstrates its ability to govern Guyana.
Indeed, Rev ... I am awaiting the culmination on Sunday, May 10, 2015 as the PPP/C again demonstrates its ability to govern Guyana.
DG Bhai:
* Everything in life happens for a reason. I believe it was a blessing for Guyana when Moses decided that he and his fellow goons in the PNC/AFC would bring down the PPP via a no confidence vote.
* Ramotar outsmarted Moses and his fellow goons and prorogued parliament---and on May 11th the Guyana electorate will allow Ramotar to rule Guyana all on his own.
RE: REGION 8: As you may recall the PPP lost region 8 by only 254 votes in 2011
*Well, check out the President addressing residents of Region 8 a few days ago. The PPP is determinded to win back region 8 in 2015
In these small settlements where little happens people will show up to occupy themselves with some thing novel.
You do not know which party people will support, or even IF they will vote.
BTW the PPP got 741 in region 8. Only 2500 people voted out of a total population of over 10k. This suggests turn out of less than 50%.
Indeed, Rev ... I am awaiting the culmination on Sunday, May 10, 2015 as the PPP/C again demonstrates its ability to govern Guyana.
DG Bhai:
* Everything in life happens for a reason. I believe it was a blessing for Guyana when Moses decided that he and his fellow goons in the PNC/AFC would bring down the PPP via a no confidence vote.
* Ramotar outsmarted Moses and his fellow goons and prorogued parliament---and on May 11th the Guyana electorate will allow Ramotar to rule Guyana all on his own.
Prorogation of parliament was done properly to allow the opposition parties to discuss issue. They failed to respond, hence the elections for May 11, 2015.
Had parliament been dissolved prior to when it was done, many opposition MPs would have not been qualified to receive a parliamentary pension.
BTW the PPP got 741 in region 8. Only 2500 people voted out of a total population of over 10k. This suggests turn out of less than 50%.
* The PPP had boots on the ground early in region 8. Lots of promises were made. Lots of gifts were given.
I am curious to see the Region 8 results in 2015.
AFC 995 votes
PPP 741
PNC 739
* Let's see how many votes the PPP bought in 2015.
aye reverse how come Jagdeo is always playing black man music before he peddles hate and race baiting?
Why is he not playing
It's probably his lover's choice.
It's probably his lover's choice.
Jagdeo loves to bend over and spread his cheeks for black men. That is the only use he has for them.
OOPS! then I should have said, lovers.
Indeed, Rev ... I am awaiting the culmination on Sunday, May 10, 2015 as the PPP/C again demonstrates its ability to govern Guyana.
DG Bhai:
* Everything in life happens for a reason. I believe it was a blessing for Guyana when Moses decided that he and his fellow goons in the PNC/AFC would bring down the PPP via a no confidence vote.
* Ramotar outsmarted Moses and his fellow goons and prorogued parliament---and on May 11th the Guyana electorate will allow Ramotar to rule Guyana all on his own.
Prorogation of parliament was done properly to allow the opposition parties to discuss issue. They failed to respond, hence the elections for May 11, 2015.
Had parliament been dissolved prior to when it was done, many opposition MPs would have not been qualified to receive a parliamentary pension.
Thanks for finally admitting that the PPP/C puts their personal interests ahead of the interests of the populace or the interests of the Narco Republic of Guyana.
Guyanese voters must forget about race tomorrow and vote based on these examples of the Jagdeo / Ramotar PPPC 23 years of governance or lack thereof. ...
* After tomorrow's (50+1)% victory by incumbent Donald Ramotar he will be ruling Guyana all by himself. Today is the last day the PPP will be a minority government.
Here is the PPP record after 23 years:
- Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
- Broken health care system;
- Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
- Poorest country in the hemisphere;
- Most corrupt country in the region;
- Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state sponsored;
- Broken transportation system;
- Broken electricity system - random and prolonged black outs;
- Broken road works & bridges - crippling the movement of goods and people;
- Broken water and sewage system - no and sometimes unsafe piped water;
- Country in state of dictatorship with the closure of parliament;
- Rolling back of press freedoms with media being threatened;
- Extra judicial killings and disappearances on the rise;
- State sponsored demoralizing of armed services;
These poor souls will suffer the agony of defeat after the results of tomorrow's election are announced.
* Once must admire the loyalty and the faithfulness of afro Guyanese to their beloved PNC.
These poor souls will suffer the agony of defeat after the results of tomorrow's election are announced.
* Once must admire the loyalty and the faithfulness of afro Guyanese to their beloved PNC.
Moses fails once again to attract Indos to a PNC meeting. Moses cork duck.
May 10, 2015 | By KNews | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists
Tomorrow when you cast your ballot for the APNU+AFC Coalition, you âGuyanese citizen, business owner, academic or professional â will be starting the long overdue process to take back what is YOURS. This is the opportunity you have been waiting for to take back your right to decide what works best for you, your family, your community.
You have an inalienable right to choose the people who will form your Neighbourhood and Regional Councils and who will manage the affairs of your communities.
You have the right to work at your chosen trade or profession without being pushed aside and trampled upon at every turn by others who enjoy unbelievable concessions from the PPP/C.
You have the right to receive similar concessions so you could operate in a fair, even business environment, and with a system that does not require you to pay excessive charges to process documents or wait for hours to receive a public service.
You have the right to be properly educated from nursery to university in an education system that provides all that is necessary to ensure that you graduate with a high degree of knowledge to make you employable and fully functional in your own homeland.
You have the right to receive sufficient pension after you have given so many years of service to your country, and medical financial aid from the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) when you need it. The NIS which you contribute to every month was created to help you in difficult circumstances. It certainly was not envisaged that the Scheme would run bankrupt because billions of YOUR dollars were taken away from it and given to the Berbice Bridge Company and other government projects. The Coalition government will reclaim your money through any legitimate means.
You have the constitutional right to work and earn decent wages in your country, not to stand helplessly aside while projects are farmed out to foreign investors who have been allowed to import the labour they need. That the PPP/C government agreed to this, perhaps even demanded it, for the construction of the Marriott-branded Hotel and the GPL expansion project, is tantamount to discrediting the value of Guyanese people. Despite all the tall buildings in the city, the new school buildings (no furniture or teaching aids), despite an improved service from the national electricity grid, and despite the availability of imported products, the average citizen still lives in poverty with little hope for betterment.
The 16% value added tax on every product and service has put them out of reach of many of us.
We have faced open discrimination daily and the so-called PPP/C administration had no problem trampling on our rights to live, to grow and prosper.
Crime has become an industry in Guyana, and our citizens lose their lives, their children, their property, peace of mind as well as their willingness to remain in the country of their birth. But the PPP/C does not care, so long as their pockets are full. NO MORE! Guyana has had enough of this greedy âadministrationâ.
It is time for Guyanese to finally reap the benefits of OUR OWN resources. Our LAND, gold, diamonds, forests and everything they contain, and our AIRWAVES do not belong to the PPP/C to give away to friends, family and foreign companies. THEY BELONG TO US! It was our tax dollars that paid for that fibre-optic cable from Brazil which the government has just given away for free on very questionable terms and conditions. At the beginning they touted this project as a means of opening up (liberalizing) the Telecommunication Sector. Later we were told that the cable was to enhance governmentâs activities and programmes throughout Guyanaâs 83,000 square miles (e-governance) while providing connectivity to people living in inland areas and the hinterland who benefitted from the deceptive One-Laptop-Per-Family giveaway. Five years on, today, the Government is singing a different tune with discordant notes as they try to justify this latest kick in our collective teeth, this new contract with a saw miller and civil works contractor who clearly does not understand why he was hand-picked for this dirty âdealâ. He does not understand the terms of the contract he signed.
Fellow Citizens, we are now standing on a threshold. At the backside are rampant thievery, pettiness, spite and squandering of our resources.
Ahead of us lies a green Guyana, full of prospects for every Guyanese man, woman and child to live as equals in a productive society.
This objective is the main reason why the seven parties that make up the Coalition decided to merge our many resources to finally unify Guyana and all that is in it. Just like you, we want to see our natural resources and the genuine drive of our people work for the benefit of this nation. Unlike the PPP/C, we will not break down and discard the roads and bridges that have been built. The coalition is not against the development of Hydro Power. We firmly believe that we have a responsibility to this nation to utilize the water resources that Guyana is blessed with and join the rest of world in providing renewable energy sources at a cost that is much cheaper than US$800 Million. The Coalition prefers to see the feasibility study on the Amaila Falls with an assessment of the consequences for a hydro station in the months when the falls runs dry. We would also commission a study on possibilities for hydro-powered stations in other sections of the Potaro Basin and Mazaruni Rivers.
The Coalition is not at all against a new international airport, despite what youâve been told. We objected to the plan to construct the new airport with only Chinese labour and at unbelievable prices e.g. G$424,000 for one toilet set. Highly qualified Civil Engineers have estimated a modern airport building at approximately US$40 Million which is US$110 Million LESS than the PPP intended to spend. The Coalition will not approve the construction of a national edifice without the input of Guyanese skills and products, especially not at this time when the unemployment rate is so high. In the same vein, we will undertake an intensive audit to determine why the construction of the one-storeyed No. 51 Village Magistrateâs Courthouse cost the Guyanese tax payer G$46 Million. In any estimation, this building including furniture, plumbing and electrical facilities should not have cost more than G$12 Million. The same goes for the Marriott-branded hotel that the Government claimed cost US$60 Million. Citizens, do not be fooled by the PPP/Câs rank propaganda. They have been making the same election time promises to you for 20 years and you could count the number of those promises that came to life and made your lives better.
THE TIME IS NOW TO CHANGE YOUR FORTUNE. The APNU+AFC Coalition will make it happen!
Granger calls for bloodshed:
âKeep your eyes on these people; they donât dead easy you know, yâall start with funeral announcement, death announcement, they donât dead easy,â he added."
The PPP seems untenable to the electorate
Dear Editor, For reasons best known to themselves, the ruling PPP cabal has not been able to defend its disgraced track record of 22 years. Not only has Jagdeo and Rohee tried to spin their crassness into a political message about race, but they continue their denigrating diatribe against the Opposition leaders, David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo. What could the PPP hope to achieve by this? The widespread public condemnation has clearly harmed the PPPâs image, including its trump card, Prime Ministerial candidate, Elizabeth Harper who has not condemned the vulgar and abusive campaign. Ms. Harperâs only choice is to accept such behavior if she wants to remain as the PM candidate. It seems as though Jagdeo is the PPP Presidential candidate and not Mr. Ramotar who is completely out of the picture in this campaign. Does the PPP believe that he is not a good campaigner? Or is he forced to take a back seat to Jagdeo? You decide! As the campaign winds down, the party opinion polls are showing that many of their supporters have abandoned the PPP for the APNU-AFC Coalition. One of the reasons is that their supporters are fed up with the corruption, crime, vulgarity and the double standards that exist in the PPP which its leaders have refused to address. Two, their supporters are discouraged by their campaign strategy to demonize and malign the leaders of the coalition by not telling the truth. Three, many are angry at the âslap and stripâ remarks made by the Minister of Health, Bheri Ramsaran against Rights Activists Sherlinga Nageer. Four, some of their supporters have realized that the PPP leadership is power drunk and has abandoned their grassroots supporters for their rich friends and that they only cater to themselves. Realizing that their defeat is inevitable, the PPP is subtly trying to change course in the final days of the campaign to avoid more losses and to reduce their diminishing public approval. But some of the PPP strategists are stubborn and will not retreat because they have been so blinded by the partyâs group-think mentality wherein everybody has to think alike and become impervious to dissenting views. This group genuinely believes that the party is winning support. After months of campaigning, the PPP seems highly untenable to most of the electorate. The targeting of David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo through propaganda and distortions of the truth has caused the PPP not to focus and address the core issues affecting the poor and the working class. This strategy was ill-conceived from the start, since it was based on a false premise about race-bait and cuss-down politics and abusive and vulgar behavior. The PPP has not been averse to playing the race card, with Jagdeo and Rohee portraying the leaders of the Coalition as incompetent miss-fits and opportunists who are out for revenge against East Indians if they win the election. At any rate, the PPP leading campaigner, Bharrat Jagdeo has poisoned the political discourse and continues to do so by his vile conduct and specious spins on the facts. The APNU+AFC Coalition, in turn, is addressing bread and butter issues such as the doubling of old age pensions for seniors; a 10 percent across the board increase for workers and a 20 percent increase for the security forces; raising the tax threshold; a higher minimum wage; free university education; a 100 percent reduction in the tolls on the Berbice Bridge; a 2 percent reduction of VAT, a doubling of the price for rice, a 25 percent increase in bonus for sugar workers, a 25 percent reduction in the price for gasoline; and the creation of 25,000 new jobs for youths and those who want to work. These are feasible projects which the Coalition must embark on if it wins the election on May 11. However, the spirited public rejection of the PPP vileness by the leaders of the opposition including Khemraj Ramjattan and Joe Harmon demonstrates that the Coalition will not embrace such low gutter type behavior in this campaign. Save for the diehards in the PPP, no one has voiced support for the bigotry expressed by the fanatics in the regime. This is one of the many good outcomes from the present outrage in the campaign that the citizens of Guyana have demonstrated that they are more decent, deserve much better and are miles ahead of the Freedom House gangsters. They are proud of the APNU+AFC Coalition and they want change. Dr. Asquith Rose
The PPP seems untenable to the electorate
Dear Editor, For reasons best known to themselves, the ruling PPP cabal has not been able to defend its disgraced track record of 22 years. '....
They are proud of the APNU+AFC Coalition and they want change. Dr. Asquith Rose
What happened, he jettison his partner, flour boy?
Granger calls for bloodshed:
âKeep your eyes on these people; they donât dead easy you know, yâall start with funeral announcement, death announcement, they donât dead easy,â he added."
* Who are the"these people" Granger is referring to ?
* Could it be these folks---the genuine and authentic East Indians in Guyana ?
Granger calls for bloodshed:
âKeep your eyes on these people; they donât dead easy you know, yâall start with funeral announcement, death announcement, they donât dead easy,â he added."
* Who are the"these people" Granger is referring to ?
* Could it be these folks---the genuine and authentic East Indians in Guyana ?
Granger has ignited and alerted his "Mo Fiah, Slow Fiah" terror. Granger should apologize for this racist statement.
How can Moses and Ramjattan sit there and allow Granger to call for the Murder of Indos ?
This statement must be condemned. It is totally unacceptable.
Agreed. Moses fails once again to attract Indos to a PNC meeting. Moses cork duck.
For the remainder of his life, that weasel and judas Moses "I am not Indian" Nagamootoo will be perceived as a laughingstock by the genuine and authentic East Indians of Guyana. He will forever be mocked and ridiculed by the East Indian masses. Only his fellow dirty Indians will nuts about him.
Here is the PPP record after 23 years:
- Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
- Broken health care system;
- Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
- Poorest country in the hemisphere;
- Most corrupt country in the region;
- Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state sponsored;
- Broken transportation system;
- Broken electricity system - random and prolonged black outs;
- Broken road works & bridges - crippling the movement of goods and people;
- Broken water and sewage system - no and sometimes unsafe piped water;
- Country in state of dictatorship with the closure of parliament;
- Rolling back of press freedoms with media being threatened;
- Extra judicial killings and disappearances on the rise;
- State sponsored demoralizing of armed services;
Granger calls for bloodshed:
âKeep your eyes on these people; they donât dead easy you know, yâall start with funeral announcement, death announcement, they donât dead easy,â he added."
* Who are the"these people" Granger is referring to ?
* Could it be these folks---the genuine and authentic East Indians in Guyana ?
Granger has ignited and alerted his "Mo Fiah, Slow Fiah" terror. Granger should apologize for this racist statement.
How can Moses and Ramjattan sit there and allow Granger to call for the Murder of Indos ?
This statement must be condemned. It is totally unacceptable.
He probably means scum like yourself who preach hate, I agree throw yall rass to the wayside, you're like bad puss to the nation.
Agreed. Moses fails once again to attract Indos to a PNC meeting. Moses cork duck.
Perhaps, the cork will permanently sink after the results of the May 11, 2015 elections.
Agreed. Moses fails once again to attract Indos to a PNC meeting. Moses cork duck.
Perhaps, the cork will permanently sink after the results of the May 11, 2015 elections.
2020 Indians will be 40% of the vote. If all the PP can do is scream apan jhat then they will lose. In fact they might even lose tomorrow for this reason.
Agreed. Moses fails once again to attract Indos to a PNC meeting. Moses cork duck.
Perhaps, the cork will permanently sink after the results of the May 11, 2015 elections.
2020 Indians will be 40% of the vote. If all the PP can do is scream apan jhat then they will lose. In fact they might even lose tomorrow for this reason.
Caribj, Indians are around 43%, the PPP lost 7% to the AFC in 2011 but scored 49%. Is who made up the gap? Your logic does not hold up against the facts!
Caribj, Indians are around 43%, the PPP lost 7% to the AFC in 2011 but scored 49%. Is who made up the gap? Your logic does not hold up against the facts!
Please explain why the mixed vote grew by 70% when the total population is only up 3%. This will then suggest to you that the voting age population is much more Indian and African than is the overall population. So the Indian and African vote is more than 43% and 30%. It might be as high as 80% adding both together.
Using your thinking, Africans are 30% of the population, not all voting PNC, and yet the PNC is consistent at 41%.
The mixed and the Amerindians split their votes between the PPP and the PNC, and now the AFC. Indications are that the PPP gets less than 1/4 of the mixed vote. In fact even your fellow Indo KKKite puts the mixed vote at only 27% PPP.
Now with the mixed population expanding significantly how does their rejection of the PPP bode well for them. The Amerindian population is smaller and has a lower turn out, so cannot save the PPP from the demise that an expanding mixed vote will cause it.
2020 Indians will be 40% of the vote. If all the PP can do is scream apan jhat then they will lose. In fact they might even lose tomorrow for this reason.
* Even if Indians are only 30% of the vote by 2020, the PPP will still keep winning elections.
* By the way, the Amerindians are close to 10% right now---and growing---the PPP has the Amerindian vote in the bag.
* The PPP has around 27% in the bag right now----the party is working assiduously on improving that percentage.
* You saw the vulgar behavior of that black PNC woman dropping her panties, pissing on the PPP flag and then setting it on fore----decent MIXED people don't want to be identified with such unwashed cretins.
* You can keep harping on the decline of the Indian vote----but rest assured the PPP knows how to win---and they will find a way to keep winning general elections in Guyana for generations to come.
2020 Indians will be 40% of the vote. If all the PP can do is scream apan jhat then they will lose. In fact they might even lose tomorrow for this reason.
* Even if Indians are only 30% of the vote by 2020, the PPP will still keep winning elections.
How do you figure that out. YOUR numbers indicate that 73% of mixed Guyanese and 95% of blacks reject the PPP.
The interior contributes only 6% of the vites, even as it is 11% of the population. Amerindians vote in low numbers, so even if 70% vote PPP, that cannot rescue them from the whipping which will occur. if their main strategy is to scream apan jhat.
How do you figure that out. YOUR numbers indicate that 73% of mixed Guyanese and 95% of blacks reject the PPP.
* The PPP recognizes that the percentage of MIXED races in Guyana is growing strongly.
* In 2011 only 27% of MIXED races voted for the PPP, but the party feels it can make some inroads and attract an additional 10% over the next 5 years--that would bring the support of MIXED races for the PPP to 37%.
* By the way, Ramotar needs to get rid of some of the deadbeats in his cabinet and in parliament. It would be wise for him to start appointing some MIXED breed.
Caribj, Indians are around 43%, the PPP lost 7% to the AFC in 2011 but scored 49%. Is who made up the gap? Your logic does not hold up against the facts!
Please explain why the mixed vote grew by 70% when the total population is only up 3%. This will then suggest to you that the voting age population is much more Indian and African than is the overall population. So the Indian and African vote is more than 43% and 30%. It might be as high as 80% adding both together.
Using your thinking, Africans are 30% of the population, not all voting PNC, and yet the PNC is consistent at 41%.
The mixed and the Amerindians split their votes between the PPP and the PNC, and now the AFC. Indications are that the PPP gets less than 1/4 of the mixed vote. In fact even your fellow Indo KKKite puts the mixed vote at only 27% PPP.
Now with the mixed population expanding significantly how does their rejection of the PPP bode well for them. The Amerindian population is smaller and has a lower turn out, so cannot save the PPP from the demise that an expanding mixed vote will cause it.
Forget about all your WAGs and SWAGs for now. Please tell me, in 2011 Indians were 43%. The PPP lost 7% to the AFC, that leaves 36% to vote PPP of which a few percent will vote PNC. But let's forget that for now. Who were the 13% which gave the PPP 49%?
Caribj, Indians are around 43%, the PPP lost 7% to the AFC in 2011 but scored 49%. Is who made up the gap? Your logic does not hold up against the facts!
Please explain why the mixed vote grew by 70% when the total population is only up 3%. This will then suggest to you that the voting age population is much more Indian and African than is the overall population. So the Indian and African vote is more than 43% and 30%. It might be as high as 80% adding both together.
Using your thinking, Africans are 30% of the population, not all voting PNC, and yet the PNC is consistent at 41%.
The mixed and the Amerindians split their votes between the PPP and the PNC, and now the AFC. Indications are that the PPP gets less than 1/4 of the mixed vote. In fact even your fellow Indo KKKite puts the mixed vote at only 27% PPP.
Now with the mixed population expanding significantly how does their rejection of the PPP bode well for them. The Amerindian population is smaller and has a lower turn out, so cannot save the PPP from the demise that an expanding mixed vote will cause it.
Forget about all your WAGs and SWAGs for now. Please tell me, in 2011 Indians were 43%. The PPP lost 7% to the AFC, that leaves 36% to vote PPP of which a few percent will vote PNC. But let's forget that for now. Who were the 13% which gave the PPP 49%?
The PPP tief it.
How do you figure that out. YOUR numbers indicate that 73% of mixed Guyanese and 95% of blacks reject the PPP.
* The PPP recognizes that the percentage of MIXED races in Guyana is growing strongly.
* In 2011 only 27% of MIXED races voted for the PPP, but the party feels it can make some inroads and attract an additional 10% over the next 5 years--that would bring the support of MIXED races for the PPP to 37%.
* By the way, Ramotar needs to get rid of some of the deadbeats in his cabinet and in parliament. It would be wise for him to start appointing some MIXED breed.
The problem with the PPP is that they think that they can sit down in a room and that people are foolish and will bend to their wishes. I remember the same babble last election.
Results in and blacks and mixed voters soundly rejected the PPP.
Ramotar could have gotten rid of the dead beats BEFORE the election but didn't. He could have run Guyana in a more ethnically inclusive manner, but elected not to.
Note to you. Most mixed people are close to their black families, so you will not get them unless you get blacks.
2020 Indians will be 40% of the vote. If all the PP can do is scream apan jhat then they will lose. In fact they might even lose tomorrow for this reason.
* Even if Indians are only 30% of the vote by 2020, the PPP will still keep winning elections.
How do you figure that out. YOUR numbers indicate that 73% of mixed Guyanese and 95% of blacks reject the PPP.
The interior contributes only 6% of the vites, even as it is 11% of the population. Amerindians vote in low numbers, so even if 70% vote PPP, that cannot rescue them from the whipping which will occur. if their main strategy is to scream apan jhat.
Caribj, you talking as if there is only one moving part, that today is accretive to tomorrow. I can tell you, the day the majority race edge is not a factor, you will see the emergence of different politics in Guyana. When the Blacks don't worry about losing due to numbers, they themselves will demand better governance from the PNC. I am also almost certain, the PNC will not be able to convince the GDF top brass to intervene and save their hides. This will also create a sea-change in the Indian voting pattern. All political parties, PNC, PPP, will have to conjure new models to win the electorate.
The PNC got 41%. Africans are 30% and 10% didn't vote PNC. So 30% of the votes that the PNC received came from sources other than Africans.
Obviously mixed and Amerindians have to split their votes between the PPP, PNC and the AFC.
TK had a survey (LAPOP) which indicated that 93% of blacks and 78% of mixed people voted against the PPP. The Amerindians gave the PPP 66% of their votes.
This survey was part of an overall one which studied the political attitudes of people throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, and so has credibility.
Now answer this question.
How did the mixed population increase by 70% in the past 20 years when the overall population only increased by 3%. Your answer to that question will then suggest as to whether it is possible for the population over 18 to be ethnically the same as that under 18. This will then indicate whether the Indian % of the voting age population is the same as the overall population.
I look forward to your response.
Caribj, you talking as if there is only one moving part, that today is accretive to tomorrow. I can tell you, the day the majority race edge is not a factor, you will see the emergence of different politics in Guyana. When the Blacks don't worry about losing due to numbers, they themselves will demand better governance from the PNC. I am also almost certain, the PNC will not be able to convince the GDF top brass to intervene and save their hides. This will also create a sea-change in the Indian voting pattern. All political parties, PNC, PPP, will have to conjure new models to win the electorate.
APNU will have a problem with blacks once they win an election and fail to deliver. This is actually why you should support an APNU AFC victory. If 5 years from now the situation of blacks hasn't improved it will be APNU and not the PPP which will get the blame.
But continue to foist the PPP on them, with their hostile and anti black attitudes and the PNC will get support that they don't deserve.
The APNU AFC coalition gov't will change Guyana in many ways, but dinosaurs like you are too caught up in the failed ethnic competition model that you prefer the PPP.
If the PPP wins 5 years from now you will be screaming the same, this after black and mixed people, even more enraged at 5 more years of racist PPP rule, and sensing less of a need to split the Indian vote, might be less willing to compromise than they are now.
Rev, your PPP/C is on life support. APNU+AFC is only party for National Unity.
Rev, your PPP/C is on life support. APNU+AFC is only party for National Unity.
from Nehru
Nandalall and Bheri both should have been fired on the spot. Ramotar would not have lost some East Indian votes.....but then came the Bobby Ramroop, any redeeming quality to attract those to "come back home" as Baseman so delicately put it?
The Rev will briefly explain why the APNU + AFC Coalition failed
* You see folks, the APNU + AFC coalition was always a MASK.
* Actually,in life every FALSEHOOD is a MASK.
* And no doubt about it---APNU + AFC was a FALSEHOOD----therefore the coalition was a MASK.
* Now! With any MASK---no matter how well it fits---all it takes is a little examination to reveal the true face.
* Coming back to the APNU + AFC coalition---all it took was a little examination by the Guyanese voters---and the true face of the APNU + AFC coalition was revealed----they were really the PNC.
*And once the Guyanese electorate understood that APNU + AFC was a MASK hiding the PNC---(50+1)% made the wise decision to re-elect incumbent Donald Ramotar.
* How many of you understand what I just wrote ? Only the PPP supporters would.
More..... from Nehru
* You can post images of happy and excited afro PNC supporters from now until thy kingdom come, but the reality is the Guyana electorate have made up their minds and incumbent Ramotar will be re-elected by a majority.
* The breakup between Moses and the PNC will be nasty and ugly. It will be a joy to watch.
* You can bet there will be lots of finger pointing.
* Remember, Moses promised the 40% PNC that he will deliver 11% East Indian votes----then they found out Moses was not East Indian.hahaha
* Hope the PNC doesn't do to Dirty Moses what they did to Vincent Teekah in 1979.
The PNC is quite a dangerous party. Let us pray that the PNC does not give Moses the Vincent Teekah treatment.
Word is that Granger and the PNC top brass was upset as Moses was holding up and hugging up them Black Women.
Interesting times ahead.
The Rev will briefly explain why the APNU + AFC Coalition failed
* .
Now what would you do if Tuesday morning brings news of the PPPs defeat?
Keep repeating that to yourself gold teeth you need to keep reinforcing that to yourself.
Very important. PPP and PNC are actually 2 very similar animals...
Now what would you doif Tuesday morning brings news of the PPPs defeat?
* Another of your favorite "IF"
* Go back and read the title of this thread---a PPP win is 100% guaranteed.
* Lemme throw the question back to you Will you congratulate Donald Ramotar when he is re-elected President by a majority of the Guyana electorate ?
Bob Marley's ONE LOVE---The PPP victory celebration song.
One love, one heart
Let's get together and feel all right