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Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Rev:

President Ramotar Asks Guyanese To Help The PPP/Civic Win Their Biggest Victory Ever




* What is the biggest percentage victory the PPP has ever achieved in a general election in Guyana ? And what year was that ?


* Maybe I should post that question in gilbakka's "lemme tickle allyuh brain" thread in social---there are some real sharp people who post there.


* Folks like yuji and baseman are already predicting a 54% win for the PPP---they'll have to do slightly better to have their biggest victory ever.



Django: 10 days before election i will post my percentage,

if i lose will quit Political and stay with Gilly



Django Bhai:


* You'll likely be making a wise choice posting in social only---Gilbakka's thread is the best I have read on GNI---and folks like you, Riya, Anjali, etc are doing a great job solving gilly's puzzles.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Here is my 'guestimate'... PNC will get around 40%, AFC 2%, Others 5%, PPP 53%.


* The PPP received 53% of the votes in 2001; the PNC 41.8%


* The PPP received 53.5% of the votes in 1992; the PNC 42.3%


* So your guesstimate may very well be spot on.



I think PPP 54%, PNC 41%, AFC 3%, others 2%.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Here is my 'guestimate'... PNC will get around 40%, AFC 2%, Others 5%, PPP 53%.


* The PPP received 53% of the votes in 2001; the PNC 41.8%


* The PPP received 53.5% of the votes in 1992; the PNC 42.3%


* So your guesstimate may very well be spot on.



I think PPP 54%, PNC 41%, AFC 3%, others 2%.


I hate to seem nit picky but this is important as the election is between PPP/C and the combined Opposition APNU+AFC.


A few weeks ago, it was conventional wisdom that a Coalition between APNU and AFC would devastate AFC. There are strong indications that conventional wisdom is being shattered here.


The PPP instead of just trying to regain the Berbice Indians (which they have to some measure been able to do) now have to worry about the Essequibo Indians and the Demerara Indians. Quell one rebellion of Indians and more spring up in other places.




* The PPP/C is definitely holding on to the 48.6% who voted for them in 2011. That's a good start.


* The PPP/C adopted a BOOTS ON THE GROUND campaign strategy going into the 2015 election---they have reached out to the masses---personal interaction---and this strategy is paying dividends---East Indians who stayed away from the polling booth in 2011 because they felt they were taken for granted by the PPP are now inspired and motivated to vote for the party in 2015.


* 48.6% + Motivated East Indians = (50+1)% guaranteed.


* We must not forget that the Amerindians are now a solid voting block for the PPP.




* There are simply not enough afro Guyanese or DIRTY INDIANS to win a general election for the 40% PNC party.


* Come May 11th, it's a done deal, the PPP are guaranteed to win (50+1)% of the votes.




The Amerindian Voters In Guyana today are pure, twenty four carat gold for the PPP.


Exuberant Mabaruma residents escort President Donald Ramotar to the meeting site


* The Amerindian numbers are growing in Guyana. They are now over 10% of the overall population and like the genuine and authentic East Indians, the Amerindians have become loyal, faithful dependable and trustworthy supporters of the PPP.



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This is a close election but the PPP going down.  


ha ha ha ha ha


* Keep on day dreaming!


* Reality will smack you in the face on May 11th.


* By the way, President Ramotar has asked the Guyanese people to give his party their biggest victory ever.


* Previously the biggest percentage win the PPP achieved in a general election was 55.3% back in 1997; the PNC received 40.5% in that election.






The firm, no-nonsense Donald Ramotar fires the vulgar and boorish misogynist Bheri Ramsaran and appoints a woman as acting Minister of Health.




His Excellency President Donald Ramotar has named Dr Jennifer Westford to act as the Minister of Health.


Minister Bheri Ramsaran has since been relieved of his Ministerial duties following a meeting with the President.

The President reiterates his outrage at the verbal outbursts and insults uttered by the Minister recently.


* President Ramotar has demonstrated leadership and decisiveness in dealing with his wayward Health Minister.


* Bheri Bheri is now free to hook up with Moses and the PNC.



Originally Posted by Rev:


* The PPP/C adopted a BOOTS ON THE GROUND campaign strategy going into the 2015 election---they have reached out to the masses---personal interaction---and this strategy is paying dividends---East Indians who stayed away from the polling booth in 2011 because they felt they were taken for granted by the PPP are now inspired and motivated to vote for the party in 2015.


* 48.6% + Motivated East Indians = (50+1)% guaranteed.


* We must not forget that the Amerindians are now a solid voting block for the PPP.




* There are simply not enough afro Guyanese or DIRTY INDIANS to win a general election for the 40% PNC party.


* Come May 11th, it's a done deal, the PPP are guaranteed to win (50+1)% of the votes.



Dirty Indians 10%+Africans 32%+ Mixed 10%= more than 50%.


Only 6% of the votes come from the interior, and not all of these votes are Amerindian.  Amerindian PPP votes are at most 4%.


And the PPP does not own the interior vote either.


The PPP will get more than a slight majority.   Indians know for sure that if they vote for the alliance, they are voting for the PNC.  Granger knows that Moses cannot be trusted and he also knows what Moses did to the PNC when Moses tried to show cheddi that he was a revolutionary, kicking the PNC's ass every time he sees fit.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by simple:

The PPP/C recognized it's mistake in 2011 and have made adjustments/corrections to amend those errors . . .

translation: the PPP rigging apparatus, 3 years in preparation, will leave nothing to chance this time


we are fully aware . . .

The PPP corrected their mistakes and that is what defines them. They have integrity, truthfulness and honesty.  The PPP is a party with great concerns for the poorer people and did everything in their power to bring them out of poverty.  


The PNC is 100% guaranteed to remain a 40 percent party after the 2015 elections.


* And forget about Dirty Moses and his fellow DIRTY INDIANS---the PPP will forever mentally torture these LOSERS.


* GNIers like caribny and shitaan are free to fantasize or intellectualize about a PPP defeat. It is their prerogative.




* The blessed PPP will rule Guyana for generations to come.







Originally Posted by Rev:

The PNC is 100% guaranteed to remain a 40 percent party after the 2015 elections.


* And forget about Dirty Moses and his fellow DIRTY INDIANS---the PPP will forever mentally torture these LOSERS.


* GNIers like caribny and shitaan are free to fantasize or intellectualize about a PPP defeat. It is their prerogative.




* The blessed PPP will rule Guyana for generations to come.







Will talk to you on May 12th.  After the airport is mobbed by all those PPPites trying to escape the jail that Nigel Hughes has ready for them.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Will talk to you on May 12th.  After the airport is mobbed by all those PPPites trying to escape the jail that Nigel Hughes has ready for them.




* Check out the percentages the PNC has pulled in the 5 elections since 1992:


1992: PNC 42.3%

1997: PNC 40.5%

2001: PNC 41.8%

2006: PNC 34.0%

2011: PNC 40.8%


* ADMIRE THOSE PNC PERCENTAGES CARIB BAI----your beloved PNC will forever be a 40% party.


* But you, shitaan and the other blabbermouths on GNI are free to hope and wish and fantasize about a PNC victory.




*No way in hell a Dirty Indian like stale bread Moses will catalyze the PNC from a 40% party to a 50% party. That's a hopeless impossibility.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Will talk to you on May 12th.  After the airport is mobbed by all those PPPites trying to escape the jail that Nigel Hughes has ready for them.




* Check out the percentages the PNC has pulled in the 5 elections since 1992:


1992: PNC 42.3%

1997: PNC 40.5%

2001: PNC 41.8%

2006: PNC 34.0%

2011: PNC 40.8%


* ADMIRE THOSE PNC PERCENTAGES CARIB BAI----your beloved PNC will forever be a 40% party.


* But you, shitaan and the other blabbermouths on GNI are free to hope and wish and fantasize about a PNC victory.




*No way in hell a Dirty Indian like stale bread Moses will catalyze the PNC from a 40% party to a 50% party. That's a hopeless impossibility.





With Obama it was dirty negro...that changed as you ramp up our bullshi.t for the PPP to "dirty negro indians"...criticism caused you to pull that back to "Dirty Indians" but it all reduces to what kind of fellow you are. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

With Obama it was dirty negro...that changed as you ramp up our bullshi.t for the PPP to "dirty negro indians"...criticism caused you to pull that back to "Dirty Indians" but it all reduces to what kind of fellow you are. 


Stormy bai:


* Don't worry yourself about what kind of fellow the Rev is. Concern yourself about how you and your fellow PPP haters on GNI will cope with another 5 years of the PPP leading Guyana to greater progress and prosperity.


* By the way stormy, enjoy your summer vacation to the Seychelles or is it Tahiti ? I see you are becoming a global traveller and adventurer like the Rev.


* Have fun on your adventure---are you taking the wife or the mistress ?LOL



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* The PPP/C is definitely holding on to the 48.6% who voted for them in 2011. That's a good start.


* The PPP/C adopted a BOOTS ON THE GROUND campaign strategy going into the 2015 election---they have reached out to the masses---personal interaction---and this strategy is paying dividends---East Indians who stayed away from the polling booth in 2011 because they felt they were taken for granted by the PPP are now inspired and motivated to vote for the party in 2015.


* 48.6% + Motivated East Indians = (50+1)% guaranteed.


* We must not forget that the Amerindians are now a solid voting block for the PPP.




* There are simply not enough afro Guyanese or DIRTY INDIANS to win a general election for the 40% PNC party.


* Come May 11th, it's a done deal, the PPP are guaranteed to win (50+1)% of the votes.



Rev man suddenly became religious. He's doing a lot of praying with his "Motivated Indians" variable plus he's taken the 48.6% dogma as faith.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is such a potent message and hits it on the head.

If a teacher in Guyana makes US$350 and one in Barbados makes US$2,000 what do you expect her to do?  In fact she can make US$600 in Barbados as a baby sitter.


We have the same problem with nurses.  Guyana has a double brain drain.  One to North America, and a second to the Caribbean, where we replace others also migrating to North America.




* While genuine and authentic East Indians will be proudly celebrating Indian Arrival Day in Guyana on May 5th, the dirtiest of the DIRTY INDIANS, Moses Nagamootoo will be preaching this:



* Thankfully all the messages from the DIRTY ones will be roundly ignored by(50+1)% of the Guyana electorate on May 11th.



Originally Posted by Rev:



* While genuine and authentic East Indians will be proudly celebrating Indian Arrival Day in Guyana on May 5th, the dirtiest of the DIRTY INDIANS, Moses Nagamootoo will be preaching this:



* Thankfully all the messages from the DIRTY ones will be roundly ignored by(50+1)% of the Guyana electorate on May 11th.



what is there to celebrate rev the ppp indians disgrace their ancestors,maybe you should put a mala on kwame and call him a chatree  

Originally Posted by warrior:

what is there to celebrate rev


* 90% of East Indians in Guyana, these are the genuine and authentic East Indians, are extremely gratified and contented with the immense progress East Indians have made in Guyana under the PPP.


* On the other hand there is a small minoriy of East Indians in Guyana, less than 10%, who are depressed and unhappy. These are the DIRTY INDIANS. These dirty souls will never be satisfied until the PNC rules Guyana.


* May the DIRTY INDIANS remain mentally tortured and may they forever he unhappy and discontented.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by warrior:

what is there to celebrate rev


* 90% of East Indians in Guyana, these are the genuine and authentic East Indians, are extremely gratified and contented with the immense progress East Indians have made in Guyana under the PPP.


* On the other hand there is a small minoriy of East Indians in Guyana, less than 10%, who are depressed and unhappy. These are the DIRTY INDIANS. These dirty souls will never be satisfied until the PNC rules Guyana.


* May the DIRTY INDIANS remain mentally tortured and may they forever he unhappy and discontented.



DIRTY INDIANS,with honor 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by warrior:

what is there to celebrate rev


* 90% of East Indians in Guyana,


So we both admit that 10% of Indians are "dirty".  Now add up these Indians plus Africans and mixed people and convince yourself that this is less than 50%.


Don't look to Amerindians to save you as last time, out of a total of 20,300 votes, the PPP only captured 10,600.  Likely that any increase in votes will go to APNU AFC.  Last time they only began to campaign in those areas at the last minute.  They have spent more time in those locations since then.


You see scaring "genuine East Indians" no longer guarantees victory because they aren't enough of them left.

Last edited by Former Member

I must admit---Afro Guyanese are fired up---they are hellbent on voting for their beloved PNC on May 11th. Sadly for these poor souls, their PNC party will remain a 40% party.



* There is zero genuine and authentic East Indians in that crowd---that's understandable. But where are the DIRTY INDIANS ? Surely there must be a dozen or so who will be voting for DIRTY MOSES.


* Does the Rev needs glasses ? Has anyone spot a DIRTY INDIAN in that crowd ?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

I must admit---Afro Guyanese are fired up---they are hellbent on voting for their beloved PNC on May 11th. Sadly for these poor souls, their PNC party will remain a 40% party.



* There is zero genuine and authentic East Indians in that crowd---that's understandable. But where are the DIRTY INDIANS ? Surely there must be a dozen or so who will be voting for DIRTY MOSES.


* Does the Rev needs glasses ? Has anyone spot a DIRTY INDIAN in that crowd ?



You doan need glasses, you need a 2x4 take care of you dumb rass for talkin sheer shit, you goddam filthy indian skun..

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

You doan need glasses...


* Glad to know the Rev don't need glasses. I guess you also could not spot a DIRTY INDIAN.




* How will the 40% PNC party ever get to 50% without East Indians ?


* DIRTY MOSES promised Granger and the PNC 11% East Indians ---that scoundrel lied big time.



Originally Posted by Rev:



Why is Mitwah allowed to spam this thread. Those photos he posted above were posted a number of times in another thread.




Most Reverend Antiman,


You are absolutely guilty of the same thing. You've been spamming us with the same montonous shyte since your return.


Ironically, it's supporters like you who will cost the PPP this election and are keeping it polling in the high 40s but never the 50s.


You with your incredible attacks on fellow Indians for daring to question the PPP.


Lemme tell you something chap, Indians are ABOVE the PPP not below it. Indians made the PPP and can destroy it when it no longer serves a purpose.


Anyone who reads your posts could be forgiven for thinking that you're a PNC plant here on GNI just to make the PPP look bad. A loud mouth low class chammar/never see come to see Antiman with a dildo obsession. I really really wish you weren't Indian. You're an embarrassment chap!


RE: Lemme tell you something chap, Indians are ABOVE the PPP not below it. Indians made the PPP and can destroy it when it no longer serves a purpose.


Yesssss, tell it like it is.




RE: Anyone who reads your posts could be forgiven for thinking that you're a PNC plant here on GNI just to make the PPP look bad. A loud mouth low class chammar/never see come to see Antiman with a dildo obsession. I really really wish you weren't Indian. You're an embarrassment chap!



Just plain ole yesssss. 




* The Rev appreciates your taking the time to contribute to his thread.


* You obviously vehemently disagree with the Rev's perspective and his way of thinking. But that is your right! You are entitled to your point of view and the Rev harbors no ill will or animosity against you.


* On May 11th Shitaan, your beloved PNC will be defeated by the PPP. Hope your agony and torment doesn't depress you for too long a time.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* The Rev appreciates your taking the time to contribute to his thread.


* You obviously vehemently disagree with the Rev's perspective and his way of thinking. But that is your right! You are entitled to your point of view and the Rev harbors no ill will or animosity against you.


* On May 11th Shitaan, your beloved PNC will be defeated by the PPP. Hope your agony and torment doesn't depress you for too long a time.




Most Reverend Antiman,


I don't care about you and your dildo opinions. They mean nothing to me.


This is an online community and we have many "Dirty Indians" and them "Dirty Indians" have a right to not be attacked and have their freedoms interfered with by an anonymous Antiman.


P.S.....You won't believe me chap.....but this is a promise. You use the fu*king term "Dirty Indian" one more time on this forum, I PROMISE you that you will live to regret it. I will make sure that you are investigated, exposed, and ruined OFFLINE. That's a promise chap! I tend to keep them kinda promises.--Farouk Samaroo

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S.....You won't believe me chap.....but this is a promise. You use the fu*king term "Dirty Indian" one more time on this forum, I PROMISE you that you will live to regret it. I will make sure that you are investigated, exposed, and ruined OFFLINE. That's a promise chap! I tend to keep them kinda promises.--Farouk Samaroo




* Poor shitaan! It is patently obvious that he can sense the defeat of his beloved PNC and so his has resorted to threatening the Rev.


* Shitaan has spent a lot of his time on this forum intellectualizing a PPP defeat. But it is now crystal clear that shitaan was dead wrong in his logic and his deliberations.


* And so poor shitaan, a proven political loser in New York, is a deeply frustrated young man.


* The Rev forgives you shitaan bai---don't bust a blood vessel---and please take your PTSD medication.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

P.S.....You won't believe me chap.....but this is a promise. You use the fu*king term "Dirty Indian" one more time on this forum, I PROMISE you that you will live to regret it. I will make sure that you are investigated, exposed, and ruined OFFLINE. That's a promise chap! I tend to keep them kinda promises.--Farouk Samaroo




* Poor shitaan! It is patently obvious that he can sense the defeat of his beloved PNC and so his has resorted to threatening the Rev.


* Shitaan has spent a lot of his time on this forum intellectualizing a PPP defeat. But it is now crystal clear that shitaan was dead wrong in his logic and his deliberations.


* And so poor shitaan, a proven political loser in New York, is a deeply frustrated young man.


* The Rev forgives you shitaan bai---don't bust a blood vessel---and please take your PTSD medication.



You are a scumbag.


Oi Councie, what are the Government's plans to take care of these folk, or are their lives not considered a priority?


I should ask what is the Government's vision for plastic city but I know the answer....lots of water,, lots of old wood nailed to other old wood calling it a house, lots of sickness from filthy water...oooohhhh what a vision.

Last edited by cain

Oiiii Councie, I notice this banna can't show his face, how come man?


Have you read from 0:14...I'll tell you want it reads..Identity disguised for fear of PPP victimization.


Councieman, these are the people who probably voted for your scuzzy party but guess what happening this time around after all dem promises for years to these people dem? Keep on guessing councie and I hope you preparing a new resume, one that has lots of lies because there's no way you can say you were Lord Councieman of OP and expect to be treated well,know what ah mean?


The savage and brutal PNC would do to Dirty Moses what they did to Vincent Teekah back in October 1979



* Sita Nagamootoo must thank Mother Laxshmi the PPP will win the May 11th election or else she would have been likely widowed like Jean Teekah. The PNC will always be brutal and murderous. That evil party must never, ever rule Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev:

The savage and brutal PNC would do to Dirty Moses what they did to Vincent Teekah back in October 1979



* Sita Nagamootoo must thank Mother Laxshmi the PPP will win the May 11th election or else she would have been likely widowed like Jean Teekah. The PNC will always be brutal and murderous. That evil party must never, ever rule Guyana.



Rev,you need to wiggle from the Butterfly Emerging From Cocoonthis is 2015.



Originally Posted by yuji22:



I took a magnifying glass and I cannot see Dirty Indians there.


The PNC and their few Dirty Indians peak at 40 Percent.


They can daydream all they want, but Guyanese will elect a Civilized PPP. Guyana will never vote for a racist, dirty and Uncivilized PNC.


PNC crabdawgs cannot even run a cakeshop and they want to run a country.


PPP will win a comfortable 53 Percent much to the disappointment of PNC and their Dirty Indians.



yuji Bhai:


* Unlike the Rev you have a 100% record in your election predictions. I recall you were a fervent and zealous supporter of America's first black president, Barack Hussein Obama. Glad to know you are 100% confident in a PPP victory.


* Anyway yuji, you are dead right. The evil and depraved PNC must never rule Guyana again.


* The dirtiest of the DIRTY INDIANS, Moses Nagamootoo, is trying his utmost to help elect his beloved PNC, but that wicked megalomaniac is guaranteed to fail.


* Come May 11th,  (50+1)% of the Guyanese people will re-elect the PPP.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



I took a magnifying glass and I cannot see Dirty Indians there.


The PNC and their few Dirty Indians peak at 40 Percent.


They can daydream all they want, but Guyanese will elect a Civilized PPP. Guyana will never vote for a racist, dirty and Uncivilized PNC.


PNC crabdawgs cannot even run a cakeshop and they want to run a country.


PPP will win a comfortable 53 Percent much to the disappointment of PNC and their Dirty Indians.



yuji Bhai:


* Unlike the Rev you have a 100% record in your election predictions. I recall you were a fervent and zealous supporter of America's first black president, Barack Hussein Obama.


* Anyway yuji, you are 100% correct. The evil and depraved PNC must never rule Guyana again.


* The dirtiest of the DIRTY INDIANS, Moses Nagamootoo, is trying his utmost to help elect his beloved PNC, but that wicked megalomaniac is guaranteed to fail.


* Come May 11th,  (50+1)% of the Guyanese people will re-elect the PPP.



* Come May 11th,  (50+1)% of the Guyanese people will re-elect the PPP.APNU/AFC 


Originally Posted by Rev:

The savage and brutal PNC would do to Dirty Moses what they did to Vincent Teekah back in October 1979



* Sita Nagamootoo must thank Mother Laxshmi the PPP will win the May 11th election or else she would have been likely widowed like Jean Teekah. The PNC will always be brutal and murderous. That evil party must never, ever rule Guyana.



Admin, this is a direct threat by the Rev to Moses.

Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Rev:


Thank you! Now when I publish your name, address, employment, and other personal details on GNI sometime in the future, you won't be surprised.




* Shitty bai yuh taking this PNC defeat too personally.


* You need to take a break from GNI after your beloved PNC suffers a 6th consecutive election defeat.


* Borrow a page from the Rev---I was away from GNI for nearly 6 months---went on a wonderful adventure---will be gone again in a few months.


* I have just been back on GNI for 2 weeks and have already managed to send your blood pressure into the stratosphere.


* Life is too short to be angry and bitter shitty bai.






1968: PNC 55.8%; PPP 36.5%

1973: PNC 70.1%; PPP 29.6%

1980: PNC 77.7%; PPP 19.5%

1985: PNC 78.5%; PPP 15.8%




* The first election the PNC rigged was back in 1968---they gave themselves only 55.8% of the votes.


* But check the percentage of votes they gifted themselves in the next 3 elections----70+%


* The PNC's rigging was brazen and flagrant.


* Now folks! This is the same PNC that Moses Nagamootoo wants to return to power.


* Moses Nagamootoo is an evil, wicked scoundrel. But don't worry, KARMA will deal with him.




True history, but what has that got to do with Guyana 2015?


Do you know what is Guyana 2015? Corruption heist of State assets), insult (Jagdeo's pension n mansion; Nandalall and Bheri's and Jagdeo's Babu John's incendiary language), a moribund export economy, an anachronistic race-fear, outsourced "law and order" resulting in extra-judicial killings; etc.


that, is Guyana 2015. That Burnham rigging is so last century-ish, my dinosaur.

Originally Posted by Kari:

True history, but what has that got to do with Guyana 2015?



* It was Voltaire who said, "History never repeats itself. Man always does."


* (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate know that the PNC must never be trusted to rule Guyana again.


* There is an old Guyanese saying,"dog puppy can't stop sucking egg."


* Those words of wisdom apply to the PNC. If they were to miraculously return to power, then we'd see the rigged elections we saw in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985.


* Once again, "History never repeats itself. Man always does." Voltaire was dead right. Guyanese must never trust those brazen and shameless riggers, the PNC.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:

True history, but what has that got to do with Guyana 2015?



* It was Voltaire who said, "History never repeats itself. Man always does."


* (50+1)% of the Guyana electorate know that the PNC must never be trusted to rule Guyana again.


* There is an old Guyanese saying,"dog puppy can't stop sucking egg."


* Those words of wisdom apply to the PNC. If they were to miraculously return to power, then we'd see the rigged elections we saw in 1968, 1973, 1980 and 1985.


* Once again, "History never repeats itself. Man always does." Voltaire was dead right. Guyanese must never trust those brazen and shameless riggers, the PNC.





I see you're using parenthesis now






* We all know the PNC received 40.8% of the votes in 2011.


* Now! Let's make some assumptions. Let's assume the ethnic breakdown of the 342,236 voters in the 2011 elections was the following:


42% East Indians

32% Blacks

18% Mixed and others

 8% Amerindians




* Given the assumption above here is how the various ethnic groups voted for the PNC.


88% blacks voted for the PNC in 2011

60% Mixed voted for the PNC in 2011

14% Amerindians voted for the PNC in 2011

 2% East Indians voted for the PNC in 2011


* Add all that up and you arrive at the PNC receiving 40.8% of the votes in 2011.


* What do you folks say ? Looks like the PNC will forever be a 40% party---they couldn't even pull 90% of the black votes.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I see you're using parenthesis now





* You know this chick ?



* Looks like she is rooting for a PNC win. 


* She'll be hugely disappointed come May 11th.


* She should go back to teaching English/Literature at New School.



Kari and clique honors this lady every year at the QC Ball...

Originally Posted by alena06:

Kari and clique honors this lady every year at the QC Ball...

Alena, this is where you do not know me.


I have never EVER spoken to Alissa. I do not know her. I have never commented on her politics. You don't know if I disagree with her absolutely or partially or what.


I was supposed to go over to your party next door when the formal presentation with the honorees were going on, but I had my classmates from afar whom I was engaged with and I didn't even pay much attention to the speeches (except the Bulby presentation). When it was Alissa's turn I told my pals to look out for mention of politics.




* We all know that in the 2011 election the PPP received only 48.6% of the 342,236 votes cast---that's 166,340 votes.


* Now! Without going into details here is how the various ethnic groups voted for the PPP in 2011:


83% East Indians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

70% Amerindians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

27% Mixed voted for the PPP/C in 2011

10% blacks voted for the PNC in 2011




* The PPP lost their majority in the 2011 election because thousands of East Indians either stayed at home or they went across to the AFC and voted for Moses and Khemraj.


* The great news for the PPP in 2015 is they have managed to win back the trust and confidence of thousands of East Indians. Many of these folks are now motivated and inspired to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way, A slight 3% increase in East Indians votes in 2015 will do the magic for the PPP.




* Like I said at the very start of this thread---it's a fait accompli---a done deal---come May 11th----(50+1)% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* We all know that in the 2011 election the PPP received only 48.6% of the 342,236 votes cast---that's 166,340 votes.


* Now! Without going into details here is how the various ethnic groups voted for the PPP in 2011:


83% East Indians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

70% Amerindians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

27% Mixed voted for the PPP/C in 2011

10% blacks voted for the PNC in 2011




* The PPP lost their majority in the 2011 election because thousands of East Indians either stayed at home or they went across to the AFC and voted for Moses and Khemraj.


* The great news for the PPP in 2015 is they have managed to win back the trust and confidence of thousands of East Indians. Many of these folks are now motivated and inspired to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way, A slight 3% increase in East Indians votes in 2015 will do the magic for the PPP.




* Like I said at the very start of this thread---it's a fait accompli---a done deal---come May 11th----(50+1)% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.



head up ass photo: point_of_view-3004.gif

Originally Posted by Rev:



* We all know that in the 2011 election the PPP received only 48.6% of the 342,236 votes cast---that's 166,340 votes.


* Now! Without going into details here is how the various ethnic groups voted for the PPP in 2011:


83% East Indians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

70% Amerindians voted for the PPP/C in 2011

27% Mixed voted for the PPP/C in 2011

10% blacks voted for the PNC in 2011




* The PPP lost their majority in the 2011 election because thousands of East Indians either stayed at home or they went across to the AFC and voted for Moses and Khemraj.


* The great news for the PPP in 2015 is they have managed to win back the trust and confidence of thousands of East Indians. Many of these folks are now motivated and inspired to re-elect the PPP.


* By the way, A slight 3% increase in East Indians votes in 2015 will do the magic for the PPP.




* Like I said at the very start of this thread---it's a fait accompli---a done deal---come May 11th----(50+1)% of the Guyana electorate will re-elect the PPP.



  PPP sweeping the entire country!!

Last edited by alena06

Thank you allah---thank you Lord Krishna---thank you Jesus---thanks to all---the genuine and authentic East Indians in Guyana are now widely awake---their eyes and senses are now fully alert----they are onto Dirty Moses---they will no longer be bamboozled and hoodwinked by him---they know this opportunistic charlatan wants to put the evil, rotten, stinking PNC back into power---and these good folks would have none of that.



* The photo doesn't lie---the genuine and authentic East Indians are fired up and determined to re-elect the PPP, and come May 11th (50+1)% of the Guyanese electorate will save Guyana from evil Moses and his 40% PNC party.





Originally Posted by Rev:

Thank you allah---thank you Lord Krishna---thank you Jesus---thanks to all---the genuine and authentic East Indians in Guyana are now widely awake---their eyes and senses are now fully alert----they are onto Dirty Moses---they will no longer be bamboozled and hoodwinked by him---they know this opportunistic charlatan wants to put the evil, rotten, stinking PNC back into power---and these good folks would have none of that.



* The photo doesn't lie---the genuine and authentic East Indians are fired up and determined to re-elect the PPP, and come May 11th (50+1)% of the Guyanese electorate will save Guyana from evil Moses and his 40% PNC party.





Revie... if you call that fired up, I man don't want to see what you would call bored and uninterested. When propaganda start to tell blatant lies it's a sign of desperation.

Last edited by antabanta

Here is the PPP record after 23 years:

  •   Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
  •   Broken health care system;
  •   Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
  • Poorest country in the hemisphere;
  • Most corrupt country in the region;
  • Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state sponsored;





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