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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:
There is no guarantee that the Marriott will lift all boats. 


Listen TK:


If you want a guarantee go buy a toaster.


Stop being negative and pessimistic---the 5 star Marriot investment is a big plus for Guyana---and the smaller establishments will also benefit---as more people travel to Guyana---business people, travellers, vacationers, etc---more accomodations will be needed.


Will the 2 star Pegasus fail because of a 5 star Marriot across the street ? NO!


Competition is good---it is a wonderful incentive to continued progress.



What evidence do you have to suggest that more people will travel to Guyana because of the Marriott.  Most who visit are overseas based Guyanese who go to see family or take care of their personal business activities.  I can well see many who are dissatisfied with the existing hotels, and able to pay Marriotts higher rates, switching to that hotel.


Business people will not visit Guyana merely because there is a new hotel. Economic opportunities will be the driving force.


What you have yet to convince me is that Marriott will bring more tourists to Guyana.


What evidence do you have of this?  The one group who might be attracted to a new hotel, non Guyanese leisure visitors, know nothing of Guyana, and remain uninformed about why they should visit.  And a luxury hotel room will not be enough to entice.




Like TK, you are a man blessed with reasonable book sense, but business sense is lacking--no wonder you slave away daily at a boring and mundane 9 to 5 job--you lack the creativity and the intuition to see the prosperity headed Guyana's way via the business sector.


Listen carib! The Marriot organization did a feasibility study and being convinced that the 52 million dollar investment in Guyana would be a profitable one they moved ahead with the project.


Now carib, if hotels like the Pegasus and Princess were to fail because of the Marriot's entry into the Guyana---then so be it.


Guess what ? Other creative and enterprising businessmen and entrepreneurs will take over the assets of the failed entities and have a go at it---that's how things work in a competitive business world.




The numbers don't lie---visitors to Guyana have been on an upward trend the past few years---and with the Marriott now marketing Guyana as a destination spot---it's reasonable to expect increased visits to Guyana by non Guyanese.




Folks like you carib and TK simply cannot accept the progress being made in Guyana under the PPP---keep whining and complaining---and keep hoping and wishing for your beloved PNC to regain office---in the meantime progress will continue in Guyana.


















Keep condemning the PPP carib bhai--that's your god given right--but Guyana is on the move.













Originally Posted by Rev Al:


Like TK, you are a man blessed with reasonable book sense, but business sense is lacking--no wonder you slave away daily at a boring and mundane 9 to 5 job--you lack the creativity and the intuition to see the prosperity headed Guyana's way via the business sector.

Listen carib! The Marriot organization did a feasibility study and being convinced that the 52 million dollar investment in Guyana would be a profitable one they moved ahead with the project.

Now carib, if hotels like the Pegasus and Princess were to fail because of the Marriot's entry into the Guyana---then so be it.

Guess what ? Other creative and enterprising businessmen and entrepreneurs will take over the assets of the failed entities and have a go at it---that's how things work in a competitive business world.


The numbers don't lie---visitors to Guyana have been on an upward trend the past few years---and with the Marriott now marketing Guyana as a destination spot---it's reasonable to expect increased visits to Guyana by non Guyanese.


Folks like you carib and TK simply cannot accept the progress being made in Guyana under the PPP---keep whining and complaining---and keep hoping and wishing for your beloved PNC to regain office---in the meantime progress will continue in Guyana.









Keep condemning the PPP carib bhai--that's your god given right--but Guyana is on the move.


Marriott also did a feasibility study for a hotel in Haiti as well.  Let me correct you here.  They didnt do this to justofy the investement.  Marriott is not investing ONE PENNY.  They did so to determine whether they can earn management fees.



The presence of a Marriott clearly doesnt mean that the country is progressive.  It means that they can put the other hotels out of business, which is what TK is saying.  Now if for every person who gets a job at Marriott another is unemplyed how does that benefit Guyanese?

And of course Marriott takes little risk.  They gte paid their menagement fees, and if these are insufficient, they announce their departure, leaving the hotel owners wondering about what else to do.

Of course you didnt answer where these additional visitors will come from. Because the growth in visitors in 2012 was due to EZjet, Delta and Caribbean with knock down airfares.  This enticed many Guyanese to travel more often.  With the demise of EZ the other two carriers will resume their normal fares.

BTW I am not a 9 to 5 person.  I have my own hours providing consulting services to corporations.

If you think that Marriott is going to waste time and money promoting Guyana from scratch then you probably believed that this is what Delta did.  When Delta entered the GEO market they prattled to fools like you all thgat they will promote Guyana.  Instead they settled for the folks who used to use North American.  Just as Marriott will focus on the folks who go to Pegasus and Princess and wish to upgrade.  Note that 120 rooms isnt that hard to fill by focusing only on the business segment.

Originally Posted by caribny:


The presence of a Marriott clearly doesnt mean that the country is progressive. 



Be honest! It deeply pains you to see the progress being in Guyana while the PPP is in office--you wish to god it was your beloved PNC in


The $50 million Marriot project is just gravy---small potatoes--but it's an indication of the confidence investors have in Guyana---there are currently numerous other projects in the pipeline in Guyana.


Now carib, naysayers and PPP detractors like you and TK will give all the reasons in the world why the Marriot is bad for Guyana---you are entitled to your opinion.


But the fact is the Marriot will become reality---hopefully other hotels in Guyana will be compelled to raise their standards---if they don't they will fail---their assets will be purchased by some enterprising entrepreneur and new businesses will emerge.


Take a break from your slave duties in the US carib---you're trading hours for dollars, right---that makes you a slave---a high class slave---hopefully well paid by his masterlol---but take a break---go visit Guyana carib---see for yourself:







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:


The presence of a Marriott clearly doesnt mean that the country is progressive. 



Be honest! It deeply pains you to see the progress being in Guyana while the PPP is in office--you wish to god it was your beloved PNC in


The $50 million Marriot project is just gravy---small potatoes--but it's an indication of the confidence investors have in Guyana---there are currently numerous other projects in the pipeline in Guyana.


Now carib, naysayers and PPP detractors like you and TK will give all the reasons in the world why the Marriot is bad for Guyana---you are entitled to your opinion.


But the fact is the Marriot will become reality---hopefully other hotels in Guyana will be compelled to raise their standards---if they don't they will fail---their assets will be purchased by some enterprising entrepreneur and new businesses will emerge.


Take a break from your slave duties in the US carib---you're trading hours for dollars, right---that makes you a slave---a high class slave---hopefully well paid by his masterlol---but take a break---go visit Guyana carib---see for yourself:







Rev or what ever your name is.  I do not trade hours for dollars.  I get paid for services rendered and if services are not rendered then my clients do not pay me.  So you see I understand business risk, and I understand what motivates business decisions.   You with your little roti shop don't.



I am asking you.  If this Marriott project is so profitable why are private investors not assuming 100% of the risk?  Why is the govt contributing equity financing to this deal?


It appears to me that neither Marriott, nor the private investors are fully confident that this hotel will be a success (even though 120 rooms should be easy to fill, merely by stealing guests from Pegasus and Princess).

So we will await to see what Chinese investment Guyana will get and whether Guyanese will get decent paying jobs.  The Chinese have a habit of importing their own workers and using locals to do the dirtiest jobs.  One need only look to neighboring Suriname and Trinidad for evidence of it.


Note that if there is wholesale cutting down of trees bye bye to those Jagdeo Norway dollars.  Maybe the PPP has now come to the realization that Norway does not consider them serious and so they have decided to decimate Guyana's interior.  The Asians have destroyed their own timber resources and now eagerly plunder Africa and South America.

Originally Posted by caribny:


carib: Rev I do not trade hours for dollars.  I get paid for services rendered and if services are not rendered then my clients do not pay me. 


So you do trade hours for dollars.---No need to be defensive carib--The Rev wishes you continued success in your vocation.



carib: So you see I understand business risk, and I understand what motivates business decisions.   You with your little roti shop don't.


It looks like you are taking a cheap shot at roti shop owners---listen up--dont put down roti shop owners---a lot of them have stashed away millions in profits---it might not be a glamorous business---but it's extremely profitable.




carib: I am asking you.  If this Marriott project is so profitable why are private investors not assuming 100% of the risk?  Why is the govt contributing equity financing to this deal?


A lot of foreign investors are comfortable partnering with government owned entities like NICIL in projects they do in developing countries. As you are aware, Nicil makes equity investments in projects in Guyana---for example, they have an equity stake in the Berbice bridge. Nicil will be making an equity investment in the marriot---11 million. There are other equity investors in the Marriot deal---and the Chinese are providing the debt financing---that explains why the construction is being done by a chinese company.




carib: It appears to me that neither Marriott, nor the private investors are fully confident that this hotel will be a success


You may not be confident about the financial success of the Marriot project carib, but I can assure you that the equity investors are highly confident that the Marriot will be a resounding success.



carib: So we will await to see what Chinese investment Guyana will get and whether Guyanese will get decent paying jobs. 


The truth is carib--as long as the PPP is in power--it's your hope and wish that Guyanese be royally screwed by the Chinese. You don't want to see any successful undertaking in Guyana as long as the PPP is in power. Bet if the PNC were in power you'd be praising the Chinese to the hilt for contributing to Guyana's growth and development.





May the PPP continue to mentally torture you carib---hope they rule Guyana for the remainder of your life.








There are $US500 million in investments planned for the Providence area--the chinese investments, etc---AFC/PNC folks like caribJ and TK are expecting Princess Hotel to fail when the Marriot gets going---these pessimists and naysayers are dead wrong---Princess will keep on trucking.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:




There are $US500 million in investments planned for the Providence area--the chinese investments, etc---AFC/PNC folks like caribJ and TK are expecting Princess Hotel to fail when the Marriot gets going---these pessimists and naysayers are dead wrong---Princess will keep on trucking.



Princess is already knocking down rooms to do other things like movie theater. 

Originally Posted by TK:

Princess is already knocking down rooms to do other things like movie theater. 

Princess Hotel is owned by a Turkish business group that is experienced in the hospitality sector--they will do what is necessary to ensure that their investment in Guyana is a profitable one.





If owner Robert Badal fails---then he'll be bought out by some enterprising entrepreneur who will get the Pegasus back on track.


The Rev wished Badal well---hope he succeeds.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Princess is already knocking down rooms to do other things like movie theater. 

Princess Hotel is owned by a Turkish business group that is experienced in the hospitality sector--they will do what is necessary to ensure that their investment in Guyana is a profitable one.





If owner Robert Badal fails---then he'll be bought out by some enterprising entrepreneur who will get the Pegasus back on track.


The Rev wished Badal well---hope he succeeds.



Yes...that is the plan. Just like how they bought out Vieira TV. That is the whole purpose of using the people's money to kill Pegasus. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Pegasus is Pegasus.  It is prime real estate location. People will always stay there.  The view from the hotel is worth the price of the stay. 


Nice views from the Peg Wally!



What those cows and goats doing there. Am I seeing right.  I stayed at the Peg several times.  I saw stray dogs at the sea wall but never cows. But look at the beautiful ocean wow.  That alone is worth the price of staying.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:


Like TK, you are a man blessed with reasonable book sense, but business sense is lacking--no wonder you slave away daily at a boring and mundane 9 to 5 job--you lack the creativity and the intuition to see the prosperity headed Guyana's way via the business sector.

Listen carib! The Marriot organization did a feasibility study and being convinced that the 52 million dollar investment in Guyana would be a profitable one they moved ahead with the project.

Now carib, if hotels like the Pegasus and Princess were to fail because of the Marriot's entry into the Guyana---then so be it.

Guess what ? Other creative and enterprising businessmen and entrepreneurs will take over the assets of the failed entities and have a go at it---that's how things work in a competitive business world.


The numbers don't lie---visitors to Guyana have been on an upward trend the past few years---and with the Marriott now marketing Guyana as a destination spot---it's reasonable to expect increased visits to Guyana by non Guyanese.


Folks like you carib and TK simply cannot accept the progress being made in Guyana under the PPP---keep whining and complaining---and keep hoping and wishing for your beloved PNC to regain office---in the meantime progress will continue in Guyana.









Keep condemning the PPP carib bhai--that's your god given right--but Guyana is on the move.


Marriott also did a feasibility study for a hotel in Haiti as well.  Let me correct you here.  They didnt do this to justofy the investement.  Marriott is not investing ONE PENNY.  They did so to determine whether they can earn management fees.



The presence of a Marriott clearly doesnt mean that the country is progressive.  It means that they can put the other hotels out of business, which is what TK is saying.  Now if for every person who gets a job at Marriott another is unemplyed how does that benefit Guyanese?

And of course Marriott takes little risk.  They gte paid their menagement fees, and if these are insufficient, they announce their departure, leaving the hotel owners wondering about what else to do.

Of course you didnt answer where these additional visitors will come from. Because the growth in visitors in 2012 was due to EZjet, Delta and Caribbean with knock down airfares.  This enticed many Guyanese to travel more often.  With the demise of EZ the other two carriers will resume their normal fares.

BTW I am not a 9 to 5 person.  I have my own hours providing consulting services to corporations.

If you think that Marriott is going to waste time and money promoting Guyana from scratch then you probably believed that this is what Delta did.  When Delta entered the GEO market they prattled to fools like you all thgat they will promote Guyana.  Instead they settled for the folks who used to use North American.  Just as Marriott will focus on the folks who go to Pegasus and Princess and wish to upgrade.  Note that 120 rooms isnt that hard to fill by focusing only on the business segment.

and the diplomatic segment. Whenever Caricom has any event, the Pegasus is completely booked. I think, that is where the owners of the Marriott is focusing on.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Princess is already knocking down rooms to do other things like movie theater. 

Princess Hotel is owned by a Turkish business group that is experienced in the hospitality sector--they will do what is necessary to ensure that their investment in Guyana is a profitable one.





If owner Robert Badal fails---then he'll be bought out by some enterprising entrepreneur who will get the Pegasus back on track.


The Rev wished Badal well---hope he succeeds.



Yes...that is the plan. Just like how they bought out Vieira TV. That is the whole purpose of using the people's money to kill Pegasus. 

NEPS 'capitalism' . . . Guyana on the ?move

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Pegasus is Pegasus.  It is prime real estate location. People will always stay there.  The view from the hotel is worth the price of the stay. 


Nice views from the Peg Wally!



What those cows and goats doing there. Am I seeing right.  I stayed at the Peg several times.  I saw stray dogs at the sea wall but never cows. But look at the beautiful ocean wow.  That alone is worth the price of staying.





Good eyesight--I didn't notice the cows.


Looks like Guyana turn India now--they worship the cow.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Princess is already knocking down rooms to do other things like movie theater. 

Princess Hotel is owned by a Turkish business group that is experienced in the hospitality sector--they will do what is necessary to ensure that their investment in Guyana is a profitable one.





Apparently the Turk as more confidence in Guyana than your Marriott investors.  He is taking 100% risk in Guyana. Yet Marriott is depending on tax payers to reduce the risk in this project.


Dont care what you say but govts have no business in hotel ventures, unless these ventures are inherently risky, but crucial for developmental purposes.  Or if there is corruption involved.  If Guyana's tourism is booming as you say (clearly the private investors dont share this view) then why is govt involvement needed?  You are yet to answer this.   I would think that investing in reliable transportation to get tourists to interior locations is more needed than building ANOTHER GEORGETOWN hotel.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Dont care what you say but govts have no business in hotel ventures, unless these ventures are inherently risky, but crucial for developmental purposes. 




As you are fully aware, NICIL was created under the PNC---its chief role back then was to manage the privatization of state assets.


When the PPP assumed office the expanded the role of NICIL---it's now viewed as a sovereign wealth fund---and it's role has expanded---NICIL now invests in major projects in Guyana alongside private investors---foreign and local---for example, Nicil has an equity stake the Berbice Bridge---it has an equity stake in the Marriot and it will be investing in the Amaila falls hydro.


Bawl and scream--complain, condemn and criticize--all you want carib bai---but Guyana is growing and progressing.




Rev can you explain why this hotel is 100% financed by the govt, if one takes into account that the private investors are guaranteed a 100% return of their investment if the project fails.


The Marriott is a GOVT hotel.  This when Guyana's biggest problem in developing tourism is not lack of accommodations in Gtwn (the hotels there are struggling to fill their rooms outside of a few peak weeks).  But lack of consistent promotion, lack of packages easily available to potential visitors, lack of decent amenities in the interior, apart from a few lodges, which are located not too far from the coast, and completely inadequate transportation, or reliable range of activities to people once they get to Guyana.


Guyana remains unknown, fodder for those writers who wish to portrary the country as backward, odd and even eccentric, and too expensive for those who might be genuinely interested in its attractions, given that places like Belize, Panama, Brazil, and now even Nicaragua, or more organized.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Al china man don't give something for nothing.  Al just ask Nehru.



The Chinese are currently the biggest foreign investors in the world---every country with natural resources---the Chinese are there---making huge investments---check out many of the African countries.




But in the case of Guyana---the Guyanes people and the Guyanese economy will also benefit from the Chinese investments and financing.


* Chinese are building and financing the $50 million Marriot


* Chinese are constructing and financing the new $100 million airport


* Chinese will build and finance the $800 million amaila falls hydro


* There are many other chinese projects.


Guyana ought to deport terrorists like AFC's Benschop and allow more Chinese immigration.


CHINA AND THE CHINESE WILL BE GREAT FOR THE GUYANESE ECONOMY----the Benschops are a very violent and destructive people.





 I suggest you check how good they are for Surinam, West Africa etc. We are on their target list for no other reason than as a dumping ground for their cheap, insubstantial products and to exploit what aver we have above, or below ground that they can haul back to china.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Dont care what you say but govts have no business in hotel ventures, unless these ventures are inherently risky, but crucial for developmental purposes. 




As you are fully aware, NICIL was created under the PNC---its chief role back then was to manage the privatization of state assets.


When the PPP assumed office the expanded the role of NICIL---it's now viewed as a sovereign wealth fund---and it's role has expanded---NICIL now invests in major projects in Guyana alongside private investors---foreign and local---for example, Nicil has an equity stake the Berbice Bridge---it has an equity stake in the Marriot and it will be investing in the Amaila falls hydro.


Bawl and scream--complain, condemn and criticize--all you want carib bai---but Guyana is growing and progressing.



 NICIl, to this point functions only as a washing machine for turning state assets into private assets and all for the benefit of PPP thieves. Slowly but surely, that crooked corp will be brought in line and those in charge will be asked to account.


The screaming will be from the crooks when the get long stints in a prison somewhere in the rainforest where when it is time for them to come out it is  only to be placed in to moist earth as food for worms or fertilizer for lianas.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Al china man don't give something for nothing.  Al just ask Nehru.



The Chinese are currently the biggest foreign investors in the world---every country with natural resources---the Chinese are there---making huge investments---check out many of the African countries.




But in the case of Guyana---the Guyanes people and the Guyanese economy will also benefit from the Chinese investments and financing.


* Chinese are building and financing the $50 million Marriot


* Chinese are constructing and financing the new $100 million airport


* Chinese will build and finance the $800 million amaila falls hydro


* There are many other chinese projects.


Guyana ought to deport terrorists like AFC's Benschop and allow more Chinese immigration.


CHINA AND THE CHINESE WILL BE GREAT FOR THE GUYANESE ECONOMY----the Benschops are a very violent and destructive people.





 I suggest you check how good they are for Surinam, West Africa etc. We are on their target list for no other reason than as a dumping ground for their cheap, insubstantial products and to exploit what aver we have above, or below ground that they can haul back to china.

I have reading for years about chinese investments. Once it was a bicycle factory, value added wood products, state of the art sawmills and I am yet to c any serious money put down in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 I suggest you check how good they are for Surinam, West Africa etc. We are on their target list for no other reason than as a dumping ground for their cheap, insubstantial products and to exploit what aver we have above, or below ground that they can haul back to china.

Not only do the Chinese have scant respect for the environment or respecting local labor laws, but they also bring in their own people.  Not just at the top management/technical poistions, but even as laborers.  Guyanese will not find work, unless the govt insists that they get the opportunity, and this should include placing Guyanese as under studies to top management/technicians to allow a gradual transfer once Guyanese become capable.


I remain skeptical about the extent to which Guyana will benefit from China, given the backwardness and the greed of the PPP, which will not defend the interests of Guyanese, or negotiate the best deal.


Reference the Skeldon factory fiasco.  Are the financing deals made public, i.e the airport, etc, to d etermine what Guyana's liabilities will be?  And lets not bother with that Marriott fiasco.  Its clearly a scheme to fund a PRIVATE project with PUBLIC dollars, investors kept mysterious, andwe now discover are fully protected in the event that the project fails, thru govt guarantees.


But then I blame the dumb and lazy APNU and AFC for allowing the PPP to continue their shenanigans due to their inability to expose in a credible manner what is actually happening.  Every baby in Guyana knows how corrupt the PPP is, especially their own support base, who support them purely for reasons of ethnic insecurity.  So why cant Grainger and Ramotar expose these misdeeds, rather than wasting their time with childish tantrums that frustrate the public who expected better of them?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The word on the street in Guyana is that the Chinese are moving in and taking over market share for many businesses, driving out the locals. The parliament needs to address this immediately. Where are the AFC/PNC creeps who claim they have Guyana's best interest at heart?

Bugurd - are you a fish or what.


Who control the Executive power in Guyana that grants the licences to these Chinese business houses?


The PPP crapoos.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The word on the street in Guyana is that the Chinese are moving in and taking over market share for many businesses, driving out the locals. The parliament needs to address this immediately. Where are the AFC/PNC creeps who claim they have Guyana's best interest at heart?

You really show the Perfect Idiot you really are with this post.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The word on the street in Guyana is that the Chinese are moving in and taking over market share for many businesses, driving out the locals. The parliament needs to address this immediately. Where are the AFC/PNC creeps who claim they have Guyana's best interest at heart?

Itds amazing what nonsense you can concoct.  Like claiming that theb PPP was protecting Guyanese against the scourge of Ezjet and then Robeson Benn ( a black man who the PPP loves to scream about every time their inate hatred of AfroGuyanese is pointed out) bussed you bag by ranting about how the AFC and the PNC destroyed Ezjet.  Of course he is worried that arrivals by Canada and US based Guyanese might tumble when the remaining carriers increase their prices to levels prior to EZjets arrival on the scene.


How come you do not demand that the PPP puts a stop to underhanded activities by certain Chinese merchants.  All the APNU can do is demonstrate, and they have more urgent issues to telling Guyanese why they ought not to be dumped in the same pile that the PPP also deserves to be placed.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The word on the street in Guyana is that the Chinese are moving in and taking over market share for many businesses, driving out the locals. The parliament needs to address this immediately. Where are the AFC/PNC creeps who claim they have Guyana's best interest at heart?

Itds amazing what nonsense you can concoct.  Like claiming that theb PPP was protecting Guyanese against the scourge of Ezjet and then Robeson Benn ( a black man who the PPP loves to scream about every time their inate hatred of AfroGuyanese is pointed out) bussed you bag by ranting about how the AFC and the PNC destroyed Ezjet.  Of course he is worried that arrivals by Canada and US based Guyanese might tumble when the remaining carriers increase their prices to levels prior to EZjets arrival on the scene.


How come you do not demand that the PPP puts a stop to underhanded activities by certain Chinese merchants.  All the APNU can do is demonstrate, and they have more urgent issues to telling Guyanese why they ought not to be dumped in the same pile that the PPP also deserves to be placed.

It is the AFC/PNC controlled police who are tasked with ending underhanded activities by the Chinese, not the PPP. In fact, instead of *****footing around with Rhoee, the AFC/PNC controlled parliament should be passing legislation to curtail the Chinese. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It is the AFC/PNC controlled police who are tasked with ending underhanded activities by the Chinese, not the PPP. In fact, instead of *****footing around with Rhoee, the AFC/PNC controlled parliament should be passing legislation to curtail the Chinese. 



Hmmm. The PNC/AFC are screaming about police brutality and yet you say that they control them.


Any way apparently you agree that Rohee ought to go as you think he is so incompetent that he cannot control his employees.  The police fall under the domain of the Ministry of Home Affairs and if Rohee cannot control his employees then he ought not be there.  He pays them and he has a huge degree of influence over them and the current Police Commissioner (acting) wails that Rohee regularly interferes in the functioing of the police force.

Originally Posted by caribny:


Hmmm. The PNC/AFC are screaming about police brutality and yet you say that they control them.


Any way apparently you agree that Rohee ought to go as you think he is so incompetent that he cannot control his employees.  The police fall under the domain of the Ministry of Home Affairs and if Rohee cannot control his employees then he ought not be there.  He pays them and he has a huge degree of influence over them and the current Police Commissioner (acting) wails that Rohee regularly interferes in the functioing of the police force.

You know very well that only Brummel report up to Rohee at a very high level. Rohee is forbidden in getting involved at the micro level. Look at the fuss that was made when the PNC/AFC were peddling the lies that Rohee give orders to kill protesters until it was proven that it was AFC/PNC elements that did the killing. 


The PNC/AFC only claim police brutality when it suits their political needs, when they send their agents in to disrupt progress and pnc/afc police have no choice but to rough them up. in fact there is collusion between the police and AFC/PNC to stage these cases of police brutality. The PNC/AFC have been known to sacrifice some of their own to gain political points. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:


Hmmm. The PNC/AFC are screaming about police brutality and yet you say that they control them.


Any way apparently you agree that Rohee ought to go as you think he is so incompetent that he cannot control his employees.  The police fall under the domain of the Ministry of Home Affairs and if Rohee cannot control his employees then he ought not be there.  He pays them and he has a huge degree of influence over them and the current Police Commissioner (acting) wails that Rohee regularly interferes in the functioing of the police force.

You know very well that only Brummel report up to Rohee at a very high level. Rohee is forbidden in getting involved at the micro level. Look at the fuss that was made when the PNC/AFC were peddling the lies that Rohee give orders to kill protesters until it was proven that it was AFC/PNC elements that did the killing. 


The PNC/AFC only claim police brutality when it suits their political needs, when they send their agents in to disrupt progress and pnc/afc police have no choice but to rough them up. in fact there is collusion between the police and AFC/PNC to stage these cases of police brutality. The PNC/AFC have been known to sacrifice some of their own to gain political points. 

LIE, LIE what a famous LIE.


All Commander have to report to Clementina the GOAT ROTIE or else they get the Ramnarine Treatment - a back office at Eve Leary.

Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:


Hmmm. The PNC/AFC are screaming about police brutality and yet you say that they control them.


Any way apparently you agree that Rohee ought to go as you think he is so incompetent that he cannot control his employees.  The police fall under the domain of the Ministry of Home Affairs and if Rohee cannot control his employees then he ought not be there.  He pays them and he has a huge degree of influence over them and the current Police Commissioner (acting) wails that Rohee regularly interferes in the functioing of the police force.

You know very well that only Brummel report up to Rohee at a very high level. Rohee is forbidden in getting involved at the micro level. Look at the fuss that was made when the PNC/AFC were peddling the lies that Rohee give orders to kill protesters until it was proven that it was AFC/PNC elements that did the killing. 


The PNC/AFC only claim police brutality when it suits their political needs, when they send their agents in to disrupt progress and pnc/afc police have no choice but to rough them up. in fact there is collusion between the police and AFC/PNC to stage these cases of police brutality. The PNC/AFC have been known to sacrifice some of their own to gain political points. 

LIE, LIE what a famous LIE.


All Commander have to report to Clementina the GOAT ROTIE or else they get the Ramnarine Treatment - a back office at Eve Leary.

Between Rohee and BJ, Alyuh katahars gon buss an artery.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You know very well that only Brummel report up to Rohee at a very high level. Rohee is forbidden in getting involved at the micro level.

The police commissioner told the Linden Commission that Rohee frequently talks to officers bypassing him.  Indeed allegations have been made, and not disproven, that Rohee spoke to the officer who was in charge of the fiasco THAT VERY DAY.


You know full well that the PPP is never limited by what it does or does not do.  It screams that it has a mandate which allows it to run roughshod over the constitution (as flawed as that is) and all other aspects of governance.


What is going on in Tibet is the smart racial extermination of a people that many Han Chinese consider racially inferior to them.  If the Tibetian people could be seen this way what about the brown Asian whom many of the Han Chinese do not consider Asian.  We have to seperate our thinking that these people are some how identical in their thinking to our Guyanese Chinese brothers and sisters.  They are not and the evidence is in Tibet for the whole world to see.


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