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Originally Posted by caribny:

1.  APNU 21 seats.  AFC 12 seats.  APNU can be tossed out of power any time the AFC leaves the coalition.   How many seats did Civic have when the PPP was in power?


2.  Nagamootoo will have 40% of the cabinet positions, including at least 4 ministries.  How many ministries did Civic have.


3.  Can you describe what specific role did Sam Hinds have as PM.  Did he have any ability to end the PPPs regime if he didn't like what they were doing.





* The Rev doesn't want to discuss the previous PPP administration---THEY ARE HISTORY.


* This thread is about the APNU/AFC coalition. We now have an estimate of how they were put into office:


- 96% of Black Guyanese voted for APNU/AFC

- 70% of Mixed Guyanese voted for APNU/AFC

- 27% of Amerindians voted forAPNU/AFC

- 11% of East Indians voted for APNU/AFC






* While 11% of East Indians voted for APNU/AFC only 4% of blacks voted for the PPP/C.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

* It is simple arithmetic which any Grade 9 or form 1 student ought to be able to compute.


* Anyone on GNI volunteers to do the ARITHMETIC that will estimate how the races in Guyana voted for the APNU/AFC coalition ?



Rev, the Hitler born again, needs help with his Arithmetic to figure out how many black man should be killed to get the PPP/C back into power.

THat's the way I see it. Who vex, vex.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

1.  APNU 21 seats.  AFC 12 seats.  APNU can be tossed out of power any time the AFC leaves the coalition.   How many seats did Civic have when the PPP was in power?


2.  Nagamootoo will have 40% of the cabinet positions, including at least 4 ministries.  How many ministries did Civic have.


3.  Can you describe what specific role did Sam Hinds have as PM.  Did he have any ability to end the PPPs regime if he didn't like what they were doing.





* The Rev doesn't want to discuss the previous PPP administration---THEY ARE HISTORY.


* This thread is about the APNU/AFC coalition. We now have an estimate of how they were put into office:


- 96% of Black Guyanese voted for APNU/AFC

- 70% of Mixed Guyanese voted for APNU/AFC

- 27% of Amerindians voted forAPNU/AFC

- 11% of East Indians voted for APNU/AFC






* While 11% of East Indians voted for APNU/AFC only 4% of blacks voted for the PPP/C.




When the PPP was catapulted to Government multiple times on the strength of 99pc Indian votes, I heard no cries from Indians so why should the ethnic breakdown of the new Government's voters matter?


Indians and Blacks are free to vote however they choose and we must all live with the result. Those are the rules.


We have a new Government that is just as legitimate as the previous one. Not more. Not less.


For those of you wondering how the various RACES voted for the PPP



*We know the PPP received 202,694 votes out of the 412,012 votes cast---that's 49.12%





- 89% of East Indians voted for the PPP

- 69% of Amerindians voted for the PPP

- 30% of Mixed people voted for the PPP

4% of Blacks voted for the PPP



* WOW! Assuming 34% of the 412,012 voters were blacks---that's 140,084


* The PPP received 4% of black votes---that means only 5603 blacks out of the 140,084 who voted in 2015 supported the PPP.


* Damn! Damn! Damn! Blacks in Guyana hate and despise the PPP with a passion.




* How many of you realized blacks despised the PPP so badly ?


* 134,481 out of the 140,084 blacks who voted in the 2015 election voted against the PPP.


* WOW!




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

1.  APNU 21 seats.  AFC 12 seats.  APNU can be tossed out of power any time the AFC leaves the coalition.   How many seats did Civic have when the PPP was in power?


2.  Nagamootoo will have 40% of the cabinet positions, including at least 4 ministries.  How many ministries did Civic have.


3.  Can you describe what specific role did Sam Hinds have as PM.  Did he have any ability to end the PPPs regime if he didn't like what they were doing.





* The Rev doesn't want to discuss the previous PPP administration---THEY ARE HISTORY.


* .

Of course you don't want to talk about the PPP and yet you want to criticize APNU AFC.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Of course you don't want to talk about the PPP and yet you want to criticize APNU AFC.




* Where did the Rev criticize the APNU/AFC after their election victory ?


* I have wished them well and if they do a better job of running the country than the PPP, then they will deserve to be re-elected in 2020.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Of course you don't want to talk about the PPP and yet you want to criticize APNU AFC.




* Where did the Rev criticize the APNU/AFC after their election victory ?




They describe themselves as a multi ethnic coalition, and you want to suggest that they will be an African regime.


I am pointing out to you that the APNU AFC coalition is much more cognizant of the racially divided politics, and apparently more willing to demonstrate their desire to do something about it.


As a supporter of the former PPP Indocentric regime, at least  give them that credit.

Originally Posted by caribny:

They describe themselves as a multi ethnic coalition, and you want to suggest that they will be an African regime.





* How can I suggest that APNU/AFC will be an afro regime when I damn well know some of the most senior members of the coalition are East Indians---Nagamootoo, Roopnarine, Ramjattan, etc, etc


* This may surprise you carib, but I have a feeling these guys---the coalition partners---will try their best to make this work---Granger is no PUPPET like Ramotar---he will be no pushover---and he has enough self confidence to delegate duties---he will continue to earn the respect of his coalition partners.


* Listen! The Rev is prepared to give the COALITION a year before he engages in any constructive criticism.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

They describe themselves as a multi ethnic coalition, and you want to suggest that they will be an African regime.





* How can I suggest that APNU/AFC will be an afro regime when I damn well know some of the most senior members of the coalition are East Indians---Nagamootoo, Roopnarine, Ramjattan, etc, etc


* This may surprise you carib, but I have a feeling these guys---the coalition partners---will try their best to make this work---Granger is no PUPPET like Ramotar---he will be no pushover---and he has enough self confidence to delegate duties---he will continue to earn the respect of his coalition partners.


* Listen! The Rev is prepared to give the COALITION a year before he engages in any constructive criticism.



good for the next year stick to your cooking 


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

They describe themselves as a multi ethnic coalition, and you want to suggest that they will be an African regime.





* How can I suggest that APNU/AFC will be an afro regime when I damn well know some of the most senior members of the coalition are East Indians---Nagamootoo, Roopnarine, Ramjattan, etc, etc




Good so hope that APNU AFC succeeds in healing our divided politics.  And admit that they took a huge risk in doing so.  Unlike the PPP, which even dumped Sam Hinds as President, because they were terrified about how their supporters would have felt voting for a black man.  Yes when ROAR and GIFT were around beating their tribal drums.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Good so hope that APNU AFC succeeds in healing our divided politics. 


* APNU/AFC heal divided politics ? That might be asking for the impossible carib.


* What the majority of Guyanese would hope for is for APNU/AFC to be a pro-business, pro-enterprise, pro-growth coalition party that is open to foreign investments and is able to guide Guyana to a higher plateau economically.


* If APNU/AFC builds on the base the PPP left them---they will deserve to keep ruling the country----the majority(50+1)% will keep supporting then.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Good so hope that APNU AFC succeeds in healing our divided politics. 


* APNU/AFC heal divided politics ? That might be asking for the impossible carib.


* What the majority of Guyanese would hope for is for APNU/AFC to be a pro-business, pro-enterprise, pro-growth coalition party that is open to foreign investments and is able to guide Guyana to a higher plateau economically.


* If APNU/AFC builds on the base the PPP left them---they will deserve to keep ruling the country----the majority(50+1)% will keep supporting then.



I would hope that if APNU AFC turn out to be effective, fair, ethnically inclusive and successful the race of the President will not be the only criteria used to determine the vote.

Originally Posted by caribny:

I would hope that if APNU AFC turn out to be effective, fair, ethnically inclusive and successful the race of the President will not be the only criteria used to determine the vote.


* Well, 96% blacks voted for the afro(Granger) led coalition in 2015.


* Fast forward to 2020. Do you believe 96% blacks would vote for an Indo(Nagamootoo) led coalition ?


* What I do know is if Guyana's economy continues to grow under the Coalition---if crime is reduced under the coalition---and if the coalition is perceived to be far less corrupt than the PPP---then come 2020 the coalition under a Granger or a Harmon will be re-elected.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

I would hope that if APNU AFC turn out to be effective, fair, ethnically inclusive and successful the race of the President will not be the only criteria used to determine the vote.


* Well, 96% blacks voted for the afro(Granger) led coalition in 2015.


* Fast forward to 2020. Do you believe 96% blacks would vote for an Indo(Nagamootoo) led coalition ?


* What I do know is if Guyana's economy continues to grow under the Coalition---if crime is reduced under the coalition---and if the coalition is perceived to be far less corrupt than the PPP---then come 2020 the coalition under a Granger or a Harmon will be re-elected.



Blacks cheered loudly every time Moses was introduced as the next PM.  Unless he does something to shake their trust in him he will be supported within the context of an APNU AFC coalition.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Blacks cheered loudly every time Moses was introduced as the next PM.  Unless he does something to shake their trust in him he will be supported within the context of an APNU AFC coalition.


* We all saw how blacks responded to Moses during the campaign---they enthusiastically supported him as Granger's deputy.


* But will 96% of blacks enthusiastically Moses as the Coalition's Presidential candidate of the in the 2020 election ?


* If they were to do so, then the racial divide in Guyana will heal immensely.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Blacks cheered loudly every time Moses was introduced as the next PM.  Unless he does something to shake their trust in him he will be supported within the context of an APNU AFC coalition.


* We all saw how blacks responded to Moses during the campaign---they enthusiastically supported him as Granger's deputy.


* But will 96% of blacks enthusiastically Moses as the Coalition's Presidential candidate of the in the 2020 election ?


* If they were to do so, then the racial divide in Guyana will heal immensely.



Both Granger and Nagamootoo are up there in age, and Granger looks healthier, though one never knows.


I just cannot figure out the scenario where Nagamootoo and not Granger would be the coalition presidential candidate.  Help me out here.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Both Granger and Nagamootoo are up there in age, and Granger looks healthier, though one never knows.


I just cannot figure out the scenario where Nagamootoo and not Granger would be the coalition presidential candidate.  Help me out here.


* As long as Granger is alive and as long as the coalition stays intact Granger will be the Coalition's presidential candidate in 2020.




* Let's say Granger decides he doesn't want to run again in 2020.


* Joseph Harmon becomes the PNC candidate and Nagamootoo remains the AFC's candidate.




* If the AFC decided in 2020 that they want Nagamootoo to be the Presidential candidate of the Coalition---and let's say the PNC agrees---Nagamootoo will be President and Harmon will be Prime Minister.


* Will 96% of blacks enthusiastically support East Indian Nagamootoo leading the APNU/AFC coalition in 2020 ?





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Both Granger and Nagamootoo are up there in age, and Granger looks healthier, though one never knows.


I just cannot figure out the scenario where Nagamootoo and not Granger would be the coalition presidential candidate.  Help me out here.


* As long as Granger is alive and as long as the coalition stays intact Granger will be the Coalition's presidential candidate in 2020.




* Let's say Granger decides he doesn't want to run again in 2020.


* Joseph Harmon becomes the PNC candidate and Nagamootoo remains the AFC's candidate.




* If the AFC decided in 2020 that they want Nagamootoo to be the Presidential candidate of the Coalition---and let's say the PNC agrees---Nagamootoo will be President and Harmon will be Prime Minister.


* Will 96% of blacks enthusiastically support East Indian Nagamootoo leading the APNU/AFC coalition in 2020 ?





The answer will be yes, if Granger isn't around.  What you need to ask yourself will be whether APNU will agree for the AFC to occupy the top slot when evidence is that they didn't bring in large numbers of votes, and they already have 35% of the MP slots.



Originally Posted by caribny:

The answer will be yes, if Granger isn't around.  What you need to ask yourself will be whether APNU will agree for the AFC to occupy the top slot when evidence is that they didn't bring in large numbers of votes, and they already have 35% of the MP slots.



* The fact is the PNC has always been a 40% party in free and fair elections---but in 2015 the AFC took them to the promised land----the coalition ended up with 50.1%


* By the way 1 more vote in Region 8 and the PPP would have been running things in parliament.


* Anyway that's HISTORY.




* If the coalition stays intact---and if the AFC demands the Presidency---they will get it.


* The AFC will be more apt to walk away from the coalition if they don't get their way in 2020.




* Who knows---the AFC may be open to a coalition with the PPP in 2020.


* PPP/AFC IN 2020.hahahaha





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The answer will be yes, if Granger isn't around.  What you need to ask yourself will be whether APNU will agree for the AFC to occupy the top slot when evidence is that they didn't bring in large numbers of votes, and they already have 35% of the MP slots.



* The fact is the PNC has always been a 40% party in free and fair elections---but in 2015 the AFC took them to the promised land----the coalition ended up with 50.1%




Well this year the PNC got more than 40%.  All it took was the PPP waging war on black people.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The answer will be yes, if Granger isn't around.  What you need to ask yourself will be whether APNU will agree for the AFC to occupy the top slot when evidence is that they didn't bring in large numbers of votes, and they already have 35% of the MP slots.



* The fact is the PNC has always been a 40% party in free and fair elections---but in 2015 the AFC took them to the promised land----the coalition ended up with 50.1%


* By the way 1 more vote in Region 8 and the PPP would have been running things in parliament.


* Anyway that's HISTORY.




* If the coalition stays intact---and if the AFC demands the Presidency---they will get it.


* The AFC will be more apt to walk away from the coalition if they don't get their way in 2020.




* Who knows---the AFC may be open to a coalition with the PPP in 2020.


* PPP/AFC IN 2020.hahahaha





2020 PPP/AFC vs PNC/GDF.


Guess who will be the winners!  All the AFC supporters now dancing at the PPP loss will be scared sh1tless to go campaign against the PNC/GDF coalition.  I doubt it will matter, Indians will drop to 30+% and Guyana will fit into the region.


The process of "ethnic cleansing" started in the 60's and continue to this day.  It was accelerated with the 20k or so 10 yr visas issued by the US to Indians in PPP strongholds over the past 4 years.  It was the US payback for the PPP's anti-US posture.  However, expect positive developments regarding oil and gas because the US would not allow another Chavez/Morales regime to take root under their noses.


Summary: Indians, you are doomed...again by the PPP.  This time, there is no hope of ever recovering, te tipping point has past.

Originally Posted by baseman:



2020 PPP/AFC vs PNC/GDF.



Explain to me why there was no GDF coup after 2001 when Hoyte was angry about the election loss and alleged vote rigging.  Or after Sat Sawh was killed, an indication that the PPP was eating its own, and therefore not fit to govern.


No GDF coup at a time when the PNC had no other way of ridding the nation of the PPP.


Now suddenly the GDF becomes so powerful that they will terrify Moses into submission.  So he wouldn't be able to use his 12 seats to maintain a power position.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Summary: Indians, you are doomed...again by the PPP.  This time, there is no hope of ever recovering, te tipping point has past.




* The Rev doesn't share your gloominess and pessimism.


* East Indians are a very resourceful people and will never be doomed.


* Why not give the coalition some time before predicting doomsday.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:



2020 PPP/AFC vs PNC/GDF.



Explain to me why there was no GDF coup after 2001 when Hoyte was angry about the election loss and alleged vote rigging.  Or after Sat Sawh was killed, an indication that the PPP was eating its own, and therefore not fit to govern.


No GDF coup at a time when the PNC had no other way of ridding the nation of the PPP.


Now suddenly the GDF becomes so powerful that they will terrify Moses into submission.  So he wouldn't be able to use his 12 seats to maintain a power position.

The US would have non of it.  The US pulls the strings in the Guyana military, don't fool yourself.  That's their "hedge" against a "wayward" Indian majority.  The PPP never created the justification for a coup and the attempt by whomsoever to create these condition in the 2000's failed.  But this time, you [PNC] did win.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Summary: Indians, you are doomed...again by the PPP.  This time, there is no hope of ever recovering, te tipping point has past.




* The Rev doesn't share your gloominess and pessimism.


* East Indians are a very resourceful people and will never be doomed.


* Why not give the coalition some time before predicting doomsday.



I did not mean literally.

Originally Posted by baseman:

The US would have non of it.  The US pulls the strings in the Guyana military, don't fool yourself.  That's their "hedge" against a "wayward" Indian majority.  The PPP never created the justification for a coup and the attempt by whomsoever to create these condition in the 2000's failed.  But this time, you [PNC] did win.

When the PPP was protecting various drug lords and several PPP folks were banned from entry into Guyana you don't think that the USA wouldn't have preferred some one else? Especially after Jagdeo ran to Iran and had a picture of himself with the Ayatollahs, and of course his continued dalliance with Castro and Chavez.


You can concoct all the silly excuses, but if Moses takes his 12 seats, APNU loses an MONC vote and then the GDF mounts a coup, the USA will be no more pleased.


You still haven't told us how APNU can stay in power if the AFC takes away their 12 seats!

Originally Posted by baseman:

I did not mean literally.


* OK Cool! Now I read you.


* My take is this---Elections are over---the PNC/AFC won---as a Guyanese I would like to see Guyana experience continued growth and development---if that's under the PNC/AFC---so be it.






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