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Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


Fellas aya give de bhai lil time before aya expose eeeee na.



You Rev 64 hours more



Pay attention!


Moses Nagamootoo recently placed the order for his bespoke/custom 2013 Bentley Mulsanne---you'll have to wait until the end of the year--that's when you'll get the proof---Moses will be the first Guyanese in Guyana to drive the Bentley Mulsanne:lol



Moses law practice has been booming since Guyanese found out he will be the AFC's presidential candidate in the next election and since he started telling folks that he will be the next president of Guyana---looks like Moses start to receive the milk and honey even before becoming president.hahahahaha



Bhai  yuh had Nerhu and De Skeldon Queen believing you...dem think yu had something dem can run with.

Yuh know how dem Jagabattie Homan stay....mi na gafa tell dem get long mouth.....kwamie looking better than them now.....Bhai yuh let them down.


Look like Joker shake yuh up and yuh back down.....and expose yuh poom poom again.

Originally Posted by JoKer:

I hope your Mommy and Daddy spanks you next week for picking fights wid intelligent people.



I guess you graduated from a 3rd rate school like professor TK.hahahaha


Hope your mommy and daddy "spanks" you for your atrocious writing skill.hahahaha


Ok joker--the Rev has taken a cheap shot at you--disparaging your writing skill---go ahead--return fire--fair is fair----feel free to mock the Rev.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

I hope your Mommy and Daddy spanks you next week for picking fights wid intelligent people.



I guess you graduated from a 3rd rate school like professor TK.hahahaha


Hope your mommy and daddy "spanks" you for your atrocious writing skill.hahahaha


Ok joker--the Rev has taken a cheap shot at you--disparaging your writing skill---go ahead--return fire--fair is fair----feel free to mock the Rev.




Most people juss quit while they're ahead. Some mudheads however like to add a lil extra firewood to the fireside.


BTW how are the Sawh cousins of yours?


Is your uncle still upset wid yuh daddy about his daughter getting raped in those non-ethnic "crimes"?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Rev: I told you these people who praise you will in a New York minute declare jihad on you.

Keep up the good work man; remember, I am pulling for you.

Skeldon bhai:


The Rev is having fun toying with these pipsqueak supporters of the AFC.


What a miserable bunch!


I post some good news about their hero--the angry, bitter, peevish and cantankerous Moses Mahendra Nagamootoo--and they are peeved.


Listen skeldon---Moses billings in his formerly struggling law practice have gone through the roof---the man has been telling everybody who would listen that he will be Guyana's next president---and folks are starting to believe him---business is pouring into his law office---everybody wants to connect with the next president.




 buys Bentley 



And to celebrate his new financial success---Moses has treated himself to a custom/bespoke Bentley Mulsanne---it will be delivered to him in Guyana later this year.



Originally Posted by TK:

I see REV attacking Moses the man most likely to end the oligarchic gravy train. Now it makes sense why he has been attacking Moses all this time. God bless Moses. These semi literates really need the trough of OP. 


Moses ah fight fuh he papa wuk


If Moses win, this little piggy has to go cut cane for a living

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by TK:

I see REV attacking Moses the man most likely to end the oligarchic gravy train. Now it makes sense why he has been attacking Moses all this time. God bless Moses. These semi literates really need the trough of OP. 


Moses ah fight fuh he papa wuk


If Moses win, this little piggy has to go cut cane for a living

Well...the Oligarchs are quite predictable. 

Originally Posted by JoKer:

You know what. Maybe we should start investigating the Ramotar/Sawh Clan. Whah you tink Alexei?






What we have here is a case of mistaken identity!


The Rev doesn't have the vaguest idea what you are talking about.


But it looks like you have some juicy stuff you'd like to share with the forum---so go ahead make us all have a good, hearthy laugh.




Well Mudhead,


I think I'm juss gonna release salacious details regularly about the Ramotar/Sawh Clan for your disrespect of Cde. Moses.


I think we'll start small like how its a family of cats and dogs. Then we'll work our way through the rape, the "S.S" sexual affair with Robert Persaud, etc. etc.


Whah yuh tink bai?

Originally Posted by cain:

Oi Rev I see is like you got some serious fight pon yo hanz banna, Iman tekin a ringside seat fo check out dis one.

Rev doan mek ma hanz fall now I wanna hear some good ole fashion "salacious details"...... so...... go ahead an piss off DaJoker.


The Rev is no match fuh De Grand Ayatollah!

Originally Posted by JoKer:

The Rev is no match fuh De Grand Ayatollah!


Grand Ayatollah:


I just looked at your Jan 12, 1998 thread---this is the first time I'm hearing that stuff.


Now we know why the Ramotar administration is big on women's issues---Jagdeo abused women(his wife) and his administration was weak on abuse of women---President Ramotar is strong on women's issues---and first lady Deolatchmie is even firmer.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

The Rev is no match fuh De Grand Ayatollah!


Grand Ayatollah:


I just looked at your Jan 12, 1998 thread---this is the first time I'm hearing that stuff.


Now we know why the Ramotar administration is big on women's issues---Jagdeo abused women(his wife) and his administration was weak on abuse of women---President Ramotar is strong on women's issues---and first lady Deolatchmie is even firmer.




Like yuh baxside ah slowly ketch sense, eh jackass?

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

The Rev is no match fuh De Grand Ayatollah!


Grand Ayatollah:


I just looked at your Jan 12, 1998 thread---this is the first time I'm hearing that stuff.


Now we know why the Ramotar administration is big on women's issues---Jagdeo abused women(his wife) and his administration was weak on abuse of women---President Ramotar is strong on women's issues---and first lady Deolatchmie is even firmer.




At the end of the day your dad moves when Jagdeo pulls the string.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

The Rev is no match fuh De Grand Ayatollah!


Grand Ayatollah:


I just looked at your Jan 12, 1998 thread---this is the first time I'm hearing that stuff.


Now we know why the Ramotar administration is big on women's issues---Jagdeo abused women(his wife) and his administration was weak on abuse of women---President Ramotar is strong on women's issues---and first lady Deolatchmie is even firmer.




At the end of the day your dad moves when Jagdeo pulls the string.


Or when The Right Honorable Minister Robert Persaud decides to have a Ramotar/Sawh niece scratch his proverbial itch

Originally Posted by warrior:

the champion of the earth did what.and you fools worship him with mala


Oh Gad. Le abbe save dah wan fuh anudduh day. we can chat about how Ramotar bravely negotiated with jagdeo for the Presidency and the intimate details of what was traded for what.


what does the Rev tink about dis?

Originally Posted by warrior:

rev i can hear that fake laugh,you have to do better than that

warrior bai:


The Rev has tortured you pipsqueaks and losers supporting the AFC--he has insulted, mocked and ridiculed your hero Moses.


There is nothing wrong with you folks returning fire---what is laughable is joker believing this guy---some alexi---is the Rev:




Wait a minute!


Isn't Alexi --Donald Ramotar's son ?ahahahahahahaha




Maaaaaan! This forum is a wonderful distraction---no wonder the Rev likes posting here now and then.





Rev Alexi joker got de goods pun yuh bhai.....

If I were you I would just explain De Bentley story is just another lie...

Why do you want to embarass Donald...

You said you are a lil boy....

so why yuh biging up yuhself and lieing so much....

Moses is a Giant....Who is Rev?

Now we all think Kwame smarter dan U.

good luck

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev Alexi joker got de goods pun yuh bhai.....

If I were you I would just explain De Bentley story is just another lie...

Why do you want to embarass Donald...

You said you are a lil boy....

so why yuh biging up yuhself and lieing so much....

Moses is a Giant....Who is Rev?

Now we all think Kwame smarter dan U.

good luck


Dem bais like Kwame and de Rev Alexei juss always get caught wid their skirts down

Originally Posted by JoKer:
what does the Rev tink about dis?



Years ago I was visiting real estate broker Ramesh kalicharran in his office on Hillside avenue, Queens!


A youngman came to Kali's office---I was briefly introduced to that youngman---Kali said he was an aide to some politician--can't remember exactly.


Anyway, I found that youngman to be pleasant, modest, and fairly intelligent.


Joker! I believe you have been identified on this forum as Farouk Samaroo---this is the youngman I was briefly introduced to at Kali's office:




If you are, indeed, Farouk Samaroo---Next time you speak to Kali--ask him about his acquaintance who now lives in Lincoln square--central park west--in New York city---and runs a business in NY.






Al I was  trying to calm things down fuh yuh..... 2 hours ago......but you choose to expose papa donald.....

I know Kwame,knee-ru and Skeldon Queen like expose de poom poom......

now ah feeling like you love doing de same thing like dem Jagabattie.


Ah hope Dr Bhartie dont treat you too....



You Rev 62 hours more

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Samaroo has been called a lot of things in his years. Modest was never one of them


Maybe when young Samaroo met with seniors like Kali and the Rev he was being unusually modest and reserved.


It's a small world Mr. Samaroo.




I strongly urge you to not post lies on this forum. Otherwise, your cause and its principal adherents may suffer consequences and repercussions


Were I you, I'd quietly back away from this thread. ok bubula?

Originally Posted by JoKer:
I strongly urge you to not post lies on this forum.



For a while you had gullible souls like warrior, jalil, cain, TK, etc believe the Rev was actually Ramotar's son--alexi


Thanks for the laugh!lol




You have previously dabbled in politics Mr. Samaroo---you know it's a dirty game.


Moses will likely be the AFC's presidential candidate in the next election.




By the way, another acquaintance of mine--you probably know him---real estate maven--George Subraj--thinks highly of Moses---Subraj previously supported Ramkarran---but then lined up behind Donald and the PPP.


I have explained to George that Moses will never be president---he can only help Granger and the PNC win the executive branch---George agrees.








I was just settling in for a nice bout between the Rev and Jalil/Joker. Then I realized how one-sided it has become.


C'mon Rev, it's tough I know - either Jalil or Joker individually would give you a good ass-whopping, but man, you can do better than drive the dialog with a Bentley or do a Kali on Samaroo.......


No mas!!!!!


No Contest!!!!

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

OK Folks!


Let's all congratulate Mr. Moses Nagamootoo on the resounding success his law practice has had since he departed the PPP.


Moses is now vice chairman of the AFC and there is a 95% chance he will be that party's presidential candidate in Guyana's next election.


Moses has told close associates that unlike Raphael Trotman who received 8.6% of the votes in the 2006 election and Khemraj Ramjattan who received 10.2% of the votes in 2011--he Moses is highly confident he will capture enough votes to win the presidency.







Moses was born in Whim Berbice---he was a devoted member of the Whim Kali church---check video:




Based on that video---it looks like Moses intends to share some serious "licks" in the next





The success Moses is achieving in his law practice has caused some backbiting among the other lawyers in the AFC---Ramjattan, Nigel, Trotman are currently seething with envy and jealousy.


DON'T BE SURPRISED TO SEE MOSES THROWN OUT OF THE AFC IN THE COMING YEARS---lawyers Ramjattan, Trotman, Nigel, etc can't stand the success Moses is having in his law practice.




Rev Bhai


Moses was rejected by the PNC as the speaker of the house after AFC big brother PNC chose to elect their own "kith and kin."  Moses had to sit idly by in a corner and suffer his first major political defeat. Moses is a loser.


He will be eventually kicked to the curb. It is only a matter of time since Nigel has now taken over the AFC with his radical brand of terrorism. Agricola is a stark reminder of the terrorist elements in the AFC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

OK Folks!





Rev Bhai


Moses was rejected by the PNC as the speaker of the house after AFC big brother PNC chose to elect their own "kith and kin."  Moses had to sit idly by in a corner and suffer his first major political defeat. Moses is a loser.


He will be eventually kicked to the curb. It is only a matter of time since Nigel has taken now over the AFC with his radical brand of terrorism. Agricola is a stark reminder of the terrorist elements in the AFC.




Oi Yuji, are u another mudhead.  One day yu claim Nigel is a window dressing now today yu claim he gonna kick Moses to the curb in the AFC.


Mek your mind up banners.


Ronald it look like de Jagdeo and Ramotar Poom Poom Party in trouble ......all their top batsmen.....Big Seed, Kneeru, Rev, Skeldon Queen back in de pavilion......all a dem out or retired hurt......and dem send in de nitewatchman ewe-g to face de fire.

I am sure dem could have done better with anyone else instead of this tail ender Poom Poom Cheese.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

OK Folks!





Rev Bhai


Moses was rejected by the PNC as the speaker of the house after AFC big brother PNC chose to elect their own "kith and kin."  Moses had to sit idly by in a corner and suffer his first major political defeat. Moses is a loser.


He will be eventually kicked to the curb. It is only a matter of time since Nigel has taken now over the AFC with his radical brand of terrorism. Agricola is a stark reminder of the terrorist elements in the AFC.




Oi Yuji, are u another mudhead.  One day yu claim Nigel is a window dressing now today yu claim he gonna kick Moses to the curb in the AFC.


Mek your mind up banners.

Prove your point by posting a copy of any post where I made that claim. Now go in a croner and hatch up another "dem boys seh" AFC nonsense. AFC is the drama queen party of Guyana. Backed up by third grade graduates. Funny to watch them behave like a bunch of school kids on a political forum.


Personal attacks and foul language are just two of their trademarks. Now go and get some more cut and paste from toilet paper from KN.


See how you guys gang up on the Rev. Rev will chew you guys up and put you out to dry, politically speaking.


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