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Former Member

The subject in this thread is negativity vs positivity as demonstrated by the 2 major political parties in Guyana---the PNC/afc and the PPP.


What scares the living daylights out of those filled with negativity(PNC/afc) is progress made by those they hate---the PPP.


As you may have noticed---every single project in Guyana has been trashed by those consumed by negativity(PNC/afc)----the Marriot, the Amaila falls hydro, oil drilling, gold mining, sugar and rice expansion, the airport expansion, the specialty hospital, etc, etc, etc


What we are seeing from the opposition parties in Guyana(PNC/afc) is unprecedented negativity---thankfully the good people of Guyana want peace, progress and prosperity(PPP).


LONG LIVE GUYANA & THE PPP---a party filled with positivity.



Replies sorted oldest to newest






β€œWe have always used the word sustainable and for me it’s becoming a bit archaic now, and I think we need to migrate from sustainable to smart use of our natural resources so that we can bring maximum benefits not only for today, but also for future generations,” Minister Persaud highlighted. It is hoped that the strategy will lead the ministry down that pathway.



What you just read is an example of positivity---smart use of resources---of course the PNC/afc will manufacture reasons to criticize and be negative.




Last edited by Former Member



From the editorial in Guyana Chronicle:




TRADITIONALLY and historically, Guyana’s agriculture has been concentrated on the coast, but it has long been recognised that there is a tremendous potential for agricultural development in our hinterlands, which so far has largely remained untapped.


And this has been so primarily because during the long 28-year reign of rule by the PNC government, no genuine effort was made to develop the agricultural potential of our hinterland. In fact, that government neglected the entire agricultural sector which resulted in Guyana becoming a net importer of food and in the near collapse of the agriculture sector.


Logistical problems have also been a major challenge because road networks in our hinterland have remained largely undeveloped, but in more recent years under the current government, efforts are ongoing  to create and develop road links which are essential to bring out agricultural produce from these areas as the alternative airlifting is uneconomical and therefore impracticable.


 Unlike those who put their political agenda in front and are quibbling over issues that are debilitating against our national interest and development, like the infantile and puerile political stance of accepting the merits of a bill, but voting against it because of the minister who piloted it, the government has been working patiently, tirelessly and consistently towards developing this country and continuously moving it forward in the interest of our people.


The current Santa Fe mega farm project in the Rupununi is a prime example of what the government is doing to expand our agriculture sector and, by extension, our socio-economic advancement.


According to Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, the Santa Fe mega farm which is thriving out of what was formerly wasteland in Region 9, is a living example of the Jagdeo Initiative on Agriculture. He stated that the mega farm, which he visited recently with a team from the Agriculture Ministry, including Minister within the Agriculture Ministry, Ali Baksh, is a living and successful example of what is possible under the β€˜Jagdeo Initiative’.


β€œI know some people have said that the Jagdeo Initiative is a waste of time...I invite all of them to come to Santa Fe, because Santa Fe is not only a thriving farm that is sprouting out of wasteland, but Santa Fe is a living example of the Jagdeo Initiative,” he asserted.





THE PPP--a party that embodies positivity--- IS DOING WHAT IS RIGHT FOR GUYANA




Originally Posted by yuji22:
They also use KN to spread their day bad news

Yugi mouth like a batty... suh she talking poop.



Dr. Ramroop lied about radio stations

March 20, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


Dr. Ranjisinghi β€˜Bobby’ Ramroop, who by virtue of being the best friend of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, acquired five radio frequencies, had claimed that he got these through the court.

Ranjisinghi β€˜Bobby’ Ramroop

Dr. Ramroop has since stated that β€œneither the government nor former President Bharrat Jagdeo β€˜gave’, β€˜granted’ or β€˜awarded’ to Queens Atlantic Investment Inc. any television or radio licences.”
He added that he bought the television station, VCT Channel 28, back in 2008 from Anthony β€˜Tony’ Vieira. He claimed that with his purchase of VCT and all its assets, he acquired the radio frequency and further secured it in the court.
However, at the time of the purchase, Vieira Communications Limited did not possess a radio station. The pirate radio that broadcast on 100.1 FM had been confiscated by the National Frequency Management Unit.
Vieira moved to the courts and secured a decision from Justice Jainarayan Singh that the decision to deprive him of the radio was to deny him the right to freedom of expression. The state appealed but it was not until Vieira had sold Vieira Communications Limited that the decision came.
The Appellate Judges were Chancellor Justice Carl Singh, Justice B.S. Roy and Justice Yonnette Cummings-Edwards.
They ruled that the redress was granted under Article 153 for the contravention of Vieira’s fundamental rights guaranteed by Articles 40, 146 and 149 of the Guyana Constitution.
When Jagdeo decided to liberalise radio two weeks before he demitted office he shared out radio frequencies, giving five to Ramroop.
Since Vieira merely won the right to own a radio it was palpably dishonest for Ramroop to claim that he got the radio frequencies when he bought VCT. And even if he did buy one radio station, which he did not, he would have only got one frequency.
β€œHow come they (Kaieteur News) didn’t say CN Sharma was β€˜given’ a television station? The television licence I bought goes back a decade before his,” he said in a statement.

Bharrat Jagdeo

Even that statement smacks of gross irregularity. President Jagdeo had said that licences could not be sold or transferred. Dr. Ramroop may have bought the company and so enjoys the licence. The licence was not for sale, Khemraj Ramjattan said
Dr. Ramroop indeed purchased VCT and all its assets, which he boasted he paid handsomely for, Ramjattan added. However, radio frequencies were not assets of the sold communications network.
Armed with that court order, Dr. Ramroop was then handsomely rewarded his five frequencies by his best friend, just before that friend left office.
According to recent information released by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, the five radio stations given to Ramroop were only issued in November 2011, and then by Jagdeo, who had only days to leave office.


Corruption has been established

March 20, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
A standard definition of corruption is, β€œThe misuse of government power, with which one has been entrusted or assigned, to obtain private gain…” (McConnell, Brue and Flyn, 2012).  Undoubtedly, this has direct relevance to the confiscation by former President Jagdeo of publicly owned assets of the Guyanese people that he in turn transferred by his clandestine action to a group of his private cohorts.
How did the Guyanese people know of this multi-million dollar malfeasance? It was not the state or the private press who announced the details of the deal; but it was the Prime Minister who informed the Guyanese people of this troubling situation when he was asked the question in Parliament (SN Article, 3-16, β€œFrequency Allocations stir Criticisms&rdquo.
Compounding the corruption problem further is the linkage with the Brazilian cable network project, another nefarious scheme constructed in the dark by former President Jagdeo (KN 3-19-2013, β€œUS$35M cable from Brazil a convenience for Jagdeo’s friends&rdquo.
Going forward, two things must be done. First, Prime Minister Hinds needs to keep walking in the footsteps of the former Speaker of the House and former senior PPP/C member, Mr. Ralph Ramkarran who spoke about government corruption.
But talk, the best past-time in Guyana, is not enough; we need concrete action from the top to set a correction path, for Jagdeo’s path cannot be the best for Guyana. Second, we need President Ramotar to show us that he is against corruption not only in words, but by his deeds.
Specifically, President Ramotar must take concrete action and revoke all the licenses issued to these cohorts of Former President Jagdeo with immediate effect; he must ban these persons who received these licenses from having anything to do with communication in Guyana for the next 20 years.
He must, with the approval of Parliament, appoint an effective Board with powers to approve, monitor and make changes that will benefit the Guyanese people.  Separate yourself from this crime, President Ramotar, and let the sunlight in.
C. Kenrick Hunte

Happy Happiness Day!
Posted: 03/20/2013 11:45 am

Let me be the first to wish you a very Happy Happiness Day! In case you didn't know it, today is the first International Day of Happiness, launched by all 193 UN member states. Happiness Day doesn't mean we've arrived at happiness, but it does mean that we've recognized that happiness is our goal -- and that our societies need to work harder to promote the things that really matter in the 21st century.

The fourth king of the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan led the way 40 years ago, drawing on ancient Buddhist wisdom. Bhutan should pursue Gross National Happiness (GNH) rather than Gross National Product (GNP) like the rest of the world. Since then, Bhutan has been experimenting with a new holistic approach to development that emphasizes not just economic growth but also culture, mental health, compassion, and community. Bhutan is searching for a balanced society.

It's a worthy search. Bhutan aims to avoid the Easterlin Paradox that grips the US. Professor Richard Easterlin discovered many years ago that America was becoming much richer per person but not happier, at least not according to the direct reports of wellbeing by Americans responding to surveys. This is sobering, indeed. We are threatening the planet with pollution, climate change, and other environmental degradation to chase more and more goods that don't seem to do so much to really make us any happier.

My colleagues Richard Layard, John Helliwell and I reported on the evidence on happiness in last year's first World Happiness Report, prepared for a UN meeting on happiness promoted by Bhutan. (We'll have the Second World Happiness Report out this fall.) We used worldwide survey data to look at the factors that truly make people happy. Income of course matters, but mainly to the poor. When people are hungry, deprived of basic needs such as clean water, health care, and education, and without meaningful employment, they indeed suffer. Economic development that alleviates poverty is a vital step in boosting happiness.

But income of course is only one among many factors that explain the keys to happiness, something that is well known to everybody except perhaps some Wall Street types and some economists. Other key sources of happiness include social support networks (friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, classmates), a low level of corruption in government and business (obviously a point of U.S. failure relative to many other high-income countries), and personal freedom and security from violence and lawlessness. Having a good job is also extremely important to individual and societal happiness.

Mental health is also a crucial source of happiness. We should be doing much more to ensure that people have access to mental health services when they need them. That would indeed boost wellbeing for many people otherwise in great distress.

There is another key to happiness. The great Buddhist monk, teacher, and writer, Matthieu Ricard reminds us that sensory stimuli -- such as consumerism, shopping sprees, TV spectaculars, gambling, food, sex, drugs, you name it -- are not the path to a sustained high level of happiness. Indeed, he says, incessant sensory stimuli are the path to exhaustion, not happiness!

Sustained high-level happiness, he says, in line with the Buddha's teachings, arises from compassion, altruism, and giving rather than receiving. This is not just rhetoric, either in Ricard's own remarkable case or more generally. The power of altruism to promote happiness in the giver has been demonstrated over and over again. Even the neuroscientists have shown it in their clinical experiments.

The world is now discussing a set of goals to adopt to guide humanity in the period after 2015, following the Millennium Development Goals. There is a strong feeling that the pursuit of happiness needs to figure among the measurements going forward. Are we getting happier? We should look, learn, and adjust our strategies as individuals and nations to find a better way. A new report by the OECD, Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being, released today, will be an important guide to nations as they formulate new measurements that go beyond GNP.

As Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wisely said today:

On this first International Day of Happiness, let us reinforce our commitment to inclusive and sustainable human development and renew our pledge to help others. When we contribute to the common good, we ourselves are enriched. Compassion promotes happiness and will help build the future we want.

Jeffrey D. Sachs is the Director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. He is also Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.


"Cheddi was a humble man who did not collect six months pay before he died. Bharat who handpicked Presi Pamotar built a US$2 mill house by the sea side as he tried to convince the world of global warming; and today he draws down G$3 mill/month for pension. President Ramotar lives in the legacy of Linden Forbes Samson Burnham's bastardized Constitution." 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Bhai....."De Jagdeo and Ramotar Official Press"......need to stop lieing.....nuff things need fixing in guyana.



If you remove your blindfolds and open your eyes you will see all the positive developments taking place in Guyana.



Bhai please tell abee about.....all de positive development that happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar in the last 14 years...

le abee start with a couple....

Tell me about  De Law Book Scandal, De School Book Scandal, De Computer Scandal, De Dolphin Scandal,

De Agriculture Industry 

De Sugar industry, Guysuco & De Skeldon Factory,

De Energy and Electricity Industry,

De Oil Drilling Industry with CGX,

De Guyana Airways Scandal

De Clico Investment Fraud

NIS Scandal

NBS Scandal



De RK (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Coke in Rice Industry,

De Coke in Coconut oil Indistry,

De Coke in Pineapple Industry,

De Coke in Mango Industry,

De Coke in Fish Industry,

De Coke in De Chowmein Industry,

De Coke in De Peppersauce Industry

De Coke in de Curry Powder Industry,

De Coke in the Pineapple Industry,

De coke in de Soap powder Industry,

De Coke in De Molases Industry,

De Coke in De Lumber Industry,

De Coke in De Straw Industry,

De Coke up de B@tty Industry,  

De Coke in De Crutch Industry,

De Mystry plane discovered in Rupununi,

De Gold Smuggleing Industry,

De Gun Smuggleing/Running Industry


De Bobby (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Health Industry-De Drugs fuh de Hospitals and Jag,

De Sanata Textile Mill and Bobby, De Radio and TV licence with Bobby,


De Cable (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De EZjet (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Fip (Jagdeo Friend) Hydro Road

De Prado Ville #1 & #2 Scam (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De 2 Overpriced 40 year Old (Junk) Helicopter


we got plenty more to add after yuh tell us about these great positive developments......but just tell us about these few small ones.



Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Bhai....."De Jagdeo and Ramotar Official Press"......need to stop lieing.....nuff things need fixing in guyana.



If you remove your blindfolds and open your eyes you will see all the positive developments taking place in Guyana.



Bhai please tell abee about.....all de positive development that happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar in the last 14 years...

le abee start with a couple....

Tell me about  De Law Book Scandal, De School Book Scandal, De Computer Scandal, De Dolphin Scandal,

De Agriculture Industry 

De Sugar industry, Guysuco & De Skeldon Factory,

De Energy and Electricity Industry,

De Oil Drilling Industry with CGX,

De Guyana Airways Scandal

De Clico Investment Fraud

NIS Scandal

NBS Scandal



De RK (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Coke in Rice Industry,

De Coke in Coconut oil Indistry,

De Coke in Pineapple Industry,

De Coke in Mango Industry,

De Coke in Fish Industry,

De Coke in De Chowmein Industry,

De Coke in De Peppersauce Industry

De Coke in de Curry Powder Industry,

De Coke in the Pineapple Industry,

De coke in de Soap powder Industry,

De Coke in De Molases Industry,

De Coke in De Lumber Industry,

De Coke in De Straw Industry,

De Coke up de B@tty Industry,  

De Coke in De Crutch Industry,

De Mystry plane discovered in Rupununi,

De Gold Smuggleing Industry,

De Gun Smuggleing/Running Industry


De Bobby (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Health Industry-De Drugs fuh de Hospitals and Jag,

De Sanata Textile Mill and Bobby, De Radio and TV licence with Bobby,


De Cable (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De EZjet (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Fip (Jagdeo Friend) Hydro Road

De Prado Ville #1 & #2 Scam (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De 2 Overpriced 40 year Old (Junk) Helicopter


we got plenty more to add after yuh tell us about these great positive developments......but just tell us about these few small ones.



Wow! That's quite a list.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Long live the PPP. 

DG: As it continues to win the next election by more than 52% of the votes.




The last private poll conducted in Guyana had the PPP at 51%---the Guyanese people will be voting for POSITIVITY(ppp) in the next election not NEGATIVITY(PNC/afc).



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
In life you can choose---negativity or positivity!

Similar to looking at a glass filled half way with water.


Optimists view the glass as half-full while pessimists see it as half-empty.



Mitwa look dem fellas feel lil paint can repackage this Ole Donkey.

Half Zebra.....Half Donkey


Mitwa.....only a Ole Fool in Stripes will say all of this is just half empty or half fill.


Bhai....."De Jagdeo and Ramotar Official Press"......need to stop lieing.....nuff things need fixing in guyana. 




Bhai please tell abee about.....all de positive development that happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar in the last 14 years...

le abee start with a couple....

Tell me about  De Law Book Scandal, De School Book Scandal, De Computer Scandal, De Dolphin Scandal,

De Agriculture Industry

De Sugar industry, Guysuco & De Skeldon Factory,

De Energy and Electricity Industry,

De Oil Drilling Industry with CGX,

De Guyana Airways Scandal

De Clico Investment Fraud

NIS Scandal

NBS Scandal



De RK (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Coke in Rice Industry,

De Coke in Coconut oil Indistry,

De Coke in Pineapple Industry,

De Coke in Mango Industry,

De Coke in Fish Industry,

De Coke in De Chowmein Industry,

De Coke in De Peppersauce Industry

De Coke in de Curry Powder Industry,

De Coke in the Pineapple Industry,

De coke in de Soap powder Industry,

De Coke in De Molases Industry,

De Coke in De Lumber Industry,

De Coke in De Straw Industry,

De Coke up de B@tty Industry, 

De Coke in De Crutch Industry,

De Mystry plane discovered in Rupununi,

De Gold Smuggleing Industry,

De Gun Smuggleing/Running Industry


De Bobby (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Health Industry-De Drugs fuh de Hospitals and Jag,

De Sanata Textile Mill and Bobby, De Radio and TV licence with Bobby,


De Cable (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De EZjet (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Fip (Jagdeo Friend) Hydro Road

De Prado Ville #1 & #2 Scam (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De 2 Overpriced 40 year Old (Junk) Helicopter


we got plenty more to add after yuh tell us about these great positive developments......but just tell us about these few small ones.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
In life you can choose---negativity or positivity!

Similar to looking at a glass filled half way with water.


Optimists view the glass as half-full while pessimists see it as half-empty.



Mitwa look dem fellas feel lil paint can repackage this Ole Donkey.

Half Zebra.....Half Donkey


Mitwa.....only a Ole Fool in Stripes will say all of this is just half empty or half fill.


Bhai....."De Jagdeo and Ramotar Official Press"......need to stop lieing.....nuff things need fixing in guyana. 




Bhai please tell abee about.....all de positive development that happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar in the last 14 years...

le abee start with a couple....

Tell me about  De Law Book Scandal, De School Book Scandal, De Computer Scandal, De Dolphin Scandal,

De Agriculture Industry

De Sugar industry, Guysuco & De Skeldon Factory,

De Energy and Electricity Industry,

De Oil Drilling Industry with CGX,

De Guyana Airways Scandal

De Clico Investment Fraud

NIS Scandal

NBS Scandal



De RK (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Coke in Rice Industry,

De Coke in Coconut oil Indistry,

De Coke in Pineapple Industry,

De Coke in Mango Industry,

De Coke in Fish Industry,

De Coke in De Chowmein Industry,

De Coke in De Peppersauce Industry

De Coke in de Curry Powder Industry,

De Coke in the Pineapple Industry,

De coke in de Soap powder Industry,

De Coke in De Molases Industry,

De Coke in De Lumber Industry,

De Coke in De Straw Industry,

De Coke up de B@tty Industry, 

De Coke in De Crutch Industry,

De Mystry plane discovered in Rupununi,

De Gold Smuggleing Industry,

De Gun Smuggleing/Running Industry


De Bobby (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Health Industry-De Drugs fuh de Hospitals and Jag,

De Sanata Textile Mill and Bobby, De Radio and TV licence with Bobby,


De Cable (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De EZjet (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Fip (Jagdeo Friend) Hydro Road

De Prado Ville #1 & #2 Scam (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De 2 Overpriced 40 year Old (Junk) Helicopter


we got plenty more to add after yuh tell us about these great positive developments......but just tell us about these few small ones.


Jalil, that olde fool doesn't know if he is half alive or half dead. As to the racialist Rev and his racialist sister Yugii, the hate that they have for N*gger Indians is eating them like a flesh eating disease.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

All that AFC supporters can do now is to attack other posters. A true trademark of the AFC. The AFC is finished. Karma is starting to take its toll on the AFC.


"Cheddi was a humble man who did not collect six months pay before he died. Bharat who handpicked Presi Pamotar built a US$2 mill house by the sea side as he tried to convince the world of global warming; and today he draws down G$3 mill/month for pension. President Ramotar lives in the legacy of Linden Forbes Samson Burnham's bastardized Constitution." 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah Bhai, he AFC is clinging to straws now. Karma has just started take its toll on the AFC. They are finished.


It is better for the the young Gerhard to jump ship now.




That's an impressive avatar you have chosen---your best ever---it stands out---very distinctive.





The Guyanese people have seen their true colors---they are bitter, negative and toxic people---they'll be lucky to get 8% in the next election.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev you have no credibility.



You despise the Rev's political views with a passion bordering on hatred, and so it is understandable that nothing I say will appeal to your senses, and therefore I will  always have zero credibility with you and all those who disagree with me.


But that's OK Mitts---the Rev respects your right to be wrong.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah Bhai, he AFC is clinging to straws now. Karma has just started take its toll on the AFC. They are finished.


It is better for the the young Gerhard to jump ship now.




That's an impressive avatar you have chosen---your best ever---it stands out---very distinctive.





The Guyanese people have seen their true colors---they are bitter, negative and toxic people---they'll be lucky to get 8% in the next election.



Rev Bhai


I finally found my Apple avatar. Rev, the AFC is finished. They recently held a meeting and attracted less than 100 persons most of whom travelled long distances to be there. The AFC will get six percent or less at the next election.


The AFC frustration is starting to show. AFC Members are running away from BB and Karma is taking care of others who wanted to overthrow the PPP.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev you have no credibility.



You despise the Rev's political views with a passion bordering on hatred, and so it is understandable that nothing I say will appeal to your senses, and therefore I will  always have zero credibility with you and all those who disagree with me.


But that's OK Mitts---the Rev respects your right to be wrong.



What was your predictions for the last elections and what did you say about OBama's? You are as useful as a Betamax recorder.

I don't hate you. I hate your antiman runnings. We all know of your deep racialism for the Afro brothers and those you deem N*gger Indians.

I hope some day you might be able to get your head out of your poop shoot.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai: I finally found my Apple avatar.


Rev, the AFC is finished.




If the APNU had the skills or the inclination to unite the country and improve the living conditions of the citizens, they would be doing it.  Instead, we are offered, with a tiny majority, more lawlessness in the institution(parliament) that makes laws.


Are we to expect that they will suddenly transform when they control the Executive too? No, thank you.


Most of us want to support the AFC and give them a break and a chance, but they have clearly also lost their moral compass.


As a citizen of this country, growing up under conditions of bitter political violence, divide, strife and hatred, rape and murder, I part company with anyone anywhere who lead people to violence, death, sorrow and mayhem and threaten the peace and stability of this nation.


Our means must be in alignment with our ends. It is the only way to build trust. Sandra Khan


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
The AFC will get six percent or less at the next election.

AFC could get about 6%, if ROAR members remain with the party.


If ROAR members abandon the AFC, the party will have serious problems.

It s quite evident that with the infighting within the AFC and persons with egos bigger than the CN Tower that it will reach a breaking point in the AFC. The failed ROAR has lost it's influence in the AFC. 


Six percent is being on the best case situation for the AFC. Recent developments will reveal a new power struggle within the AFC. The PPP now has everything going in their favor. The must take care of home base Berbice.


Rev tell us about the positivity:

Under the PPP/C

De Law Book Scandal, De School Book Scandal, De Computer Scandal, De Dolphin Scandal,

De Agriculture Industry

De Sugar industry, Guysuco & De Skeldon Factory,

De Energy and Electricity Industry,

De Oil Drilling Industry with CGX,

De Guyana Airways Scandal

De Clico Investment Fraud

NIS Scandal

NBS Scandal

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai: I finally found my Apple avatar.


Rev, the AFC is finished.




If the APNU had the skills or the inclination to unite the country and improve the living conditions of the citizens, they would be doing it.  Instead, we are offered, with a tiny majority, more lawlessness in the institution(parliament) that makes laws.


Are we to expect that they will suddenly transform when they control the Executive too? No, thank you.


Most of us want to support the AFC and give them a break and a chance, but they have clearly also lost their moral compass.


As a citizen of this country, growing up under conditions of bitter political violence, divide, strife and hatred, rape and murder, I part company with anyone anywhere who lead people to violence, death, sorrow and mayhem and threaten the peace and stability of this nation.


Our means must be in alignment with our ends. It is the only way to build trust. Sandra Khan




Two words stand out: Lawlessness of the PNC and Lack of Morale compass of the AFC.


Our history is tainted with the lawlessness and a deliberate attempt by the PNC to exterminate and demoralize a group of people.


Our recent history with the AFC lacking morale compass is very troubling. The AFC stood shoulder to shoulder in trying to overthrow the PPP. Guyanese are now starting to speak out  for their country now that they realise that the PNC and AFC equals to a monster bigger than Burnham and the that future of their children and country is at stake here.



Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
In life you can choose---negativity or positivity!

Similar to looking at a glass filled half way with water.


Optimists view the glass as half-full while pessimists see it as half-empty.



Mitwa look dem fellas feel lil paint can repackage this Ole Donkey.

Half Zebra.....Half Donkey


Mitwa.....only a Ole Fool in Stripes will say all of this is just half empty or half fill.


Bhai....."De Jagdeo and Ramotar Official Press"......need to stop lieing.....nuff things need fixing in guyana. 




Bhai please tell abee about.....all de positive development that happen under Jagdeo & Ramotar in the last 14 years...

le abee start with a couple....

Tell me about  De Law Book Scandal, De School Book Scandal, De Computer Scandal, De Dolphin Scandal,

De Agriculture Industry

De Sugar industry, Guysuco & De Skeldon Factory,

De Energy and Electricity Industry,

De Oil Drilling Industry with CGX,

De Guyana Airways Scandal

De Clico Investment Fraud

NIS Scandal

NBS Scandal



De RK (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Coke in Rice Industry,

De Coke in Coconut oil Indistry,

De Coke in Pineapple Industry,

De Coke in Mango Industry,

De Coke in Fish Industry,

De Coke in De Chowmein Industry,

De Coke in De Peppersauce Industry

De Coke in de Curry Powder Industry,

De Coke in the Pineapple Industry,

De coke in de Soap powder Industry,

De Coke in De Molases Industry,

De Coke in De Lumber Industry,

De Coke in De Straw Industry,

De Coke up de B@tty Industry, 

De Coke in De Crutch Industry,

De Mystry plane discovered in Rupununi,

De Gold Smuggleing Industry,

De Gun Smuggleing/Running Industry


De Bobby (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Health Industry-De Drugs fuh de Hospitals and Jag,

De Sanata Textile Mill and Bobby, De Radio and TV licence with Bobby,


De Cable (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De EZjet (Jagdeo Friend) Industry

De Fip (Jagdeo Friend) Hydro Road

De Prado Ville #1 & #2 Scam (Jagdeo Friend) Industry


De 2 Overpriced 40 year Old (Junk) Helicopter


we got plenty more to add after yuh tell us about these great positive developments......but just tell us about these few small ones.



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