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A just concluded private poll funded by  Guyanese born New York businessman and real estate tycoon George Suraj of Zara Realty has  some encouraging news for President Donald Ramotar and the PPP.




After a year in office a majority of Guyanese voters---51%---claim that they are most satisfied with the leadership of President Ramotar and will vote for him in the next general election.


In the 2011 election Ramotar and the PPP received 48.6% of the votes; APNU received 40.8% and the AFC 10.3%



President Ramotar is now supported by a majority of the Guyanese people, and will form a majority government after the next election.







Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by God:

Here we go again. Another "The numbers don't lie" Rev Al thread. 

That 51% is both believable and credible given the favorable and upbeat situation in Guyana today.


Ramo was not exactly a household name in Guyana and yet he won 48.6% of the votes in 2011---today he is President and well liked and respeced by the voters---and so it's definitely conceivable that the majority of Guyanese--51%--have indicated in the Subraj funded poll that they will vote for the President in the next election.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by God:

Here we go again. Another "The numbers don't lie" Rev Al thread. 

That 51% is both believable and credible given the favorable and upbeat situation in Guyana today.


Ramo was not exactly a household name in Guyana and yet he won 48.6% of the votes in 2011---today he is President and well liked and respeced by the voters---and so it's definitely conceivable that the majority of Guyanese--51%--have indicated in the Subraj funded poll that they will vote for the President in the next election.





If the polling is 51%, given historical reality at the ballot box itself, the PPP will safely land 55-58%.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by God:

Here we go again. Another "The numbers don't lie" Rev Al thread. 

That 51% is both believable and credible given the favorable and upbeat situation in Guyana today.


Ramo was not exactly a household name in Guyana and yet he won 48.6% of the votes in 2011---today he is President and well liked and respeced by the voters---and so it's definitely conceivable that the majority of Guyanese--51%--have indicated in the Subraj funded poll that they will vote for the President in the next election.





We have over 200 posts on the "Predictions" and Rev is a "numbers man" thread of a similar nature. Why would lets say, 201 be any different from that nonsense you posted there?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I bet your knowledge of numbers assured you this is exactly the case!!!!!!



I'll bet even you were taken aback by that George Subraj funded poll---you're totally confounded that this early in his presidency President Ramotar is guaranteed re-election.


It's very difficult for an incumbent to lose Stormy---you just saw incumbent Obama obliterate Romney--you can bray all you want Storm---but Ramo will be given a 2nd term by the Guyanese voters--they just said it to a Subraj pollster.



Originally Posted by baseman:
If the polling is 51%, given historical reality at the ballot box itself, the PPP will safely land 55-58%.



The PPP get 55-58% ? Who are you Vishnu Bisram ?lol


The Rev is not too good at numbers when it comes to politics--but common sense tells me that in a 3 party race---PPP, PNC. AFC---the PPP will be lucky to get the 51% that Subraj poll indicates.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I bet your knowledge of numbers assured you this is exactly the case!!!!!!



I'll bet even you were taken aback by that George Subraj funded poll---you're totally confounded that this early in his presidency President Ramotar is guaranteed re-election.


It's very difficult for an incumbent to lose Stormy---you just saw incumbent Obama obliterate Romney--you can bray all you want Storm---but Ramo will be given a 2nd term by the Guyanese voters--they just said it to a Subraj pollster.



 Why would  I be taken aback with polling that would be nonsense in guyana race based political paradigm?  The PPP are playing for 10 percent of the electorate that feels no obligation to them. The most likely way they will win is rig the votes in areas where a little rigging can go far. Other than they, they lose again.


If the AFC play their cards well, campaign with seriousness and discipline, highlight a concise message and have credible deliverers in the areas that matter they will pick up at least another 8%.


The PNC simply have to drag in 3 percent of the mainly black voters that stayed at home.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I bet your knowledge of numbers assured you this is exactly the case!!!!!!



I'll bet even you were taken aback by that George Subraj funded poll---you're totally confounded that this early in his presidency President Ramotar is guaranteed re-election.


It's very difficult for an incumbent to lose Stormy---you just saw incumbent Obama obliterate Romney--you can bray all you want Storm---but Ramo will be given a 2nd term by the Guyanese voters--they just said it to a Subraj pollster.



 Why would  I be taken back with polling that would be nonsense in guyana race based political paradigm?  The PPP are playing for 10 percent of the electorate that feels no obligation to them. The most likely way they will win is rig the votes in areas where a little rigging can go far. Other than they, they lose again. If the AFC play their cards well, campaign with seriousness and discipline, highlight a concise message and have credible deliverers in the areas that matter they will pick up at least another 8%. The PNC simply have to drag in 3 percent of the mainly black voters that stayed at home.

The PPP will win 55-58% and Guyana don't have 50% Indian population.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I bet your knowledge of numbers assured you this is exactly the case!!!!!!



I'll bet even you were taken aback by that George Subraj funded poll---you're totally confounded that this early in his presidency President Ramotar is guaranteed re-election.


It's very difficult for an incumbent to lose Stormy---you just saw incumbent Obama obliterate Romney--you can bray all you want Storm---but Ramo will be given a 2nd term by the Guyanese voters--they just said it to a Subraj pollster.



 Why would  I be taken back with polling that would be nonsense in guyana race based political paradigm?  The PPP are playing for 10 percent of the electorate that feels no obligation to them. The most likely way they will win is rig the votes in areas where a little rigging can go far. Other than they, they lose again. If the AFC play their cards well, campaign with seriousness and discipline, highlight a concise message and have credible deliverers in the areas that matter they will pick up at least another 8%. The PNC simply have to drag in 3 percent of the mainly black voters that stayed at home.

The PPP will win 55-58% and Guyana don't have 50% Indian population.

 I know, did you not say obama will lose? You and Rev have history on your side. I said the PPP will be a minority government and Obama will win. I also have history on my side.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:



Storm: The most likely way they(PPP) will win is rig the votes in areas where a little rigging can go far. Other than they, they lose again.


Rev: Rigging days are over stormy--the PNC are no longer in office.



Storm: If the AFC play their cards well, campaign...


Rev: If..If..If---If pigs had wings they would fly--stop dreaming stromy--the AFC will forever be a 10% party--actually they'd be lucky to pull 10% in the next election---based on the Subraj poll---it looks like they'll pull around 8%


Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:



Storm: The most likely way they(PPP) will win is rig the votes in areas where a little rigging can go far. Other than they, they lose again.


Rev: Rigging days are over stormy--the PNC are no longer in office.



Storm: If the AFC play their cards well, campaign...


Rev: If..If..If---If pigs had wings they would fly--stop dreaming stromy--the AFC will forever be a 10% party--actually they'd be lucky to pull 10% in the next election---based on the Subraj poll---it looks like they'll pull around 8%



 The PPP hired a drug lord to murder people when they felt threatened. Do you think that they will not rig elections to avoid being in the hands of the PNC? If the PNC comes into power, a whole lot of those thieving bastards are on their way to a fine concrete cell amply dampened to increase its misery index. They will set up in place a fall back position for rigging if they ever felt threatened.


I am not the dreamer. You are, you are the pretend numbers man that acted an ass for over two months calling everyone all kinds of names and claiming to be a political savant. You are the one that lost on every prediction from Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Virginia, etc...the electoral count!


I am done with this thread

Originally Posted by TK:

REV: "Rev: Rigging days are over stormy--the PNC are no longer in office."


Any group of people who rigs internal party election will rig national election. 




The Rev will share some inside information with you tonight.


Serious "work" is being done regarding REGION 8.


Check out the Region 8 results in 2011:


AFC...995 votes


PPP...741 votes


PNC...739 votes



The AFC won region 8 by 254 votes---and that's the majority right there in parliament.


The PPP will do everything humanly possible to "win" back those 254 votes.hahahaha





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

REV: "Rev: Rigging days are over stormy--the PNC are no longer in office."


Any group of people who rigs internal party election will rig national election. 




The Rev will share some inside information with you tonight.


Serious "work" is being done regarding REGION 8.


Check out the Region 8 results in 2011:


AFC...995 votes


PPP...741 votes


PNC...739 votes



The AFC won region 8 by 254 votes---and that's the majority right there in parliament.


The PPP will do everything humanly possible to "win" back those 254 votes.hahahaha





With Ms Lowe in charge of that region there is no way you guys winning 8. She is not for the soup. What a fine woman she is...not an inch of soupatunistic bone in her. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


I am done with this thread





It looks like that 51% has left you dazed and dumbfounded.


The Rev has never seen you run from a thread before---never.hahahaha


Deal with reality Stormy--incumbents are very difficult to defeat--you just saw incumbent Obama torpedo and obliterate Romney and the Republicans---incumbent Ramotar will pull an Obama---he will torpedo and obliterate Moses, Granger and the AFC/PNC.







Originally Posted by TK:



With Ms Lowe in charge of that region there is no way you guys winning 8. She is not for the soup. What a fine woman she is...not an inch of soupatunistic bone in her. 


Ms. Lowe I have been informed is a woman of impeccable character--a woman of integrity--she is 100% incorruptible.


But check this:


There were 4197 registered voters in region 8 in 2011---2475 voted for the AFC/PNC/PPP


Right now some serious work is being done---privately on the 1700+ who did not vote---lots of "goodies" are being



Originally Posted by Jalil:


There was no Subraj Poll showing Ramotar with 51%.



Kindly tone down the boorishness--it's quite unbecoming of a man of your standing.


Now jalil bai, the Subraj poll was private, and released only to the political elites---these private polls, like the Subraj funded poll, are done to guage the inclination and the disposition of the population---and right now President Ramotar and the PPP have every reason to be buoyant and cheerful---they will return to the majority in the next election.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:




A just concluded private poll funded by  Guyanese born New York businessman and real estate tycoon George Suraj of Zara Realty has  some encouraging news for President Donald Ramotar and the PPP.




After a year in office a majority of Guyanese voters---51%---claim that they are most satisfied with the leadership of President Ramotar and will vote for him in the next general election.


In the 2011 election Ramotar and the PPP received 48.6% of the votes; APNU received 40.8% and the AFC 10.3%



President Ramotar is now supported by a majority of the Guyanese people, and will form a majority government after the next election.







Heard about the poll.


The poll also found the drunkee OH Nandalala was more popular than Donald.


The poll was conducted in NATOO RUM SHOP.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


There was no Subraj Poll showing Ramotar with 51%.



Kindly tone down the boorishness--it's quite unbecoming of a man of your standing.


Now jalil bai, the Subraj poll was private, and released only to the political elites---these private polls, like the Subraj funded poll, are done to guage the inclination and the disposition of the population---and right now President Ramotar and the PPP have every reason to be buoyant and cheerful---they will return to the majority in the next election.







You are always providing the latest news that send the AFC supporters here to a depressive state. No wonder the AFC have been in secret talks with the PNC to merge both parties.


This is devastating news for the AFC and PNC. Their future lies in a merger of both parties.


The future of the PPP lies with home base region six and eight. They need to infuse huge investments and funds where it matters. Linden can wait since Jagdeo pumped billions in Linden and they gave him nothing in return. Lindeners ate from the plate, bore a big hole in it and voted for the PNC.


Victory is awaiting the PPP once again. They need to play their cards right and the AFC will eat grass. Moses is having sleepless nights and Nigel is leading a struggle to take over the AFC and merge it with the PNC.


No wonder my source from Georgetown confirmed that Moses cancelled his order for the Bentley and opted for a Hundai Pony. Ha Ha.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Rev: You are always providing the latest news that send the AFC supporters here to a depressive state.


Yuji bhai:


The frenzy and hysteria demonstrated by the AFC/PNC supporters on this forum is understandable. They come here daily bawling, screaming and braying about the PPP theifing and being corrupt, and here you have a private poll indicating that 51% of Guyanese are pleased with the leadership of President Ramotar and will vote to re-elect him in the next election.


Stormborn has already blown a fuse and thrown a hissy fit---he has promised not to return to this thread---poor stormy, the PPP will drive him to the mad house.





Read comments from ambassadoe Brent Hardt:


In his presentation, US Ambassador, Brent Hardt acknowledged that “Guyana’s looming transition to an energy producing nation could offer a critical and transformative juncture in Guyana’s history.”


He emphasised that Guyana is standing at a key stage in its history, as it surveys promising extraction opportunities, phenomenal timber resources and mineral wealth including gold, diamond, bauxite and manganese while striving to preserve resources for the future and to develop a programme of sustainable growth.


“This resource wealth is now on the verge of being significantly enhanced by the possibility of oil discovery and the likelihood of Guyana transitioning to an energy producing nation,” Ambassador Hardt said.


Having recognised Guyana’s natural beauty and the wilderness, the Ambassador stressed the importance for the country to not only utilise its abundance of natural resources wisely, but also to take steps to ensure it cherishes them, protects the vast water supplies for which Guyana takes its name and preserves the unique rainforests that provide incredible wood.





Originally Posted by Prashad:

until Suraj tell me personally that he did a poll I not believing that Suraj would have time in his busy schedule to do a poll.




The man's name is Subraj not Suraj.


George Subraj funded the private poll--he didn't conduct the poll himself.


Subraj is a good man---very generous---does admirable charity work in Guyana.




A Berbician told me that the "lil sympathy votes" Moses received from the Berbicians won't be there in the next elections. He cried and pleaded with the Berbicians about his years of sacrifice with Comrade Cheddie and today he has to leave the PPP. The hearts of many went out to him and it was reflected in the elections results. Now, the mood in the Berbice has changed with Moses and his boys them jumping up with the PNC in Linden waving white T-Shirts and calling for violent revolution. The Berbicians are saying Lindeners want free electiricity and we got to pay for it. Agricola, Buxton, and other PNC strongholds have the highest rate of power theft from GEC and yet the company can't collect monies owed, read meters without three armed policemen, or even do a disconnection. The oppositon mayorshipt of GT employs 800 people but 500 are phantoms. Millions are stolen from the coffers of the City Council each year while garbage piles up. These things are angering the Berbicians just as much as it angers those in other parts of Guyana. Too add insult to injury, the AFC is now riding high with the PNC. They have shown no concerns for the people of Guyana. They are on a mission to settle score with the former colleagues in the PPP - if we can't get the leadership of the party, we gon bring down the gov't and let the PNC dogs ruin the country again. This is the message the Berbicians have been given. They are now watching as the "fish market politicians" cuss and fight about budgets and pension package.


The AFC has squandered the little gains the won. It's time to take stock of these characters who talk about change. Change is simply replacement of the PPP with the PNC.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A Berbician told me that the "lil sympathy votes" Moses received from the Berbicians won't be there in the next elections. He cried and pleaded with the Berbicians about his years of sacrifice with Comrade Cheddie and today he has to leave the PPP. The hearts of many went out to him and it was reflected in the elections results. Now, the mood in the Berbice has changed with Moses and his boys them jumping up with the PNC in Linden waving white T-Shirts and calling for violent revolution.




That Berbician you spoke to hit the nail on the head--the sentiments for Moses Nagamootoo and his novelty have vanished.


In 2011 many Berbicians who voted for the AFC---11,634 voters in region 6 alone voted for the AFC---believed the AFC would have won the election outright---the AFC only received 10.3% of the votes---and many Berbicians felt duped by Moses and Khemraj.


The private poll funded by George Subraj indicates clearly that the sentiments the Berbicians had for Moses and the AFC have evaporated---with 51% of Guyanese now claiming they will vote for Ramo in the next election---Moses will become a nonentity after the next election---he probably already is.






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