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There are numerous large scale infrastructural and other projects in the pipeline in Guyana and Finance Minister Ashni Singh sees the Public-Private partnership model as the key funding mechanism for these projects.





* In the Amaila falls hydro project---the private partner will be Blackstone group/Sithe global---they will provide 150 million in equity; the Guyana government via NICIL---will be the public partner---the debt financing will be provided by China import export Bank, the Inter American develpment bank, etc







* Officials from Brazil and Guyana met yesterday and set themselves a 4 month deadline to arrive at concrete proposals for the construction of hydro-electric plants, related transmission lines, improvement to the Guyana-Brazil road and the construction of a deep water port.


"Brazil is keen on taking advantage of a shorter route through Guyana to the Atlantic Ocean for its products. If the hydropower stations materialize, Guyana will be the source of cheap electricity not only for consumption locally and in northern Brazil."





Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh suggested that the projects could be funded through a public private partnership like was done for theBerbiceRiverBridge. The Amaila Hydro power station, he said, would be built under a similar arrangement.


β€œWe intend to use this public-private partnership model in replication as we develop other major infrastructural projects,” he said, adding that Brazilian companies with β€œstrategic interest” inGuyanawould be welcomed.





Exciting times are ahead for Guyana economically---the public and private sector are working together to turbocharge Guyana's economy---prosperity is on the way---this is very bad news for the losers in the AFC/PNC---but great, great news for the rest of Guyana





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Take a look at this map---the northern regions in Brazil need closer access to the Atlantic---hence the road construction and the deep water port---hydro plants will also provide energy to norther Brazil.




"Brazil is keen on taking advantage of a shorter route through Guyana to the Atlantic Ocean for its products. If the hydropower stations materialize, Guyana will be the source of cheap electricity not only for consumption locally and in northern Brazil."




China in Guyana – the new imperialism?


February 20, 2013 | By Knews
Dear Editor,
From the banks of the Berbice River β€” Bai Shan Lin Investments, stretching across to the Potaro-Kuribrong Rivers β€” the Amalia Hydroelectric project,  going on to Corrivertonβ€” Skeldon Sugar factory  to the streets of Georgetown β€” commercial stores and Chinese products  β€”  and I can go on and on β€” Chinese influence can be felt everywhere.
Small states like Guyana that have been experiencing diminishing aid from traditional multilateral development agencies rush to fill this void for development financing at very attractive financial terms and conditions that the Chinese offer. Indeed countries like ours are caught in a nexus on the one hand of securing attractive financing. On the other hand,  those vested with godly authority of negotiating a better package of measures that all, I mean every single one of the Chinese investments, to include some way or the other, training programmes, technology transfer and the fostering of local management skills coupled with the reservation of the proportion of Chinese investment and infrastructure projects for local firms and labour.
The experience of many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean provides comparable lessons that it is a two-way street for Chinese investments and commercial activity. These countries have negotiated benefits strongly for trade, services and employment for their people.
Indeed in Guyana one cannot only see it through the lens that the Chinese is an attractive development financier. But from a political viewpoint it can  clearly be seen that China has shifted from its Cold War ideology to the modern pursuit of economic self-interest in the form of access to raw materials, markets and spheres of influence through investment, trade assistance – to the point where China can be suspected of pursuing the goals of any classical imperialist.

Those massive public projects – A national tragedy and disgrace

February 16, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
We want to let the readers know that this is the second letter which originated from a classified conversation that Bharrat Jagdeo had with the U.S. Ambassador, His Excellency Mr. Robinson on October 2, 2006, that was leaked by Wikileaks; where he promised major changes in his second term.
In that conversation with the US Ambassador, Jagdeo claimed that combating chronic physical insecurity of the people is the biggest impediment to new investments in Guyana. Yet from 2006 to now, neither Jagdeo nor his sidekick now in the Office of the President has done much by way of sound public policy to enhance the competitiveness of the business community.


What did happen since then was that corruption was facilitated at an exponential rate by the political rulers on a grand scale. The public projects became larger both in size and complexity under the disguise that they are transformational projects, but with a real intent of being the funnel to leak state resources away from the Treasury into the pockets of greedy politicians and their business partners.


But the empirical evidence as uncovered by Tanzi et al from the World Bank is that grand projects similar to the likes of the Marriott Project, the Airport expansion Project and the Skeldon Factory, if implemented just to facilitate corruption, will result in a decline in the β€œproductivity” on those projects and by extension, in the nation. This translates to a direct negative impact on the β€œrate of economic growth” which results in the poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer.
To date, the PPP regime has not fulfilled any of these projects to the benefit of the poor and the working class.
What has happened since 2006 is that the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal has spent almost G$100 billion on six or seven projects, all either severely underperforming (as in the case of the Skeldon Sugar Factory) or collapsed (as in the case of the Amaila Falls Road) or just completely failed to date, as in the case of the $13 billion ICT project.
So today Guyana is saddled with the highest external debt ever in its history. This is a national tragedy and disgrace. We have discovered that nothing in those so-called mega contracts would help the poor to climb out of their poverty.
Let it be told, as Moses Nagamootoo highlighted, that the future of the Guyanese children is now pawned for a very high price. Had the Guyanese people recognized these greedy wolves in sheep’s clothing earlier, they would have saved their children and by extension, saved Guyana from billions of dollars in debt.
Dr Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

How many jobs on projects funded by the taxpayers of China, Russia and India are given to foreigners as a first preference by their governments?

February 20, 2013 β€’ By Staff writer

Dear Editor,

On this matter of giving away our jobs the people are heavily relying on the media to hold the government accountable, because the government wishes it didn’t have to answer to us. It is unfortunate the PPP has sunk to a new low in an effort to wriggle out of accountability for allowing the employment of only foreigners on the Marriott Hotel.  The PPP should be asked to provide the law and migrant convention highlighting the sections which allow a government to hire foreign workers in preference to nationals when such jobs were not advertised and the local population was denied priority. Were they asked to do this they would be singing a different tune. Even though the government claims it has a policy to attract skills, the government needs to tell us what skills they are seeking to attract that we do not have.
This government can only think and function best when they cry β€˜racism’ and create smokescreens to hide their nefarious actions. It is arrant nonsense on the part of Gail Teixeira and Anand Nandlall to accuse Guyanese of racism and anti-nationalism when all we are demanding is the right to work, and that as Guyanese we be given preferential treatment. I hope their supporters are not allowing the party’s bigwigs to insult their intelligence by having them feel it is OK for their families to be unemployed when their money is being used to fund these projects. Being pro-Guyanese does not make us racist or anti-national and there are Guyanese of Chinese extraction with whom we share a relationship of camaraderie while the PPP is now trying to manufacture a division. The only anti-national behaviour here is that of the PPP government which is clearly showing they don’t care about Guyana and Guyanese and are not ashamed to cry wolf when they are found out.
If the other projects may have escaped public scrutiny or outcry does not make the situation right. It is scary that the PPP claims an immigration policy that allows it to attract overseas skills which already exist in Guyana and pays out our money to foreigners, but they have no immigration policy that would see Guyanese going to work in certain industries and returning their earnings to Guyana. How convenient that the government ignores this policy utilised by sister Caricom countries in the hotel and agriculture industries.
To the government’s point that Guyanese are working overseas, these workers are working in different categories. They were forced to migrate because there are no jobs or they had to work under poor conditions, or on account of normal migration, technology transfer, the CSME free movement of skills, or doing jobs the host country’s workers refuse to do.
Let the PPP show us how many projects, if any, are funded by the taxpayers of Russia, China and India while their governments give first preference to foreigners when their people are willing and able to do the jobs. This is the crux of the matter. It is made even more glaring when you look at the ratio of Guyanese needing jobs or have the skills to do the job and are being denied opportunities to work compared to those who are being imported to do jobs funded by Guyanese.  The foreign governments and businesses are reaping two sweets out of one joint. They are making sure a hefty sum of the money they loan to Guyana sees immediate repatriation by having their people do the jobs and later having Guyanese repay the loans. The government needs to stop its embarrassing excuses and selling out our birthright.
Yours faithfully,
Leslie Gonsalves
Region 10 Councillor
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Those massive public projects – A national tragedy and disgrace


Dr Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

The Rev will be blunt:


N*GGER INDIANS like Harish S. Singh and negroes like Dr. Asquith Rose hate the PPP---they cannot stand the East Indian led PPP successfully leading Guyana and bringing progress and prosperity to the country---those pathetic losers are dying for the PNC and tyranny to return to Guyana.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Public private partnership is the PPP's code word for avenues of kack-back taxes and oligarchic exploitation. 







It must really torture you mentally to see the astounding success Ashni is enjoying as Finance Minister.hahaha



Like he used to Chaaatay fuh Minista WEuk and got turned away. Dont be bitter, just Chaatay more.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The people of Guyana will not allow tyranny again. The PPP gov't is not flawless, but it is still the best choice. Those in the AFC who promised change have reneged by joining force with the PNC. The Guyanese people will not vote for them again. They will be decimated in the next elections.


Well said Billy!


You can flush the AFC down the toilet. Their credibility with the Guyanese people has been demolished---they have exposed themselves as egotistical, swell headed opportunists bent on retarding progress in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
TK's hero Desmond Hoyte

Like he(Tarron Khemraj) used to Chaaatay fuh Minista WEuk and got turned away. Dont be bitter, just Chaatay more.



TK's hero was "slow fiya mo fiya" tyrant Desmond Hoyte---what does that tell you about TK ?





Rev ALL:


you is a liar for a big man, I mean shart man.


Desmond Hoyte was a man of many seasons.  He was like a Jeckle and a Hyde.


In his bad years -during slow fiya mo fiya, he was a political disaster but he was better for Guyana during his peak from 1989 -1992.


BIG RAT and THE FAT DUCK can never dream of achieving what he achieved in the years 1989-1992.



Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:


BIG RAT and THE FAT DUCK can never dream of achieving what he(Desmond Hoyte) achieved in the years 1989-1992.


That's right Narain! Barath and Ramo can never dream of bankrupting Guyana like Desmond Hoyte and the PNC.

N*GGER INDIANS remain deeply enamored by PNC thug and tyrant Desmond Hoyte.


When Hoyte and the PNC were kicked out of office in 1992 Guyana was in financial ruins---the country was deeply indebted---it was bankrupt.


Thankfully the PPP has gotten Guyana back on track and on the road to prosperity.


But N*GGER INDIANS--the most disgusting and pathetic Guyanese will forever mourn for their hero Desmond Hoyte aka Desmond Persaud.





Originally Posted by Nehru:




CUFFY: National hero of East Indians who hate the PPP




East Indians like TK, Ronald Narain, Devindra, Mahen, warrior, Sase, etc, etc who hate the PPP and badly want to see the PNC rule Guyana again---those East Indians hate the name Desmond Persaud for their hero---it's too Indian for them----they prefer the more African name---Desmond Hoyte.






Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Nehru:




CUFFY: National hero of East Indians who hate the PPP




East Indians like TK, Ronald Narain, Devindra, Mahen, warrior, Sase, etc, etc who hate the PPP and badly want to see the PNC rule Guyana again---those East Indians hate the name Desmond Persaud for their hero---it's too Indian for them----they prefer the more African name---Desmond Hoyte.






Desmond Hoyte is an African name? You're becoming more retarded with every passing day.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Public private partnership is the PPP's code word for avenues of kack-back taxes and oligarchic exploitation. 







It must really torture you mentally to see the astounding success Ashni is enjoying as Finance Minister.hahaha





Actually not at all...I would not leave my world for anything else. I go off and do consultancy etc and return to gravity. I told Khemraj Ramjattan I am not interested in MOF wuk. You've got to be really good to get tenure and an endowed chair simultaneously in the US. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Public private partnership is the PPP's code word for avenues of kack-back taxes and oligarchic exploitation. 







It must really torture you mentally to see the astounding success Ashni is enjoying as Finance Minister.hahaha





All I ask for is for Ashni to justify how can Guyana economy move from US$341 mill in 1992 to US$2.8 bill in 2012 growing at 11.22%. 

Originally Posted by TK:


All I ask for is for Ashni to justify how can Guyana economy move from US$341 mill in 1992 to US$2.8 bill in 2012 growing at 11.22%. 



You're just a pi$$ poor loser who's trying to cast doubts on the excellent growth Guyana has experienced under the PPP.


Listen! The Rev doesn't know of any country in this world where officials are asked to justify or substantiate the GDP numbers.


The GDP numbers are what they are---they have been accepted as relaible by the IMF, the world bank, and by the Guyanese people.


By the way TK,




0.62 billion---Suriname's GDP in 1992


4.6 billion---Suriname's GDP in 2011



From 620 million to 4.6 billion over a 19 year period---that is a compound growth rate of 11.12%





Would you ask the Surinamese to justify or substantiate that 11.12% compound GDP growth rate TK ? No you won't.





You are a poor LOSER TK---you can't stand the progress Guyana is making under the PPP and are trying to cast doubts on the numbers----keep on being envious and bitter TK.



Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Public private partnership is the PPP's code word for avenues of kack-back taxes and oligarchic exploitation. 







It must really torture you mentally to see the astounding success Ashni is enjoying as Finance Minister.hahaha





All I ask for is for Ashni to justify how can Guyana economy move from US$341 mill in 1992 to US$2.8 bill in 2012 growing at 11.22%. 

Justify??? Ah Stupid yuh Stupid suh. It is call having a BRAIN to grow the Economy STUPID!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Public private partnership is the PPP's code word for avenues of kack-back taxes and oligarchic exploitation. 




It must really torture you mentally to see the astounding success Ashni is enjoying as Finance Minister.hahaha





All I ask for is for Ashni to justify how can Guyana economy move from US$341 mill in 1992 to US$2.8 bill in 2012 growing at 11.22%. 

Justify??? Ah Stupid yuh Stupid suh. It is call having a BRAIN to grow the Economy STUPID!!!!



Pavi bai...a dog donk brain don't allow one the ability to understand these things. Please go and pack your FAFSA forms. Thank you. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


All I ask for is for Ashni to justify how can Guyana economy move from US$341 mill in 1992 to US$2.8 bill in 2012 growing at 11.22%. 



You're just a pi$$ poor loser who's trying to cast doubts on the excellent growth Guyana has experienced under the PPP.


Listen! The Rev doesn't know of any country in this world where officials are asked to justify or substantiate the GDP numbers.


The GDP numbers are what they are---they have been accepted as relaible by the IMF, the world bank, and by the Guyanese people.


By the way TK,




0.62 billion---Suriname's GDP in 1992


4.6 billion---Suriname's GDP in 2011



From 620 million to 4.6 billion over a 19 year period---that is a compound growth rate of 11.12%





Would you ask the Surinamese to justify or substantiate that 11.12% compound GDP growth rate TK ? No you won't.





You are a poor LOSER TK---you can't stand the progress Guyana is making under the PPP and are trying to cast doubts on the numbers----keep on being envious and bitter TK.




Actually it is quite possible in the Suriname case (not putting my head on the block for this one as the Guyana one, however) because of re-valuation of the Suriname currency. So for Suriname it was not all based on production. In the Guyana it depreciated. 

Originally Posted by TK:

Actually it is quite possible in the Suriname case (not putting my head on the block for this one as the Guyana one, however) because of re-valuation of the Suriname currency. So for Suriname it was not all based on production. In the Guyana it depreciated. 



I am willing to wager that if it were your beloved Desmond Hoyte and the PNC who were ruling Guyana you would never ask for the GDP numbers to be justified and substantiated.


But it's the people and the party that you hate and despise---Ashni, Ramo, the PPP who are leading Guyana to prosperity and you and your fellow losers in the AFC are flabbergasted, dumbfounded, blown away. 




Your hopeless, pointless and futile efforts to question the validity of Guyana's GDP numbers will ignored by 90% of Guyanese---they are deeply impressed by the growth and expansion they are seeing with their own eyes in Guyana.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


All I ask for is for Ashni to justify how can Guyana economy move from US$341 mill in 1992 to US$2.8 bill in 2012 growing at 11.22%. 



You're just a pi$$ poor loser who's trying to cast doubts on the excellent growth Guyana has experienced under the PPP.


Listen! The Rev doesn't know of any country in this world where officials are asked to justify or substantiate the GDP numbers.


The GDP numbers are what they are---they have been accepted as relaible by the IMF, the world bank, and by the Guyanese people.


By the way TK,




0.62 billion---Suriname's GDP in 1992


4.6 billion---Suriname's GDP in 2011



From 620 million to 4.6 billion over a 19 year period---that is a compound growth rate of 11.12%





Would you ask the Surinamese to justify or substantiate that 11.12% compound GDP growth rate TK ? No you won't.





You are a poor LOSER TK---you can't stand the progress Guyana is making under the PPP and are trying to cast doubts on the numbers----keep on being envious and bitter TK.



False figures Rev. In that period Suriname paid off all its debts, including the cost of building the bridge over the Suriname river.The government in Suriname has managed to use its clearance of its debts and the speed at which it was done to get new credit.

Guyana on the other hand increased its debt. So if you take the debt burden into account then Guyana has gone backwards

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

False figures Rev. In that period Suriname paid off all its debts...




Suriname has done a great job managing its debt---but government debt is not all paid off---as of 2011 govt debt as a % of GDP was around 20.6%---we know GDP in 2011 was 4.6 billion---so public debt was just under 1 billion.




Go do some homework T---you'll find out there is a relationship between credit and real growth---at this stage in Guyana's expansion---credit based capital(debt) is good----of course prudent management of that debt is paramount.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

Actually it is quite possible in the Suriname case (not putting my head on the block for this one as the Guyana one, however) because of re-valuation of the Suriname currency. So for Suriname it was not all based on production. In the Guyana it depreciated. 



I am willing to wager that if it were your beloved Desmond Hoyte and the PNC who were ruling Guyana you would never ask for the GDP numbers to be justified and substantiated.


But it's the people and the party that you hate and despise---Ashni, Ramo, the PPP who are leading Guyana to prosperity and you and your fellow losers in the AFC are flabbergasted, dumbfounded, blown away. 




Your hopeless, pointless and futile efforts to question the validity of Guyana's GDP numbers will ignored by 90% of Guyanese---they are deeply impressed by the growth and expansion they are seeing with their own eyes in Guyana.







Well I was a PPP activist in south GT and Agricola during Hoyte years. So yes I would have questioned their wrongdoings also. Ashni's GDP number makes no sense...hence I questioned it. 


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