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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev:


* If you folks recall---the AFC won Region 8 in 2011 with 995 votes. The PPP received 741 votes and the PNC 738.


* The PPP is making every effort to win Region 8 in the next election. Had they won region 8 in 2011 they would not have been in the minority.





Shit heads like you who do not know the persisting grievances these people have against the PPP will think they can be bought. They will not be moved. They are still waiting on the decision about their lands. They have the gold miners on one side and BaiShanlin claiming their lands on the other side. The PPP is not going to win here

 Take a look at the picture most of the attendees

 seems not to be interested in his presentation.




* Foreign investors are avoiding Guyana like the plague thanks to the AFC's refusal to cooperate with the government.


* Thanks heavens the eyes and minds of Guyanese voters are open.


* Come next election the AFC will be cast into the dust bin.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Shit heads like you who do not know the persisting grievances these people have against the PPP will think they can be bought. They will not be moved. They are still waiting on the decision about their lands. They have the gold miners on one side and BaiShanlin claiming their lands on the other side. The PPP is not going to win here

* Cut the bullshit stormy!


* The Amerindians have prospered immensely under the PPP government over the last 22 years.


* Of course, you won't know. You haven't gone back to Guyana since you left 35 years ago.


* Anyway stormy, keep braying. It's healthy for your lungs.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Shit heads like you who do not know the persisting grievances these people have against the PPP will think they can be bought. They will not be moved. They are still waiting on the decision about their lands. They have the gold miners on one side and BaiShanlin claiming their lands on the other side. The PPP is not going to win here

* Cut the bullshit stormy!


* The Amerindians have prospered immensely under the PPP government over the last 22 years.


* Of course, you won't know. You haven't gone back to Guyana since you left 35 years ago.


* Anyway stormy, keep braying. It's healthy for your lungs.





Mouthing the words "prosperity" does not make it so. Given your capacity for useless verbiage on knows who brays.  Simply look at the style of your writing. It is just useless list making of pompous declarative sentences with not a damn worthwhile bit of information. 


Amerinds do not dance to the PPP tune. It is the reason the PPP is into so much bead trading there offering up chainsaw ( a metaphor for robbing them) and ATVs and nothing else. Meanwhile our women are made into whores by poverty ( 70%) our lands are taken from us and we are invaded from all sides by coast landers scrounging for gold. The PPP is a curse to us.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Simply look at the style of your writing.




* I notice you pay a lot of attention to the Rev's writing style.


* Listen! The Rev is a man of NUMBERS not WORDS like




* Both the nasty AFC and evil PNC voted to deny fund for Amerindian development. And so come election time the Amerindians will continue to vote overwhelmingly for the PPP.



Originally Posted by Rev:



* Foreign investors are avoiding Guyana like the plague thanks to the AFC's refusal to cooperate with the government.


* Thanks heavens the eyes and minds of Guyanese voters are open.


* Come next election the AFC will be cast into the dust bin.



Foreign investors are avoiding Guyana BECAUSE OF THE POOR PUBLIC POLICIES FROM THE PPP.




time for the people to chain saw the PPP.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Simply look at the style of your writing.




* I notice you pay a lot of attention to the Rev's writing style.


* Listen! The Rev is a man of NUMBERS not WORDS like




* Both the nasty AFC and evil PNC voted to deny fund for Amerindian development. And so come election time the Amerindians will continue to vote overwhelmingly for the PPP.



One does not have to pay attention to it. Its garish look, its childish layout its ignorant messages are not avoidable.  It has no sentence or paragraph structure so carries no thought to fruition. It is akin to a bunch of splashed on the screen with as much worth.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

One does not have to pay attention to it. Its garish look, its childish layout its ignorant messages are not avoidable.  It has no sentence or paragraph structure so carries no thought to fruition. It is akin to a bunch of splashed on the screen with as much worth.




* Glad to know you are an ardent fan of the Rev on GNI Stormy. I am also delighted to know that you pay keen attention to my writing style.haha



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

One does not have to pay attention to it. Its garish look, its childish layout its ignorant messages are not avoidable.  It has no sentence or paragraph structure so carries no thought to fruition. It is akin to a bunch of splashed on the screen with as much worth.




* Glad to know you are an ardent fan of the Rev on GNI Stormy. I am also delighted to know that you pay keen attention to my writing style.haha



I give everyone their equal due indexed only to their post count that one has to address. You get as much attention as one would least they step on a snake. One is never preoccupied with it. One simply knows what terrain they care to use for cover

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I give everyone their equal due indexed only to their post count that one has to address.

As Lord in your personal realm.

I do hope you are/were king of your own domain...think those girls need a dna verification test?

The girls are happy and pleased with me.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* The PPP is an inclusive party.




So why does the PPP do so badly among African and mixed voters.  These are the second and third largest voting blocs, with mixed being the fastest growing bloc, even as the Indian bloc declines.


The only role that the PPP sees blacks playing is to use obese women to backball on.  This is why they do so poorly even after being in power for 22 years.


So you can scream inclusivity all you want, while you parade around stooges like the two Jennifers, Sam Hinds, etc. Black people know these clowns dont represent their interests, so refuse to listen to them.  Every time Sam Hinds appears in front of blacks they boo him.

Originally Posted by Rev:

* Both the nasty AFC and evil PNC voted to deny fund for Amerindian development. And so come election time the Amerindians will continue to vote overwhelmingly for the PPP.



A 60% vote isnt overwhelming.  In addition there are now loud Amerindian voices exposing the degree to which the PPP views them as primitive savages who can be baught off with the gift of a power saw, even as t6he destroy the environment within which the Amerindians must live.


Voter turnout in the interior is about 50% that of the coast.  So the Amerindian support for the PPP is probably good for only 3% of the votes cast.   They already have these votes, so where else will they get new support.


Not from Indians, more and more of them are becoming increasingly vocal, and even rioting against the PPP.


Definitely not from blacks and mixed voters who maintain that the PPP wishes to starve them out of existence, and use them only to engage in public displays of incompetent attempts at wining, and as sexualized objects.


So where will these votes come from. Please note that in the 4 years t5hat will have passed by the time the new election is held, more Indians will have left Guyana, many from Region 6.




You love to Ghotay about Indians leaving. Take a close look at the planes from NY and Toronto to Guyana. A majority are Afros.


Ask Skelly, he just came back from Guyana. The biggest secret is also the Afros leaving and many who will not turn out to Vote after Granger rigged.


The opposition are not ready for an election. The PPP has millions and millions to spent at an election. Spend Baby, spend. A majority is certain.


No need for Sam and the PPP to spend in Linden. Sam can be used elsewhere.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



You love to Ghotay about Indians leaving. Take a close look at the planes from NY and Toronto to Guyana. A majority are Afros.


Ask Skelly, he just came back from Guyana. The biggest secret is also the Afros leaving and many who will not turn out to Vote after Granger rigged.


The opposition are not ready for an election. The PPP has millions and millions to spent at an election. Spend Baby, spend. A majority is certain.


No need for Sam and the PPP to spend in Linden. Sam can be used elsewhere.


Which "else where" can Sam Hinds be used. Every time he shows up to speak to blacks in G/town they heckle him.  What has he done to give them the confidence that he is ANY INFLUENCE within the PPP?  22 years later, long after every one gas forgotten about Civic you all still exclude him from the PPP, because the prospect of a black presidential candidate disgusts you all.


Black people see this and consider Sam Hinds do be a pathetic poodle and a fool to accept such disrespect.

Region 10's population is virtually flat, even as many have left that community, whereas region 6 is crashing.


Indians are fleeing Guyana and this is a fact that the PPP wishes to hide. If it can reveal in detail all the data about how many houses were built, yet excludes how many Guyanese have jobs, access to modern indoor plumbing, and the ethnic composition of the country, we know that the PPP has loads of things to hide. 


The Indian population is probably only 40% by now, with a slightly higher % being of voting age.  The PPP doesnt know what to do.  They ahve mobilized Indians by terrifying them of "bad black man", yet they allowed laods of Burnham's most thuggish into bed with them.  These men boasted at the Rodney Commission how they used to illtreat any one who opposed Burnham, and offered NO APOLOGIES for their role in that.  So race card gone.


They cannot or do not know what to do with blacks other than engaging in vulgarity with morbidly obese ugly black women.  They will not get any more support.  Amerindians dont vote, and are even more likely not to vote now that a stronger intellectual elite is emerging, and countering the ignorance of the soup licking tochaos, and the fact that the PPP still sees Amerindians as primitive buck people aids in that perception.


So you can hide as much as you want but the rate of migration of Indians is higher than of Africans.  The mixed peopulation continues to grow, with more of them becoming old enough to vote.


So the PPP has a demographic bomb shell waiting for them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Foreign investors are avoiding Guyana like the plague thanks to the AFC's refusal to cooperate with the government.


* Thanks heavens the eyes and minds of Guyanese voters are open.


* Come next election the AFC will be cast into the dust bin.



Let me examine your fact...pre 2011, the PPP listened to and consulted with and met all stakeholders in the political process from budgeting to grants to foreign business to borrowing from the Chinese etc!


I guess you ant PPPites alone would believe that is a fact. The reality was they were in god mode, acted as if Guyana was bequeathed to them from their grandfather's patrimony, swelled their pockets blatantly with grafts, created exclusive seacoast dachas for all their party stalwarts and ignored everyone about accounting for anything.


With their hands being slapped anytime the are caught pilfering from the til they are now upset; what a disagreeable state of affairs? How dare the AFC complain about their rampant stealing? After all, everyone know it is their grandfathers property, specifically their Indian grandfathers property.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Foreign investors are avoiding Guyana like the plague thanks to the AFC's refusal to cooperate with the government.


* Thanks heavens the eyes and minds of Guyanese voters are open.


* Come next election the AFC will be cast into the dust bin.



Let me examine your fact...pre 2011, the PPP listened to and consulted with and met all stakeholders in the political process from budgeting to grants to foreign business to borrowing from the Chinese etc!


I guess you ant PPPites alone would believe that is a fact. The reality was they were in god mode, acted as if Guyana was bequeathed to them from their grandfather's patrimony, swelled their pockets blatantly with grafts, created exclusive seacoast dachas for all their party stalwarts and ignored everyone about accounting for anything.


With their hands being slapped anytime the are caught pilfering from the til they are now upset; what a disagreeable state of affairs? How dare the AFC complain about their rampant stealing? After all, everyone know it is their grandfathers property, specifically their Indian grandfathers property.

like how MINISTER  ALI great grand father leave him all those money 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


How dare the AFC complain about their rampant stealing?

* In 3 years the AFC and their coalition partner in parliament the PNC have not brought a single charge of corruption against any PPP official. All they can do is talk about corruption, but not a single corruption charge has been brought against any PPP member.




* Guyana's development has been adversely affected by the AFC and come next election the real Guyanese people, those residing and voting in Guyana, will get rid of the AFC.




Have not brought a single charge?


Give the AFC and PNC full access to all the NICIL books and government bank accounts. The 200 Million pension is not rampant stealing?


The 600 Million GFC transfer to NICIL is not stealing?


The 450 Million GGMC transfers to NICIL is not stealing?


The money pillaged from NIS via Lawrence duprey is not stealing?


You are either dumb, stupid or both.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


You are either dumb, stupid or both.

* Calm down HM_redux!


* Lemme repeat again. Not a single charge of corruption has been brought against any PPP official by the combined PNC/AFC.


* Now carry on redux!



how can they the ppp do not steal they take 

Taak sum sense hey warria. Wah rass you ah rite hey?

Originally Posted by Rev:




President Ramotar: Look David, we can do business after the voters get rid of the AFC in the upcoming election.


Granger: Well Mr. President, you know my policy. Take care of my pension and I'll be happy to do business with you.







Hurry up so that we can speed up the processing of my pension package and perks.

By the way, did you see a recent picture of a "massive" AFC meeting in Berbice ?

I tell you Mr. President, your Boots on the Ground strategy got dem AFC boys real bad.



Yes man, we have dem pictures. Take a look na man.


Here it is:





Images (1)
  • 10653833_726330334080963_972688464639409518_n
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:




President Ramotar: Look David, we can do business after the voters get rid of the AFC in the upcoming election.


Granger: Well Mr. President, you know my policy. Take care of my pension and I'll be happy to do business with you.







Hurry up so that we can speed up the processing of my pension package and perks.

By the way, did you see a recent picture of a "massive" AFC meeting in Berbice ?

I tell you Mr. President, your Boots on the Ground strategy got dem AFC boys real bad.



Yes man, we have dem pictures. Take a look na man.


Here it is:



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:





* It is transparently clear, judging from that photo, that the Guyanese people have had it with the AFC, they will no longer by fooled by the cunning and deceitful Moses and Khemraj, and are convinced that the AFC have sown seeds of DISHARMONY in Guyana.



What the source of your picture? It's PPP propaganda.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:





* It is transparently clear, judging from that photo, that the Guyanese people have had it with the AFC, they will no longer by fooled by the cunning and deceitful Moses and Khemraj, and are convinced that the AFC have sown seeds of DISHARMONY in Guyana.






The law of Karma will apply to the traitors Moses and Ramjattan. They will now be kicked to the curb by Berbicians who see them as a bunch of opportunists. They are ready and willing to sell their souls to the PNC.


Berbicians were treated like slaves by the PNC. Berbicians now understand the the AFC = PNC.


The crowd is an indication of what faces the ACF. They are finished but the PPP must keep spending and wipe the AFC traitors off the political landscape.


"Boots on the Ground, Kick the opposition down"


Spend Baby, Spend. AFC is Broke.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



The law of Karma will apply to the traitors Moses and Ramjattan. They will now be kicked to the curb by Berbicians who see them as a bunch of opportunists. They are ready and willing to sell their souls to the PNC.



* I am really looking forward to the upcoming election. I am highly confident the PPP will win by a majority. The Guyanese people no longer trust the AFC. They no longer see the AFC as an independent party. Infact, They see them as anti development, anti progress, anti Guyana and PRO PNC.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The law of Karma will apply to the traitors Moses and Ramjattan. They will now be kicked to the curb by Berbicians who see them as a bunch of opportunists. They are ready and willing to sell their souls to the PNC.



* I am really looking forward to the upcoming election. I am highly confident the PPP will win by a majority. The Guyanese people no longer trust the AFC. They no longer see the AFC as an independent party. Infact, They see them as anti development, anti progress, anti Guyana and PRO PNC.






When the news broke of a no confidence, it was excitement for me because I was waiting for Karma to take care of traitors like Moses and Ramjattan.


I will live to see the AFC wiped off the political map. They fooled Berbicians once but Berbicians will not be fooled twice.


Word from the ground is that the AFC is finished. PPP has to consistently crush the AFC and grind them down.


"Boots on the Ground, Kick the opposition down"


Spend Baby, Spend. The AFC is Broke.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


How dare the AFC complain about their rampant stealing?

* In 3 years the AFC and their coalition partner in parliament the PNC have not brought a single charge of corruption against any PPP official. All they can do is talk about corruption, but not a single corruption charge has been brought against any PPP member.




* Guyana's development has been adversely affected by the AFC and come next election the real Guyanese people, those residing and voting in Guyana, will get rid of the AFC.



It goes without saying you are living inside a a fantasy or your own making. The accusations of corruption are myriad...from NICIL various schemes to the specialty hospital to the Marriot to the Berbice river bridge, Fip,  Mining and logging giveaways.  party dachas in exclusive pradoville one and two etc etc.


To you that is progress but it comes with the rise of a gluttonous class from the friends and family network of the PPP. Indeed those voting will decide the status of the crooks as leaders or not but not if they are crooks or not.





Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It goes without saying you are living inside a a fantasy or your own making. The accusations of corruption are myriad...



* The accusations of corruption are, indeed, myriad and countless, but the fact is not a single PPP official has been charged with corruption. All the AFC can do is bray about corruption.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It goes without saying you are living inside a a fantasy or your own making. The accusations of corruption are myriad...



* The accusations of corruption are, indeed, myriad and countless, but the fact is not a single PPP official has been charged with corruption. All the AFC can do is bray about corruption.



The responsibility to charge a PPP official with corruption in not the AFC's. They can only investigate and highlight what they think are instances of corruption and they have been doing so relentlessly. The onus is on the Police and DPP's Office to bring charges against any corrupt PPP official.  

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

It goes without saying you are living inside a a fantasy or your own making. The accusations of corruption are myriad...



* The accusations of corruption are, indeed, myriad and countless, but the fact is not a single PPP official has been charged with corruption. All the AFC can do is bray about corruption.



 Mr. Rev, please read the Auditor General’s Report and tell us  why was no one ever prosecuted for the millions of dollars missing.


Mr. Rev, why was no one prosecuted in the dolphin export scam; the stone scam; the laws of Guyana CD scam; the lotto funds scam; the construction scams; fuel scam; etc.... ?


Mr. Rev, can you name one major drug dealer that was ever prosecuted in Guyana?


Everyday government officials and corrupt contractors steal from the people and yet no one was ever charged.  Rev, why do you hide your head up your poop chute. You have to stop playing Assstrech.


Have a nice day.


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