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Oi Revsta here's the thread you've been avoiding, I brought it here in case you "couldn't find it".


Jagdeo’s empty job promise … No Guyanese workers as Marriott hotel goes up


February 5, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

A view from the seawall of the Marriott Hotel under construction.

…Chinese company barred from speaking


The construction of the Marriott-branded hotel, which is so far being funded by Guyanese taxpayers, does not involve any local construction workers. Neither the company, Shanghai Construction Group, nor the government is saying why.
The government had boasted that the project, which is costing some US$60 million, would create hundreds of jobs; but months into construction, Kaieteur News saw no Guyanese workers at the site after repeated visits.
The first visit was made two weeks ago; and then another visit was made a week ago. The only construction workers seen were of Chinese origin. The Chinese workers eat, work, and sleep on the site.
The only Guyanese at the site was a man who identified himself as a consultant.

Rev and baseman I told you that this would happen.  Yet you praise Chinese.  Surinamers and Trinis and Jamaicans have been complaining about this. In fact in order to get work the Jamaicans had to go in and burn down part of the construction site.   Docile Guyanese would never do that.


Chinese do not hire locals because these projects are designed to resolve the serious unemployment among rural Chinese, who would tolerate levels of exploitation that no Caribbean person would, even a Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen Carib:


The Rev prides himself in being a very fair minded man, and being fair, reasonable, and balanced I have no qualms admitting that the PNC/R had some excellent ideas in their development manifesto years ago.


Now carib bai, what we are seeing today in Guyana is Ramo and the PPP making those excellent PNC ideas happen.hahahaha


The AFC had some excellent ideas in their platform---the PNC/R had some excellent ideas in their platform--PPP Ramo has copied those ideas and is in the process of making them happen.







The notion that Rev is "fair minded" is a joke.  Rev is the most racist Indo Nazi on GNI, and given that most of the PPP supporters hate blacks, that is saying a lot.  Even Indians here call you a racist.


So why dont you give the Reform wing of the PNC and the AFC credit for these development ideas which Jagdeo once scoffed at, thinking that the best strategy for developing was begging money from Norway?  The PPP deserves no credit for FINALLY implementing ideas that the opposition developed, w/o giving these people who developed these ideas any credit.

Originally Posted by Kari:

The entertainment value of GNI in full bloom...............


       all you have is book sense

       you are a TALKER


      Talkers and Doers

      Poom Poom Party

      If only Joker were not banned..........


HEHEHEHEHE Guyanese to deh BONE  Dem bloody CUNUMUNU.

Originally Posted by cain:

Oi Revsta here's the thread you've been avoiding, I brought it here in case you "couldn't find it".


Jagdeo’s empty job promise … No Guyanese workers as Marriott hotel goes up


February 5, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

A view from the seawall of the Marriott Hotel under construction.

…Chinese company barred from speaking


The construction of the Marriott-branded hotel, which is so far being funded by Guyanese taxpayers, does not involve any local construction workers. Neither the company, Shanghai Construction Group, nor the government is saying why.
The government had boasted that the project, which is costing some US$60 million, would create hundreds of jobs; but months into construction, Kaieteur News saw no Guyanese workers at the site after repeated visits.
The first visit was made two weeks ago; and then another visit was made a week ago. The only construction workers seen were of Chinese origin. The Chinese workers eat, work, and sleep on the site.
The only Guyanese at the site was a man who identified himself as a consultant.

Rev and baseman I told you that this would happen.  Yet you praise Chinese.  Surinamers and Trinis and Jamaicans have been complaining about this. In fact in order to get work the Jamaicans had to go in and burn down part of the construction site.   Docile Guyanese would never do that.


Chinese do not hire locals because these projects are designed to resolve the serious unemployment among rural Chinese, who would tolerate levels of exploitation that no Caribbean person would, even a Guyanese.

I understand the sensitivity.  The issue is one of language, work ethic and even skill. If you ever see how the Chinese operate, it's very regimented and military.  The workforce is like that and it fits with the management style and expectations.  The West will give aid and employ local grunts, but their expat management and consulting fees sap away 50% of the costs which you have to pay for.  In the end, the Chinese will complete the project on-time and leave and the employees of the facility will be all locals.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I understand the sensitivity.  The issue is one of language, work ethic and even skill. If you ever see how the Chinese operate, it's very regimented and military.  The workforce is like that and it fits with the management style and expectations.  The West will give aid and employ local grunts, but their expat management and consulting fees sap away 50% of the costs which you have to pay for.  In the end, the Chinese will complete the project on-time and leave and the employees of the facility will be all locals.

You know its better that we bring back the "evil" imperialists.  You know full well that were this project built by them only the most skilled jobs would have been held by expats. 


They might take 50%.  The Chinese take 100%.  The locals working for the West are able to upgrade their skills.  With the Chinese, the only skill that they will use will be targeting these interlopers as robbery victims. Can you blame an angry and unemployed Guyanese for doing what his counterparts in Jca and Tdad and Suriname have done?


With the Chinese, even the people bringing water to the workers will be Chinese.  This is blatant eye pass.   And weird for a party which boasts that they are "champions of the working class"


So whats the point of this hotel.  It is there to GUARANTEE a return to Indo PPP cronies.  If it fails they get back their investment.  If it succeeds they share in the profits.


Its clear that the PPP is run by Indo elites for the sole benefit of Indo elites.  Non Indians are oppressed and non elite Indos are used to ensure continued dominance by Indo elites.



Baseman in other parts of the Caribbean where the Chinese pull this off, many locals have begun to attack them.  There have been incidence in Jca and more recently Tdad.  Given that Guyana is now quite violent dont shed tears when that happens.


the most lucrative jobs in tourism are those in construction.  The management of this facility will be likely to be mainly foreigners, as Guyanese definitely dont have the experience on running a hotel of this caliber. 


So Guyanese must be confined to jobs as front desk clerks, cleaners, and waiters, all of whom earn less than skilled construction workers.  Good going PPP.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:


Building the hydro does not mean electricity will be cheaper. mean to tell me you don't know to write a business plan and you never did project appraisal? 

Goodness gracious!





Were you really the chief economic advisor of the AFC ?


The Rev finds a lot of your postings on this important subject of hydroelectricity to be trivial, petty and inconsequential. Shame on you!


The truth is TK--you are an AFC loser--and you are hoping and praying that the Amaila falls hydro project never gets built--or if it is built you want it to fail so that you can brag "I told you so."


Well TK, the Rev has some depressing news for you and your fellow losers in the AFC:


The Amaila falls hydro will not only be developed but it will be a huge success and will contribute significantly to development in Guyana.


You keep braying that "hydro does not mean electricity will be cheaper."




Listen TK! Hydro is the cheapest way to generate electricity today--why ?


Because once the facilities and equipment are completed and installed---the energy source---water---is free.


The Rev also explained to you that Amaila falls was chosen because technical studies revealed that there would be ample flow and pressure from Amaila---and typically systems with higher pressure produce lower cost electricity.




The Amaila falls Hydro will be a huge success in Guyana once it's completed--it will ensure guaranteed energy and price stability in the electricity sector--and it will offer  significant contribution to development in Guyana--new industries, more commerce, new communities, etc





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
The Amaila falls hydro will not only be developed but it will be a huge success and will contribute significantly to development in Guyana.


The Amaila falls Hydro will be a huge success in Guyana once it's completed--it will ensure guaranteed energy and price stability in the electricity sector--and it will offer  significant contribution to development in Guyana--new industries, more commerce, new communities, etc


Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


Building the hydro does not mean electricity will be cheaper. mean to tell me you don't know to write a business plan and you never did project appraisal? 

Goodness gracious!





Were you really the chief economic advisor of the AFC ?


The Rev finds a lot of your postings on this important subject of hydroelectricity to be trivial, petty and inconsequential. Shame on you!


The truth is TK--you are an AFC loser--and you are hoping and praying that the Amaila falls hydro project never gets built--or if it is built you want it to fail so that you can brag "I told you so."


Well TK, the Rev has some depressing news for you and your fellow losers in the AFC:


The Amaila falls hydro will not only be developed but it will be a huge success and will contribute significantly to development in Guyana.


You keep braying that "hydro does not mean electricity will be cheaper."




Listen TK! Hydro is the cheapest way to generate electricity today--why ?


Because once the facilities and equipment are completed and installed---the energy source---water---is free.


The Rev also explained to you that Amaila falls was chosen because technical studies revealed that there would be ample flow and pressure from Amaila---and typically systems with higher pressure produce lower cost electricity.




The Amaila falls Hydro will be a huge success in Guyana once it's completed--it will ensure guaranteed energy and price stability in the electricity sector--and it will offer  significant contribution to development in Guyana--new industries, more commerce, new communities, etc







You are repeating the same nonsense over and over without adding anything new or anything of substance. Why would Amaila reduce the price of electricity? Not because you repeat trash means it is true. Convince us electricity will be substantially cheaper. BTW...the AFC is a winning party. After all you guys were expecting 55 to 60%. But now you have 48% and falling. 


REV: "

Listen TK! Hydro is the cheapest way to generate electricity today--why ?


Because once the facilities and equipment are completed and installed---the energy source---water---is free."



Hehe...I see our fake investment banker is having trouble distinguishing fixed start up and variable cost. Like Google let you down there.  


REV: "

Well TK, the Rev has some depressing news for you and your fellow losers in the AFC:


The Amaila falls hydro will not only be developed but it will be a huge success and will contribute significantly to development in Guyana."


As I said the engineers can no doubt make Amaila. The issue is how much the poor people will have to pay. The AFC showed a different vision of hydro. We shall remind the people when the time comes. 

Originally Posted by TK:

REV: "

Well TK, the Rev has some depressing news for you and your fellow losers in the AFC:


The Amaila falls hydro will not only be developed but it will be a huge success and will contribute significantly to development in Guyana."


As I said the engineers can no doubt make Amaila. The issue is how much the poor people will have to pay. The AFC showed a different vision of hydro. We shall remind the people when the time comes. 

You have always said....nothing positive.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

REV: "

Well TK, the Rev has some depressing news for you and your fellow losers in the AFC:


The Amaila falls hydro will not only be developed but it will be a huge success and will contribute significantly to development in Guyana."


As I said the engineers can no doubt make Amaila. The issue is how much the poor people will have to pay. The AFC showed a different vision of hydro. We shall remind the people when the time comes. 

You have always said....nothing positive.

Hey...I praised Jagdeo for establishing the VAT. Counterintuitive eh? And I praised him for stabilizing the exchange rate. Guyana Times carried the latter as a front page. Why do you think they carried it as front page? 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

REV: "

Well TK, the Rev has some depressing news for you and your fellow losers in the AFC:


The Amaila falls hydro will not only be developed but it will be a huge success and will contribute significantly to development in Guyana."


As I said the engineers can no doubt make Amaila. The issue is how much the poor people will have to pay. The AFC showed a different vision of hydro. We shall remind the people when the time comes. 

You have always said....nothing positive.

Hey...I praised Jagdeo for establishing the VAT. Counterintuitive eh? And I praised him for stabilizing the exchange rate. Guyana Times carried the latter as a front page. Why do you think they carried it as front page? 

You mean the high VAT that's strangling the poor.  Boy, you know how to pick winners. Didn't the AFC want to see it rolled back, then why did you not caution them against it.  Now you left poor GR to become the victim of a "ruse".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

REV: "

Well TK, the Rev has some depressing news for you and your fellow losers in the AFC:


The Amaila falls hydro will not only be developed but it will be a huge success and will contribute significantly to development in Guyana."


As I said the engineers can no doubt make Amaila. The issue is how much the poor people will have to pay. The AFC showed a different vision of hydro. We shall remind the people when the time comes. 

You have always said....nothing positive.

Hey...I praised Jagdeo for establishing the VAT. Counterintuitive eh? And I praised him for stabilizing the exchange rate. Guyana Times carried the latter as a front page. Why do you think they carried it as front page? 

You mean the high VAT that's strangling the poor.  Boy, you know how to pick winners. Didn't the AFC want to see it rolled back, then why did you not caution them against it.  Now you left poor GR to become the victim of a "ruse".



The AFC has a party view on VAT and I have mine. I don't think it should be reduced. See how you are simple minded? 

Originally Posted by TK:



 Why would Amaila reduce the price of electricity? Convince us electricity will be substantially cheaper.


Listen TK!


* Price for Electricity generated from fuels is dependent on fuel costs which are subject to market flutuations--oil price is around $97---a war in the middle east and prices will skyrocket to who knows what.


* In latin America and the Caribbean Guyana spends the most on oil imports--as a percentage of GDP


* In 2010 Guyana spent nearly $400 million dollars on oil importation


* So electricity price is already high in Guyana---there is no guaranteed electricity--lots of blackouts---price stability is absent because of fluctuating costs in fuel.





* Like I said, hydro promotes guaranteed energy and price stability--with hydro there isn't that concern about market flustuation you have when fuel is used to provide electricity.


* The energy source for electricity generated by hydro is water--and water from Amaila falls is free.




It is crystal clear to anyone but losers from the AFC, like 3rd rate/3 cents economist Tarron Khemraj---a man with only book sense but no business sense--that electricity generated from free water from the Amaila falls will be cheaper than electricity generated from fuels that the Guyana electricity corporation currently use today.


Remember folks--Guyana is spending nearlry $400 million(US) on oil imports---the largest among on oil imports as a % of GDP in Latin America/Caribbean---the Hydro project will be a wise, sensible and prudent investment. 









Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:



 Why would Amaila reduce the price of electricity? Convince us electricity will be substantially cheaper.


Listen TK!


* Price for Electricity generated from fuels is dependent on fuel costs which are subject to market flutuations--oil price is around $97---a war in the middle east and prices will skyrocket to who knows what.


* In latin America and the Caribbean Guyana spends the most on oil imports--as a percentage of GDP


* In 2010 Guyana spent nearly $400 million dollars on oil importation


* So electricity price is already high in Guyana---there is no guaranteed electricity--lots of blackouts---price stability is absent because of fluctuating costs in fuel.





* Like I said, hydro promotes guaranteed energy and price stability--with hydro there isn't that concern about market flustuation you have when fuel is used to provide electricity.


* The energy source for electricity generated by hydro is water--and water from Amaila falls is free.




It is crystal clear to anyone but losers from the AFC, like 3rd rate/3 cents economist Tarron Khemraj---a man with only book sense but no business sense--that electricity generated from free water from the Amaila falls will be cheaper than electricity generated from fuels that the Guyana electricity corporation currently use today.


Remember folks--Guyana is spending nearlry $400 million(US) on oil imports---the largest among on oil imports as a % of GDP in Latin America/Caribbean---the Hydro project will be a wise, sensible and prudent investment. 











This is not convincing. You can have a high stable price over the loan payoff period. So convince me the government will reduce the price as demand picks up. I did not ask you to compare hydro with oil. You might be right that Amaila will work out cheaper than oil. Convince me that the cost of US$860 mill (plus interest)  will result in cheaper electricity than what the AFC proposed. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:



 Why would Amaila reduce the price of electricity? Convince us electricity will be substantially cheaper.


Listen TK!


* Price for Electricity generated from fuels is dependent on fuel costs which are subject to market flutuations--oil price is around $97---a war in the middle east and prices will skyrocket to who knows what.


* In latin America and the Caribbean Guyana spends the most on oil imports--as a percentage of GDP


* In 2010 Guyana spent nearly $400 million dollars on oil importation


* So electricity price is already high in Guyana---there is no guaranteed electricity--lots of blackouts---price stability is absent because of fluctuating costs in fuel.





* Like I said, hydro promotes guaranteed energy and price stability--with hydro there isn't that concern about market flustuation you have when fuel is used to provide electricity.


* The energy source for electricity generated by hydro is water--and water from Amaila falls is free.




It is crystal clear to anyone but losers from the AFC, like 3rd rate/3 cents economist Tarron Khemraj---a man with only book sense but no business sense--that electricity generated from free water from the Amaila falls will be cheaper than electricity generated from fuels that the Guyana electricity corporation currently use today.


Remember folks--Guyana is spending nearlry $400 million(US) on oil imports---the largest among on oil imports as a % of GDP in Latin America/Caribbean---the Hydro project will be a wise, sensible and prudent investment. 











This is not convincing. You can have a high stable price over the loan payoff period. So convince me the government will reduce the price as demand picks up. I did not ask you to compare hydro with oil. You might be right that Amaila will work out cheaper than oil. Convince me that the cost of US$860 mill (plus interest)  will result in cheaper electricity than what the AFC proposed. 

To convince you, he would need to replace your brain or fill up the empty one you have.


Rev, the viability of this project was never determined since no economic, technical and financial feasibility study was ever carried out. Further, the cost of the project has not been finalized and therefore the cost of electricity to the ratepayer cannot be set and hence it is disingenuous for  you to state that the project will provide Guyanese with the lowest cost option as well as reduce  average generation costs. Construction costs are escalating by the day.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
It is crystal clear --

-- that electricity generated from free water from the Amaila falls will be cheaper than electricity generated from fuels Rev ...

Correct. There is negligible water losses.


Site location, transporting materials, personnel and related issues are  resolved prior to a decision on proceeding with the proposal.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

REV: "

Well TK, the Rev has some depressing news for you and your fellow losers in the AFC:


The Amaila falls hydro will not only be developed but it will be a huge success and will contribute significantly to development in Guyana."


As I said the engineers can no doubt make Amaila. The issue is how much the poor people will have to pay. The AFC showed a different vision of hydro. We shall remind the people when the time comes. 

You have always said....nothing positive.

Hey...I praised Jagdeo for establishing the VAT. Counterintuitive eh? And I praised him for stabilizing the exchange rate. Guyana Times carried the latter as a front page. Why do you think they carried it as front page? 

You mean the high VAT that's strangling the poor.  Boy, you know how to pick winners. Didn't the AFC want to see it rolled back, then why did you not caution them against it.  Now you left poor GR to become the victim of a "ruse".



The AFC has a party view on VAT and I have mine. I don't think it should be reduced. See how you are simple minded? 

Take you complex-mindedness and explain it to the struggling poor.  Tell GR to stop being a clown leading useless protests when you support some of the Govt's positions.


REV: "Remember folks--Guyana is spending nearlry $400 million(US) on oil imports---the largest among on oil imports as a % of GDP in Latin America/Caribbean---the Hydro project will be a wise, sensible and prudent investment. "


You see you don't know what you are talking about. That US$400 mill is the total oil import bill for cars, trucks, ships, gold dredges, GPL, etc. That is not what GPL imports each year. Check the Bureau of Stats for the data. Novice! 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:


This is not convincing.




The Rev will never convince you--it will be an exercise in futility on my part--waste of time.


You are deeply prejudiced against the large scale $800 million dollar Amaila falls hydro. In your narrow mind only the little pipsqueak hydro project you and your fellow losers in the AFC came up with would be good for Guyana.


Listen TK, the plans for the Amaila falls hydro were put together by Sithe Global, which is now 99% owned by the Blackstone group---the powerhouse private equity firm in New York.




* The pipsqueak AFC hydro plan was put together by a 3rd rate/3cents economist--Tarron Khemaj--a man who has never had a real job in the private sector---all he has is book sense.


* On the other hand, The plans for the $800 million Amaila fall hydro project were put together by Sithe Global--a group that is now 99% owned by the private equity powerhouse Blackstone group---they are willing to provide $150 million in equity financing.




3rd rate/3 cents economist Tarron Khemraj VS BLACKSTONE GROUP.


Who would you bet on folks ?hahahaha





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


This is not convincing.




The Rev will never convince you--it will be an exercise in futility on my part--waste of time.


You are deeply prejudiced against the large scale $800 million dollar Amaila falls. In your narrow mind only the little pipsqueak hydro project you and your fellow losers in the AFC came up with would be good for Guyana.


Listen TK, the plans for the Amaila falls hydro were put together by Sithe Global, which is now 99% owned by the Blackstone group---the powerhouse private equity firm in New York.




* The pipsqueak AFC hydro plan was put together by a 3rd rate/3cents economist--Tarron Khemaj--a man who has never had a real job in the private sector---all he has is book sense.


* On the other hand, The plans for the $800 million Amaila fall hydro project were put together by Sithe Global--a group that is now 99% owned by the private equity powerhouse Blackstone group---they are willing to provide $150 million in equity financing.




3rd rate/3 cents economist Tarron Khemraj VS BLACKSTONE GROUP.


Who would you bet on folks ?hahahaha







I am sure the kids at Blackstone would not try to me GPL imports US$400 mill each year. BTW one of my students got a job there. He was not one of my best. The people at Blackstone impresses folks like you who can't get basic data source right and think NPV is some advanced arcane academic concept. They still need to convince us that this is the best choice for spending the people's money. Mitt was a private equity guys and Obama the community organizer buss his ass. They are not as smart as you think. They are the worst doing social cost-benefit. Watch out poor people of Guyana. The thieves are collaborating with exploiters.  

Originally Posted by TK:

REV: "Remember folks--Guyana is spending nearlry $400 million(US) on oil imports---the largest among on oil imports as a % of GDP in Latin America/Caribbean---the Hydro project will be a wise, sensible and prudent investment. "


You see you don't know what you are talking about. That US$400 mill is the total oil import bill for cars, trucks, ships, gold dredges, GPL, etc. That is not what GPL imports each year. Check the Bureau of Stats for the data. Novice! 

The cost of fuel imports is only a part of the equation.  A dependable, abundant and affordable power supply is imperative to economic growth beyond anything Guyana has ever seen.  TK, you should know that, it' not a zero-sum game.  That's the real value proposition.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


This is not convincing.




The Rev will never convince you--it will be an exercise in futility on my part--waste of time.


You are deeply prejudiced against the large scale $800 million dollar Amaila falls. In your narrow mind only the little pipsqueak hydro project you and your fellow losers in the AFC came up with would be good for Guyana.


Listen TK, the plans for the Amaila falls hydro were put together by Sithe Global, which is now 99% owned by the Blackstone group---the powerhouse private equity firm in New York.




* The pipsqueak AFC hydro plan was put together by a 3rd rate/3cents economist--Tarron Khemaj--a man who has never had a real job in the private sector---all he has is book sense.


* On the other hand, The plans for the $800 million Amaila fall hydro project were put together by Sithe Global--a group that is now 99% owned by the private equity powerhouse Blackstone group---they are willing to provide $150 million in equity financing.




3rd rate/3 cents economist Tarron Khemraj VS BLACKSTONE GROUP.


Who would you bet on folks ?hahahaha







I am sure the kids at Blackstone would not try to me GPL imports US$400 mill each year. BTW one of my students got a job there. He was not one of my best. The people at Blackstone impresses folks like you who can't get basic data source right and think NPV is some advanced arcane academic concept. They still need to convince us that this is the best choice for spending the people's money. Mitt was a private equity guys and Obama the community organizer buss his ass. They are not as smart as you think. They are the worst doing social cost-benefit. Watch out poor people of Guyana. The thieves are collaborating with exploiters.  


Originally Posted by TK:




I am sure the kids at Blackstone would not try to me GPL imports US$400 mill each year. BTW one of my students got a job there. He was not one of my best. The people at Blackstone impresses folks like you who can't get basic data source right and think NPV is some advanced arcane academic concept. They still need to convince us that this is the best choice for spending the people's money. Mitt was a private equity guys and Obama the community organizer buss his ass. They are not as smart as you think. They are the worst doing social cost-benefit. Watch out poor people of Guyana. The thieves are collaborating with exploiters.  

TK, this proves you have very limited experience in real business.  You are a theoretician, a typical Indian who thinks 99% - 100% is what matters.  Blackstone understands this.  You mixing up Obama's electoral success with Romney business prowess and acumen.  It's not the same.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:




I am sure the kids at Blackstone would not try to me GPL imports US$400 mill each year. BTW one of my students got a job there. He was not one of my best. The people at Blackstone impresses folks like you who can't get basic data source right and think NPV is some advanced arcane academic concept. They still need to convince us that this is the best choice for spending the people's money. Mitt was a private equity guys and Obama the community organizer buss his ass. They are not as smart as you think. They are the worst doing social cost-benefit. Watch out poor people of Guyana. The thieves are collaborating with exploiters.  

TK, this proves you have very limited experience in real business.  You are a theoretician, a typical Indian who thinks 99% - 100% is what matters.  Blackstone understands this.  You mixing up Obama's electoral success with Romney business prowess and acumen.  It's not the same.

Dude did you like Rev predict Mit's victory? 

Originally Posted by TK:



TK: I am sure the kids at Blackstone would not try to me GPL imports US$400 mill each year.


Rev: You are being disingenuous. I never said all of Guyana's oil imports were used in electricity generation. This is what I posted:

"Guyana is spending nearlry $400 million(US) on oil imports---the largest among on oil imports as a % of GDP in Latin America/Caribbean---the Hydro project will be a wise, sensible and prudent investment.



TK: BTW one of my students got a job there.

Rev: Elite Wall street firms hire mostly from the elite schools--good to see a student from a small school like yours get a job there--he must have had some connection.



TK: The people at Blackstone impresses folks like you

Rev: The Rev sense a tinge of jealousy on your part--when all is said and done Blackstone owned Sithe Global will be managing the Amaila falls hydro--and you TK will be harping about your lil pipsqueak plan.



TK: Mitt was a private equity guys and Obama the community organizer buss his ass. They are not as smart as you think.

Rev: You sound envious and resentful--did they reject you for a job ? By the way, Blackstone is not only involved in private equity(5th largest PE firm in the world), they are also involved in real estate management, Financial advisory, and marketable alternative asset management.


TK:They are the worst doing social cost-benefit. Watch out poor people of Guyana. The thieves are collaborating with exploiters.  

Rev: You'll absolutely die when you see the ROI they are guaranteeing themelves on amalia falls project.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:



TK: I am sure the kids at Blackstone would not try to me GPL imports US$400 mill each year.


Rev: You are being disingenuous. I never said all of Guyana's oil imports were used in electricity generation. This is what I posted:

"Guyana is spending nearlry $400 million(US) on oil imports---the largest among on oil imports as a % of GDP in Latin America/Caribbean---the Hydro project will be a wise, sensible and prudent investment.



TK: BTW one of my students got a job there.

Rev: Elite Wall street firms hire mostly from the elite schools--good to see a student from a small school like yours get a job there--he must have had some connection.



TK: The people at Blackstone impresses folks like you

Rev: The Rev sense a tinge of jealousy on your part--when all is said and done Blackstone owned Sithe Global will be managing the Amaila falls hydro--and you TK will be harping about your lil pipsqueak plan.



TK: Mitt was a private equity guys and Obama the community organizer buss his ass. They are not as smart as you think.

Rev: You sound envious and resentful--did they reject you for a job ? By the way, Blackstone is not only involved in private equity(5th largest PE firm in the world), they are also involved in real estate management, Financial advisory, and marketable alternative asset management.


TK:They are the worst doing social cost-benefit. Watch out poor people of Guyana. The thieves are collaborating with exploiters.  

Rev: You'll absolutely die when you see the ROI they are guaranteeing themelves on amalia falls project.






Trying to wiggle out eh? You clearly tied US$400 mill as as annual import savings from Amaila. I would never leave my world to work on Wall Street. I had a chance to work at Moody's but I don't want someone to write my conclusions for me. Does not suit my personality. BTW all the young econ PhDs who could not find academic jobs then go to Wall Street as last best. I know you thieves are salivating over the ROI. Why do you think I make you fools uncomfortable?   

Originally Posted by TK:



Trying to wiggle out eh? You clearly tied US$400 mill as as annual import savings from Amaila. I would never leave my world to work on Wall Street. I had a chance to work at Moody's but I don't want someone to write my conclusions for me. Does not suit my personality. BTW all the young econ PhDs who could not find academic jobs then go to Wall Street as last best. I know you thieves are salivating over the ROI. Why do you think I make you fools uncomfortable?   




Wipe your mouth TK bai. There is still a tiny bit of bullshit around your lips.hahaha


Listen TK--you did well--a UG boy--ended up with a Phd in economics and is now a college teacher. Well done young man!


Now TK, stay away from developing plans for real world projects---you are a man of theory---practice eludes you--you have never had a real job in the business world---you will always be a TALKER---the Blackstone folks are DOERS---they make things happen---they get things done---Amaila falls will be developed---successfully---keep teaching TK---I'm sure you're good at it.



Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
They still need to convince us that this is the best choice for spending the people's money.

Convince --  You, TK ?? 

The Guyanese people have a right to information, enlightenment and an alternative vision. 

Guyanese people always have a right to information .. soooo what is your point?  


However, what exactly must the Guyana Government convince you on the hydroelectric development plans?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:




I am sure the kids at Blackstone would not try to me GPL imports US$400 mill each year. BTW one of my students got a job there. He was not one of my best. The people at Blackstone impresses folks like you who can't get basic data source right and think NPV is some advanced arcane academic concept. They still need to convince us that this is the best choice for spending the people's money. Mitt was a private equity guys and Obama the community organizer buss his ass. They are not as smart as you think. They are the worst doing social cost-benefit. Watch out poor people of Guyana. The thieves are collaborating with exploiters.  

TK, this proves you have very limited experience in real business.  You are a theoretician, a typical Indian who thinks 99% - 100% is what matters.  Blackstone understands this.  You mixing up Obama's electoral success with Romney business prowess and acumen.  It's not the same.

Dude did you like Rev predict Mit's victory? 

Different matter, why you segway?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
It is crystal clear --

-- that electricity generated from free water from the Amaila falls will be cheaper than electricity generated from fuels Rev ...

DG: Correct. There is negligible water losses.


Site location, transporting materials, personnel and related issues are  resolved prior to a decision on proceeding with the proposal.



It looks like you have a technical background.


As you are aware, because of the efficiency of energy production hydro plants generate cheap electricity.


Amaila hydro will cost close to a billion by the time it is completed, but it will generate enough revenues to pay for itself many times over---the return on investment will be excellent.






* They produce clean and cheap energy for today, tomorrow and a hundred years into the future.


* They can easily be upgraded.


* They have low operating and maintenace cost.




The AFC is full of $hit---the poor want a reliable source of electricity---no more blackouts---ask poster Mahen!




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